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I guess Freddie missed The Obeah thing that the Middle Class Afroes passed as a law in the State. Perhaps, that was in response to their anti-christian communism.

That fool, should know that the black people of Guyana WILLING CHOSE the devils ways(similar to Haiti). And generations of people living in the land are the inheritors of Burnham and his middle class curses upon the country.

Forbes had a deal wid the devil-examine all de tings he did. He promoted racism in Guyana because, he wanted Africans to be the inheritors. That is y Granger meking dem suck seed. Dey still doan understand dat seeds are 2b planted.

Freddie hate cooolie people.

VishMahabir posted:
Pointblank posted:

Granger has been calling on jagdeo and the ppp to do that since the PPP lost he election.

Jagdeo always refused


The impetus for any kind of change and racial reconciliation must come from the government in power....

Victor Mahoney when the PPP was grinding blacks into non existence you didn't think it important.

The onus is as much on the PPP as it is on others to deal with the racial issue!

VishMahabir posted:
....the govt has to create the incentives for them to do so. 

Why the hell does the government have to create special incentives for Indians. If they don't want to join that is their choice, but then they shouldn't belly ache when Indians are under represented.

One of Jagan's first acts as to address this issue, and to his chagrin when he looked at the new police and GDF recruits almost none were Indians.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Does the Roman Catholic Church know who killed Father Darke?

Some of the HOI fellas are at Freedom House,make some inquiries there.

Quote your source,and facts. Don't use this board for spreading your LIES.

KP Bhai,

just noticed your post,question for you who is the two fellas from Buxton who are currently PPP MP,when you figured it out you will realized if it's fact or not.

I am up there in age,so far my brain is not rusty as yet.

Last edited by Django

Fr Darke was my math teacher, so I don't think the sakiwinki man should comment where he has no credibility. The Catholic church was staunchly PNC and hated the Indians in Guyana. They only started speaking out against the PNC when it became apparent to the entire world that Burnham, Granger, Green et al were all evil people. The portuguese like Cain were busy throwing in their lot with Burnham after the UF succumbed like the AFC.  The catholic church should be ashamed of their role in supporting a dictator.

The many dunces must have forgot how the PNC/AFC were also offered many times the olive branch by the PPP only to see these demons slap it aside in preference for street marches, mo fia slow fiah and fund raising via robbing Indians. Now these same idiots expect the PPP to fall in line?  Why do the catholic church care if the PPP get on board with the PNC destruction of Guyana?  The PPP has no power, no majority in parliament, the Indians don't burn and riot like the Black PNC supporters. When criminals are killed, the PPP supporters are not looting and burning. In fact the PNC has a docile PPP to kick around, similar to when Jagan was in opposition all those 27 years and got smacked around by the PNC. 

Drugb posted:


The many dunces must have forgot how the PNC/AFC were also offered many times the olive branch by the PPP

Ok those Portuguese boys at Saints beat you up. Hence the fact that you are an idiot, this being due to brain damage.

The Portuguese fear Indians more than they fear blacks because they see Indians as clannish, and having a desire to exclude non Indians. Or for that matter even Indians who are poor.  They see blacks as being more opened minded, so think that their chances will be better with them.

Now when did the PPP offer an olive branch? When did the PPP allow issues raised by the PNC to be discussed? When did the actually show a true desire for dialogue, instead of some rubber stamp fiasco?


The PPP came in and immediately got rid of many people, and their names have been on several lists that are publicly available.

We still await lists of people unfairly dismissed by APNU/AFC.

Hoyte tried to have issues in parliament raised, and was ignored. It is when he was ignored in parliament then he felt compelled to host protests.

Folks can opine as to whether the PPP paid hooligans to disrupt these protests or not.  But then the same folks who will plead innocence will justify the fact that a criminal, who allegedly killed a PPP minister was protected, and not sent immediately back to the USA, the minute that proof was furnished that he was an unwanted criminal.

caribny posted:


Now when did the PPP offer an olive branch? When did the PPP allow issues raised by the PNC to be discussed? When did the actually show a true desire for dialogue, instead of some rubber stamp fiasco?


