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susan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
gogo posted:

Old people beyond a certain age should not be made Ministers because tax payers will end up paying their medical bills.

Parliament looks like a Dharam Shaala with all dem old peeps. Dem can hardly stay awake and pay attention.

Will David and Moses in their old age run again in 2020?

If I was a betting gal, I would say Harmon and Cathy running in 2020.

Maybe Nigel. What about PPP? You think BJ will run? Priya maybe? 

Nigel will stay behind the scenes and let Cathy run his show.  He is making a ton of money as a private attorney.  No BJ.  I think the PPP should start putting Priya on the front burner.  She is one of the strongest people in there.  People have not seen what she is made of as yet.  She has the goods!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
susan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
gogo posted:

Old people beyond a certain age should not be made Ministers because tax payers will end up paying their medical bills.

Parliament looks like a Dharam Shaala with all dem old peeps. Dem can hardly stay awake and pay attention.

Will David and Moses in their old age run again in 2020?

If I was a betting gal, I would say Harmon and Cathy running in 2020.

Maybe Nigel. What about PPP? You think BJ will run? Priya maybe? 

Nigel will stay behind the scenes and let Cathy run his show.  He is making a ton of money as a private attorney.  No BJ.  I think the PPP should start putting Priya on the front burner.  She is one of the strongest people in there.  People have not seen what she is made of as yet.  She has the goods!!

Ashni or Bayney might be good too

Bibi Haniffa posted: I think the PPP should start putting Priya on the front burner.  She is one of the strongest people in there.  People have not seen what she is made of as yet.  She has the goods!!

This is where you and I will fight. Definitely not Priya Manickchand. 

Now, look at what I am putting in black and white here. It comes straight from my brain. The best possible PPP presidential candidate for 2020 will be Anil Nandlall. BJ and the PPP Old Guard know that Nandlall is brighter and smarter than all of them combined, hands down.

I am told some of the PPP veterans see him as a threat and that is why he made no headway in the Central Committee. But they can't keep a good man down forever. One fine day their eyes will open and they will see the light in the form of that Chatree. 

i did not like what he told Gildarie on the phone about Glen Lall but I have already forgiven him and written it off as an emotional indiscretion.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted: I think the PPP should start putting Priya on the front burner.  She is one of the strongest people in there.  People have not seen what she is made of as yet.  She has the goods!!

This is where you and I will fight. Definitely not Priya Manickchand. 

Now, look at what I am putting in black and white here. It comes straight from my brain. The best possible PPP presidential candidate for 2020 will be Anil Nandlall. BJ and the PPP Old Guard know that Nandlall is brighter and smarter than all of them combined, hands down.

I am told some of the PPP veterans see him as a threat and that is why he made no headway in the Central Committee. But they can't keep a good man down forever. One fine day their eyes will open and they will see the light in the form of that Chatree. 

i did not like what he told Gildarie on the phone about Glen Lall but I have already forgiven him and written it off as an emotional indiscretion.

No fighting here.  I am in complete agreement with you.  Anil is not only the brightest man in the PPP.  He is probably the brightest man in the country right now.  And his wife is equally bright and is standing by her man 110%.  They both went to QC and have law degrees.  And nuff Rahaman money is there for funding should they ever need it!!!!

Bibi Haniffa

I agree with Gilly and Bibi that Anil Nandalall is the best and the brightest the PPP has left in that Party. He is young and he is a fighter and can win the General Elections in 2020 for his party. Question to you Gilly, would you switch from your current allegiance and publicly support Anil if he becomes the new PPP leader?

baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted: I think the PPP should start putting Priya on the front burner.  She is one of the strongest people in there.  People have not seen what she is made of as yet.  She has the goods!!

This is where you and I will fight. Definitely not Priya Manickchand. 

Now, look at what I am putting in black and white here. It comes straight from my brain. The best possible PPP presidential candidate for 2020 will be Anil Nandlall. BJ and the PPP Old Guard know that Nandlall is brighter and smarter than all of them combined, hands down.

