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Former Member

Following his return to Guyana, investigators yesterday concluded their questioning of Roger Khan about his alleged involvement in the murders of political activist Ronald Waddell and boxing coach Donald Allison and he has maintained his innocence.

Khan’s attorney, Glenn Hanoman, told Sunday Stabroek yesterday afternoon that the interview process was completed and the police were awaiting legal advice which will determine the next step.


Early yesterday morning, Khan was escorted from a lock-up where he was kept to the Criminal Investigation Department at Eve Leary for questioning. He remained in police custody up to last evening.

While Hanoman did not divulge details about the interview, he said the process lasted for about an hour and was conducted “professionally”. “Video, audio recorded in my presence. The police were very cooperative,” he noted.

He explained that during questioning, a number of questions including those relating to what occurred some 15 years ago were raised.

“Of course he maintained his innocence… he said what he had to say about all the allegations and all the questions they asked but he told them that he wouldn’t want to say anything anymore after this interview. He answered as best as he could, all of the questions he was [asked]…he didn’t remain silent, he tried his best to answer the questions… Questions were relating to 15 years ago and things like that, where he was and all of that, that aren’t possible to answer,” Hanoman related.

“He indicated at the end of the interview that he won’t be willing to give any further statements afterwards. So the police have to see what they will make of that,” Hanoman added.


He said the investigators did indicate that they might want to interview Khan again.  “But then he said that I already told you that I will have nothing more to say on any of these issues, that’s it,” Hanoman stated.

The attorney lamented the delay in the process of obtaining legal advice while noting that systems should be put in place for service 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

“Sometimes these investigations have a tendency of being prolonged. When they get legal advice, somebody intervene at DPP [Director of Public Prosecutions] chambers, they said you should have ask this question, you should have asked that question and then… that is one of the reasons why he said everything that he could say and remember about that period,” Hanoman explained.

Khan arrived shortly after 11.30 pm on Friday at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport on an American Airlines flight from Miami.

Upon his arrival, the 47-year-old was whisked away under heavy police guard to the CID at Eve Leary, where he was processed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Did they carry out investigation,

—why Nigel Hughes remove the video tapes from Brian Hamilton Gas Station when Brian was murder . 

Did they carry out investigation into Agricola uprising when

Nigel Hughes says he does not want peace

quote. Mr. Hughes proudly articulated that he does not want peace.
Given what Mr. Hughes said publicly, one cannot avoid asking if it is not sufficient for action to be taken by the police. Mr. Hughes in the same address alluded to and printed in the edition of the Kaieteur News mentioned, asked why the Administration cannot comprehend how the people of Agricola stood up for themselves.
While there is a reason for protest following the death of Shaquille Grant, it could never be a reason for the horrific scenes that day. By making such a statement, is Mr. Hughes saying that he supports the marauding gangs, the robberies, the burning and the long hours of inconvenience Guyanese endured? All Guyanese must demand an answer from him; the police too.

Last edited by Former Member

Roger Khan maintains innocence in Waddell, Allison murders

-cops awaiting legal advice after completing interview

September 22 2019

Missing parts from Dave post of  the article

After spending close to an hour there, during which time he was briefly allowed to see his attorney, he was transported to an undisclosed holding facility.

Hanoman later related that Khan told him that the police had explained to him that he would not be released and instead would be held for questioning about the murders of Waddell and Allison.

Waddell, 57, was killed in January, 2006.

At the time, it was reported that a dark-coloured car took the gunmen to the scene, where they were apparently watching Waddell’s movements from the seawall. As soon as Waddell got into his car, two gunmen ran across the road and opened fire on the vehicle. They then ran back across the road, jumped into their car and sped away east along the highway.

Allison, meanwhile, was killed in September, 2005.  He was executed in a drive-by shooting carried out by men armed with machine guns. Allison, 43, came under a barrage of gunfire outside the Ricola Boxing Gym on the Agricola Public Road. He was sitting in front of the two-story building with a female student when the men pulled up in a dark coloured vehicle and opened fire. Allison, who sustained wounds to his head and upper body, was clearly the target of the attack.

Police had arrested freed murder accused Shawn Hinds and two relatives of dead ‘hitman’ Axel Williams, but the men were all released. It was believed that a city-based death squad with links to the underworld carried out the killing.

However, an informant for the US government, during the witness tampering trial of Khan’s former lawyer Robert Simels, had claimed that Khan ordered the execution of both Waddell and Allison.

