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caribny posted:

and given the mass migration of Portuguese in the late 60s and early 70s where the hell is this love for the PNC from this community?

Notice how the coCain man run back to the PNC despite all you claim.  They say a biased mind drives one to incompetence much as it drives you lot into the arms of the PNC as they continue to rape the country seamlessly from pre 1992.  

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

I do not know how my little finger functions but I am not worried.

Maybe this is the crux of your incompetence, not doing a deep dive into the wonders of the human.  If you put some thought into the life and its wonders maybe you would not be believing in nothing. 

It is an allusion of the good brahmin by Voltaire you dummy. I imagine your idea of putting thought into life is to be fixated on a magical being and formalizing rules to worship said entity. Sorry, I prefer wondering about the height of the eagle nebula, some 57 trillion miles which I can see and become truly awe inspired.

Drugb posted:
cain posted:

I don't know why anyone tries to educate you, its a waste of time. What u wrote there about the catholic church is sheer shit, you are a fkin liar.

You folks were racist against Indians. But we prevailed and put blows on you. Even today we see IndoGuyanese surpassing the Portuguese  Guyanese as you continue your support for the PNC riggers. 

No one is against indians. This is your retreat when cornered. One is against lies...the one you tell that the catholic church was behind the cruelty dispensed by a  dictator when in actuality they were fighting against him.

caribny posted:

Druggie so you got savagely beaten up by the Portuguese boys at a CATHOLIC school.

Why didn't you go to a Hindu school instead?

If you insist that Portuguese liked blacks you seem very deluded. In fact the hostility between blacks and Portuguese was even stronger than it was between blacks and Indians. 

Given the rate that Portuguese are intermarrying with Indians now I fail to see where this anti Indian hostility from Portuguese comes from.  All the straight haired people in Guyana gang up against the blacks. Even the Amerindians would if they had the means to do so. A legacy of colonialism.

Nonsense, no Portuguese ever got the better of me, I would even smack that Cain around if he was not in danger of a heart attack.  But what I am relating is based on my own experience at Saints where I interacted with the racist Portuguese like Cain. They acted as though they better than the rest of us, but in the end they fled with their tails between their legs. They were staunch PNC supporters, sniffing Burnham's rear until he cracked down on their businesses and drove many of them out. 

Drugb posted:
cain posted:

I don't know why anyone tries to educate you, its a waste of time. What u wrote there about the catholic church is sheer shit, you are a fkin liar.

You folks were racist against Indians. But we prevailed and put blows on you. Even today we see IndoGuyanese surpassing the Portuguese  Guyanese as you continue your support for the PNC riggers. 

The church like most folk went against Communism, not Indians. As seen it was mostly East Indians who followed the PPP for their Communist ideas.

I really don't care who you choose to blow, that could be kept confidential.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Druggie so you got savagely beaten up by the Portuguese boys at a CATHOLIC school.

Why didn't you go to a Hindu school instead?

If you insist that Portuguese liked blacks you seem very deluded. In fact the hostility between blacks and Portuguese was even stronger than it was between blacks and Indians. 

Given the rate that Portuguese are intermarrying with Indians now I fail to see where this anti Indian hostility from Portuguese comes from.  All the straight haired people in Guyana gang up against the blacks. Even the Amerindians would if they had the means to do so. A legacy of colonialism.

Nonsense, no Portuguese ever got the better of me, I would even smack that Cain around if he was not in danger of a heart attack.  But what I am relating is based on my own experience at Saints where I interacted with the racist Portuguese like Cain. They acted as though they better than the rest of us, but in the end they fled with their tails between their legs. They were staunch PNC supporters, sniffing Burnham's rear until he cracked down on their businesses and drove many of them out. 

You seem to harbor chronic grievances against everyone and everything in every direction and dimension! Find yourself a good therapist. I never noticed the race or religion of my friends growing up or experienced any peculiarity in behavior because of their culture and identity. You are one horrible man.

Drugb posted:
Even today we see IndoGuyanese surpassing the Portuguese  . 

Yes. Fleeing to Barbados to cut cane, clean toilets, and work in low end bars in the back streets of Bridgetown.   Of course in the latter the scope of work often includes literally pleasuring the male customers.

I will suggest to you that the few Portuguese left in Guyana are more likely to be feudal overlords than suffering. 