The PPP came in and immediately got rid of many people, and their names have been on several lists that are publicly available.

We still await lists of people unfairly dismissed by APNU/AFC.

Hoyte tried to have issues in parliament raised, and was ignored. It is when he was ignored in parliament then he felt compelled to host protests.

Folks can opine as to whether the PPP paid hooligans to disrupt these protests or not.  But then the same folks who will plead innocence will justify the fact that a criminal, who allegedly killed a PPP minister was protected, and not sent immediately back to the USA, the minute that proof was furnished that he was an unwanted criminal.

Nonsense, it is well documented the many times Jagdeo and Ramoutar offered the PNC an opportunity to be involved in the building of the nation but they chose rioting and killing over healing. Many times Hoyte, Corbin and Granger were invited to the table and they chose to boycott instead and make up lies of corruption and thiefing. So far you will note that not 1 PPP has been jailed for thievery and zero tax payers dollars alleged stolen has been recovered by the PNC dunces. 

Danyael posted:

The catholic church was fiercely anti communist and the minute the PNC took an averse turn they became political adversaries.


And in fact even the mild mannered Hoyte took to calling Stabroek News the "potagee mafia". In Guyana Catholic=Portuguese as they run that outfit.

The Catholic and Anglican churches both turned hostile to Burnham especially after the assassination of Rodney.

Danyael posted:

What does the good father being your math teacher has to do with the manner of his death? Reasoning is not your strong point...clearly.  That is what I referenced and now you are arguing erroneously again about the role of the catholic church in confronting the PNC.

The catholic church was fiercely anti communist and the minute the PNC took an averse turn they became political adversaries. Beginning in '69 Burnham began blaming the Church for the Rupununi insurrection. I need not go into the actual history of their struggles with and advocacy against the PNC since that is history and I am not your history teacher.


Buried in the countryside away from civilization, you are unqualified to comment on the history of Guyana on a personal level. You would only be able to regurgitate what is available on the internet. 

In fact I would read the catholic standard every week and its stance was in support of the PNC. They would rather endure Black incompetent governance rather than risk an Indian asencion to power. You know nothing and yet rush to comment when those of us with personal testimonials know the real truth. 

With regard to Darko or Barney as we called him, maybe his influence on me is cemented in the fact that I am still part of the IT industry while you pine away behind a dollar store counter and fabricate stories of systems you developed.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Nonsense, it is well documented the many times Jagdeo and Ramoutar offered the PNC

So when did the PPP agree to discuss issues RAISED BY THE PNC?

Inviting Hoyte to rubber stamp Jagdeo's hatred of blacks doesn't arise to wanting to work with the PNC.

Many times Hoyte was invited to the OP only to show disrespect to Jagdeo/Cheddi/Janet by walking out and demanding random resignations of ministers. The PNC's motive while in opposition was not reconcilliation but removal of the PPP and it should be the same now that the PPP is out of power.

Drugb posted:

Fr Darke was my math teacher, so I don't think the sakiwinki man should comment where he has no credibility. The Catholic church was staunchly PNC and hated the Indians in Guyana. They only started speaking out against the PNC when it became apparent to the entire world that Burnham, Granger, Green et al were all evil people. The portuguese like Cain were busy throwing in their lot with Burnham after the UF succumbed like the AFC.  The catholic church should be ashamed of their role in supporting a dictator..... In fact the PNC has a docile PPP to kick around, similar to when Jagan was in opposition all those 27 years and got smacked around by the PNC. 

What does the good father being your math teacher has to do with the manner of his death? Reasoning is not your strong point...clearly.  That is what I referenced and now you are arguing erroneously again about the role of the catholic church in confronting the PNC.

The catholic church was fiercely anti communist and the minute the PNC took an averse turn they became political adversaries. Beginning in '69 Burnham began blaming the Church for the Rupununi insurrection. I need not go into the actual history of their struggles with and advocacy against the PNC since that is history and I am not your history teacher.

