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Originally Posted by Prashad:

redux, I would advise you to read Frantz Fanon to truely understand what happened in Guyana during the recent racial genocide/Porajmos of the East Indians of Guyana. Three books by Fanon 1. The Wretched of the Earth.  2. Black Skin, White Masks. 3. A Dying Colonialism.

bai, i first 'read' 2 of the 3 as a fifth former @ QC along with hefty doses of The West on Trial . . . u still waan fuh give me a reading list?


a little bit of knowledge normally clues in a discerning mind to the enormity of What it Doesn't Know . . . with U, it has had the opposite effect

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

redux, I would advise you to read Frantz Fanon to truely understand what happened in Guyana during the recent racial genocide/Porajmos of the East Indians of Guyana. Three books by Fanon 1. The Wretched of the Earth.  2. Black Skin, White Masks. 3. A Dying Colonialism.

bai, i read 2 of the 3 as a fifth former @ QC along with hefty doses of The West on Trial . . . u still waan fuh give me a reading list?


a little bit of knowledge normally clues in a discerning mind to the enormity of What it Doesn't Know . . . with U, it has had the opposite effect

It is good to know that you read Fanon.  It clearly explains the psychological damage done to Caribbean people of color by colonialism and its effects on their minds in today's world. Read those Fanon books again and you will understand why a grown man of color will put a loaded AK-47 to the head of a sleeping powerless child of color (living in absolute poverty) and then pull the trigger thus Porajmos that innocent young human being.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

redux, I would advise you to read Frantz Fanon to truely understand what happened in Guyana during the recent racial genocide/Porajmos of the East Indians of Guyana. Three books by Fanon 1. The Wretched of the Earth.  2. Black Skin, White Masks. 3. A Dying Colonialism.

bai, i read 2 of the 3 as a fifth former @ QC along with hefty doses of The West on Trial . . . u still waan fuh give me a reading list?


a little bit of knowledge normally clues in a discerning mind to the enormity of What it Doesn't Know . . . with U, it has had the opposite effect

It is good to know that you read Fanon.  It clearly explains the psychological damage done to Caribbean people of color by colonialism and its effects on their minds in today's world. Read those Fanon books again and you will understand why a grown man of color will put a loaded AK-47 to the head of a sleeping powerless child of color (living in absolute poverty) and then pull the trigger thus Porajmos that innocent young human being.

ahmmm, actually . . . you need to re-read MY 2nd paragraph

Originally Posted by Prashad:

You have been so influenced by the British Caribbean creole culture and neo colonialism that you will never understand what I am saying to you. 

amusing when a poorly educated, pathologically blackman-hating 'third world' primitive like you starts to lecture on discrimination and lean on Fanon (and Rodney after him), Mandela, etc, etc . . . risible


you can call me blackman hating, racial hater of black people, a coolie racist who hates blacks etc. It does not affect me in the least because I know the truth.  It is people like you who may hide behind labels such as "racism against the blackman" and "he racist towards black people" to exterminate other people of color because you may have been brain washed by Euro-colonialism to see other people of color as being inferior to you.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

you can call me blackman hating, racial hater of black people, a coolie racist who hates blacks etc. It does not affect me in the least because I know the truth.  It is people like you who may hide behind labels such as "racism against the blackman" and "he racist towards black people" to exterminate other people of color because you may have been brain washed by Euro-colonialism to see other people of color as being inferior to you.

bai, you give me too much credit . . . i actually know ['interact' with] only a few pathological haters of blackman . . . most are on GNI . . . u are one


If you understand TK and the KFC you will know that they will say anything, do anything to "LOOK" as if their eforts are purely to help the suffering, the poor and powerless. The reality is that they dont care Rat's Ass about anyone but themselves. One of their most used method is to label all against them as Racist and to play on the vulnerbility of the Poor, destitute and powerless. These actions were always prevelant since the Days of the Wild West Snakoil Salesmen. If I were you I would not be worried that a robber Barron like TK labelling you as a Racist.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

If you understand TK and the KFC you will know that they will say anything, do anything to "LOOK" as if their eforts are purely to help the suffering, the poor and powerless. The reality is that they dont care Rat's Ass about anyone but themselves. One of their most used method is to label all against them as Racist and to play on the vulnerbility of the Poor, destitute and powerless. These actions were always prevelant since the Days of the Wild West Snakoil Salesmen. If I were you I would not be worried that a robber Barron like TK labelling you as a Racist.

