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RISE and the fall of the Alliance For Change

This afternoon at Moray House at the junction of Quamina and Camp Streets, a new political party will come into existence. Its name is “RISE GUYANA.” It consists of names that people from Moleson Creek to the borders with Brazil and Venezuela would not frown on. Guyanese dismiss names they have never heard about or people they have never seen. But they gravitate to personalities with status and fame.
West Indian people like their politicians to have qualifications and to be persons with access to resources. RISE GUYANA has such people in their leadership. They have learnt from the Alliance For Change and the success that came the way of that party because of the big names. The rise of RISE GUYANA coincides with the fall of the Alliance For Change (AFC). What RISE GUYANA hopes to do is to replicate the electoral success of the AFC. I have dealt with that configuration in yesterday’s column so it needs no elaboration.

What cries out for analysis is the reason for the decline of the AFC. I have had to answer too many questions put to me about my criticism of the AFC given the fact that I campaigned vigorously for it in the 2015 elections and used my column to argue for their continued success from 2005. I was in that situation up to yesterday at the brunch of Vincent Alexander’s Forbes Burnham Foundation held at the Spicy Dish Restaurant at David Street and Vlissengen Road in Kitty.

A number of high governmental officials came up to the table where David Hinds and I were eating and the politics flowed. I had to explain again why I functioned with the AFC. I offered only one explanation around the table. Today, I will add another one. I told the folks, yesterday, that I wanted the removal at all cost, of the PPP. I believe deeply in my heart that the post 1999 PPP until its fall in May 2015 had become a diseased, depraved, semi-civilized power machine. If fate did not intervene in May 2015, the PPP would have destroyed Guyana. I was afraid for my life and my family and friends. For me, the PPP had to go even if at my age I had to participate in unorthodox politics to bring it down.
The second reason which I am repeating in this column was that I owed Khemraj Ramjattan and Nigel Hughes enormous debts, so large that they cannot be measured. These men helped me when the society stood silent and watched me get libel writ after libel writ. I had a profound moral obligation to campaign for these two men that I admired and respected.

Nigel has left the AFC and Khemraj thinks that I have become an anti-government critic to the point where he attacks me using undiplomatic language.
I was speechless when David Hinds told me that he used an egregious exclamation to describe my politics and David’s in an interview with Christopher Ram. I told David it was his misinterpretation that Khemraj is a dear friend and would not say those things about me. But David insisted that I look at the interview. Up to this day, I cannot believe Khemraj would say that about a friend who in many ways has helped his political career because of my journalism and activism. And to note that since he became Vice-President I never asked him for a favour.
But it was David Hinds that I endure the brunt of the AFC’s deterioration into degeneracy. Apart from Khemraj’s poisonous remark about David and ME, the AFC issued a press release attacking David in horrible way saying that he should be grateful the APNU+AFC election victory has now given him freedom to talk. How ironic. It was the activism of David Hinds from the seventies onwards that has made people like Moses Nagamootoo and others to be where they are today.
Finally, I am fed up writing about the dishonesty of the AFC for blaming me for stating that President Granger appointed three AFC ministers outside of any discussion with the AFC and one is his son-in-law, Dominic Gaskin. The same Gaskin said in an email to the AFC leadership that I have seen, “You see the idiotic nonsense Freddie Kissoon wrote?”
By now all of Guyana should know it was at an AFC press conference that Raphael Trotman said that. I have the tape. Pease call me, as Norris Witter did, for a copy. For me, these are examples of AFC degeneracy. The rise of RISE GUYANA is about the fall of the AFC.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

David Hinds and Freddie Kissoon are BOTH FRIGGING IDIOTS. These chaps fail to recognise what will free Guyana. Basically, both these fools want to replace Granger and Jagdeo. And they have no credetials of vision, just as Granger and Jagdeo. Love to shooting the shite.

If anything they could do, is RISE a campaign to attract a possible leadership candiadte.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

RISE and the fall of the Alliance For Change

The rise of RISE GUYANA coincides with the fall of the Alliance For Change (AFC). What RISE GUYANA hopes to do is to replicate the electoral success of the AFC. I have dealt with that configuration in yesterday’s column so it needs no elaboration.

They hope to Rise Guyana with nothing but their dreams.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RISE and the fall of the Alliance For Change

The rise of RISE GUYANA coincides with the fall of the Alliance For Change (AFC). What RISE GUYANA hopes to do is to replicate the electoral success of the AFC. I have dealt with that configuration in yesterday’s column so it needs no elaboration.

