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Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

 . . . the recent racial genocide/Porajmos of the East Indians of Guyana.

and this delusional fool wants to be taken seriously

I may be an uneducated laborer fool but those little sleeping innocent kids were Porajmos in such a vile fashion because of their race by several heavily armed grown men and this bare face guy has the balls to call me delusional because I talk about it. I am finish discussing this matter with you.

before you bray stupidly again, i suggest u buy a dictionary and look up the meaning(s) of "porajmos" and "genocide" [and "bareface" too for good measure] . . . ask baseman to go in halfsies with you


You guys remind me of the jailhouse character Oswald Bates played by Damon Wayans on In Living Color

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

 . . . the recent racial genocide/Porajmos of the East Indians of Guyana.

and this delusional fool wants to be taken seriously

I may be an uneducated laborer fool but those little sleeping innocent kids were Porajmos in such a vile fashion because of their race by several heavily armed grown men and this bare face guy has the balls to call me delusional because I talk about it. I am finish discussing this matter with you.

Bhai, TK is not only Shameless but Dangerous. These People are the worst Creatures on the Planet.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

 "genocide" of Indians" of indians because they are seen as inferior aliens because of the British caribbean creole culture that has painted them as backward inferiors to other races of color.  I will give you an example here.  After reading Fanon I realized the negative impact of traditional rhymes of British caribbean creole culture and its destruction of the self esteem of East Indian children.  For example. "Coolie water rice, black man pork and spice. Them coolie a wash them b-tty with dhall and rice" Think about the negative impact that British caribbean creole rhyme would have on the self-esteem of an indian child.  Another one from Jamaica "Coolie box shit out of hog’s mouth”.  (meaning East Indians are so poor that they have to compete with pigs for sh-t to eat).  Think about the impact of the young East Indian child self esteem when he or she hear that.  Think also of the children of other darker races when they hear that and its impact on how they see the east indian people.


I don't want my people living in a society with a culture that sees them as being a bunch of inferiors. 

First, if you are inventing a sociopolitical viewpoint, do not try to piggy back its validity on Fanon or other sources unless you know those sources concur with you. Fanon does not.


Your insistence that our political dysfunction is simply because Indians are picked upon is crapola pure and simple. It is because we have a system fostered and celebrated by racists on both sides including you. The reason they do so is pure and simple to capture the state as a prize to load up their bank accounts and for the reflected glory of ethnic superiority.


Unless you are presuming to not be a part of the Caribbean culture, you are also a part and parcel of creole culture. Creole by definition is the synchreticism of a dominant and subordinate cultures  or cultures at the interstices of their interaction to engender a communal conversation and identity space. We have severe overlap in our cultures in Guyana and the Caribbean since we exist in a fusion of many things based on our social interaction in a shared  social space.


Indians are not the sainted group by far in this struggle. They are equal contributors to our dysfunction. I do remember you; the now one claiming to be abused and looked down upon, insisting on your cultural superiority  better work ethic, frugality and, and social graces to all others. It is quite hypocritical to play the victim now!


Again, both group because of their particularistic  intransigence ( being led by the noses by brown and black men with white hearts) contribute to our problems. You, by blaming the other side say they are inferior to you ie driven to impulsive and villainous behavior on no provocation. They understand and resent that.

Last edited by Former Member

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