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:

You seem to harbor chronic grievances against everyone and everything in every direction and dimension! Find yourself a good therapist. I never noticed the race or religion of my friends growing up or experienced any peculiarity in behavior because of their culture and identity. You are one horrible man.

As a "country come to town" you were not exposed to the racist portuguese. They normally sided up with the Blacks in denigrating Indians. I remember a Portuguese once boasting how he had sex with a "roti", a derogatory term for an Indian woman. Blacks also used this term. Those two groups, Blacks and Portuguese were racist and deserve each other. It is funny though that the American Portuguese hate the Blacks. 

caribny posted:

Yes. Fleeing to Barbados to cut cane, clean toilets, and work in low end bars in the back streets of Bridgetown.   Of course in the latter the scope of work often includes literally pleasuring the male customers.

I will suggest to you that the few Portuguese left in Guyana are more likely to be feudal overlords than suffering. 

How many times I have to hammer in your head that the Indian end up being the bosses for Bajans. In fact the Black Bajans work in Indian owned stores.

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
Even today we see IndoGuyanese surpassing the Portuguese  . 

Yes. Fleeing to Barbados to cut cane, clean toilets, and work in low end bars in the back streets of Bridgetown.   Of course in the latter the scope of work often includes literally pleasuring the male customers.

I will suggest to you that the few Portuguese left in Guyana are more likely to be feudal overlords than suffering. 

Carib, name of Indian Tribe. You have a sad life, as an INDIAN you actually fled to Barbados , to cut cane, clean toilets and pleasure MALE customers. On a daily basis you are using GNI to pen your Autobiography.

Drugb posted:

As a "country come to town" you were not exposed to the racist portuguese. They normally sided up with the Blacks in denigrating Indians. I remember a Portuguese once boasting how he had sex with a "roti", a derogatory term for an Indian woman. Blacks also used this term. Those two groups, Blacks and Portuguese were racist and deserve each other. It is funny though that the American Portuguese hate the Blacks. 

As a black man who lived in G/T and who is older than I think you are I am very aware of the black vs. Portuguese dynamics and indeed so are you.  The Portuguese despise both groups but have a straight haired identification with Indians.  They don't trust Indians because Indians are clannish. But they will sooner socialize with them than they do with blacks.

While they despise blacks (as do Indians) they sooner take their chances with blacks because they know that blacks are individualistic, and have a weak ethnic identity, so are less likely to lock out others whose ethnicity is different.  This despite the fact that they distance themselves socially from blacks.   They don't think that a black dominated environment will lock them out. They suspect that an Indian dominated environment will.


And look at all the derogatory terms directed against blacks by racists like you.

1. You demonize us as having a criminal mindset even though the vast majority aren't involved in crime.  You portray us as a useless group who have contributed zero to Guyana, and even denigrate occupations which are majority black.

2. You scoff at aspects of Afro Guyanese as inferior to the point where a mere reference of it is meant as an insult. Look at the term "kwe kwe" government.  Most popular GUYANESE folks songs have roots in that ritual.

3. I hear many Indians referring to "roti".   And in fact what is wrong with roti. Are you ashamed of this food, which is a fundamental GUYANESE food that 100% of Guyanese consume at some point?

I wasn't aware that Portuguese Americans disliked blacks more than do other whites.

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

You seem to harbor chronic grievances against everyone and everything in every direction and dimension! Find yourself a good therapist. I never noticed the race or religion of my friends growing up or experienced any peculiarity in behavior because of their culture and identity. You are one horrible man.

As a "country come to town" you were not exposed to the racist portuguese. They normally sided up with the Blacks in denigrating Indians. I remember a Portuguese once boasting how he had sex with a "roti", a derogatory term for an Indian woman. Blacks also used this term. Those two groups, Blacks and Portuguese were racist and deserve each other. It is funny though that the American Portuguese hate the Blacks. 

As I said earlier, when I was playing in the grounds of St Denys, St Mary and St George you were still in the mud. When I clung to my mother's skirt as she walked the halls of the University of Manchester for four years you were in the mud. Being from the country does not mean ignorant or backward. Some of us knew the difference between internalizing societal prejudices and acting right.You are blaming everyone but yourself for your overwhelming hate. Even if others behaved poorly it should be instructive not to inculcate into your life their worse habits.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted: 

As I said earlier, when I was playing in the grounds of St Denys, St Mary and St George you were still in the mud. When I clung to my mother's skirt as she walked the halls of the University of Manchester for four years you were in the mud. Being from the country does not mean ignorant or backward. Some of us knew the difference between internalizing societal prejudices and acting right.You are blaming everyone but yourself for your overwhelming hate. Even if others behaved poorly it should be instructive not to inculcate into your life their worse habits.