Drugb posted:

Buried in the countryside away from civilization, you are unqualified to comment on the history of Guyana on a personal level. You would only be able to regurgitate what is available on the internet. 

In fact I would read the catholic standard every week and its stance was in support of the PNC. They would rather endure Black incompetent governance rather than risk an Indian asencion to power. You know nothing and yet rush to comment when those of us with personal testimonials know the real truth. 

With regard to Darko or Barney as we called him, maybe his influence on me is cemented in the fact that I am still part of the IT industry while you pine away behind a dollar store counter and fabricate stories of systems you developed.

i deleted my answer to this because it is clear you are a clown

Drugb posted:

Or perhaps you bow out in shame.  You people defied logic when you jump up and supported the PNC blindly despite their destructive ways. Now you hang your head in shame and try to pretend that you did no wrong. 

Sorry, you are just too pitiful to respond to. The catholic church was responsible in large part for the return to democracy having been the moral center of the religious backlash against the dictator since 69. Having Father Darke as your math teacher will not by osmosis afford you a view of the catholic church any different from the public record. Gilbaka is here and he would know the reality of the catholic support. Also, country people are not stupid. Plus, your appeal is vain since the first five years of my life was not in the mud like you.

And being of a fairly well off family I saw more of guyana than you possibly could. My father managed a wood grant on the  demerara for his sister so we were all over the area, stenna, haima, kuru kuru etc as she owned lots of trucks and boats. One of my fathers close relative was a captain of the sun henderson  for a time so I even traveled up and down river on that a couple of times.  As a kid he even rented  a blue launch named sam chase to take us on trips to silver city, low wood, lana. You are just a waste of time. My life in Guyana may not have been long but it was fruitful

Danyael posted:

Sorry, you are just too pitiful to respond to. The catholic church was responsible in large part for the return to democracy having been the moral center of the religious backlash against the dictator since 69. Having Father Darke as your math teacher will not by osmosis afford you a view of the catholic church any different from the public record. Gilbaka is here and he would know the reality of the catholic support. Also, country people are not stupid. Plus, your appeal is vain since the first five years of my life was not in the mud like you.

And being of a fairly well off family I saw more of guyana than you possibly could. My father managed a wood grant on the  demerara for his sister so we were all over the area, stenna, haima, kuru kuru etc as she owned lots of trucks and boats. One of my fathers close relative was a captain of the sun henderson  for a time so I even traveled up and down river on that a couple of times.  As a kid he even rented  a blue launch named sam chase to take us on trips to silver city, low wood, lana. You are just a waste of time. My life in Guyana may not have been long but it was fruitful

It goes to show how little you know about Guyana, giving credence to the suspicion that you are a white pretending to be buck. 

You were a country bumpkin who was shielded from the wickedness of the catholic who fell in line behind PNC and UF during the dark 27 years of destruction.  The catholic church had nothing to do with democracy returning to Guyana. It was the international community who finally hung their heads in shame for supporting a dictator and put pressure on Hoyte to hold free and fair election with oversight from international monitors.  You wicked man should read up on Guyana history before prattling nonsense. 

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

Sorry, you are just too pitiful to respond to. The catholic church was responsible in large part for the return to democracy having been the moral center of the religious backlash against the dictator since 69. Having Father Darke as your math teacher will not by osmosis afford you a view of the catholic church any different from the public record. Gilbaka is here and he would know the reality of the catholic support. Also, country people are not stupid. Plus, your appeal is vain since the first five years of my life was not in the mud like you.

And being of a fairly well off family I saw more of guyana than you possibly could. My father managed a wood grant on the  demerara for his sister so we were all over the area, stenna, haima, kuru kuru etc as she owned lots of trucks and boats. One of my fathers close relative was a captain of the sun henderson  for a time so I even traveled up and down river on that a couple of times.  As a kid he even rented  a blue launch named sam chase to take us on trips to silver city, low wood, lana. You are just a waste of time. My life in Guyana may not have been long but it was fruitful

It goes to show how little you know about Guyana, giving credence to the suspicion that you are a white pretending to be buck. 