Selwyn Vaughn, a professed former member of Khan’s alleged “Phantom gang” who was granted immunity from prosecution, had testified in the United States that he had served as the lookout for the hit on Waddell.

Vaughn said he was in a Burgundy AT 192 motor car when four other named members of the squad turned up and shot Waddell. He told the court he had been the lookout man who was tracking Waddell and he called Khan on his cell phone that night and reported that the talk show host had left his residence and his car was idling on the roadway. Within minutes, four members of Khan’s squad, all former members of the Guyana Police Force named by Vaughn, turned up and shot Waddell.

Speaking about the murder of Allison, Vaughn said he was the lookout in that hit as well. Khan, he said, called him to ask for the location of Allison and after receiving the information members of the “Phantom squad” came out and shot Allison dead.

Khan is alleged to have been given free rein under the then PPP/C government to go after persons he determined to be criminals in the period following the 2002 jail-break, when five escapees triggered a crime wave the likes of which had never before been seen in the country.

He was eventually arrested in Suriname and was seized by US authorities in Trinidad while en route to Guyana.

Khan was released from a US prison in early July after serving almost ten years of a 15-year sentence for drug trafficking. He was sentenced after he pleaded guilty to trafficking cocaine, witness tampering and gun-running.

Media blocked

Although Commissioner of Police Leslie James had said Khan would be treated like any other person upon his return, there was an unusually large presence of uniformed and plain clothes police, as well as members of the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Unit at the airport for his arrival.

Khan also wasn’t escorted out of the airport using the regular exit for arriving passengers; he was brought out through a side entrance in a heavily tinted white pick-up.

The police did not use sirens or lights during their exit and sped off with armed officers heading for the capital and a large contingent of media personnel following.

Members of the media who were making their way to the police headquarters from the airport on and others behind the police vehicle were hindered by the police along the East Bank Public Road.

After the vehicles escorting Khan had passed, two separate roadblocks were set up.

It is suspected that this was done to allow the “smooth” transport of Khan to Georgetown. However, media personnel felt targeted and deemed the action as a deliberate one set to delay them.

The first roadblock was set up at Grove. A barricade was used to block the lane of traffic heading towards Georgetown while the driver of a sand truck was instructed by a police officer to use his truck to block the other lane.

This resulted in the traffic being snagged for several minutes. A senior officer stood in the centre of the road and only removed the barricade after receiving a call from his personal cell phone.

Then at Diamond, a similar situation was experienced. The traffic was allowed to flow again only after a journalist called James and complained about the situation.

The roadblocks caused traffic congestion and no one was searched at the roadblocks neither was any explanation given as to why they were set up.

Django posted:

Roger Khan maintains innocence in Waddell, Allison murders

-cops awaiting legal advice after completing interview

September 22 2019

Missing parts from Dave post of  the article


thanks for the posting the complete article Django. Gud, there is more info. 

Ayo keep a note how KN will publish limit info about RK... there is a reason 

Here is a hint ---- Reyaz Khan is the brother of Glen Lall .

Reyaz Khan is one of them fighting to own the turf. 


Waddell had a radio programme from which he daily broadcasted anti-indian sentiments. He brought the country to the point of Rwanda.

The Police should have considered Waddell an enemy of the people of Guyana.

Roger Khan, poor chap I hope somebody is watching his back. These ppl could kill him. Guyana Police has what it takes.

I hope Jagdeo wins. The country has no good or decency. 

seignet posted:

Roger Khan, poor chap I hope somebody is watching his back. These ppl could kill him. Guyana Police has what it takes.

I hope Jagdeo wins. The country has no good or decency. 

Quite interesting !!!


Selwyn Vaughn, a professed former member of Khan’s alleged “Phantom gang”

An informant for the US government yesterday said confessed drug kingpin Roger Khan ordered the execution of political activist Ronald Waddell.

And Health Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy was again mentioned as having had contact with Khan.

According to Capitol News, giving testimony in a Brooklyn, New York courtroom, where former Khan lawyer Robert Simels is being tried for witness tampering, Selwyn Vaughn, 34, a professed former member of Khan’s “Phantom gang,” stated that after ordering the hit on Waddell, the Guyanese businessman contacted Ramsammy.  He also said Ramsammy had been expected to help Khan after he was held by US authorities.