Nehru, i know that U know that i am not TK . . . interesting 'game' you're playing eh? . . . wheel within a wheel

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If you understand TK and the KFC you will know that they will say anything, do anything to "LOOK" as if their eforts are purely to help the suffering, the poor and powerless. The reality is that they dont care Rat's Ass about anyone but themselves. One of their most used method is to label all against them as Racist and to play on the vulnerbility of the Poor, destitute and powerless. These actions were always prevelant since the Days of the Wild West Snakoil Salesmen. If I were you I would not be worried that a robber Barron like TK labelling you as a Racist.

Nehru, i know that U know that i am not TK . . . interesting 'game' you're playing eh? . . . wheel within a wheel

The only game I play is Cricket.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

If you understand TK and the KFC you will know that they will say anything, do anything to "LOOK" as if their eforts are purely to help the suffering, the poor and powerless. The reality is that they dont care Rat's Ass about anyone but themselves. One of their most used method is to label all against them as Racist and to play on the vulnerbility of the Poor, destitute and powerless. These actions were always prevelant since the Days of the Wild West Snakoil Salesmen. If I were you I would not be worried that a robber Barron like TK labelling you as a Racist.

Nehru, i know that U know that i am not TK . . . interesting 'game' you're playing eh? . . . wheel within a wheel

So why are you answering for TK???

Originally Posted by Nehru:

In fact, he and KFC was hioping that these incidents would have been the fall of the PPP and the rise of the KFC. Remember, these People want POWER and are determind to have it by " Any means possible".

 The struggle for power is a two sided street. Those in power are determined to keep it and its totalitarian privileges as an entitlement. Those wanting them out do so on a moral view the administration are accountable to the people. It the former resist and maintain the nation is their grandfathers legacy then the option "by all means necessary" avails itself.


I am sure none of us want that since it would mean a race war. I would also mean a complete decimation of our society and the rise of a failed state before any reconstitution can occur. A complete change of our political system is no longer a contingent but necessary if we are to come to some meaningful accommodation of power.


Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

In fact, he and KFC was hioping that these incidents would have been the fall of the PPP and the rise of the KFC. Remember, these People want POWER and are determind to have it by " Any means possible".


The only serious and scholarly discussion of the Buxton freedom fighters was done by Freddie Kissoon - yes that much maligned East Indian. The useless, evil, thiefing, lying and incompetent Jagdeo-Ramotar cabal did nothing. So F. Kissoon wrote the only scholarly peer-reviewed account of the Buxton rebellion, plus some news paper columns. While you, Prem Misir, Randy Persaud and the insecure Indo racists shoot shit, Kisson wrote it down. I don't know if you are smart enough to find this. Here is the citation just in case: 


Kissoon, Fredrick (2007). “African extremism in the age of political decay: the case of Guyana.” In Governance, Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Grant, C.H. and R. Mark Kirton (eds.), Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers. 


Afro gang terrorism, target Indians, robbing, beating, looting, burning, maiming, long I I can remember, Guyana's national pass-time until the great Gaj under the leadership of BJ decided to punch back.

 Here you are with the same crap. Over 600 africans died. in the last "troubles". They died mainly at the hands of a PPP installed drug lord as their security chief. They, like you were not intent on addressing the source of the pathology of the rise of an insurgency ( political alienation and marginalization) but they intended to put a ban aid on it for their benefit. They therefore murdered all associated with the reaction to their oppressive power grab and have racist ass with holes for brains blame this on the troublesome and violent negro.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Afro gang terrorism, target Indians, robbing, beating, looting, burning, maiming, long I I can remember, Guyana's national pass-time until the great Gaj under the leadership of BJ decided to punch back.