They hope to Rise Guyana with nothing but their dreams.

The only thing that will RISE in Guyana would be water...flood!


Constitutional reform pressure group formed; members free to get into active politics


Jainaraine Singh, Marcel Gaskin, Renatta Chuck-a-Sang and Terrence Campbell.

Reform, Inform, Sustain Educate (RISE) Guyana, a newly-formed non-profit organisation, on Wednesday announced that it would be embarking on a countrywide push for reforming Guyana’s constitution over the next two years, and said its members are free to engage in active politics with any party of their choice.

“We strongly feel that unless an external force is brought to bear, the politicians would continue to drag their feet and/or institute changes that do not wholly address the problem in its entirety. This is the reason why RISE was formed,” said one of the organisation’s directors, Marcel Gaskin at the call for constitutional reform held at Moray House, Camp and Quamina Streets.

Leading figures include Attorney-at-Law, Timothy Jonas; Attorney-at-Law, Nadia Sagar; prominent city businessman, Terrence Campbell; civil engineer, Marcel Gaskin; businesswoman, Renata Chuck-a-Sang; university lecturer Tyrell; civil servant, Remington Nelson; university lecturer and psychologist, Will Campbell; Realtor, Jainaraine Singh, Sharon Lalljee-Richard and Arun Richard and Luanna Falconer among others.

Established in June 2017, the group of free-thinkers, the group plans to establish groups across the country and consult with Guyanese to ascertain their basic concerns and find out what types of constitutional reforms they would like to see to address those concerns. “These citizens believe strongly that constitutional reform is critical to achieving executive accountability, racial harmony, and political, social and economic inclusivity,” the organisation states.

Now that government has this week announced that a constitutional reform bill would be tabled in the National Assembly before the two-month parliamentary recess begins in August, RISE wants wide and meaningful consultations to be held by June 30, 2019 to make way for a reformed constitution.

RISE’s timetable will see the commencement of the first round consultations in early August in Region Four and then extend to the other nine administrative regions. Progress will be reviewed every quarter, depending on human and financial resources. “We plan to reach each and every community so that every single voice is heard and every single opinion is registered,” said Singh. Civil society, government, opposition and all political parties, diplomatic missions and trade unions would be consulted.

Chief Executive Officer of Roraima Group of Companies, Gerry Gouveia, who is chairs the governance committee of the Private Sector Commission, welcomed RISE’s initiative and pledged to provide logistical support to reach some of the far-flung areas of Guyana.

RISE’s political future

Responding to pointed questions from one of the attendees about the motive and political future of RISE, Gaskin

This man posed tough questions to RISE’s executive members about the political origin and future of RISE.

said Wednesday’s event was not a launch pad for a new political party, but he left open the door for his organisation’s members to become engaged politically. “However, if through the process of consultation and the process of finding out more on how constitutional reform can be achieved, if it is necessary to go the political route, I think many of us in this group are prepared to do so,” he said to mild applause.

Singh said he is not part of RISE because he is aggrieved except by the fact that there is no constitutional reform in Guyana. He said it was not impossible for RISE to evolve into a political party. “It’s not a probability right now, but it’s not an impossibility,” he said. That position was moments later countered by Campbell who categorically stated that, “RISE itself is not a political party.It’s not interested in being a political party. We are interested in constitutional reform but there is nothing stopping them going forward once this is not done and being active in politics,” he said.

Acknowledging that questions about RISE’s political future is a “very thorny issue,” Campbell said his organisation’s focus is on constitutional reform and if that process is successful, the RISE members might take a back-seat or may get into elected politics. “I did speak to the fact that we would like to see the electoral space of our  democracy reinvigorated and the members of RISE that I know are people of integrity, who are post-racial and personally I would like to see them- regardless of whether their objectives are achieved or not- I would like to see them get involved and all of you get involved in the political space post 2020 or post constitutional reform,” he said.

Campbell stressed that “for the moment we are not a political party” and Wednesday’s activity was not the launch of a political party “but we are all political animals; we are here because we are interested in politics.” He said RISE members would be free to engage any political party of their choice after constitutional reform.

Several of RISE’s members have been leading figures in the Movement Against Parking Meters (MAPM) that had staged weeks of large protests against the process and conditions by which metered parking had been introduced to the city

A section of the packed audience that turned out at the ‘Call for Constitutional Reform’ launch by RISE at Moray House.

