To: Vishnu, Kari and all concern organizations who took part in the anti-violence rally two day ago. Your time and effort was admirable, and I thank you for leading the cause to stop hate crimes and violence in our community.
1) I would like to take this moment to reflect back not so long ago, that the stop point of the yearly Pagwah parade is a place called MOCA, across the tunnel at 130th Street where many Guyanese youths go for entertainments, just like Players. Unfortunately, a young man was killed by the bouncer on one unfaithful night.
2) I didn't see any non-violence rally that was organized for this young man. Can someone correct me on this?
3) Is this becoming a Guyanese trend who you chose to focus attention on?
The case of Benn Jr. political status in Guyana sets him free for beating a young woman senselessly, while others paying fines just for calling their wives dogs.
I supported the PPP openly, but on this subject, I am really pissed.
4) I believe if we want true democracy in Guyana and in the Guyanese community in the diapora, we must stand up for truth and justice for all citizens and no a chosen few.