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Originally posted by gbana:
Sledge so only NUff and Caribj are racists on this board and the indians are saints.

Actually, in fairness, there is much less racism than there is racial insecurity than pure racism, especially among Indians. In fairness, there is a bit more outright racism among Afros which was on display during 1964-1992. I can tell you, there were Indian who felt the PNC having a chance now is not bad things, but in the end "feeding coolies to dogs" did not go down well. You never heard Indian talk like that about Afros, their greatest mistrust in the PNC-Military relationship. The greatest fear in Indians lies here, not with or against the average Afros. Indians want a working relationship with our Afros bros, but is hard if they want to exterminate you. As datt man Caribj said, Afros want to extract revenge pun coolies. Only Afros talk like that.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by gbana:
Sledge so only NUff and Caribj are racists on this board and the indians are saints.

Actually, in fairness, there is much less racism than there is racial insecurity than pure racism, especially among Indians. In fairness, there is a bit more outright racism among Afros which was on display during 1964-1992. I can tell you, there were Indian who felt the PNC having a chance now is not bad things, but in the end "feeding coolies to dogs" did not go down well. You never heard Indian talk like that about Afros, their greatest mistrust in the PNC-Military relationship. The greatest fear in Indians lies here, not with or against the average Afros. Indians want a working relationship with our Afros bros, but is hard if they want to exterminate you. As datt man Caribj said, Afros want to extract revenge pun coolies. Only Afros talk like that.

Your "me nat a foul smelling lowlife" card done expire long ago.

No coming back for you . . . even a thorough fumigation can't disinfect what ur stink panty covering.
Ron Paul's preachings would not work for the American voter at large. His liberatarian inclinations would be more suited for the Democratic party but his less government inclinations are are conflict. However, he speaks his mind and doesn't seem to worry about how it is received like the other candidates. If he were to stick to his proclamations, I would vote for him for president.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
, Afros want to extract revenge pun coolies. Only Afros talk like that.

Because Indos have been exacting revenge on Afros since 1992.

And sledge bigotted remarks have been shared out by Indos about Afros and Amerindians, Afros against Indos and Amerindians, and no doubt by Amerindians agaisnt both.

Dont come hear pretending all is innocent with Indians. I have heard their anti black remarkls numerous times and you have bene one who ha sbeen guilty of this.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
, Afros want to extract revenge pun coolies. Only Afros talk like that.

Because Indos have been exacting revenge on Afros since 1992.

And sledge bigotted remarks have been shared out by Indos about Afros and Amerindians, Afros against Indos and Amerindians, and no doubt by Amerindians agaisnt both.

Dont come hear pretending all is innocent with Indians. I have heard their anti black remarkls numerous times and you have bene one who ha sbeen guilty of this.

Alyuh bin do datt since 1960 so wah is new nah. All abie waan is wuk, eat and be merry, alyuh should do same and all gon be happy. Believe me, hard wuk nevva kill man, it mek yuh stronger and a betta person. Muss try it sometime nah. Hatred is a heavier burden to bear and you shoulders muss be tired.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Alyuh bin do datt since 1960 so wah is new nah. .

So in sledge's world when he says Afros have made no positive contribution to Guyana, are lazy and only engage in violence he isnt being racist.

Sledge people like you use the "lazy Afro" stereotype to condemn many to low level positions. This is what feeds the rage of some who treat you as you imagine all Afros do.

Since 1992 its Indo tyrants like you who have oppressed blacks and then you act shocked at their rage towards you. I am willing to bet that mnay in that APNU Youth Group, who seem to be quite militant, are educated black people, and not the goons who you imagine tham to be.

Your behavior towards Afros mirrors in levels of oppression that Burnham meted out to Indos.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Alyuh bin do datt since 1960 so wah is new nah. .

So in sledge's world when he says Afros have made no positive contribution to Guyana, are lazy and only engage in violence he isnt being racist.

Sledge people like you use the "lazy Afro" stereotype to condemn many to low level positions. This is what feeds the rage of some who treat you as you imagine all Afros do.

Dats natt wah mi seh, learn to camprehend nah. You seh you want revenge cazz wah we do alyuh since 1992. In response me seh abie seem to do alyuh since 1960 cazz since den alyuh bin extractin' revenge. You know dat's da truth.

