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Telling it like it is: Kaieteur News and the Opposition’s evil alliance out to destroy Guyana

IT is with much annoyance that I write this piece to the media to protest the action of certain Opposition elements and the media, in particular, the Kaieteur News on the proposed Recycling Plant for Guyana.

God and all of us know we need a recycling plant in this country with all the waste we produce. Waste that could be put to good use! Waste recycling that will create employment for our citizens. As an industry it will pay taxes eventually, even if given a tax-free shelter, and taxes which will be paid into to the system from employees’ salaries, and from which money will circulate and benefit the country directly and indirectly. So I welcome the recycling plant with all my heart, and so should all Guyanese. A recycling plant will help to eliminate the waste that is dumped all over the place, some of which clog our drains, causes flooding, and which makes our lives miserable. It also causes much disrespect to ourselves, as we appear indiscipline and careless, even dirty and unhygienic. Metallic materials can be converted right here. We see waste dumped all over the country, and in our cities, particularly Georgetown. The waste makes us look like a major shantytown without control and manageability. Is that what the Opposition and evil alliance want? Now, when a plant is in the works to turn the waste into useful items, for which the dumpers and transporters can make money, the political weirdoes, the attackers, the fault finders, the destructive geniuses, the national saboteurs, the economic backward fools wish to sabotage the project. Why?

Because they do not wish for Guyana to progress; because it will cause the Government of the day to look progressive; because Guyana will look good, and the political weirdoes, attackers, the fault finders, the destructive geniuses, the national saboteurs, the economic backward fools, will stand little chance in the next elections, maybe that is their thought….sad!

While I am not a political person and I care not for a particular political entity, I care about Guyana, our future, our development, our growth, employment for citizens, tax money for our coffers. I wish to see prosperity everywhere; factories flourish, so that instead of exporting our labour and brains, we import them. If the Government of the day was in Opposition and they were doing the same, I would curse them out the same way. He who is without sin should cast the first stone. Look at the AFC, virtually a babe, and its bowels nationally caught in corruption by its elite, even confusion and disillusionment. The PNC, they had their time, what they did, but even in their time the then Opposition tackled them everywhere with strikes and international protestations. This is a historical reality. Notwithstanding, for the sake of national development, the then Opposition PPP gave ‘critical support’ to the then PNC government. That stands as a major difference.

Not everything this Government of the day do will be perfect and good, but I believe that not everything they do is also evil. Those with the evil eye will see evil; those with ‘cocked eyes’ will see ‘cocked things’. The evil alliance will see only evil as they see what they want to see.

Those objectionists, professional ones now, they object to every damn thing under the sun that the Government tries to construct or implement for the national good. They try to sabotage every act of development. The Republicans of the USA, they are against ‘Obama Care’ because it will make the Democrats invincible. They are against immigration reforms, as if done by the Obama Government; the Republicans will be in the dustbins for maybe another 50 years. Is this the cause of the perpetual sabotage by the ‘cadres of evil…the evil alliance.’

Well, the Opposition and the Kaieteur News have their axes to grind. I am not a hater of the PNC. I have many great friends there and I respect their constitution, but in many things they do, they become the agents of backwardness working in tandem with the publisher of the Kaieteur News, who has his axe to grind. How can one so tainted with the filth of criminality and wealth by criminal endeavours, only see filth in what is even good…because that is what they are.

I say cast the first stone, he who is without sin. Is there any company or business anywhere in the world that may not have skeletons in its closet? Is there anyone anywhere as persons that do not have some dirty laundry? The Kaieteur News love to find negatives for companies that are awarded contracts or intend to invest in projects that will do Guyana good. They dig, and may find, then they magnify, and allude and at times make imagination reality, as they see filth and have it in them so much, that everything is filthy and questionable.

I recall when I once won part of the contract for the Regional Security Contract because the company accustomed to winning security contracts submitted a false GRA compliance. Yet that Kaieteur News management allowed the owner of that company to manipulate and use them to attack and embarrass this writer and his business, in every nook and cranny…the Kaieteur News will not listen to me and tried to ridicule me for months, and then they pulled their tails between their legs and humbled themselves but never apologised after discovering the truth. How can this publisher ever be respected, not mentioning his lifestyle and personal history, but I will not dwell on that.

I am annoyed, most highly because they wish to sabotage this project as they have done with almost every other project or at least tainted them. From the Timehri Airport contract, the One Laptop Project, the national internet connectivity, the protection of our jungles and forest projects, the road contracts, the Ogle Airport, to the Marriott Hotel, and so much more, everything this alliance of evil tried to destroy, every project. They even slaughtered in a most heinous and unforgivable way our one chance of Hydro electricity. Yippe! The evil alliance did it.

Now ladies and gentlemen, fellow Guyanese they wish to derail a massive investment in Guyana, a US$30M investment because of the most asinine reasons: that the major stakeholder has no experience in building a plant. Our tax money is not involved in this, so shut your traps and let the people invest. If they have no experience, why they need it? Do they need it? Oh, by the way intelligent Opposition and educated Kaieteur News Publisher, there is something called Consultants you knooooo…..aaaowwwwww, oh you did not know; well now you know, aowwwwwww! Now you know! Riiigggghghhhht! There is something called architects you know, aowwwwwww! Now you know! There are Contractors who can build you know, aaaowwwww! Now you know. Glenn Lall calls an editor, like Adam Harris, a specialist; the same way there are Chief Executive Officers internationally who can be employed, from the USA, from China, from India, from Russia, from the Ukraine…or anywhere else fools. Aowwwwww….now you know!!! And if you did not know also, there are some CEO’s who are known to invest and manage as partners. Then you will foolishly say they have no experience in waste recycling; well, aowwwwwww! There is something called ‘Specialists in Fields’…you intelligent idiots! Sad I have to use such words to describe your macabre and clandestine mentalities; jackass is more appropriate, when people would use hate for the fact that they have been losing every elections in the history of Guyana, though they may have paraded as Government by deceit, to destroy everything good. I recall the Satellite launching site the Opposition fought against until the investors lost their interest. As they try now to bring Guyana to its knees by failure to support the anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (amendment) bill, as if only the PPP Government will suffer, the Opposition parties and Kaieteur News are having what seem to be orgasmic explosions in their mentalities as a result of the non-cooperation.

So we may have a Minister’s offspring who is educated, qualified (unlike Glenn Lall), and can raise the money or has some and wish to invest and/or support this investment in the recycling of waste, but because one of the investors is a Government Minister’s child, that person cannot and or should not open a factory or business or partner with someone. Automatically to these sinister minds something fishy is involved. People of Guyana, you have become a rumourised society, be careful, support projects that will be good for Guyana. Think, if someone never built a factory, can he not employ specialists to build one. I never construct buildings, but I hire architects, reputable contractors, and in my businesses, I employ various kinds of people who will manage my various businesses. Same for the investors. Let the project continue. Opposition and negative media, and the evil alliance, stop sabotaging development. Everyone has a right to invest, create employment or open a business, whether it is a Minister’s child or not. ROSHAN KHAN Patriotic Guyanese

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Roshan Khan is my countryman and the father of the current Miss Guyana for Miss Universe.

At the night of the judging at Pegasus many Afro Guyanese were heard venting thier disaapointement that Roshan bought the Judges.


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