I am told some of the PPP veterans see him as a threat and that is why he made no headway in the Central Committee. But they can't keep a good man down forever. One fine day their eyes will open and they will see the light in the form of that Chatree. 

i did not like what he told Gildarie on the phone about Glen Lall but I have already forgiven him and written it off as an emotional indiscretion.

No fighting here.  I am in complete agreement with you.  Anil is not only the brightest man in the PPP.  He is probably the brightest man in the country right now.  And his wife is equally bright and is standing by her man 110%.  They both went to QC and have law degrees.  And nuff Rahaman money is there for funding should they ever need it!!!!

Maybe that's why the PNC boys trying had to tarnish his name!!  I hope he does become the candidate, more interesting will be his running mate!!

Bibi, you seem well "clued-in", any ideas?

Hmmmmm.  I was hoping Africo Selman but she did not wow me at the last budget debates and seems a little weak.  She still has time to learn though. BJ gat them on operation boot camp.  The best man or woman shall win!!

Bibi Haniffa
Dondadda posted:

I agree with Gilly and Bibi that Anil Nandalall is the best and the brightest the PPP has left in that Party. He is young and he is a fighter and can win the General Elections in 2020 for his party. Question to you Gilly, would you switch from your current allegiance and publicly support Anil if he becomes the new PPP leader?

I am not planning to live up to 2020, Don. Not in my present state of health. That's the reality but I won't say more.

skeldon_man posted:
Mitwah posted:
gogo posted:

Old people beyond a certain age should not be made Ministers because tax payers will end up paying their medical bills.

Parliament looks like a Dharam Shaala with all dem old peeps. Dem can hardly stay awake and pay attention.

Will David and Moses in their old age run again in 2020?

Anyone over 55 should not be allowed to run.

Can BIbi be an exception?

Gilbakka posted:
Dondadda posted:

I agree with Gilly and Bibi that Anil Nandalall is the best and the brightest the PPP has left in that Party. He is young and he is a fighter and can win the General Elections in 2020 for his party. Question to you Gilly, would you switch from your current allegiance and publicly support Anil if he becomes the new PPP leader?

I am not planning to live up to 2020, Don. Not in my present state of health. That's the reality but I won't say more.

Oh come on, don't say that.  You are a valued contributor to this forum and you have a lot of love and support here.  I do wish you good health and I do believe in miracles.  Blessings to you and much love!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted: I think the PPP should start putting Priya on the front burner.  She is one of the strongest people in there.  People have not seen what she is made of as yet.  She has the goods!!

This is where you and I will fight. Definitely not Priya Manickchand. 

Now, look at what I am putting in black and white here. It comes straight from my brain. The best possible PPP presidential candidate for 2020 will be Anil Nandlall. BJ and the PPP Old Guard know that Nandlall is brighter and smarter than all of them combined, hands down.

I am told some of the PPP veterans see him as a threat and that is why he made no headway in the Central Committee. But they can't keep a good man down forever. One fine day their eyes will open and they will see the light in the form of that Chatree. 

i did not like what he told Gildarie on the phone about Glen Lall but I have already forgiven him and written it off as an emotional indiscretion.

No fighting here.  I am in complete agreement with you.  Anil is not only the brightest man in the PPP.  He is probably the brightest man in the country right now.  And his wife is equally bright and is standing by her man 110%.  They both went to QC and have law degrees.  And nuff Rahaman money is there for funding should they ever need it!!!!

Maybe that's why the PNC boys trying had to tarnish his name!!  I hope he does become the candidate, more interesting will be his running mate!!

Bibi, you seem well "clued-in", any ideas?

Hmmmmm.  I was hoping Africo Selman but she did not wow me at the last budget debates and seems a little weak.  She still has time to learn though. BJ gat them on operation boot camp.  The best man or woman shall win!!

I think Dr Vindhya Persaud will make a good running mate, on the basis of eligibility and competence. But the PPP might want some cosmetic arrangement to show it's multiracial, as it did with Liz Harper. You know, an Uncle Tom or Devany.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Dondadda posted:

I agree with Gilly and Bibi that Anil Nandalall is the best and the brightest the PPP has left in that Party. He is young and he is a fighter and can win the General Elections in 2020 for his party. Question to you Gilly, would you switch from your current allegiance and publicly support Anil if he becomes the new PPP leader?