Me nevva seh Afros lazy, alyuh wukk real hard but dem Brits bring abie coolie and tek way alyuh wuk, den da PNC gave we coolies alyuh opportunities and leff Afors out in da cold, denn PPP did same. Let's hope next time Christ come and mek tings right foa Afros. Me feel real bad datt everybady did wrang tings to Afros.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
All abie waan is wuk, eat and be merry, alyuh should do same and all gon be happy. Believe me, hard wuk nevva kill man, it mek yuh stronger and a betta person. .

Sledge you imply that ALL blacks are lazy. You see you all PPP Indians then use this to victimize blacks, even UG graduates and then became amazed when they tell you they are tired of "collie" rule...if indeed that was said.

Which normal person accepts being treated as an inferior person and excluded from the opportuinities that they are willing to work for? Indians didnt under PNC rule, so why expect blacks to do so now.

And sledge this is what black hating racists like you have been doing to blacks since 1992. OK if you admit that this is revenge for what blacks did to you all, especially after 1973....but revenge breeds further revenge....nobody benefits in the long run.

As to the period from 1961/64. Well the brigades of PPP supporters (Indians) who harrassed blacks in 1961 with screams of putting them back in slavery ,etc...out of glee that "ah be pan tap" after a 1961 victory....unwittinfgly putting blacks to exact revenge a year later...and then 1964 when BOTH blacks and Indians slaughtered each other.

To quote Eusi,
there is no UNIQUELY guilty race in otherwords both have done nasty things to the other (the two major races that is).
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
All abie waan is wuk, eat and be merry, alyuh should do same and all gon be happy. Believe me, hard wuk nevva kill man, it mek yuh stronger and a betta person. .

tell me what you are trying to say here sledge. Seems as if you are recommending that blacks learn to work...and you pretend as if only blacks harbor racist animosity. The blacks who face Indo racism daily in Guyana will be shocked to hear that. Even innocent black kids being subjected to this by some Indo teachers.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
All abie waan is wuk, eat and be merry, alyuh should do same and all gon be happy. Believe me, hard wuk nevva kill man, it mek yuh stronger and a betta person. .

Sledge you imply that ALL blacks are lazy. You see you all PPP Indians then use this to victimize blacks, even UG graduates and then became amazed when they tell you they are tired of "collie" rule...if indeed that was said.

Which normal person accepts being treated as an inferior person and excluded from the opportuinities that they are willing to work for? Indians didnt under PNC rule, so why expect blacks to do so now.

Haha, did you live in Coolie shoes unda da PNC? Alyuh had enuff ah coolies since 1960. Dem is tings we hear fao 50 years. I think Afros has been treated unfairly since the 1800's, even under the PNC, though Indians are miffed by the thought. Afros does have a ligit problem...with everyone.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
All abie waan is wuk, eat and be merry, alyuh should do same and all gon be happy. Believe me, hard wuk nevva kill man, it mek yuh stronger and a betta person. .

Sledge you imply that ALL blacks are lazy. You see you all PPP Indians then use this to victimize blacks, even UG graduates and then became amazed when they tell you they are tired of "collie" rule...if indeed that was said.

Which normal person accepts being treated as an inferior person and excluded from the opportuinities that they are willing to work for? Indians didnt under PNC rule, so why expect blacks to do so now.

And sledge this is what black hating racists like you have been doing to blacks since 1992. OK if you admit that this is revenge for what blacks did to you all, especially after 1973....but revenge breeds further revenge....nobody benefits in the long run.

As to the period from 1961/64. Well the brigades of PPP supporters (Indians) who harrassed blacks in 1961 with screams of putting them back in slavery ,etc...out of glee that "ah be pan tap" after a 1961 victory....unwittinfgly putting blacks to exact revenge a year later...and then 1964 when BOTH blacks and Indians slaughtered each other.

To quote Eusi,
there is no UNIQUELY guilty race in otherwords both have done nasty things to the other (the two major races that is).

Yuh write yuh own history, create yuh own facts, but the truth is the truth and no amount of twisting and concoction will change that. Tell me wah abie coolies dont to you Afros datt yuh always waiting to feed abie to dawgs.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
All abie waan is wuk, eat and be merry, alyuh should do same and all gon be happy. Believe me, hard wuk nevva kill man, it mek yuh stronger and a betta person. .

tell me what you are trying to say here sledge. Seems as if you are recommending that blacks learn to work...and you pretend as if only blacks harbor racist animosity. The blacks who face Indo racism daily in Guyana will be shocked to hear that. Even innocent black kids being subjected to this by some Indo teachers.