You were a country bumpkin who was shielded from the wickedness of the catholic who fell in line behind PNC and UF during the dark 27 years of destruction.  The catholic church had nothing to do with democracy returning to Guyana. It was the international community who finally hung their heads in shame for supporting a dictator and put pressure on Hoyte to hold free and fair election with oversight from international monitors.  You wicked man should read up on Guyana history before prattling nonsense. 

As I said, your make up world is in your head. As for the country bumpkin part, I gladly concede. It does not however, preclude an experience of the world far beyond you ever had available to you.

Burnham began attacking the catholic church in 69. He expelled priests from the Rupununi , Father Bridges and Connors for inciting insurrection. The catholic standard was targeted through out his regime as one of the anti government papers subject to sanctions on their news print etc.

The christian community including catholics were always against communism so the PPP of course would have been their target pre 64. Catholics did support the UF as their desired instrument of political expression and so did christian amerinds.

I am sorry for you, I doubt any would call me white. I know you would think yourself a honory Caucasian given your rabid racism, but sorry, the only part of me white is the white of my eyes.

I do read and do interact with our historians. I have signed copies of lots of works from our local authors and do keep up. I do not make it up like you do.

Danyael posted:

Burnham began attacking the catholic church in 69. He expelled priests from the Rupununi , Father Bridges and Connors for inciting insurrection. The catholic standard was targeted through out his regime as one of the anti government papers subject to sanctions on their news print etc.

The christian community including catholics were always against communism so the PPP of course would have been their target pre 64. Catholics did support the UF as their desired instrument of political expression and so did christian amerinds.

I am sorry for you, I doubt any would call me white. I know you would think yourself a honory Caucasian given your rabid racism, but sorry, the only part of me white is the white of my eyes.

I do read and do interact with our historians. I have signed copies of lots of works from our local authors and do keep up. I do not make it up like you do.

I have my own testimonial from personal experience, not some  sanitized version gleaned from the internet which is your source. The catholics hated the Indians because they were strong in their faith to Hinduism or Islam. The RC church preferred the Blacks who were more mallable to their doctrine. Apparently they did not get to you as you turned out to be an atheist. 

Drugb posted:

Fr Darke was my math teacher, so I don't think the sakiwinki man should comment where he has no credibility. The Catholic church was staunchly PNC and hated the Indians in Guyana. They only started speaking out against the PNC when it became apparent to the entire world that Burnham, Granger, Green et al were all evil people. The portuguese like Cain were busy throwing in their lot with Burnham after the UF succumbed like the AFC.  The catholic church should be ashamed of their role in supporting a dictator.

The many dunces must have forgot how the PNC/AFC were also offered many times the olive branch by the PPP only to see these demons slap it aside in preference for street marches, mo fia slow fiah and fund raising via robbing Indians. Now these same idiots expect the PPP to fall in line?  Why do the catholic church care if the PPP get on board with the PNC destruction of Guyana?  The PPP has no power, no majority in parliament, the Indians don't burn and riot like the Black PNC supporters. When criminals are killed, the PPP supporters are not looting and burning. In fact the PNC has a docile PPP to kick around, similar to when Jagan was in opposition all those 27 years and got smacked around by the PNC. 

What does him being your math teacher have to do with the fact the catholic church was in opposition to burnham? You are arguing like a cow. I do not know the man but I know the record of how he died and that is all that I care about.

Indians make up a significant portion of Catholics in GY and all Christians opposed communism that included Anglicans, Canadian Mission, Lutherans, Nazarene etc. Some 25 percent of Indians are Christians. These were all anti communists against the PPP and against the Burnham regime.

The rest of your post has nothing to do with the topic but has descended into crass agit prop. I do not have time to address that. Plus I am taking my dogs for a hike.