2020 elections
RISE, describing itself as a body of “grassroots citizens,” plans to study the many criticisms of Guyana’s constitution and would take action based on the merit of each. Campbell cited the need to break down why constitutional reform is necessary and seek feedback from participants especially as Guyana prepares to become an oil producer in 2020- the same year the next general and regional elections are due. “Every citizen in Guyana should consider it their duty to participate in the constitutional reform process because the post 2020 oil economy is far too important to be left in the hands of any government and RISE is non-partisan. We do not care whether it’s the coalition government or the PPP Civic or any other party,” he said.

Against the decades-old situation in which political parties in opposition clamour for constitutional reform but drag their feet on the process when they get into government, Gaskin made it clear that RISE would be mounting pressure on government to accelerate the process for the benefit of the disadvantaged. “What RISE feels is that it is time that some sort of pressure be brought to bear on those in authority to actually deliver on the promises of CR (Constitutional Reform),” said Gaskin, the brother of Minister of Business, Dominic Gaskin.

The organisation wants broad-based consultations to be held with all communities and marginalised groups. “It is our considered opinion that civil society must confront the powers that be to ensure that the new constitution is not incremental but truly transformational,” he said.

Campbell noted that any rise of a third party – “and we are not”- leads to the cry of race vote-splitting instead of concerns about the needs of the citizens aimed at retaining power and influence. RISE is worried that if there is no constitutional reform, Guyana will erupt into elections violence in 2020. “Our fear is unless there is constitutional reform, the 2020 election- when the spoils will be massive-we may have a repeat of electoral violence if there is to be a change in government. I hope that that is sobering thought and that it will drive home the importance of us addressing this issue now and comprehensively,” he said.

Leading figures of RISE.

RISE signaled its desire for the proportional representation (PR) electoral system to be replaced by a return of the constituency system because PR has seen accountability being trumped by party loyalty. “At RISE we are not going to say whether the change saved Guyana or it didn’t. What we did say is that change from a constituency system to proportional representation was the beginning of the decline in accountability and the emergence of loyalty of elected officials to the party and not to the people,” said Campbell.

He added that Guyana’s political parties have encouraged a pattern of ethnic voting that could result in either victory or worse case a block of seats in the National Assembly that allows them to remain relevant.

RISE wants the constitutional reform process to address concerns about ethnic cleansing, abuse of state media, presidential immunity from criminal suit, no provision for individuals to contest for the presidency and seats in the National Assembly, facilitating post-elections coalitions repeal of the list system, parliamentary confirmation processes, expansion of technocrat ministers or cabinet members who are not parliamentarians, limitations on campaign financing, eligibility of remigrants to contest in elections except for the presidency after three years.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

RISE is a PNC group.  The younger PNC people who don't like the old PNC people.

Don't you ever get tired of lying on this site? The main members of that organization are from various political parties and they are not forming their own party. Both Jainaraine Singh and Nadia Sagar are ardent supporters of the PPP. I was speaking to both of them at the Parking Meter protests a couple of months ago. Marcel Gaskin is completely against the PNC and he currently has a case in court against them.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

And Nagamootoo and Ramjattan were both ardent supporters of the PPP.  Marcel Gaskin is the brother of Dominic Gaskin.  Family cutlass don't cut deep.  

So! You were caught lying again. Miss Bibi you can really fake it. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

And Nagamootoo and Ramjattan were both ardent supporters of the PPP.  Marcel Gaskin is the brother of Dominic Gaskin.  Family cutlass don't cut deep.  

women go get a life 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

And Nagamootoo and Ramjattan were both ardent supporters of the PPP.  Marcel Gaskin is the brother of Dominic Gaskin.  Family cutlass don't cut deep.  

Jainarine Singh has always been a PPP and he still is. I know the guy personally since I was a teenager. Dominic is an AFC member. Marcel is rabidly anti-PNC. CUNY Girl, you just can't help yourself from lying. As Warrior said - woman get a life!

Last edited by Mars
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And Nagamootoo and Ramjattan were both ardent supporters of the PPP.  Marcel Gaskin is the brother of Dominic Gaskin.  Family cutlass don't cut deep.  

So! You were caught lying again. Miss Bibi you can really fake it. 

Bibiski,can never get it right.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

RISE is a PNC group.  The younger PNC people who don't like the old PNC people.

Wherever you get your info from..push it back up there. Even if this is what?

Guyana needs intelligent people to hold the government (PPP..APNU) to their word, to do what is right for all Guyanese and stop the racial bullshit. 