 Here you are with the same crap. Over 600 africans died. in the last "troubles". They died mainly at the hands of a PPP installed drug lord as their security chief. They, like you were not intent on addressing the source of the pathology of the rise of an insurgency ( political alienation and marginalization) but they intended to put a ban aid on it for their benefit. They therefore murdered all associated with the reaction to their oppressive power grab and have racist ass with holes for brains blame this on the troublesome and violent negro.



I thought in the complaint they said some 300.  List the names, trace them, most die in gang-on-gang violence, many police were shot by the terrorists then the special forces went in and re-established the rule of law in the Afro villages.  Don't muddy the waters.  It was the Govt's obligation to bring an end to such mayhem.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Bannas, This Chap not only blind but DUMB!!!!

Afro gang terrorism, target Indians, robbing, beating, looting, burning, maiming, long I I can remember, Guyana's national pass-time until the great Gaj under the leadership of BJ decided to punch back.

 Here you are with the same crap. Over 600 africans died. in the last "troubles". They died mainly at the hands of a PPP installed drug lord as their security chief. They, like you were not intent on addressing the source of the pathology of the rise of an insurgency ( political alienation and marginalization) but they intended to put a ban aid on it for their benefit. They therefore murdered all associated with the reaction to their oppressive power grab and have racist ass with holes for brains blame this on the troublesome and violent negro.



I thought in the complaint they said some 300.  List the names, trace them, most die in gang-on-gang violence, many police were shot by the terrorists then the special forces went in and re-established the rule of law in the Afro villages.  Don't muddy the waters.  It was the Govt's obligation to bring an end to such mayhem.



nehru race politics never last long.the race war in guyana is in it last stage,regardless if you is a indian or black.the ppp is using the race war in part to rob the coffer and they is playing the indian people.its the best intrest of the ppp to keep this race war going,unfortunately guyana will be the loser,the ppp must thank people like nehru to help them in their venture.more these fools spread they hate the more the ppp is happy and  guyana get worse

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Roger Khan may be a drug dealer, murderer, drug smuggler, money launderer etc but that brother helped to rescue the east indian population of Guyana from a racial hateful genocidal extermination (influenced in part by British colonial hate toward East Indians) similar to that experienced by the Rwandan Tutsi population. He could have chose to jump on a plane and go stay on a beach in a friendly Caribbean island during the extermination period but he did not. Like Mr. Jagdeo and Mr. Gajraj every East Indian Guyanese owns a priceless debt to Brother Khan.

BIG, FAT, mealy-mouthed LIE!


people like u have corruption oozing from your pores, and have banished shame from your miserable lives

I have lived in the USA and Canada since 1987.  I have made an honest life for my self here and never asked or received one penny from anyone.  I am telling you the truth.  But it seems like you cannot handle the truth.

the corruption you are afflicted with has NOTHING to do with tiefin

I am telling you the truth but you cannot handle the truth redux.  The racial extermination hate unleashed by other peoples of color recently on the East Indians of Guyana was influenced in large part by the ideas and practices of British colonial hate towards East Indians and Amerindians which resulted in East Indians and Amerindians being at the bottom of British Guiana society. Beware my East Indian brothers and sisters of the so call  British West Indian/Caribbean creole culture and the dangers it poses towards East Indian and Amerindian peoples.  I cannot warn you enough.   

That is a shallow and one sided reading of the colonial project. The British did not target one group over another. They orchestrated a ballet where the players were the colonized and the had for them an established role of the oppressed and exploited. Of course they pitted groups against each other as and instrument of strategy but a case can be made for by each group to be objects of oppression.


Caribj for example takes the opposite view from you. He sees the introduction of Indians into the society by taxing the freed slaves and further limiting their ability to sustain themselves by instituting onerous homesteading laws etc.