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

Burnham began attacking the catholic church in 69. He expelled priests from the Rupununi , Father Bridges and Connors for inciting insurrection. The catholic standard was targeted through out his regime as one of the anti government papers subject to sanctions on their news print etc.

The christian community including catholics were always against communism so the PPP of course would have been their target pre 64. Catholics did support the UF as their desired instrument of political expression and so did christian amerinds.

I am sorry for you, I doubt any would call me white. I know you would think yourself a honory Caucasian given your rabid racism, but sorry, the only part of me white is the white of my eyes.

I do read and do interact with our historians. I have signed copies of lots of works from our local authors and do keep up. I do not make it up like you do.

I have my own testimonial from personal experience, not some  sanitized version gleaned from the internet which is your source. The catholics hated the Indians because they were strong in their faith to Hinduism or Islam. The RC church preferred the Blacks who were more mallable to their doctrine. Apparently they did not get to you as you turned out to be an atheist. 

Hooray for you if you lived all of Guyana's political reality. Most Indians are catholics so I do not know they hate indians. That is your conclusion. I am not going to fight you on that because one cannot make a fool believe other than his foolish ways. Also,there are almost as many Muslims and Christians, children of Abraham, as their are Hindus in the indian community. I doubt any would concede to communism. As for malleability one has to look to the history of castism to see the reality in it.



Danyael posted:

Hooray for you if you lived all of Guyana's political reality. Most Indians are catholics so I do not know they hate indians. That is your conclusion. I am not going to fight you on that because one cannot make a fool believe other than his foolish ways. Also,there are almost as many Muslims and Christians, children of Abraham, as their are Hindus in the indian community. I doubt any would concede to communism. As for malleability one has to look to the history of castism to see the reality in it.



As an atheist what would you know about Abraham, to you he is mumbo jumbo invented by a fictional writer. You believe in dungeons and dragons only. So keep your trap shut on matters of religeon.

Drugb posted:


As an atheist what would you know about Abraham, to you he is mumbo jumbo invented by a fictional writer. You believe in dungeons and dragons only. So keep your trap shut on matters of religeon.

You are asking the wrong questions being of course ill informed... as usual.  Abraham wrote nothing and anything written about him, if ever he lived, was written centuries after his passing. Moses definitely was not the only scribe of the Pentateuch. 

I am an atheist...meaning of course I do not place "meta" before my "physics" in the modern sense. Consequently, there are no "dragons" even though there be dungeons!

On matters of major religions of the world; I believe I am fairly equipped with the basics necessary to speak to any of them with some understanding. I am sure I have read enough of the salient books on the matter.

BTW, I went to church until I was almost an adult before I realize it does not make sense.

Danyael posted:

You are asking the wrong questions being of course ill informed... as usual.  Abraham wrote nothing and anything written about him, if ever he lived, was written centuries after his passing. Moses definitely was not the only scribe of the Pentateuch. 

I am an atheist...meaning of course I do not place "meta" before my "physics" in the modern sense. Consequently, there are no "dragons" even though there be dungeons!

On matters of major religions of the world; I believe I am fairly equipped with the basics necessary to speak to any of them with some understanding. I am sure I have read enough of the salient books on the matter.

BTW, I went to church until I was almost an adult before I realize it does not make sense.

Goes to show how arrogant you are, you are probably one of those ethical converts who are know it alls when it comes to life and its meaning.  You have no evidence of god's existence or otherwise but yet it makes no sense to you. You believe that life and all the beauty and cruelty that signifies it is by accident? I don't think you are qualified to make such judgments. For sure you will pay for your wickedness in the after life for doubting the creator. Remember the what happened to those who had designs of building the tower of babel. 

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

In fact I would read the catholic standard every week and its stance was in support of the PNC. .

Your daily confirmation that you do to show that you are an idiot.

Fr. Darke was connected to the Catholic Standard and was killed because he was taking pictures of some House of Israel people attacking WPA protesters.

You didn't read anything because you were illiterate.

