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Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
The boycott call by the YCT, though misguided, has valuable lessons for all of us..

And people like sledge are calling them black hooligans.

Actually, boycott, strike, etc is very aceptable as form of protest and I do admire those who take that path. This IS the right of anyone. Sugar workers strike during the PNC era so what's good for the goose, good for the gander. By my guest, strike, boycott, etc. It's an effective form of protest and no one could fault you.
well said,now that was not make you sound human

Bai, my peave with the PNC was not on dem fighting for right of Afros, just how and what they do. I hate intimidation tactics excuses for criminality as a means to an end. Industrial action, boycott and other economic actions are the right way. Afros/PNC does have the power to be effective on this front. Take a leaf out of the PPP/Indo book, out of MLK, Mandela and Gandhi struggles. Do that and you cannot lose. Violence, threats and intimidation gets you nowhere. Datt man Caribj is a racist.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
The boycott call by the YCT, though misguided, has valuable lessons for all of us..

And people like sledge are calling them black hooligans.

Actually, boycott, strike, etc is very aceptable as form of protest and I do admire those who take that path. This IS the right of anyone. Sugar workers strike during the PNC era so what's good for the goose, good for the gander. By my guest, strike, boycott, etc. It's an effective form of protest and no one could fault you.
well said,now that was not make you sound human

Bai, my peave with the PNC was not on dem fighting for right of Afros, just how and what they do. I hate intimidation tactics excuses for criminality as a means to an end. Industrial action, boycott and other economic actions are the right way. Afros/PNC does have the power to be effective on this front. Take a leaf out of the PPP/Indo book, out of MLK, Mandela and Gandhi struggles. Do that and you cannot lose. Violence, threats and intimidation gets you nowhere. Datt man Caribj is a racist.
i did not see anybody from the oppistion,doing violence or threating.if some body on this forum is preaching racistism,you do not have to stoop to their level.guyana went through enough race hate.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Under the PNC he would have had no teeth left by now and his home would have been fire bombed. .

Roopnarine fought against a PNC dictatorship headed by Burnham. He just successfully fought against a PPP dictatorship headed by Jagdeo. Both regimes were characterized by victimization and violence against those who they considered a threat.

It took an act of courage for an Indo Guyanese to join AfroGuyanese against an Indian dictatorship.
you're making me barf.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Under the PNC he would have had no teeth left by now and his home would have been fire bombed. .

Roopnarine fought against a PNC dictatorship headed by Burnham. He just successfully fought against a PPP dictatorship headed by Jagdeo. Both regimes were characterized by victimization and violence against those who they considered a threat.

It took an act of courage for an Indo Guyanese to join AfroGuyanese against an Indian dictatorship.

LFSB knew Roopnaraine would not pull the Afro votes like Rodney did, so he was posed real threat. Dem Indian bais in AFC splitting the Indian vote was a big threat to the PPP. Nuff abie coolie dozz talk against da PPP and we know, dem nah send goons pon abie. PPP is much for benign than the PNC.
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Under the PNC he would have had no teeth left by now and his home would have been fire bombed. .

Roopnarine fought against a PNC dictatorship headed by Burnham. He just successfully fought against a PPP dictatorship headed by Jagdeo. Both regimes were characterized by victimization and violence against those who they considered a threat.

It took an act of courage for an Indo Guyanese to join AfroGuyanese against an Indian dictatorship.
you're making me barf.

He juss barf pon heself.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
. Datt man Caribj is a racist.

Expain why I am a racist and you arent.

Start with your insinuation that blacks are lazy and need to learn that work is a good thing.

Continue with your insinuation that the only racists in Guyana are blacks.

Also explain why you disrespect the the fact Africans also suffered from the violent acts of Indians against them, especially in 1964, much as Africana committed vioolent acts against Indians.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Nuff abie coolie dozz talk against da PPP and we know, dem nah send goons pon abie. .

Funny that Ravi Dev and AFC Indos dont agree with you, and can cite specific acts of victimization against them.

Me hear some AFC Indos gatt run out from Afro places and many had to be with Afros who let the people know dem is AFC. Datt's wah mi hear down hey. Nuff abie coolie stayed out of Afro neighbourhoods during elections cazz dem was waitin' to feed coolies to dawgs. Dont bada wid dem Indos who tink dem safe cazz dem gatt Afro frens, wenn push come to shove, Coolie is Coolie and gon get shove in a guttah qik time. Even now down hey, nuff we Afro frens cool off wid we coolies, den nah talk and smile lately.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
All abie waan is wuk, eat and be merry, alyuh should do same and all gon be happy. Believe me, hard wuk nevva kill man, it mek yuh stronger and a betta person. .

Sledge you imply that ALL blacks are lazy. You see you all PPP Indians then use this to victimize blacks, even UG graduates and then became amazed when they tell you they are tired of "collie" rule...if indeed that was said.

Which normal person accepts being treated as an inferior person and excluded from the opportuinities that they are willing to work for? Indians didnt under PNC rule, so why expect blacks to do so now.