Reached for comment, Ramsammy last night dismissed the allegations against him as “nonsense!”. He told Stabroek News that he had been mourning the passing of his father on the same day that Waddell was murdered. In rejecting the claims he said too that “this is nonsense, it continues”. Ramsammy said further that he has important work to do and would focus on his commitments rather than claims being made in the New York court against him.

Vaughn, who is in protective custody and under special immunity that shields him from later prosecution in the United States, spent the entire day on the witness stand, where he revealed that in addition to Waddell, Khan also ordered the execution of Agricola boxing coach Donald Allison. The allegation in relation to the murder of Allison and an informant Devendra Persaud, had come up during pre-trial proceedings in the drug conspiracy case against Khan.

Ronald Waddell
Ronald Waddell

Vaughn was the confidential source who helped the US government to implicate Simels and his associate Arienne Irving, who are jointly charged with plotting with Khan to threaten and bribe witnesses to prevent them from testifying in the case against Khan. In a transcript of recorded conversations with Simels, he had also previously named Ramsammy repeatedly. The Minister’s name was also on a list which included drug accused individuals, dead notorious criminals and present and past members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) that was to be included in a questionnaire for prospective jurors for Khan’s trial.

In March, Khan agreed to a guilty plea on charges of cocaine trafficking and witness tampering.

seignet posted:

after a good war, it is always interesting, the rebuilding.

Guyanese ppl need some real pain that they forget their ethnicity in suffering.

Are't both sides suffer ? do you support "Putinisque " style in the homeland ?


Mclean's source was right. There was a group whose members probably still exist in Guyana and was associated with the Buxton gang.  This group was mixing Gaddaffi ideology, pan Africanism, Rastafarianism, communism and anti American propaganda.  I highly suspect that they were receiving funding from pan African sympathizers in Brooklynn.  There is no doubt in my mind that Mclean and the American Ambassador were targeted.  Thank goodness Mclean had the foresight to warn the Ambassador.    

Last edited by Prashad
sachin_05 posted:

Here is wiki leaks take:



Rawlins aka Fineman .... dead

Dead men tell no tales , maybe who are alive can shed some light on the most troubled times in Guyana History.

seignet posted:

I hope Jagdeo wins. The country has no good or decency. 

You forget you have posts here saying the banna is bad an dis an dat? You deh pon the same side as Baseless, middle of de fence right on the point, swivel like a rass.

Last edited by cain
2006 March 28, 20:18 (Tuesday)

Classified By: Ambassador Roland W. Bullen For reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) 1. (C) Guyana Police Force (GPF) Commissioner Winston Felix paid Ambassador a visit March 27 to request U.S. government assistance on two specific matters.

The requests stem from last week's joint army/police raids on drug lord Shaheed "Roger" Khan's properties and the widely, anonymously distributed secret recording of Felix's phone conversation with a senior opposition politician (ref A).

Felix followed up this personal request to Ambassador with an official letter March 28 reiterating the support he is seeking. 2. (C) Felix seeks assistance to determine whether a recently constructed house believed to be owned by a Khan and/or Ricardo Rodrigues associate, and currently in GPF's control, has a concealed basement. This house is located near the residence of the Canadian and UK High Commissioners, who observed the installation of a very large concrete pit during the suspected house's construction. The High Commissioners initially thought this underground structure was for a swimming pool, yet the completed house has no pool.

Felix believes that a concealed basement might contain illegal items, including drugs and the AK-47s that disappeared from the Guyana Defence Force's armory in February (ref B). Multiple sources have confirmed that an unusually high number of vehicles went to the suspected house during the first raids against Khan's properties. Felix said the GPF lacks the resources to detect a concealed basement, but he does not want to release the building until he is sure that no such underground structure exists. 3. (C) Felix also requested assistance in conducting a thorough sweep of his office to ensure that there is no surreptitious recording device.

Khan is responsible for the secret Felix recording and indications are that Felix's SIPDIS office may have been bugged. The local phone company GT&T conducted a cursory check of Felix's office, but not to Felix's satisfaction. 4. (C) Post RSO is working with A/LEGATT and DEA Port-of-Spain on these requests. 5. (C) Comment. Felix is Post's most trusted and effective interlocutor on law enforcement issues. The recent army/police raids have put Khan and his associates on the defensive. Failing to thoroughly investigate for a concealed basement at the suspected house would be a terrible missed opportunity. Likewise, further illegal recordings of Felix's conversations by Khan would only hamper the current, unprecedented initiative to bring Guyana's leading narco-traffickers to justice. End comment. BULLEN

Last edited by Django
cain posted:
seignet posted:

I hope Jagdeo wins. The country has no good or decency. 