I often remind you folks here that had not the British brought in superior numbers of Indians to the territories and literally abandon them here the Amerindians would not be as a numerical disadvantage in their own land.


Seeking to pit groups against each other on account of some cultural conditioning or on account of perceived subaltern status ( based on racism) is still a colonial curse. It is the real danger to the society when there are those like yourselves who persist on embracing sacred victimization status as the means to mobilize kind against the an manufactured enemy. You first need to examine your role as the bull in the field prancing about and suggesting the right to the pasture is your natural inheritance.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

redux, I would advise you to read Frantz Fanon to truely understand what happened in Guyana during the recent racial genocide/Porajmos of the East Indians of Guyana. Three books by Fanon 1. The Wretched of the Earth.  2. Black Skin, White Masks. 3. A Dying Colonialism.

I consider myself an amateur of post colonial studies and I do not know for the life of me what you are trying to say Fanon  points to as an inevitable lot of Indians in his three books. Help me out a little.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

redux, I would advise you to read Frantz Fanon to truely understand what happened in Guyana during the recent racial genocide/Porajmos of the East Indians of Guyana. Three books by Fanon 1. The Wretched of the Earth.  2. Black Skin, White Masks. 3. A Dying Colonialism.

bai, i read 2 of the 3 as a fifth former @ QC along with hefty doses of The West on Trial . . . u still waan fuh give me a reading list?


a little bit of knowledge normally clues in a discerning mind to the enormity of What it Doesn't Know . . . with U, it has had the opposite effect

It is good to know that you read Fanon.  It clearly explains the psychological damage done to Caribbean people of color by colonialism and its effects on their minds in today's world. Read those Fanon books again and you will understand why a grown man of color will put a loaded AK-47 to the head of a sleeping powerless child of color (living in absolute poverty) and then pull the trigger thus Porajmos that innocent young human being.

 Yours is a rather shallow reading of the cultural effects of colonialism on the colonized by Fanon. Actually, his, Said and Mimi, (among others) coincided on a key theme; elites  or inheritors of the colonial program are the prime reason for the decay of nationalist movements into ethnic and religious adversarial internecine warfare. They like the PPP lack the ability to finance, produce an industrial society, and so rely on old patters of behavior ( borrowing from the colonial, subjugating the local poor into old agricultural and subsistence lifestyle) to keep their people in a state of internal adversarial conflict.


If you remember, Eric posted a piece by Dr. Selwyn R. Cudjoe  describing the competition for the father of the nation title in Trinidad between the political groups. We have the same in or and sainted guruji status of their party elders to forge the ethos of their right to be. In short, Fanon describe them as completely incompetent to innovate because they are inheritors of the colonial legacy rather than as its change agents.


I think you have a truly moribund view of Fanon and that is because you probably never read him to actually critically assess what he was saying.


Stormborn I suggest that both you and Caribj read Edgar Mittelholzer’s A Swarthy Boy interview particularly that part where he talked about his family's relationship towards their neighbours the Luckoo family.  The East Indian together with the Amerindian has always been see as an inferior backward during colonial rule.  They were at the bottom of society.  East Indians were the only group to experience official sanctioned apartheid in Georgetown. They were not allowed to step foot in the Kingston area of Georgetown.  The east indian was seen as an alien with alien religions and culture that prevented them from adopting the brain washed British caribbean creole culture.  And was look upon with suspicion because of that.  The Amerindian was seen as a stupid man and okay with being used who would exchange gold metal for glass beads.    


Originally Posted by Prashad:

Stormborn I suggest that both you and Caribj read Edgar Mittelholzer’s A Swarthy Boy interview particularly that part where he talked about his family's relationship towards their neighbours the Luckoo family.  The East Indian together with the Amerindian has always been see as an inferior backward during colonial rule.  They were at the bottom of society.  East Indians were the only group to experience official sanctioned apartheid in Georgetown. They were not allowed to step foot in the Kingston area of Georgetown.  The east indian was seen as an alien with alien religions and culture that prevented them from adopting the brain washed British caribbean creole culture.  And was look upon with suspicion because of that.  The Amerindian was seen as a stupid man and okay with being used who would exchange gold metal for glass beads.    