I am not planning to live up to 2020, Don. Not in my present state of health. That's the reality but I won't say more.

Hey Gilbakka, none of us really knows when our number comes up.  If indeed our personas here is an extension of our real selves, you are one heck of a real gentleman. You raise the bar here on GNI and I am certain in all aspects of your life. Members here are fortunate to have a gentleman of your caliber posting.

baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

Base, your nephew would look good in my Green Suit.

A suit does not maketh man!!  But the content of his mind and character towers over many!!

I mean, what does your tight fitting yellow and pink suit says about you?

I am a non violent person.  Even your nephew would look great in that., but then it a question of affordability.

Gilbakka posted:
Dondadda posted:

I agree with Gilly and Bibi that Anil Nandalall is the best and the brightest the PPP has left in that Party. He is young and he is a fighter and can win the General Elections in 2020 for his party. Question to you Gilly, would you switch from your current allegiance and publicly support Anil if he becomes the new PPP leader?

I am not planning to live up to 2020, Don. Not in my present state of health. That's the reality but I won't say more.

Look Bhai Gilly, look after your health - that comes first. We will pray for God to restore your health enough to live a long life. Best of luck my Brother.

Gilbakka posted:
Dondadda posted:

I agree with Gilly and Bibi that Anil Nandalall is the best and the brightest the PPP has left in that Party. He is young and he is a fighter and can win the General Elections in 2020 for his party. Question to you Gilly, would you switch from your current allegiance and publicly support Anil if he becomes the new PPP leader?

I am not planning to live up to 2020, Don. Not in my present state of health. That's the reality but I won't say more.

Look Bhai Gilly, look after your health - that comes first. We will pray for God to restore your health enough to live a long life. Best of luck my Brother.

Gilbakka posted:
Dondadda posted:

I agree with Gilly and Bibi that Anil Nandalall is the best and the brightest the PPP has left in that Party. He is young and he is a fighter and can win the General Elections in 2020 for his party. Question to you Gilly, would you switch from your current allegiance and publicly support Anil if he becomes the new PPP leader?

I am not planning to live up to 2020, Don. Not in my present state of health. That's the reality but I won't say more.

Hey Gill,dont cut and run banna,no one knows that number,hang in there miracles does happen.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted: I think the PPP should start putting Priya on the front burner.  She is one of the strongest people in there.  People have not seen what she is made of as yet.  She has the goods!!

This is where you and I will fight. Definitely not Priya Manickchand. 

Now, look at what I am putting in black and white here. It comes straight from my brain. The best possible PPP presidential candidate for 2020 will be Anil Nandlall. BJ and the PPP Old Guard know that Nandlall is brighter and smarter than all of them combined, hands down.

I am told some of the PPP veterans see him as a threat and that is why he made no headway in the Central Committee. But they can't keep a good man down forever. One fine day their eyes will open and they will see the light in the form of that Chatree. 

i did not like what he told Gildarie on the phone about Glen Lall but I have already forgiven him and written it off as an emotional indiscretion.

No fighting here.  I am in complete agreement with you.  Anil is not only the brightest man in the PPP.  He is probably the brightest man in the country right now.  And his wife is equally bright and is standing by her man 110%.  They both went to QC and have law degrees.  And nuff Rahaman money is there for funding should they ever need it!!!!

Anil is a ass and a thief u backing a fool


susan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Anil and his beautiful lawyer wife will be like America's Bill and Hillary.

Charles and his beauty queen wife Alana will be like England's Charles and Diana.

What more alyuh want??

How about Ashni and the lovely Geetanjali? 

Oh yes girl Susan, that can work too.  Or Dr. Frank Anthony and Dr. Shanti Anthony.

And I know you like that QC boy Bayney Karan and his QC beauty wife Donna Seepersaud-Karan.

These would be some powerful first ladies!!)

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
susan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Anil and his beautiful lawyer wife will be like America's Bill and Hillary.

Charles and his beauty queen wife Alana will be like England's Charles and Diana.

What more alyuh want??