Me live hey, you dont so wah you talking bout. Me deal everyday with Afros and Indos and you talking sheer lies and the views of the FF sympathizers. As for Afro school kids, not sure where you get that, I know many Indi parents who also complain about some teachers attitudes, both Indo and Afro teachers. They have bad people in every profesion and the affect everyone equally. It's natt a race ting bai. Not every disagreement of lil "fight" between Indo and Afro is to do with race.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Haha, did you live in Coolie shoes unda da PNC? .

Do you live in Afro shoes under elite Indo bigots like you?

I never argue with indians about the Burnham era because, not being Indian, I had no basis to dispute their claims.

Yet you claim that Afros have no right to have a beef against Indo rule despite the bigotry that many in its midst have...people like you.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

caribj; To quote Eusi,
there is no UNIQUELY guilty race in otherwords both have done nasty things to the other (the two major races that is).

Yuh write yuh own history, .[/QUOTE]

Eusi who was around in teh 60s DOCUMENTED events of that era. Now he points out Indo bigotry towards Afros, even Jagan was so embarrrassed he had to tell his supporters to behave after they insulted a black woman who was a PPP supporter...they thought she was PNC on account of her race.

She voted PPP in 1961 because she admired Jagan in 1953. We can only wonder who she voted for in 1964 having been subjected to such treatment.

And no these complaints arent about bad teachers. They are about RACIST black hating the incident at teh UG dorm in berbice not too long ago.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

caribj; To quote Eusi,
there is no UNIQUELY guilty race in otherwords both have done nasty things to the other (the two major races that is).

Yuh write yuh own history, .

Eusi who was around in teh 60s DOCUMENTED events of that era. Now he points out Indo bigotry towards Afros, even Jagan was so embarrrassed he had to tell his supporters to behave after they insulted a black woman who was a PPP supporter...they thought she was PNC on account of her race.

She voted PPP in 1961 because she admired Jagan in 1953. We can only wonder who she voted for in 1964 having been subjected to such treatment.

And no these complaints arent about bad teachers. They are about RACIST black hating the incident at teh UG dorm in berbice not too long ago.[/QUOTE]
You rass telling lie pun hardwukking teacher. Wah you get from lying. You creating yuh own history of lies, now yuh trying to mek lies of today. Yuh know, cheatin'n nevva prasper, try telling the truth sometime, it will set yuh racist mind free.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
You rass telling lie pun hardwukking teacher. Wah you get from lying. .

Yes keep on denying the facts as you seek to portray blacks as the only racists in Guyana. Several incidents in a Berbice school were related right here on GNI some time ago. Blatant bigotry against black teenagers. Then of course there was that incident in the UG dorm in Berbice where a black student was being framed.

Sledge bigotry comes both from Afros and Indos and Afros and Indos both suffer as a result. Your attempt to paint Indos as these saints suffering at the hands of savage Afros doesnt impress.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Haha, did you live in Coolie shoes unda da PNC? .

Do you live in Afro shoes under elite Indo bigots like you?

I never argue with indians about the Burnham era because, not being Indian, I had no basis to dispute their claims.

Yet you claim that Afros have no right to have a beef against Indo rule despite the bigotry that many in its midst have...people like you.

Banna, me believe some Afros and Indo have ligit complaints and now da PPP muss lissen up. Ting gon wuk out, but feeding abie to dwags aint gon do it fo you. Alyuh aint hear wah Nagamootoo and Rupnaraine seh, or you cannot hear dem Indo voice? Afros will get a better say, but most likely under a PPP led shared Governance model.

Datt being said, wenn last you visit Buxton, etc and see dem roads and schools, etc wah da PPP built since they were freed from the tyrany of the FF bruddahs. Quite alot have been given to Afros and more will come as long as they don't loot and burn. By 2016 10-20%% Afros will vote PPP giving them a 65%-70% mandate. You will see.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Banna, me believe some Afros and Indo have ligit complaints and now da PPP muss lissen up. Ting gon wuk out, but feeding abie to dwags aint gon do it fo you. Alyuh aint hear wah Nagamootoo and Rupnaraine seh, or you cannot hear dem Indo voice? Afros will get a better say, but most likely under a PPP led shared Governance model.