And sledge this is what black hating racists like you have been doing to blacks since 1992. OK if you admit that this is revenge for what blacks did to you all, especially after 1973....but revenge breeds further revenge....nobody benefits in the long run.

As to the period from 1961/64. Well the brigades of PPP supporters (Indians) who harrassed blacks in 1961 with screams of putting them back in slavery ,etc...out of glee that "ah be pan tap" after a 1961 victory....unwittinfgly putting blacks to exact revenge a year later...and then 1964 when BOTH blacks and Indians slaughtered each other.

To quote Eusi,
there is no UNIQUELY guilty race in otherwords both have done nasty things to the other (the two major races that is).

Eusi doan know one azz wah he seying. The man is like quicksilver. Once in the atmosphere, it rolls all over the place.

I am 70 years old and I ain't never duh any nasty thing to anybady in Guyana or anywhere. Maybe some wimen have complaints Smile.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Me hear some AFC Indos gatt run out from Afro places and many had to be with Afros who let the people know dem is AFC. .

Well you heard wrong. Gerhard and Ramjattan and many others went into Buxton and other black villages and Linden.

Black people dont like the PPP. Dont extend that to hating all Indians because evidence suggests that Roopnarine was wildly popular and many c redit APNUs strong performance and him and not Granger.
Originally posted by seignet:

I am 70 years old and I ain't never duh any nasty thing to anybady in Guyana or anywhere. Maybe some wimen have complaints Smile.

yes I know. All you heard was savage blacks wwere beating up innocent Indians. I wonder why then did so many blacks flee majority Indian areas if this was the case. Why then did black leaders in 1964 protest that Jagan was doing nothing while his goons were slaughtering blacks with weapons provided by Fidel Castro....all in his attempt in 1964 to prevent elections which would have been under PR.

Jagan had to warn his supporters that they ought to behave when the PPP won in 1961. He was embarrassed at their harrassment of blacks when this was brought to his attention.

One day people like you will understand that BOTH sides were guilty of racist provocation as they stupidly slaved for their political masters.

This while Jagan and Burnham clinked glasses when they met for their little chats, laughing at how follish their supporters were. Note that Burnham never harrassed Jagan the way he did Rodney and Jagan never was as aggressive an opponent as he could have been, nor did he attempt to woo the Afro base, which he could have after the shortages began around 1976.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by seignet:

I am 70 years old and I ain't never duh any nasty thing to anybady in Guyana or anywhere. Maybe some wimen have complaints Smile.

yes I know. All you heard was savage blacks wwere beating up innocent Indians. I wonder why then did so many blacks flee majority Indian areas if this was the case. Why then did black leaders in 1964 protest that Jagan was doing nothing while his goons were slaughtering blacks with weapons provided by Fidel Castro....all in his attempt in 1964 to prevent elections which would have been under PR.

Jagan had to warn his supporters that they ought to behave when the PPP won in 1961. He was embarrassed at their harrassment of blacks when this was brought to his attention.

One day people like you will understand that BOTH sides were guilty of racist provocation as they stupidly slaved for their political masters.

This while Jagan and Burnham clinked glasses when they met for their little chats, laughing at how follish their supporters were. Note that Burnham never harrassed Jagan the way he did Rodney and Jagan never was as aggressive an opponent as he could have been, nor did he attempt to woo the Afro base, which he could have after the shortages began around 1976.

1964, after years of slaughtering Indians and dem finally react and you seh dazz di cause, nat di effect. Couple Buxton terrorist gatt popped in 2006 after 4 years of slaughter of Indians, now yuh seh Indo brutality. Wenn abie coolie react and defend we self, we bad. Banna, no amount of pulling wool gon change the fact.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Me hear some AFC Indos gatt run out from Afro places and many had to be with Afros who let the people know dem is AFC. .

Well you heard wrong. Gerhard and Ramjattan and many others went into Buxton and other black villages and Linden.

Black people dont like the PPP. Dont extend that to hating all Indians because evidence suggests that Roopnarine was wildly popular and many c redit APNUs strong performance and him and not Granger.

Dem bais well known, di word on da street was AFC gon bruk PPP so dem a we fren. Couple other lower level bais had different experience.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
1964, after years of slaughtering Indians .

You are a true liar. In 1961 PPP supporters harrassed blacks, including the few who voted PPP, because they assumed them to be PNC. This was their victory celebration...goping through black villages, screaming racist slogans and threatening to bring back slavery.

A PNC supporter was killed in Berbice by PPP supporters.

Poor Cheddi was truly embarrassed about this as it made open the fact that teh PPP had morphed into an Indian party, no longer having any interest in non Indians.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Couple other lower level bais had different experience.

I know the PPP wants to believe this but the evidence is that it was PPP BLACK STOOGES who were run out of black villages. No wonder they went on a rampage attacking black poll workers on election day. Too bad for Lumumba and Kwame that Ramotar is angry with them for not bringing black votes, as they were supposed to, so is leaving them to hang out to dry.

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