 Do not give me other books to read when you have already demonstrated an impoverished understanding of the ones under discussion. You brought them up. Lets deal with that first before going on to explore other issues that I might or might not agree with.


Fanon's work is only good in identifying the psychological impact of colonialism on the minds of people of color in today's world.  Because Fanon the man never practice what he wrote. In "Black skin White Mask" he wrote about the black students and immigrants leaving the black women and running after the white man's women in the mother country. I would like you to google and find out who Franon's wife was. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Fanon's work is only good in identifying the psychological impact of colonialism of people of color in today's world.  Yet Fanon the man never practice what he wrote. In "Black skin White Mask" he wrote about the black students and immigrants leaving the black women and running after the white man's women in the mother country. I would like you to google and find out who Franon's wife was. 

None of the above matters. What matters is that you said that one can illustrate the "genocide" of Indians through Fanon's work. I say that you are simply fanning the flames ( fanon said you will inevitably light it) through a shallow understanding ( or deliberate and malicious massaging) of our present political stalemate.


 "genocide" of Indians" of indians because they are seen as inferior aliens because of the British caribbean creole culture that has painted them as backward inferiors to other races of color.  I will give you an example here.  After reading Fanon I realized the negative impact of traditional rhymes of British caribbean creole culture and its destruction of the self esteem of East Indian children.  For example. "Coolie water rice, black man pork and spice. Them coolie a wash them b-tty with dhall and rice" Think about the negative impact that British caribbean creole rhyme would have on the self-esteem of an indian child.  Another one from Jamaica "Coolie box shit out of hog’s mouth”.  (meaning East Indians are so poor that they have to compete with pigs for sh-t to eat).  Think about the impact of the young East Indian child self esteem when he or she hear that.  Think also of the children of other darker races when they hear that and its impact on how they see the east indian people.


I don't want my people living in a society with a culture that sees them as being a bunch of inferiors. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:

 "genocide" of Indians" of indians because they are seen as inferior aliens because of the British caribbean creole culture that has painted them as backward inferiors to other races of color.  I will give you an example here.  After reading Fanon I realized the negative impact of traditional rhymes of British caribbean creole culture and its destruction of the self esteem of East Indian children.  For example. "Coolie water rice, black man pork and spice. Them coolie a wash them b-tty with dhall and rice" Think about the negative impact that British caribbean creole rhyme would have on the self-esteem of an indian child.  Another one from Jamaica "Coolie box shit out of hog’s mouth”.  (meaning East Indians are so poor that they have to compete with pigs for sh-t to eat).  Think about the impact of the young East Indian child self esteem when he or she hear that.  Think also of the children of other darker races when they hear that and its impact on how they see the east indian people.


I don't want my people living in a society with a culture that sees them as being a bunch of inferiors. 

You mean like Guyana pre-1992?

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

redux, I would advise you to read Frantz Fanon to truely understand what happened in Guyana during the recent racial genocide/Porajmos of the East Indians of Guyana. Three books by Fanon 1. The Wretched of the Earth.  2. Black Skin, White Masks. 3. A Dying Colonialism.

bai, i read 2 of the 3 as a fifth former @ QC along with hefty doses of The West on Trial . . . u still waan fuh give me a reading list?


a little bit of knowledge normally clues in a discerning mind to the enormity of What it Doesn't Know . . . with U, it has had the opposite effect

It is good to know that you read Fanon.  It clearly explains the psychological damage done to Caribbean people of color by colonialism and its effects on their minds in today's world. Read those Fanon books again and you will understand why a grown man of color will put a loaded AK-47 to the head of a sleeping powerless child of color (living in absolute poverty) and then pull the trigger thus Porajmos that innocent young human being.

You don't need Fanon. Read Freddie's columns published in the Chronicle and this article as the best starting point in understanding the post-1992 ethnic conflict in Guyana. Freddie came the closest to using strategic game theory to explain the conflict.