Datt being said, wenn last you visit Buxton, etc and see dem roads and schools, etc wah da PPP built since they were freed from the tyrany of the FF bruddahs. Quite alot have been given to Afros and more will come as long as they don't loot and burn. By 2016 10-20%% Afros will vote PPP giving them a 65%-70% mandate. You will see.

The PPP has no interest in any shared governance. They want to do what they want and to force APNU and the AFC to rubber stamop them. When they dont get that they cry non cooperation. And hide behind the notion of the "por Indo being harrassed by these savage black goons".

After people like you slammed Buxtonians by calling them savages and jeopardizing their ability to sustain their livelihoods. Honest people tried to get help in getting the bandits discover that the police were in league with these same people, betraying their attempts. And Jagdeo was more interested in false arrests and harrassing innocent people and breaking up their farms and other property, rather than dealing with the guilty.

You know what Buxton got compensation for the damage that the PPP and the police force did to those people.

And given that Africans didnt vote PPP this time, and didnt last time, I dont think they will in 2016 unless there is a huge change in attitude and people like you start treating them the way that you wish to be treated.

The PPP has no interest in working with the oppoistion. They are trying to create an environment of instability by refsuing to recognize that they no longer control parliament, and that the two opposition parties have a right to discuss and develop a joint position to ensure that the PPP, which arrogantly ignored them since 1992, is forced to cooperate with them in 2012.

Both Nagamootoo and Roopnarine have been called all sorts of names by the majority of Indians. Usually accusations of being traitors who sell out to blacks.

Indeed Roopnarine is more favorably viewed by blacks (I guess you didnt see all those pics of excited Africans avidly listening to him).

Sorry its bigotry by large sections of Indians towards Indians who want to be fair and inclusive is what is noteworthy. Dont think we dont hear the racist comments made by certain PPP officials.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Banna, me believe some Afros and Indo have ligit complaints and now da PPP muss lissen up. Ting gon wuk out, but feeding abie to dwags aint gon do it fo you. Alyuh aint hear wah Nagamootoo and Rupnaraine seh, or you cannot hear dem Indo voice? Afros will get a better say, but most likely under a PPP led shared Governance model.

Datt being said, wenn last you visit Buxton, etc and see dem roads and schools, etc wah da PPP built since they were freed from the tyrany of the FF bruddahs. Quite alot have been given to Afros and more will come as long as they don't loot and burn. By 2016 10-20%% Afros will vote PPP giving them a 65%-70% mandate. You will see.

After people like you slammed Buxtonians by calling them savages and jeopardizing their ability to sustain their livelihoods. Honest people tried to get help in getting the bandits discover that the police were in league with these same people, betrying their attempts.

You know what Buxton got compensation for the damage that the PPP and the police force did to those people.

And given that Africans didnt vote PPP this time, and didnt last time, I dont think they will in 2016 unless there is a huge change in attitude and people like you start treating them the way that you wish to be treated.

The PPP has no interest in working with the oppoistion. They are trying to create an environment of instability by refsuing to recognize that they no longer control parliement and the two opposition parties have a right to discuss and develop a joint position to ensure that the PPP< which arrogantly ignored them since 1992, is forced to cooperate with them in 2012.

Both Nagamootoo and Roopnarine have been called all sorts of names by the majority of Indians. Indeed Roopnarine is more favorably viewdd by blacks (I guess you didnt see all those pics of excited Africans avidly listening to him).

Sorry its bigotry by large sections of Indians towards Indians who want to be fair and inclusive is what is noteworthy. Dont think we dont hear the racist comments made by certain PPP officials.

Granger should move off and let Roopnaraine head the PNC ticket come 2016. That will give the PPP a big headache.

The Buton FF's were the cause of the predicament and what happened in Buxton. No nation will tolerate terrorist safe havens which attack the innocent citizenry with impunity. They got what they deserved.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
The Buton FF's were the cause of the predicament and what happened in Buxton. No nation will tolerate terrorist safe havens which attack the innocent citizenry with impunity. They got what they deserved.

This is a fine example of why Buxton refused to vote PPP despite your attempts to bribe them.

Criminals moved into Buxton. Arriving with high powered weapons. People like Eusi and David Hinds and other Buxtonians were quite vocal about this.