You forget you have posts here saying the banna is bad an dis an dat? You deh pon the same side as Baseless, middle of de fence right on the point, swivel like a rass.

Yes, I did. And I still think he is wrong for the country. But since the Blackman will always be a Blackman and not a GUYANESE then let him get elected. The Blackman will tek up guns and shoot up the whole country. With enough killed then dey start over. 

Jagdeo is the only Indian crazy enough to match wits.

seignet posted:
cain posted:
seignet posted:

I hope Jagdeo wins. The country has no good or decency. 

You forget you have posts here saying the banna is bad an dis an dat? You deh pon the same side as Baseless, middle of de fence right on the point, swivel like a rass.

Yes, I did. And I still think he is wrong for the country. But since the Blackman will always be a Blackman and not a GUYANESE then let him get elected. The Blackman will tek up guns and shoot up the whole country. With enough killed then dey start over. 

Jagdeo is the only Indian crazy enough to match wits.

I agree with you. 

Drugb posted:

Waddel like many here including the slopster, preached cockroach indo a la rawanda genocide. Whoever took him out may have prevented the mass killing of indos. 

Actually is funny you mentioned that.  It was one of the fears of the PPP in granting radio licenses to certain jurisdictions. They were afraid that radicals will take it over and try to create a Rwandan scenario should there be disturbances!

Django posted:
2006 March 28, 20:18 (Tuesday)

Classified By: Ambassador Roland W. Bullen For reasons 1.4 (b) and (d) 1. (C) Guyana Police Force (GPF) Commissioner Winston Felix paid Ambassador a visit March 27 to request U.S. government assistance on two specific matters.

The requests stem from last week's joint army/police raids on drug lord Shaheed "Roger" Khan's properties and the widely, anonymously distributed secret recording of Felix's phone conversation with a senior opposition politician (ref A).

Felix followed up this personal request to Ambassador with an official letter March 28 reiterating the support he is seeking. 2. (C) Felix seeks assistance to determine whether a recently constructed house believed to be owned by a Khan and/or Ricardo Rodrigues associate, and currently in GPF's control, has a concealed basement. This house is located near the residence of the Canadian and UK High Commissioners, who observed the installation of a very large concrete pit during the suspected house's construction. The High Commissioners initially thought this underground structure was for a swimming pool, yet the completed house has no pool.

Felix believes that a concealed basement might contain illegal items, including drugs and the AK-47s that disappeared from the Guyana Defence Force's armory in February (ref B). Multiple sources have confirmed that an unusually high number of vehicles went to the suspected house during the first raids against Khan's properties. Felix said the GPF lacks the resources to detect a concealed basement, but he does not want to release the building until he is sure that no such underground structure exists. 3. (C) Felix also requested assistance in conducting a thorough sweep of his office to ensure that there is no surreptitious recording device.

Khan is responsible for the secret Felix recording and indications are that Felix's SIPDIS office may have been bugged. The local phone company GT&T conducted a cursory check of Felix's office, but not to Felix's satisfaction. 4. (C) Post RSO is working with A/LEGATT and DEA Port-of-Spain on these requests. 5. (C) Comment. Felix is Post's most trusted and effective interlocutor on law enforcement issues. The recent army/police raids have put Khan and his associates on the defensive. Failing to thoroughly investigate for a concealed basement at the suspected house would be a terrible missed opportunity. Likewise, further illegal recordings of Felix's conversations by Khan would only hamper the current, unprecedented initiative to bring Guyana's leading narco-traffickers to justice. End comment. BULLEN

There was a rumor in Guyana that H.Greene house also has a basement with several compartments how come that was not look at also?

Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:

Waddel like many here including the slopster, preached cockroach indo a la rawanda genocide. Whoever took him out may have prevented the mass killing of indos. 

Actually is funny you mentioned that.  It was one of the fears of the PPP in granting radio licenses to certain jurisdictions. They were afraid that radicals will take it over and try to create a Rwandan scenario should there be disturbances!

Then it will leave the other side with no choice but to take the Israeli approach of going after these anti-koolies and their families globally.