How about Ashni and the lovely Geetanjali? 

Oh yes girl Susan, that can work too.  Or Dr. Frank Anthony and Dr. Shanti Anthony.

And I know you like that QC boy Bayney Karan and his QC beauty wife Donna Seepersaud-Karan.

These would be some powerful first ladies!!)

Yes! And I am sure we can have a gorgeous President Bibi and her handsome partner. You see, I am a firm believer than we need more women leaders. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Guys, if Dr Rupert Roopnarine happens to read this thread, I'm sure he will be energized and humored.

Rupert is happy.  He just became the grandfather of an illegitimate child an hour ago. 

CAUTION: Since the 1970s the government changed the law to say that no Guyanese child born out of wedlock is illegitimate. Remember this: Gail Teixeira gave birth to two daughters while Fazel Khan was still legally married to his first wife Claudette. Those two girls were/are not illegitimate.

My best wishes to the Roopnarine family on the arrival of their latest offspring.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Guys, if Dr Rupert Roopnarine happens to read this thread, I'm sure he will be energized and humored.

Rupert is happy.  He just became the grandfather of an illegitimate child an hour ago. 

There is no such thing as an illegitimate child.  Perhaps you.

So why do they label a child born out of wedlock(father not stated on the birth certificate) a "bastard child".

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Guys, if Dr Rupert Roopnarine happens to read this thread, I'm sure he will be energized and humored.

Rupert is happy.  He just became the grandfather of an illegitimate child an hour ago. 

CAUTION: Since the 1970s the government changed the law to say that no Guyanese child born out of wedlock is illegitimate. Remember this: Gail Teixeira gave birth to two daughters while Fazel Khan was still legally married to his first wife Claudette. Those two girls were/are not illegitimate.

My best wishes to the Roopnarine family on the arrival of their latest offspring.

Excellent point!

I thought the law was passed in 1983 or thereabouts. There was a wave of such legislation in the commonwealth at about that time. And it was most needed and welcomed.  Stigma was removed from a lot of kids. I recall a couple of my classmates having their surnames changed after the law was passed. 

Gilbakka posted:
Dondadda posted:

I agree with Gilly and Bibi that Anil Nandalall is the best and the brightest the PPP has left in that Party. He is young and he is a fighter and can win the General Elections in 2020 for his party. Question to you Gilly, would you switch from your current allegiance and publicly support Anil if he becomes the new PPP leader?

I am not planning to live up to 2020, Don. Not in my present state of health. That's the reality but I won't say more.

Gilly bhai, Don't say that man. Stay strong and positive brother.  Don't give up on life. You make me feel so down now. I hope your health improves. 

susan posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Guys, if Dr Rupert Roopnarine happens to read this thread, I'm sure he will be energized and humored.

Rupert is happy.  He just became the grandfather of an illegitimate child an hour ago. 

CAUTION: Since the 1970s the government changed the law to say that no Guyanese child born out of wedlock is illegitimate. Remember this: Gail Teixeira gave birth to two daughters while Fazel Khan was still legally married to his first wife Claudette. Those two girls were/are not illegitimate.

My best wishes to the Roopnarine family on the arrival of their latest offspring.

Excellent point!

I thought the law was passed in 1983 or thereabouts. There was a wave of such legislation in the commonwealth at about that time. And it was most needed and welcomed.  Stigma was removed from a lot of kids. I recall a couple of my classmates having their surnames changed after the law was passed. 

Thanks for zooming into the timeframe. I remember that the discussions had begun in the 1970s but I couldn't recall the exact year the law was passed. I'm making a note to check it out later. The Laws of Guyana are available online.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

A child is considered to be illegitimate if the parents are not married to each other at the time of the child's birth!!!

And why did they cross the border for the child to be born in Brazil??  Rupert and his bunch are strange people!

Bibi, the applicable law of Guyana takes precedence over considerations.

Gilbakka posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A child is considered to be illegitimate if the parents are not married to each other at the time of the child's birth!!!

And why did they cross the border for the child to be born in Brazil??  Rupert and his bunch are strange people!

Bibi, the applicable law of Guyana takes precedence over considerations.



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