Honest Buxtonians tried to get help from the police to get them out. The bandist then threatened those who attempt to have them removed...indixcating that the police had tipped them off. Some of these were threatened and others forced out of the village with no help from the govt to protect them.

Racists like you then stereotyped the ENTIRE village to the point where Buxtonians couldnt even find jobs or sustain a livelihood. Instead you all justified harrassment and repeated arrests of innocent people, while opolice men and soldiers were seen playing footsie with the bandits. Jagdeo DID NOTHING other than use this for his political ends.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Granger should move off and let Roopnaraine head the PNC ticket come 2016. That will give the PPP a big headache.


Why? You all Indians dont like people like Roopnarine...."he like blackman too much" you all wail. Roopnarine can even tell which senior PPP officials have said this. Will not shock if Ramotar is one of them.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
The Buton FF's were the cause of the predicament and what happened in Buxton. No nation will tolerate terrorist safe havens which attack the innocent citizenry with impunity. They got what they deserved.

This is a fine example of why Buxton refused to vote PPP despite your attempts to bribe them.

Criminals moved into Buxton. Arriving with high powered weapons. People like Eusi and David Hinds and other Buxtonians were quite vocal about this.

Honest Buxtonians tried to get help from the police to get them out. The bandist then threatened those who attempt to have them removed...indixcating that the police had tipped them off. Some of these were threatened and others forced out of the village with no help from the govt to protect them.

Racists like you then stereotyped the ENTIRE village to the point where Buxtonians couldnt even find jobs or sustain a livelihood. Instead you all justified harrassment and repeated arrests of innocent people, while opolice men and soldiers were seen playing footsie with the bandits. Jagdeo DID NOTHING other than use this for his political ends.

Ah, come on, those were PNC activists, you know that. I never said all Buxtonians, but to say few is a stretch also. PPP were shouted down at their recent meeting, now I doubt FF's are still around to intimidate them into doing it. Get real sir, we know what is and what isn't here. We live here, where do you live?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Granger should move off and let Roopnaraine head the PNC ticket come 2016. That will give the PPP a big headache.


Why? You all Indians dont like people like Roopnarine...."he like blackman too much" you all wail. Roopnarine can even tell which senior PPP officials have said this. Will not shock if Ramotar is one of them.

Actually, no. He has a certain appeal though some do look on suspicious, wonder if he is being used by the real power structure. I mean sir, how do you view Afros in the PPP? How do you view Indos in the AFC?
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Ah, come on, those were PNC activists, you know that. I never said all Buxtonians, but to say few is a stretch also. ?

Almost the entire village of Buxton are PNC supporters so when you stereotype PNC supporters this is the trouble that you get into. This is why Jagsdeo did NOTHING to help rid honest Buxtonians of the scourge of banditry, so he could use the bandits to malign the PNC and AfroGuyanese. You join with him too.

Because ordinary Buxtonians who just wanted to live in peace...and were amized at hiow the rest of Guyana threw them to thugs with guns and then blamed them for not evicting thme from the village...then they faced harrasssment at the hands of the police. So when you say "they deserved it" its ordinary Buxtonians to whom you refer.

If Granger went in to some strong Indo area he would have gotten the ssme reception. Indeed many Indo AFC supporters in Berbice reported acts of intimidation against them by the quite this "Indo innocent routine".
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
I mean sir, how do you view Afros in the PPP? ?

I mean do you really think tht Juan Edghill qualifies to be a junior minister of Finance? This is typical of PPP blacks.

I have no problem against people like Gerhard and have expressed that opinion many times when he was being attacked by PPP racists like yiou who called him a race traitor for not being a stupid and blind PPP supporter.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
I mean sir, how do you view Afros in the PPP? ?

I mean do you really think tht Juan Edghill qualifies to be a junior minister of Finance? This is typical of PPP blacks.

I have no problem against people like Gerhard and have expressed that opinion many times when he was being attacked by PPP racists like yiou who called him a race traitor for not being a stupid and blind PPP supporter.

Heyy, let's get this straight, I never attacked the man Mr Ramsaroop. Infact I think he is courageous to be a street fighter against the PPP and their excesses. Under the PNC he would have had no teeth left by now and his home would have been fire bombed. This is the difference between the PPP and PNC. Just ask the widow and kids of Dr WR. I do admire the man and see him around sometimes.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:

Ah, come on, those were PNC activists, you know that. I never said all Buxtonians, but to say few is a stretch also. ?

