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What should constitute our Republic Day parade

Dear Editor,
I wish to thank the Albertown Police Station for heeding my desperate plea on Monday night and turning up in my Queenstown neighbourhood to shut down the Banks DIH post-Mash noise.
This was after 21:00h. It took the Police an hour to get there, but they did, and for that I am very grateful.

I intended to check whether there is any law that allows a commercial entity to plop itself down in a residential neighbourhood and emit from 10:00h in the morning and onwards a thumping, raucous racket – I think it’s called music – until whenever they decide to turn it off.

But is this about legality or about being good citizens?
And since I am on the subject of the annual dutty wine that serves to mark our Republican status, I am stating here that I will vote for whichever party is willing to change this annual parade and by doing so change our nation.
We are bent on copying Trinidad and Brazil. Since we are bereft of creativity and cannot make anything of our own, I move that we copy the more decent nations and have a Republic Day parade that we can all be proud of. It is a day to parade our best and finest.

I want to see our Army and Police in dress uniform marching in perfect order down our streets before bands that have rehearsed and are in perfect tune and harmony.
Our Fire Service, Drug Enforcement Unit, our schools and clubs, our Girl Guides and Boy Scouts, our judo and shakti masters and students, and our commercial sector who will build and display aesthetically pleasing floats to a theme and can compete for prizes – these should constitute our Republic Day parade.
Note that I am not asking for better education or economic systems, or a cleanup of corruption. Whichever of the two Presidential Candidates has the cojones to institute a decent Republic Day celebration will, in that one decisive move, turn this country around.

He will be stating that ours is a proud, law abiding nation where the attributes of decency, neighbourliness, morality, and all around pleasantness like good manners and courtesy are the ones we encourage and reward.
These are the characteristics on which progressive nations are built.

What we have and will continue to have for a long, long time is leadership that will now send around a cleanup crew to pick up the droppings of litter that the dutty winers have left behind.
I usually flee my home on dutty wine day. This year I stayed. Next year, I will flee again unless the incoming President changes the nature of our Republic Day parade.
Given that this will not happen, would he at least change the parade route?

The citizens of Queenstown and Kitty have more than done their duty for country and the annual dutty wine should now be inflicted on another neighbourhood.

Ryhaan Shah

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Mars:
Douglarization is driving fear into these racists.


This isn't about douglarization chap. This is about public simulations of sex and other vulgar disgusting displays unbecoming of a civilized people. Everyone has a bedroom for a reason (or seawall for those who need it).


This is a poor reflection of a nation for people to dress as idiots or whores and parade down the streets of the capital.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Douglarization is driving fear into these racists.


This isn't about douglarization chap. This is about public simulations of sex and other vulgar disgusting displays unbecoming of a civilized people. Everyone has a bedroom for a reason (or seawall for those who need it).


This is a poor reflection of a nation for people to dress as idiots or whores and parade down the streets of the capital.

Please, y'all get a life. What do you expect people to do in a carnival? Read the Bible and sing Hymns? I bet she would not have called if it was tassa drums mekkin noise.
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Douglarization is driving fear into these racists.


This isn't about douglarization chap. This is about public simulations of sex and other vulgar disgusting displays unbecoming of a civilized people. Everyone has a bedroom for a reason (or seawall for those who need it).


This is a poor reflection of a nation for people to dress as idiots or whores and parade down the streets of the capital.

Please, y'all get a life. What do you expect people to do in a carnival? Read the Bible and sing Hymns? I bet she would not have called if it was tassa drums mekkin noise.


The point is that we have plenty of places to be lewd and lascivious. Rum shaps, hotels, seawalls etc. etc.


We doan need to do a public orgy at the taxpayer expense.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Douglarization is driving fear into these racists.


This isn't about douglarization chap. This is about public simulations of sex and other vulgar disgusting displays unbecoming of a civilized people. Everyone has a bedroom for a reason (or seawall for those who need it).


This is a poor reflection of a nation for people to dress as idiots or whores and parade down the streets of the capital.

A bedroom or the seawall couldn't save this poor Bajan guy after he finished mashing on the street:

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Douglarization is driving fear into these racists.


This isn't about douglarization chap. This is about public simulations of sex and other vulgar disgusting displays unbecoming of a civilized people. Everyone has a bedroom for a reason (or seawall for those who need it).


This is a poor reflection of a nation for people to dress as idiots or whores and parade down the streets of the capital.