Roger Khan lawyers prepared to file private criminal charges if investigators fabricate evidence – legal advice sought before arrival found no evidence- lawyer

Lawyers of Shaheed ‘Roger’ Khan, who was deported Friday from the US to Guyana, say that they are paying close attention and are prepared to file criminal charges if evidence is trumped up against their client.
Yesterday, lead lawyer, Glen Hanoman, is the only one allowed to contact Khan, 47, who was accused and convicted in the US of leading a deadly operations of drug smuggling.
He is being held at a heavily guarded police lockup on the East Coast of Demerara.
On his deportation Friday night, he was held by security officials at the Timehri airport and whisked to the Police Headquarters at Eve Leary, and questioned about his alleged orders to kill TV show host, Ronald Waddell and boxing coach, Donald Allison in the 2000s.
“We recognise lots of gossip surrounding my client as against any evidence at all. We know for a fact that they don’t have any evidence. We know for a fact that advice has already been received by the police before the interview, received shortly before his arrival…and they don’t have evidence to charge,” Hanoman told Kaieteur News yesterday.
“This 72 hours to hold him is really unlawful because we should really hold somebody if they have some sort of evidence. The police have already received legal advice. I can tell you nothing incriminating was said during the interview at Eve Leary by my client.”
The police have held Khan under tight security with not even the media given an opportunity to take photos of a man who has claimed he placed his resources to fight crime on behalf of the Government in the 2000s when the country was under siege from criminals.
The then Government of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic, under Bharrat Jagdeo, has even been accused helping him procure wiretapping equipment for phones as part of the crime fight.
“That being the case of no evidence on the advice, they ought not to hold him. Even from the time the interview concluded and nothing incriminating coming out, or nothing further, he should be released. We understand the politics of it,” Hanoman said.
The country is divided on Khan. He is largely seen as a saviour at a time when criminals ran riot and police were afraid to wear their uniforms and were even padlocking the gates of the stations.
Tens of police ranks and security officials were killed, including the former head of the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit, Senior Superintendent Vibert Inniss.
On the other hand, the Coalition Government says there have been increasing calls for Khan, who they say ran a “Phantom Squad”, of ex-security officials, should answer for his crimes.
Khan said he placed his personal finances and resources to help the then PPP/C government and the people of Guyana.
“The thing we are most worried about is that at the 11th hour, some statement might be fabricated, somebody comes out of the woodwork, something or the other. That is what we most worried.
Looking at it closely, we have a very good idea what is in the police file. Any new material coming into the police file or backdated or so we would know,” Hanoman claimed.
“It is an offence under the law where people conspire to procure convictions against persons who they have no evidence against. If charges are trumped, we are prepared to file criminal charges too, even if they have to be done privately. We accept that there is a lot of propaganda and pressure on the police.”
Reportedly, a police woman who snapped a photo of Khan being processed at Sparendaam on Friday night has been placed under close arrest.
The photo has been shared online.
Hanoman, and attorney-at-law Everton Singh-Lammy both complained Friday night of difficulties in access to their client.
On Saturday, Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, said he was briefed but was unwilling to speak on the matter.
The police had been mandated to investigate the killings of both Waddell and Allison, following revelations during the trial of American attorney Robert Simels.
Simels was the lawyer representing Khan who was jailed 15 years for drug trafficking by the US courts.
An informant, Guyanese Selwyn Vaughn, who had secretly recorded Simels and was attempting to bribe and eliminate witnesses in the Khan trial, had testified that Khan had ordered the execution of both Waddell and Allison.
Waddell was executed outside his Subryanville, Georgetown residence on January 30, 2006, while Allison was gunned down outside the Ricola Boxing Gym in Agricola on the East Bank of Demerara, on September 8, 2005.
Vaughn told a New York court that Allison had facilitated the safe passage of guns for the Buxton gang, which was headed by the now-dead Rondell ‘Fine Man’ Rawlins.
Vaughn, in his recorded conversation with Simels, had also sought to link Khan and his ‘Phantom Gang’ to the killing of Waddell, a controversial TV talk show host.
Vaughn, a self-confessed former member of the ‘Phantom Squad’, testified that Khan ordered the execution of Ronald Waddell, an anti-Government talk-show host, at his home in Subryanville.
According to reports at the time, a dark-coloured car took the gunmen to the scene, where they were apparently watching Waddell’s movements from the seawall.
As soon as Waddell stepped into his car, two gunmen ran across the road and opened fire on the vehicle. They then ran back across the road, jumped into their car and sped away east along the highway.
Khan was said to have helped the People’s Progressive Party/Civic fight crime, using his resources to take down a number of criminal gangs, which had been responsible for numerous murders, including killings of policemen and citizens.
He was said to have been in direct contact with former Minister of Home Affairs, Ronald Gajraj (now deceased) and former Health Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy. Both men denied they were liaisons. In June 2006, after a fallout with the police and the Government, Khan, after fleeing Guyana, was arrested in Suriname.
He was flown to Trinidad and handed over to US authorities.
He was arraigned in a US court days later and in October 2009 was jailed 15 years on the charges.