Almost the entire village of Buxton are PNC supporters so when you stereotype PNC supporters this is the trouble that you get into. This is why Jagsdeo did NOTHING to help rid honest Buxtonians of the scourge of banditry, so he could use the bandits to malign the PNC and AfroGuyanese. You join with him too.

Because ordinary Buxtonians who just wanted to live in peace...and were amized at hiow the rest of Guyana threw them to thugs with guns and then blamed them for not evicting thme from the village...then they faced harrasssment at the hands of the police. So when you say "they deserved it" its ordinary Buxtonians to whom you refer.

If Granger went in to some strong Indo area he would have gotten the ssme reception. Indeed many Indo AFC supporters in Berbice reported acts of intimidation against them by the quite this "Indo innocent routine".

I'm sure the ordinary Buxtonian is innocent and a victim of the gangs. But dont run from the fact, they were a PNC arm and, being mostly PNC, i'm sure the people turned a blind eye. They should be grateful for the PPP liquidation initiative and stop crying over it. However, the PPP were shouted down and had to terminate their meeting. I don't care what you say, it's a reflection of that community and their sentiments as there are no gangs present now.

Also, let's clarify, my reference to "get what they deserve" referred to the gangs not the average Buxtonian. It's unfortunate that some innocents got caught up.
As a young person living in Guyana, it is getting tiresome to listen to Caribj and Sledgehammer carrying on like this.

It is the same thing I hear every where I go, "coolie this, blackman that".

No one race is greater than the other, both have brilliant minds and both have stupid people.

The problem is we try to lock everybody into PPP or PNC and deal very harshly with free thinkers.

For 47 years we have all suffered one way or the other despite who the government of the day was and some would have also benefited during that period.

We need to look outside of the box to determine the successes of persons during these eras as in many cases they may not have a single thing to do with party favours or support. I know of many persons who struggled, took risks and got rich all legitimately, they had no help or contact with the government and they made it.

The boycott call by the YCT, though misguided, has valuable lessons for all of us. We need to stop spending money on things that are purely decorative in nature and try to purchase things that are necessary or will in turn create more money.

With this mindset we will look less to the government to supply all our needs and would become self sufficient individually or as a cooperative.

From there we can then use our collective economic powers to force the political powers to yield to our demands to use our taxes wisely and for the benefit of all.

I believe that when a man is struggling to make ends meet and is in survival mode he can rarely look much less think outside of the box. If this important need is satisfied he will be able to free his mind and look towards other avenues to uplift himself and country.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Under the PNC he would have had no teeth left by now and his home would have been fire bombed. .

Roopnarine fought against a PNC dictatorship headed by Burnham. He just successfully fought against a PPP dictatorship headed by Jagdeo. Both regimes were characterized by victimization and violence against those who they considered a threat.

It took an act of courage for an Indo Guyanese to join AfroGuyanese against an Indian dictatorship.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
I'm sure the ordinary Buxtonian is innocent and a victim of the gangs. .

And people like you victimized them by calling them savages, goons, criminals, laughed when the police harrassed them while they played football with the known criminals and didnt life a finger to help the courageous Buxtonians who loudly spoke out and were run out of their village as a result.

So spare me your racist nonsense.

And for that most Buxtonians voted PNC because the PPP is yet to furnish evidence that senior officials within the PNC had anything to do with these gangs.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
The boycott call by the YCT, though misguided, has valuable lessons for all of us..

And people like sledge are calling them black hooligans.

Actually, boycott, strike, etc is very aceptable as form of protest and I do admire those who take that path. This IS the right of anyone. Sugar workers strike during the PNC era so what's good for the goose, good for the gander. By my guest, strike, boycott, etc. It's an effective form of protest and no one could fault you.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
The boycott call by the YCT, though misguided, has valuable lessons for all of us..

And people like sledge are calling them black hooligans.

Actually, boycott, strike, etc is very aceptable as form of protest and I do admire those who take that path. This IS the right of anyone. Sugar workers strike during the PNC era so what's good for the goose, good for the gander. By my guest, strike, boycott, etc. It's an effective form of protest and no one could fault you.
well said,now that was not make you sound human

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