A bedroom or the seawall couldn't save this poor Bajan guy after he finished mashing on the street:


This is gonna be so awkward to explain to de man wife back in Barbados

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:


This was POst Mash noise...not during the carnival

You think she would call the police and complain if it was a few Drunk Indos mekkin noise on Diwali night? How about all the dutty wine garbage she wrote? 900 at night and she mekkkin a big fuss plus one Lang ass nasty letter to the newspapers complaining about decency and vulgarity. It's a bloody carnival for God's sake. What do you expect? Sing some bhajans and throw lil powder?
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:


This was POst Mash noise...not during the carnival

You think she would call the police and complain if it was a few Drunk Indos mekkin noise on Diwali night? How about all the dutty wine garbage she wrote? 900 at night and she mekkkin a big fuss plus one Lang ass nasty letter to the newspapers complaining about decency and vulgarity. It's a bloody carnival for God's sake. What do you expect? Sing some bhajans and throw lil powder?

WHy are you bringing religion into this?

I agree with the woman for complaining....


Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Originally Posted by Mars:
Douglarization is driving fear into these racists.


This isn't about douglarization chap. This is about public simulations of sex and other vulgar disgusting displays unbecoming of a civilized people. Everyone has a bedroom for a reason (or seawall for those who need it).


This is a poor reflection of a nation for people to dress as idiots or whores and parade down the streets of the capital.

Please, y'all get a life. What do you expect people to do in a carnival? Read the Bible and sing Hymns? I bet she would not have called if it was tassa drums mekkin noise.


The point is that we have plenty of places to be lewd and lascivious. Rum shaps, hotels, seawalls etc. etc.


We doan need to do a public orgy at the taxpayer expense.

So I guess New Orleans, Rio, T&T, Barbados, Key West, Toronto, New York, London (and the 200 other cities) should all shut down their carnivals? For someone who was ridiculing old people yesterday, you behaving older than DG.
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

What law was broken?


Obviously the Noise Ordinance.

Did Ramotar sign off on it?


Section 175 of the Summary Jurisdiction (Offences) Act "Making of loud continuous noise"


Come again chap!

tek ah bet if it was the opposition in charge and this had happened, these fellas would be giving kudos to the Govt

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

What law was broken?


Obviously the Noise Ordinance.

Did Ramotar sign off on it?


Section 175 of the Summary Jurisdiction (Offences) Act "Making of loud continuous noise"


Come again chap!

tek ah bet if it was the opposition in charge and this had happened, these fellas would be giving kudos to the Govt

HEHEHE  Bhai, Leave Dem Snakeoil Salesmen to have their GNI Time nah.

It is much more than people making a lil bit of noise on a Mash night. Tell me that this woman is not living in fear of Douglarization and Mash is probably the biggest event that has her shitting herself. In her own words she is scared out of her wits of "the assimilation of Indians into the Black Creole Culture." She's the head of an organization which promotes cricket matches and other events "for Indians Only" in a multicultural society.

According to the association's president Ryhaan Shah, the GIHA is "really a lobbying group" that paradoxically arose to fight for "Indian rights in a country where Indians are the majority." The GIHA claims this was necessary because of the "marginalization of Indian culture, and the assimilation of Indians into the Black Creole Culture." As far as Ms Shah is concerned, the PPP/C allows this to happen and even "backs the idea of assimilation." She claims the government was never interested in Indian Culture:.......
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

What law was broken?


Obviously the Noise Ordinance.

Did Ramotar sign off on it?


Section 175 of the Summary Jurisdiction (Offences) Act "Making of loud continuous noise"


Come again chap!

tek ah bet if it was the opposition in charge and this had happened, these fellas would be giving kudos to the Govt


I doan understand people are so brainwashed either. The party and the leader is always right. The other side can do no right. We can do no wrong. We have all the answers. Only when we do something is it good.


I could never be a party man. I don't have the brains for it

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

I am speaking to the points she raised in her letter

You are very naive if you fail to see the big picture. The woman is a self avowed racist bitch whose biggest fear is Douglarization. The worse day on the Guyanese calendar for Douglarization is Mash Day because she is at home paranoid that young Indian girls are dutty winin on big black men. So her neighbors make a little noise at 9.00 pm and she calls the cops but it has a lot more to do than just calling the cops or a little noise. She writes a long letter to the newspapers ridiculing the Mash Day Event. Would she have called the cops if her Indian neighbors beat a tassa drum on Diwali night? What about her Indian Only Cricket Games and Duck Curry competitions? Is she bothered that the drunks who gather there make a little noise and disturb their neighbors?