I was never in mud nor does it matter if I was.  My father was university educated and even went to Australia on scholarship, so I already came from educated people.  But that's beside the point. What is important is how you dishonor your parents legacy by being a buffoon who mistook a sakiwinki for a bird and ended up behind the counter of a dollar store as a lowly clerk. 

caribny posted:


 And look at all the derogatory terms directed against blacks by racists like you.

1. You demonize us as having a criminal mindset even though the vast majority aren't involved in crime.  You portray us as a useless group who have contributed zero to Guyana, and even denigrate occupations which are majority black.

2. You scoff at aspects of Afro Guyanese as inferior to the point where a mere reference of it is meant as an insult. Look at the term "kwe kwe" government.  Most popular GUYANESE folks songs have roots in that ritual.

3. I hear many Indians referring to "roti".   And in fact what is wrong with roti. Are you ashamed of this food, which is a fundamental GUYANESE food that 100% of Guyanese consume at some point?

I wasn't aware that Portuguese Americans disliked blacks more than do other whites.

As usual you have a flair for the dramatics, screaming racism and marginalization where none exists. You must really be Gibson or some relative or hers.  Why don't you list all the accomplishments of Afro's in the development of Guyana instead of claiming that I stated there was none. 

What people will remember of Afros will be the mo fiah slow fiah and robbing and killings by the few who you support. I never stated that Afro's were inferior.  The truth will speak for itself. 

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted: 

As I said earlier, when I was playing in the grounds of St Denys, St Mary and St George you were still in the mud. When I clung to my mother's skirt as she walked the halls of the University of Manchester for four years you were in the mud. Being from the country does not mean ignorant or backward. Some of us knew the difference between internalizing societal prejudices and acting right.You are blaming everyone but yourself for your overwhelming hate. Even if others behaved poorly it should be instructive not to inculcate into your life their worse habits.

I was never in mud nor does it matter if I was.  My father was university educated and even went to Australia on scholarship, so I already came from educated people.  But that's beside the point. What is important is how you dishonor your parents legacy by being a buffoon who mistook a sakiwinki for a bird and ended up behind the counter of a dollar store as a lowly clerk. 

You live in an alternate reality carved out by some personal enduring madness known only to you. In there is the dollar store you imagine daily as your source of solace and comparative meme that somehow makes you the "success". Get real. Why don't you tell these people where that store is and how you definitively know such is the case because you owe them that. In that reality is also your conception that a a sakiwinki is a bird.

In any event, I do not doubt your father was educated. Mine was not. The only time he left the country was to go to fight for the brits in WWII, He was however not stupid and did not leave behind a stupid son as yours did. Somewhere along the way he slipped up and  you got damaged. Maybe your mother did not hug you enough or had you breast feeding until seven. Something left you damaged so you cling to fantasies about others as a means to shore up a fractured reality. No one can be as hateful either if they had a salutary up bringing. You hate Portuguese so you imagine the catholic church as your oppressor. Well they are not. You are just royally screwed up on your own.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

I have never heard any East Indian person called Roti' that comes from one with a drug induced mind who is royally fkd.

Don't know how widespread this was, but it was a derogatory term used among the Blacks and Portuguese at Saints during my time there. You folks were very racist back in the day,  if wasn't for your ailing health I would put two slap pun yuh.

Drugb posted:
Danyael posted:

What does the good father being your math teacher has to do with the manner of his death? Reasoning is not your strong point...clearly.  That is what I referenced and now you are arguing erroneously again about the role of the catholic church in confronting the PNC.

The catholic church was fiercely anti communist and the minute the PNC took an averse turn they became political adversaries. Beginning in '69 Burnham began blaming the Church for the Rupununi insurrection. I need not go into the actual history of their struggles with and advocacy against the PNC since that is history and I am not your history teacher.


Buried in the countryside away from civilization, you are unqualified to comment on the history of Guyana on a personal level. You would only be able to regurgitate what is available on the internet. 

In fact I would read the catholic standard every week and its stance was in support of the PNC. They would rather endure Black incompetent governance rather than risk an Indian asencion to power. You know nothing and yet rush to comment when those of us with personal testimonials know the real truth. 