Drugb posted:

Many times Hoyte was invited to the OP only to show disrespect to Jagdeo/Cheddi/Janet by walking out and demanding random resignations of ministers. The PNC's motive while in opposition was not reconcilliation but removal of the PPP and it should be the same now that the PPP is out of power.

Being invited to the OP does NOT indicate that the PPP was interested in dialogue.  In fact the PPP was merely interested in pretending to the ABC nations that they were interested in dialogue.  This as a condition for getting support in debt write-offs. 

The Carter Center was very vocal in the fact that Guyana was a divided nation and so the PPP had to demontarte a greater zeal for open dialogue than the PNC did in 1992. In fact the PPP continued the one man dictator mode of the Burnham era, especially after Cheddi died.

You need to show some PNC initiative that the PPP seriously debated. Hoyte was hardly silent in that era so you should have loads of evidence to show this.  That is if indeed the PPP did seriously debate any PNC initiative.

Drugb posted:

Goes to show how arrogant you are, you are probably one of those ethical converts who are know it alls when it comes to life and its meaning.  You have no evidence of god's existence or otherwise but yet it makes no sense to you. You believe that life and all the beauty and cruelty that signifies it is by accident? I don't think you are qualified to make such judgments. For sure you will pay for your wickedness in the after life for doubting the creator. Remember the what happened to those who had designs of building the tower of babel. 

When I need an answer I look through my StarBright Cassegrain Telescope and abstract our insignificance. If you are qualified to conjure up a magical being I can look into the universe and see its violence, its indifference and its infinite scope and conjure up our irrelevance

Danyael posted:
. The catholic church was responsible in large part for the return to democracy having been the moral center of the religious backlash against the dictator since 69.

In fact the Catholic Standard eventually gave rise to the Stabroek News.  Cheddi was a coward who groveled to Burnham. The latter openly smirking out how his former friend was inept in preventing the growing destruction.

In fact foolish Cheddi even entered into "critical" support of Burnham encouraging him to swallow up large parts of the economy, and to centralize decision making.  So by the early 80s at least 80% of the population had to live in fear of decisions made by that ogre. THAT is why Burnham nationalized the economy, and controlled the limited private sector which remained by using a whole network of licenses and permits.

Foolish Cheddi thought that it was all about socialist solidarity so openly congratulated Burnham.

It was the WPA, the Catholic church and later the Anglican church and much of the African/mixed intellectuals who formed the basis of the opposition.  This eventually leading to Hoyte being forced to host relatively honest elections in 1992, and to respect the results of the votes.

Left to the PPP Hoyte might have rigged the 1992. Note that the economic recovery was on its way by 1991 with the implementation of the Hoyte reforms.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

In fact I would read the catholic standard every week and its stance was in support of the PNC. .

Your daily confirmation that you do to show that you are an idiot.

Fr. Darke was connected to the Catholic Standard and was killed because he was taking pictures of some House of Israel people attacking WPA protesters.

You didn't read anything because you were illiterate.

Even with his death, the clowns in the catholic church still fell in line behind the PNC. They hated the PPP Indians so much that they looked past the murder of their own to keep in the good graces of the PNC. Up to the time I left the country in the 80's the catholic church was still supporting the PNC regime. So don't try to rewrite history. We who were there during these turbulent times know the truth. 

Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

Goes to show how arrogant you are, you are probably one of those ethical converts who are know it alls when it comes to life and its meaning.  You have no evidence of god's existence or otherwise but yet it makes no sense to you. You believe that life and all the beauty and cruelty that signifies it is by accident? I don't think you are qualified to make such judgments. For sure you will pay for your wickedness in the after life for doubting the creator. Remember the what happened to those who had designs of building the tower of babel. 

When I need an answer I look through my StarBright Cassegrain Telescope and abstract our insignificance. If you are qualified to conjure up a magical being I can look into the universe and see its violence, its indifference and its infinite scope and conjure up our irrelevance

Yet you can not tell us the secret of the universe and how it was created nor can you explain the concept of infinity. 