Last edited by sachin_05
2006 March 23, 20:33 (Thursday)

Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Michael D. Thomas For reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)

1. (U) SUMMARY. Georgetown is flush with intrigue as a joint army/police team conducted raids March 19-20 on drug lord Shaheed "Roger" Khan's properties and, concurrently, a secret recording of Police Commissioner Winston Felix's phone conversations was anonymously and widely distributed to the media, GoG, private sector, and diplomatic missions. Theories abound as to the motives and linkages behind these events, but no conclusive explanations have emerged yet. However, one thing is clear - the power struggle between narco-trafficking interests and the Guyanese state has escalated to a new level. END SUMMARY. --------------------------------------------- -------- Army/Police Joint Operation Targets Khan's Properties --------------------------------------------- --------

2. (U) The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) and Guyana Police Force (GPF) conducted a joint operation March 19 and 20, targeting homes and businesses belonging to Guyana's top drug lord Shaheed "Roger" Khan. The GDF spearheaded the operation, with the GPF in tow to make arrests and ensure chain of custody for seized evidence.

3. (C) The GDF claims that the operation was part of its attempt to recover the 33 AK-47s and other weapons that disappeared from the GDF headquarters' armory one month ago (ref B). Given Khan's known role as a large-scale weapons trafficker, it seems unlikely that he would resort to stealing weapons from the GDF. It is more plausible that the GDF wanted to counteract the growing impunity with which criminal organizations are operating in Guyana. Post sources indicate the operation was a scattershot effort in hopes of finding anything incriminating. Regardless of the motive, Post believes the operation succeeded in penetrating criminalorganizations' comfort zones and, specifically, ratcheting up the pressure on Khan.

4. (C) According to public reports, the joint team has seized cocaine and illegal firearms and detained nineteen people and 175 vehicles. In March 20 meeting with Charge and UK and Canada High Commissioners, Minister of Home Affairs Gail Teixeira added that the operation netted 41 kilograms of cocaine, GPF and GDF uniforms, computers, and sophisticated communications intercept equipment. The GDF has custody of the seized items and has requested USG assistance with forensic analysis - particularly of the computers. Post has offered Teixeira such assistance in writing and is making necessary arrangements with LEGATT.

5. (C) Khan's whereabouts are unknown. Teixeira said he must have been tipped off to the raid, even though the GDF planned the operation unbeknownst to both GPF and Teixeira. --------------------------------------------- -----------

Secret Tape of Police Commissioner's Phone Call Released SIPDIS --------------------------------------------- -----------

6. (C) A taped conversation between GPF Commissioner Winston Felix and opposition party PNC/R executive committee member Basil Williams was anonymously and widely distributed March 20 to the media, GoG, private sector, and diplomatic missions. Post was already familiar with a shorter version of the tape, which appears to be a Khan production. Khan had for some time been seeking an outlet for the tape; the Ambassador and DCM discussed it with Teixeira March 10 (ref A).

Khan was pushing the spin that the longer recording implicates Felix in deliberately misdirecting the investigation into the recent murders at Agricola (ref B), leading to the conclusion that Felix should be sacked and replaced by (the notoriously corrupt) Deputy Police Commissioner/Crime Chief Henry Greene.

7. (U) Reaction to the tape from the media and GoG has been surprisingly muted so far. Teixeira released a statement that the GoG was "deeply disturbed about the circulation and broadcast" of the tape, which had "implications for national security". The media's cautiousness partly derives from a sense that there is a lot they do not know rather than from lack of interest. More attention has been paid to the potential origins and the security implications of the tape - how and why were the Police Commissioner's phone calls recorded. The press has even speculated that Khan has intercept equipment capable of producing such a tape.