Last edited by Mars

Ms. Shah seems more concerned about national morals. Don't evade the point.


It's good to see that not everybody has lost their sense of morals.


We can't sit by and see all the cultural degeneracy and applaud in the name of "fun."  Our Afro and Indo brothers and sisters in underwear in the streets is not a winning formula for national pride. That's why all this nonsense about men marrying men, women marrying women; man today, woman tomorrow can parade themselves as "human rights" because now "anything goes."


I think too many people are too uptight nowadays. People get pissed if someone wants to pray or not, what people eat and what they don't. How they dress and how they don't and how they party or not. I am in this photo taken by my wife and we have no problem with the "nasty wine" stuff that y'all are loosing sleep over. Live and let live. If it is not your cup of tea, order something different. Sheeeecccchhhhh.  



Images (1)
  • GNI: 2013 Miami Carnival
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

That's the least clothes you can have on before having intimate activities.


That's not proper at all.  That's partly why Muslims want to protect their values of modesty, and not become generate like those people who think these kinds of lustfest displays are OK.

Don't you think that Muslims are better doing their stuff privately instead of the very public approach? Don't you think that Muslims have a responsibility to read their surroundings and take what is given to them rather than make demands that they haven't really earned yet? We Muslims are not behaving smartly and we are really digging ourselves deeper by it. If others choose to act different from us, that is their right. We may have a responsibility to shape the world but we must first shape ourselves. On that we have a far way to go.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

That's the least clothes you can have on before having intimate activities.


That's not proper at all.  That's partly why Muslims want to protect their values of modesty, and not become generate like those people who think these kinds of lustfest displays are OK.

Don't you think that Muslims are better doing their stuff privately instead of the very public approach? Don't you think that Muslims have a responsibility to read their surroundings and take what is given to them rather than make demands that they haven't really earned yet? We Muslims are not behaving smartly and we are really digging ourselves deeper by it. If others choose to act different from us, that is their right. We may have a responsibility to shape the world but we must first shape ourselves. On that we have a far way to go.


Holy goat!


A sensible response from a fullahman. I can die a happy atheist now.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Holy goat!


A sensible response from a fullahman. I can die a happy atheist now.

Bai, never mention the word die to a jihadist.  


All the infidels want is just a little attempt to show a willingness to work within Western society without fundamentally altering it to make it resemble Allah's Country.


No one would care about hijab and burqa etc. etc. if you people weren't so friggin belligerent about it.


The nature of Western society is to accommodate any and all minorities but you people give the impression (and reality) of carving out spheres of domination and special privilege by "force."


When you all stop being annoying, you people will be amazed at how totally accepted you all would be. Stop rubbing your Islam in our faces.


Just go to the damn gym and go pray at masjid or home. That way when you want to build a masjid somewhere, your infidel neighbors won't find flimsy zoning excuses to deny permission. Does this make some sense?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Holy goat!


A sensible response from a fullahman. I can die a happy atheist now.

Bai, never mention the word die to a jihadist.  


All the infidels want is just a little attempt to show a willingness to work within Western society without fundamentally altering it to make it resemble Allah's Country.


No one would care about hijab and burqa etc. etc. if you people weren't so friggin belligerent about it.


The nature of Western society is to accommodate any and all minorities but you people give the impression (and reality) of carving out spheres of domination and special privilege by "force."


When you all stop being annoying, you people will be amazed at how totally accepted you all would be. Stop rubbing your Islam in our faces.


Just go to the damn gym and go pray at masjid or home. That way when you want to build a masjid somewhere, your infidel neighbors won't find flimsy zoning excuses to deny permission. Does this make some sense?

It does. But did you have to be so harsh on the infidels?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

I think too many people are too uptight nowadays. People get pissed if someone wants to pray or not, what people eat and what they don't. How they dress and how they don't and how they party or not. I am in this photo taken by my wife and we have no problem with the "nasty wine" stuff that y'all are loosing sleep over. Live and let live. If it is not your cup of tea, order something different. Sheeeecccchhhhh.  


Kaz, I don't know if my eyes suddenly get cataract today, but I see 5 big-bubby gyals and me cyaant believe dat you among dem. You sure you in the photo?


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