Are you guys are women abusers to bank on one woman while she is not around to defend herself? Cain, your push up language is inappropriate. Start acting like a gentleman and step out of the gutter.


Since AFC has been eaten up by the PNC, this is the best time to have a third party, don,t be surprise if disenchanted members from PPP and PNC  join the fight with RISE. As we see there is no dividing line between the PPP and PNC, is the same old thing.

Cobra posted:

Are you guys are women abusers to bank on one woman while she is not around to defend herself? Cain, your push up language is inappropriate. Start acting like a gentleman and step out of the gutter.

She has a penchant for lying and so deserves all that comes her way. You can assist her with the push up stuff if you wish, not I.


RISE UP is a group of younger PNC elitists whose parents and families benefitted from the Burnham years.  Like the AFC they are using couple stupid imbeciles to get where they want to go.  If they don't disappear by 2020 some will assume roles in the PNC.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RISE UP is a group of younger PNC elitists whose parents and families benefitted from the Burnham years.  Like the AFC they are using couple stupid imbeciles to get where they want to go.  If they don't disappear by 2020 some will assume roles in the PNC.

Stupid imbeciles like you exist only in the PPP/c. Girl you can prappa lie you know.


Stormy should join Freddie Kissoon and David Hinds.  He is just as messianic and narcissistic like them. Dem boys got all the solutions to Guyana's problems.  They just need a lil minista wuk to mek a difference. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Bibi Haniffa posted:

All PNC diehards and two AFC rejects!! 


Stop lying Bhagdad Bib. Jainarine Singh is PPP and so is Nadia Sagar. Dr. Doom submitted Sagar's name on one of his lists for GECOM head. 




Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

All PNC diehards and two AFC rejects!! 


Stop lying Bhagdad Bib. Jainarine Singh is PPP and so is Nadia Sagar. Dr. Doom submitted Sagar's name on one of his lists for GECOM head. 




Interesting that YOU came out to defend RISE.

Those two will be the new Ramjattan and Moses.  Jainarine grandfather was also with Burnham at one time. And you know well that these are not the true faces of RISE.  The real power brokers are hiding behind the scenes until the ducks come out to play!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RISE is a PNC group.  The younger PNC people who don't like the old PNC people.

I expect this level of primitive thinking from you.  In fact RISE is doing what occurs in most civil societies and that is holding the political leadership accountable.  The PPP loved Burnham's constitution and obviously the PNC doesn't see why it should be changed.

Obviously it does need to be changed.   Its a pity that backward people like you, so enslaved to race politics are too stupid to see that unless things change the results will be the same.

Face it Bibi. 23 years of PPP rule and Guyana in 2015 was still the poorest and most backward country in the Caribbean, aside from Haiti.

Clearly something different must be attempted to change that situation!


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

All PNC diehards and two AFC rejects!! 


Stop lying Bhagdad Bib. Jainarine Singh is PPP and so is Nadia Sagar. Dr. Doom submitted Sagar's name on one of his lists for GECOM head. 




Interesting that YOU came out to defend RISE.

Those two will be the new Ramjattan and Moses.  Jainarine grandfather was also with Burnham at one time. And you know well that these are not the true faces of RISE.  The real power brokers are hiding behind the scenes until the ducks come out to play!!!

I'm not defending RISE. I'm simply pointing out what a liar you are. You make up all these bullshit stories and expect everyone here to believe them. It doesn't work that way in the real world Bhagdad Bib.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Interesting that YOU came out to defend RISE.

Those two will be the new Ramjattan and Moses.  Jainarine grandfather was also with Burnham at one time. And you know well that these are not the true faces of RISE.  The real power brokers are hiding behind the scenes until the ducks come out to play!!!

Bibi didn't get instructions from Jagdeo to support the goals of this group.  So again any Indian who isn't a PPP slave is a traitor.

Interesting that we haven't heard blacks wail the same thing about the black members of this group.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Interesting that YOU came out to defend RISE.

Those two will be the new Ramjattan and Moses.  Jainarine grandfather was also with Burnham at one time. And you know well that these are not the true faces of RISE.  The real power brokers are hiding behind the scenes until the ducks come out to play!!!

Bibi didn't get instructions from Jagdeo to support the goals of this group.  So again any Indian who isn't a PPP slave is a traitor.

Interesting that we haven't heard blacks wail the same thing about the black members of this group.