Drugb posted:

Even with his death, the clowns in the catholic church still fell in line behind the PNC.

So why don't you furnish proof of this?

In fact the Catholic Standard, Caribbean Contact, and later the Stabroek News, were the most aggressive in condemning the Burnham dictatorship.

The Mirror was more interested in praising the USSR for killing Afghani babies.



caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Even with his death, the clowns in the catholic church still fell in line behind the PNC.

So why don't you furnish proof of this?

In fact the Catholic Standard, Caribbean Contact, and later the Stabroek News, were the most aggressive in condemning the Burnham dictatorship.

The Mirror was more interested in praising the USSR for killing Afghani babies.



My evidence is my own testimonial. I was there and I read the newspapers and interacted with those racist clowns in the catholic church who preferred the PNC dictatorship to rule by pagan Indians. 

Drugb posted:

My evidence is my own testimonial.

Druggie so you got savagely beaten up by the Portuguese boys at a CATHOLIC school.

Why didn't you go to a Hindu school instead?

If you insist that Portuguese liked blacks you seem very deluded. In fact the hostility between blacks and Portuguese was even stronger than it was between blacks and Indians. 

Given the rate that Portuguese are intermarrying with Indians now I fail to see where this anti Indian hostility from Portuguese comes from.  All the straight haired people in Guyana gang up against the blacks. Even the Amerindians would if they had the means to do so. A legacy of colonialism.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

Burnham began attacking the catholic church in 69. He expelled priests from the Rupununi , Father Bridges and Connors for inciting insurrection. The catholic standard was targeted through out his regime as one of the anti government papers subject to sanctions on their news print etc.

The christian community including catholics were always against communism so the PPP of course would have been their target pre 64. Catholics did support the UF as their desired instrument of political expression and so did christian amerinds.

I am sorry for you, I doubt any would call me white. I know you would think yourself a honory Caucasian given your rabid racism, but sorry, the only part of me white is the white of my eyes.

I do read and do interact with our historians. I have signed copies of lots of works from our local authors and do keep up. I do not make it up like you do.

I have my own testimonial from personal experience, not some  sanitized version gleaned from the internet which is your source. The catholics hated the Indians because they were strong in their faith to Hinduism or Islam. The RC church preferred the Blacks who were more mallable to their doctrine. Apparently they did not get to you as you turned out to be an atheist. 

I don't know why anyone tries to educate you, its a waste of time. What u wrote there about the catholic church is sheer shit, you are a fkin liar.

cain posted:

I don't know why anyone tries to educate you, its a waste of time. What u wrote there about the catholic church is sheer shit, you are a fkin liar.

Forgive Druggie. He still has PTSD from attending Saints. He was a weak skinny little boy then. Timid and some what stupid so he was bullied.

He has to make up lies as a result.

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:
Drugb posted:

Goes to show how arrogant you are, you are probably one of those ethical converts who are know it alls when it comes to life and its meaning.  You have no evidence of god's existence or otherwise but yet it makes no sense to you. You believe that life and all the beauty and cruelty that signifies it is by accident? I don't think you are qualified to make such judgments. For sure you will pay for your wickedness in the after life for doubting the creator. Remember the what happened to those who had designs of building the tower of babel. 

When I need an answer I look through my StarBright Cassegrain Telescope and abstract our insignificance. If you are qualified to conjure up a magical being I can look into the universe and see its violence, its indifference and its infinite scope and conjure up our irrelevance

Yet you can not tell us the secret of the universe and how it was created nor can you explain the concept of infinity. 

I do not know how my little finger functions but I am not worried.

cain posted:

I don't know why anyone tries to educate you, its a waste of time. What u wrote there about the catholic church is sheer shit, you are a fkin liar.

You folks were racist against Indians. But we prevailed and put blows on you. Even today we see IndoGuyanese surpassing the Portuguese  Guyanese as you continue your support for the PNC riggers. 


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