With regard to Darko or Barney as we called him, maybe his influence on me is cemented in the fact that I am still part of the IT industry while you pine away behind a dollar store counter and fabricate stories of systems you developed.

DrugB is a hard hitter.  Keep slamming them with facts.  Too many pretenders on this forum trying to pass BS as facts.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

If the Catholic Church stood for such great things why were Hindus and Muslims and Blacks barred from attending their schools for so long?  Indians were treated badly throughout Guyana. It is still a problem today.

Do not conflate colonial practices and the question at hand. Catholics never had control of the authority of the state. Anglicans did. Drugb is Episcopalian, the US legacy  of Anglicanism

The elite schools were created to educate the children of expatriate Englishmen. These include white, and black and brown. You are conflating exclusivity with racism

Yes, the colonials needed compliance and coerced a one culture everywhere and that included english as the official language and Christianity as the official religion. They did not enforce that directly but indirectly in terms of official christian rites being the only legitimate rights. 

That disproportionately affected Indians in the modern era but you will have to acknowledge it had already 300 years to strip blacks of any vestiges of religion or language. You are again being the status of sacred and exclusive victimization. You forget the ultimate victims...slaves.

Drugb posted:

What people will remember of Afros will be the mo fiah slow fiah and robbing and killings by the few who you support. I never stated that Afro's were inferior.  The truth will speak for itself. 

Welfare bums, section 8, criminals.  That pretty much captures your comments about blacks.   Just about every post you write this is mentioned at some point.

But continue. You and baseman are among the greatest reasons why GNI is considered a hate site and the many blacks who used to be here have gone.

Danyael posted:
. Maybe your mother did not hug you enough or had you breast feeding until seven. Something left you damaged so you cling to fantasies about others as a means to shore up a fractured reality.

This might be the problem. Kids who don't feel loved grow up into adults who are insecure and in need of constant affirmation of their worth.

He clearly needs to feel superior to others in order to like who he is. Like most losers he cannot feel so based on his own accomplishments so needs to by inviting an inferior race.

Drugb's every comment about blacks mirrors that which we can see on a KKK site and the issue is that I now believe that he really doesn't understand how racist his comments about blacks are.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

?  Indians were treated badly throughout Guyana. It is still a problem today.

The PPP excluded blacks from leadership positions as recently as 2010 with Jagdeo as its head.

He sued Kissoon for calling him an institutional racist.  Jagdeo FAILED at defending himself when the issue went to court. In fact when asked to name Africans who head state owned corporations, committees, and commissions he was only able to name one or two. When asked about this and about why at the time no Africans were confirmed heads of overseas missions he opined that he didn't know, ad suggested that they might be unqualified.

So let us discuss this. I will enjoy your display of anti black racism when you deny this fact.

Also discuss the ethnic composition of the PPP Exec committee and why the PPP is unable to name an African as its presidential candidate and why it removed Sam Hinds from that slot, which he was constitutionally entitled to with the death of Janet Jagan.

But you will scream some nonsense and deny the rights of blacks to state that in their experience living under PPP rule was akin to being denied the right to be Guyanese.

caribny posted:

Welfare bums, section 8, criminals.  That pretty much captures your comments about blacks.   Just about every post you write this is mentioned at some point.

But continue. You and baseman are among the greatest reasons why GNI is considered a hate site and the many blacks who used to be here have gone.

One can not escape the facts as it pertains to the history of Guyana. I have asked you to list the contributions of Afros to Guyana but you have still to make this public.    Nowhere did I describe all Blacks as bums and section 8, or criminals. You have a vivid imagination as you seek to demonize me. Gibson must have had quite an effect on your racist mind when she penned that piece of fiction to which you now consider your bible on Indians. 

caribny posted:

Druggie and his Indo KKK fans. Continue to ensure that GNI remains an Indo dominated anti black hate site.

It appears that you don't want any criticism of your PNC govt which happens to be led by the jackass Granger. These folks in office have engaged in ethnic cleansing throughout the public service sector which was already 99.9% black dominated,  but you refuse to acknowledge this. 

caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

.    Nowhere did I describe all Blacks as bums and section 8, or criminals.

I await your next rant on blacks.  If you learned the history of Guyana you would be aware of the many contributions of Afro Guyanese.

You will be waiting an eternity as I have never done so. Meanwhile I await your report on the contribution of Blacks to Guyana and I don't mean going back to Cuffy time. 


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