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Bibi Haniffa posted:

Why would the blacks wail when this is a PNC group?  Watch who rises up as its leader as we approach 2020.  Then they merge with the PNC!!!

The issue is that blacks are an individualistic set of people do few of us are enslaved to the PNC farm.  Given that there is no soup on offer clearly those who are there do so for reasons which suggest their desire to contribute.

If Granger wanted to change the constitution he would have begun to do so. He doesn't and so clearly this isn't a PNC group.

Bibi you are a primitive bumpkin who cannot think outside of a PPP vs. PNC box.  Gladly there are many Guyanese who can, given that these turned out to be a colossal failure.

Cobra posted:

Are you guys are women abusers to bank on one woman while she is not around to defend herself? Cain, your push up language is inappropriate. Start acting like a gentleman and step out of the gutter.

Should we not help Bibi out by letting her know that she is an idiot.  In fact she is on and shouldn't be given a pass just because she has breasts.

kp posted:

RISE will be a political party for 2020 general election, as Django would say they found a political NICHE that can destroy the Blackman and Coolieman party.

This isn't going to happen in 2 years.  The PPP has ownership and title to rural Indians who slavishly believe everything that they say.  They know full well that the PPP was closing down estates, and planned to close down more.  Yet they now run behind Jagdeo as he chats his nonsense pretending as if all was well with sugar until June 2015.

And once this slavish behavior continues the black and mixed voters panic and then run behind the PNC even though they know that they are no good. But they know that Indian rule means that they endure a "slow holocaust" as they are excluded.

Which ever party plans to replace the PPP and the PNC will have to start to woo the rural Indian vote, as this remains the largest bloc, even if no longer big enough to ensure victory.

I don't see these urban people being able to woo them.  The rural Indo will react in the same way as the resident PPP slave does. Merely because the Indians in this group don't follow Jagdeo, sniffing the fumes of his slop (as Bibi does) they will be called all sorts of foul names, all meaning traitor and "black lover".

kp posted:

. As for the PNC, they will promise the moon, using the Oil Money, but once reelected. selected they will take 100% raise, with a government top heavy of military people, they will rule heavy handed. That is their way or the highway.

If you want to see Guyana under President Harmon or Jagdeo just try looking at Nigeria. 1% of the population account for almost all of the wealth, with the remainder living in dire poverty.

That will be Guyana as Exxon has already said that Trinidad and not Guyana will be awarded contracts. Guyanese will be welcome to provide food and hotel rooms.

So the royalties will be squandered on Pradoville III.

Mitwah posted:
alena06 posted:

While everyone gets distracted with RISE, the PNC boys are slowly (if not completed) setting the stage to rig in 2020.

What evidence do you have on this rigging?

Basically the PPP either

1. Fears that they will not win so want to peddle their excuse


2.  Are continuing with their plan to terrify their "people" The ones who Jagdeo said are his base.......rural Indians.

Sparky posted:

Simple really. As long as they are not openly PPP, then they must be colluding with the PNC. That's PPP 101 logic.

Bibi is a bounty hunter.  She gets paid when she destroys the character of any Indian who escapes from the PPP plantation.   The PPP doesn't accept back people who they cannot totally brainwash.  They might contaminate the majority of their supporters who continue to live in mental slavery.

Sparky posted:

Be that as it may but as long as the younger generation does not rise up and demand change and actively seek it, then nothing changes. 

Their time in office broke the backbone of many youth,  with their nastiness and vindictiveness, thus creating a hopeless generation.

It might take a miracle for the youth  to rise up and demand change, due to their brokenness and hopelessness.

If  the adults ignore  issues and continue to vote  race, they will continue to follow  the existing leadership as sheep.     


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