Kissoon, Fredrick (2007). “African extremism in the age of political decay: the case of Guyana.” In Governance, Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Grant, C.H. and R. Mark Kirton (eds.), Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers. 

Originally Posted by TK:

You don't need Fanon. Read Freddie's columns published in the Chronicle and this article as the best starting point in understanding the post-1992 ethnic conflict in Guyana. Freddie came the closest to using strategic game theory to explain the conflict.



Kissoon, Fredrick (2007). “African extremism in the age of political decay: the case of Guyana.” In Governance, Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Grant, C.H. and R. Mark Kirton (eds.), Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers. 

Yes, katahars and the PNC started counting from 1992.


What I am saying Baseman is that the Creole culture must be replaced if Guyana is to move forward as a multicultural society.  In the case of Afro-Guyanese I would like them to adopt a pure African culture with its beauty, self love, respect for self and others.  Indians should do the same also.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

You don't need Fanon. Read Freddie's columns published in the Chronicle and this article as the best starting point in understanding the post-1992 ethnic conflict in Guyana. Freddie came the closest to using strategic game theory to explain the conflict.



Kissoon, Fredrick (2007). “African extremism in the age of political decay: the case of Guyana.” In Governance, Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Grant, C.H. and R. Mark Kirton (eds.), Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers. 

Yes, katahars and the PNC started counting from 1992.


Actually the article did not start counting from 1992. The problem is the PPP katahars did not give us anything comparable. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:

What I am saying Baseman is that the Creole culture must be replaced if Guyana is to move forward as a multicultural society.  In the case of Afro-Guyanese I would like them to adopt a pure African culture with it beauty, self love, respect for self and others.  Indians should do the same also.

I agree, my fam there are pleased when Afro culture is celebrated in GT.  They themselves said you can see the pride in the faces and that can only be positive.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

What I am saying Baseman is that the Creole culture must be replaced if Guyana is to move forward as a multicultural society.  In the case of Afro-Guyanese I would like them to adopt a pure African culture with it beauty, self love, respect for self and others.  Indians should do the same also.

I agree, my fam there are pleased when Afro culture is celebrated in GT.  They themselves said you can see the pride in the faces and that can only be positive.

You guys would want to define creole culture before you start anything else. Then think about what you will replace it with.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:

You don't need Fanon. Read Freddie's columns published in the Chronicle and this article as the best starting point in understanding the post-1992 ethnic conflict in Guyana. Freddie came the closest to using strategic game theory to explain the conflict.



Kissoon, Fredrick (2007). “African extremism in the age of political decay: the case of Guyana.” In Governance, Conflict Analysis and Conflict Resolution, Grant, C.H. and R. Mark Kirton (eds.), Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers. 

Yes, katahars and the PNC started counting from 1992.


Actually the article did not start counting from 1992. The problem is the PPP katahars did not give us anything comparable. 

When so-called "experts" make up their own concoction, it can only be compared to crap.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

 . . . the recent racial genocide/Porajmos of the East Indians of Guyana.

and this delusional fool wants to be taken seriously

I may be an uneducated laborer fool but those little sleeping innocent kids were Porajmos in such a vile fashion because of their race by several heavily armed grown men and this bare face guy has the balls to call me delusional because I talk about it. I am finish discussing this matter with you.

Last edited by Prashad

The identity of the killers has never been established. It's the PPP who claimed that the killing were done by Fineman and his gang, but they never admitted to it. Nor were any of the recovered bullets a match against bullets fired form weapons used by Fineman and his gang.

Some of the witnesses mentioned specific information about the shoes and clothing worn by the attackers. Neither were any of these recovered.

So the evidence points to an orchestrated murder by the PPP who then conveniently blamed Fineman and his gang.

This is underlined by the fact that great efforts were made by the PPP to avoid anyone from the Fineman gang going on trial. Those that were initially captured were then allowed to escape. And eventually the whole gang was executed without a trial in order to avoid them speaking up in court.


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