8. (U) The taped conversation itself spans a variety of topics - including the GPF's response to the Agricola murders, the upcoming national elections, and Ronald Waddell's execution (refs B and D).However, the conversation does not seem to contain incriminating statements. It does contain a frank, expletive-laced discussion between the Police Commissioner and a senior opposition politician about serious criminal activities. The tape actually captures Felix making some reasonable comments - such as, "some people don't understand, you know once you want to play with violence, violence will have to surround you". Certainly the tape may be embarrassing for the conversants and their bosses, but it does not actually implicate anyone in anything.The tape is a tool in Khan's plot to get rid of Felix because the commissioner is intent on fighting organized crime.

9. (S) Ambassador spoke early March 20 with Norman McLean - former Commissioner of Police and former head of the GDF - regarding the tape. McLean said that President Jagdeo had heard the tape and that Felix would be offered early retirement. Greene, who has a heavily tarnished reputation and a relationship with Khan, is the logical choice to replace Felix. Post is seeking Department concurrence to have Greene's visa revoked on those grounds.

10. (S) Charge and UK and Canadian High Commissioners met with Teixeira evening of March 20. Teixeira agreed that given the dubious origins of the tape and likelihood that it had been edited before its release, there should be due consideration before any decisions are taken regarding Felix's continued employment. However, Teixeira also indicated that the tape and Felix's future would be a major subject on the agenda for the March 21 Cabinet meeting and that she could not guarantee that cooler heads would prevail. Charge and the High Commissioners indicated that there would be serious difficulties for continued bilateral police cooperation if Greene were named Police Commissioner.Teixeira concurred that Greene would be a problem for many reasons and asked for assistance in leaking to the media the fact that the tape originated with Khan.

11. (S) As of March 23, Felix's position is still vulnerable, but improving.Teixeira told Charge March 22 that she "got things on a more even keel" at the Cabinet meeting.Sources indicate a meeting/confrontation between President Jagdeo and Felix occurred March 21, during which Jagdeo demanded that Felix retract certain statements that could be interpreted as implying GoG involvement with the tape. Felix refused, and he apparently also refused to take early retirement.Sacking Felix would require investigation and action by the Disciplined Services Commission. Given the lack of serious impropriety on the longer version of the tape and the lack of concern from the media and the public regarding Felix's remarks as recorded, it seems unlikely that a call for an investigation of Felix would gain much traction. The bottom line is that the general public thinks that whatever Felix said in his private conversations makes for a relatively innocuous indisretion compared to secretly recording phone calls of senior government officials. -------

Comment ------- 12. (S) The release of the secret tape within a day of the GDF/GPF raid on Khan's properties is an unlikely coincidence. Khan reportedly despises Felix because he is resistant to Khan's control. It is almost certain that Khan wants Felix replaced by someone more pliable - someone like Greene. Even though Felix was not the driving force behind the raid on Khan (GDF Chief of Staff Edward Collins was), releasing the tape was probably Khan's (or his associates') way of fighting back. If that was Khan's strategy, it has backfired so far.

13. (C) Comment continued. The role of McLean and fellow Private Sector Commission leader Jerry Gouveia in spreading word of the tape is also troubling. Gouveia in particular has played the role of Khan's cheerleader in recent weeks, vouching for the legitimacy of the tape and Khan himself.

It is unclear whether these eminent figures sought to discredit Felix simply because they think he is incompetent or for a less benign reason. Teixeira has told Charge and UK and Canada High Commissioners that Gouveia and McLean enjoy a very close relationship with and ready access to President Jagdeo, including the ability "to pick up the telephone and call him at any time", which implies an uncomfortably convenient link between Jagdeo and Khan. END COMMENT. THOMAS

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

The fact that Waddell and his terrorists cohorts wanted to exterminate Indians has never been questioned.

Waddell does have an evil looking face.

His heart is reflected in his face. That’s why Baseman has such a pretty face😁!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Baseman posted:

The fact that Waddell and his terrorists cohorts wanted to exterminate Indians has never been questioned.

Waddell does have an evil looking face.

His heart is reflected in his face. That’s why Baseman has such a pretty face😁!

Dem seh yuh gat wan ah dem gyal ah watch me face. 😀

cain posted:
seignet posted:

I hope Jagdeo wins. The country has no good or decency. 

You forget you have posts here saying the banna is bad an dis an dat? You deh pon the same side as Baseless, middle of de fence right on the point, swivel like a rass.

Roger is out on bail.

Bibi Haniffa

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