Why would the blacks wail when this is a PNC group?  Watch who rises up as its leader as we approach 2020.  Then they merge with the PNC!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Interesting that YOU came out to defend RISE.

Those two will be the new Ramjattan and Moses.  Jainarine grandfather was also with Burnham at one time. And you know well that these are not the true faces of RISE.  The real power brokers are hiding behind the scenes until the ducks come out to play!!!

Bibi didn't get instructions from Jagdeo to support the goals of this group.  So again any Indian who isn't a PPP slave is a traitor.

Interesting that we haven't heard blacks wail the same thing about the black members of this group.

Why would the blacks wail when this is a PNC group?  Watch who rises up as its leader as we approach 2020.  Then they merge with the PNC!!!

You are full of it. Even if they did merge with the PNC it would be a better choice than what is in the PPP now.

In your puny racist mind as long as there are people not in the PPP they are all PNC, well if that is the case, good because if you are the type of person that the PPP welcomes then they are racist losers.

Last edited by cain

We the people are more interested in why Freddie has become so disappointed with the AFC and APNU in such a short period of time.  Glorification of this newly formed political party by the name of RISE is not only  premature but irrelevant at this time. He has a penchant for elaborating on things he abhors on the political scene.  The reading public who is familiar with Freddie is eagerly awaiting a full and thorough explanation why his sudden discontent with the AFC and its leaders some of whom he allegedly helped.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

We the people are more interested in why Freddie has become so disappointed with the AFC and APNU in such a short period of time.  Glorification of this newly formed political party by the name of RISE is not only  premature but irrelevant at this time. He has a penchant for elaborating on things he abhors on the political scene.  The reading public who is familiar with Freddie is eagerly awaiting a full and thorough explanation why his sudden discontent with the AFC and its leaders some of whom he allegedly helped.  

RISE is not a political party.

Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

We the people are more interested in why Freddie has become so disappointed with the AFC and APNU in such a short period of time.  Glorification of this newly formed political party by the name of RISE is not only  premature but irrelevant at this time. He has a penchant for elaborating on things he abhors on the political scene.  The reading public who is familiar with Freddie is eagerly awaiting a full and thorough explanation why his sudden discontent with the AFC and its leaders some of whom he allegedly helped.  

RISE is not a political party.

According to Freddie it will be. It's just not official. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

We the people are more interested in why Freddie has become so disappointed with the AFC and APNU in such a short period of time.  Glorification of this newly formed political party by the name of RISE is not only  premature but irrelevant at this time. He has a penchant for elaborating on things he abhors on the political scene.  The reading public who is familiar with Freddie is eagerly awaiting a full and thorough explanation why his sudden discontent with the AFC and its leaders some of whom he allegedly helped.  

RISE is not a political party.

According to Freddie it will be. It's just not official. 

Since when y'all PPP'ites believing Freddie?

I'd prefer to believe the people who are the executive members of the group and their stated charter for forming the group. Anything else is just wild speculation at this time or just lies like the ones our Bhagdad Bib spreads.



RISE will be a political party for 2020 general election, as Django would say they found a political NICHE that can destroy the Blackman and Coolieman party. They are doing a study to see what support they can garner , and from my sources the young Guyanese are interested in this New Movement. Sure the PPP is gravely concern, the PYO members seems unhappy with the present organisation, many of them working hard for years and cannot break the glass ceiling to get up, too many old farts controlling the party. As for the PNC, they will promise the moon, using the Oil Money, but once reelected. selected they will take 100% raise, with a government top heavy of military people, they will rule heavy handed. That is their way or the highway.

Last edited by kp
kp posted:

RISE will be a political party for 2020 general election, as Django would say they found a political NICHE that can destroy the Blackman and Coolieman party. They are doing a study to see what support they can garner , and from my sources the young Guyanese are interested in this New Movement. Sure the PPP is gravely concern, the PYO members seems unhappy with the present organisation, many of them working hard for years and cannot break the glass ceiling to get up, too many old farts controlling the party. As for the PNC, they will promise the moon, using the Oil Money, but once reelected. selected they will take 100% raise, with a government top heavy of military people, they will rule heavy handed. That is their way or the highway.

The day that happens i man getting a bakkle Jack Daniels and celebrate,hopefully it will materialize before i expire.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why would the blacks wail when this is a PNC group?  Watch who rises up as its leader as we approach 2020.  Then they merge with the PNC!!!

Bhagdad Bibs, you can prappa meck up stories. Jagdeo ah stay faar faar frum you. Whuh meck?


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