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ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

Happy day for the world.

Look how pretty the new first lady is. Compare her to the exiting first lady and you decide for yourself.


On tv yesterday as Melania was speaking, the tv had to show subtitles because although Melania was supposedly speaking English, no one can really understand what she was saying. Melania's only real usefulness is her puzzy. Michelle has two Ivy League degrees, plus a law degree. Melania isn't fit to even wash Michelle's behind.

Shut up Mr Fox ladies admirer.  She is paid to sit, stand and look pretty and make the Donald happy!

ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
yuji22 posted:

Happy day for the world.

Look how pretty the new first lady is. Compare her to the exiting first lady and you decide for yourself.


On tv yesterday as Melania was speaking, the tv had to show subtitles because although Melania was supposedly speaking English, no one can really understand what she was saying. Melania's only real usefulness is her puzzy. Michelle has two Ivy League degrees, plus a law degree. Melania isn't fit to even wash Michelle's behind.

Shut up Mr Fox ladies admirer.  She is paid to sit, stand and look pretty and make the Donald happy!

Dude, clearly I wouldn't turn down her puzzy (especially if she has the sexual appetite of my white sweet ohman) but compared to Michelle, Melania has EARNED nothing.

Btw, observing Melania and Donald dancing last night, I felt that they don't connect emotionally. One could easily recognize a more soulful dance from Mike and Karen Pence.

https:/ /OccupyDemocrats/videos/1396476923778691/

Chameli posted:
Nehru posted:

THe New First Lady is real HOT, Caliente Senor Caliente.):

Bhai, she may look hot on the outside but she hubby body language shows that there is a kgb coldness under the plastic face and fancy clothes...she getting paid to look hot.  I suspect that she is the russian spy who has the don under her control

Michelle, has hot brains and emotional connection with her husband.

Exactly what I observed from that 'dance' last night but maybe that is how white people dance.   This morning, I commented on it to my wife and she agreed that there don't seem to be an emotional connection between Donald and Melania.

ksazma posted:
Chameli posted:
Nehru posted:

THe New First Lady is real HOT, Caliente Senor Caliente.):

Bhai, she may look hot on the outside but she hubby body language shows that there is a kgb coldness under the plastic face and fancy clothes...she getting paid to look hot.  I suspect that she is the russian spy who has the don under her control

Michelle, has hot brains and emotional connection with her husband.

Exactly what I observed from that 'dance' last night but maybe that is how white people dance.   This morning, I commented on it to my wife and she agreed that there don't seem to be an emotional connection between Donald and Melania.

Fascists dance differently than democrats. Hitler and Eva Braun danced just like Trump and Trumpess.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Fascists dance differently than democrats. Hitler and Eva Braun danced just like Trump and Trumpess.

Gilly bai, Good mannin'. Please don't use Hitler and my president in the same statement. It's an insult to our people(Americans).

The dude does sound like Hitler sometimes. But other times he sound like a nice guy. Time will tell.

ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Fascists dance differently than democrats. Hitler and Eva Braun danced just like Trump and Trumpess.

Gilly bai, Good mannin'. Please don't use Hitler and my president in the same statement. It's an insult to our people(Americans).

The dude does sound like Hitler sometimes. But other times he sound like a nice guy. Time will tell.

He is a disgrace to America. I see he signed an order that will affect how people deduct their interest mortgage on their taxes. May cost some homeowners about $500.00.

skeldon_man posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Fascists dance differently than democrats. Hitler and Eva Braun danced just like Trump and Trumpess.

Gilly bai, Good mannin'. Please don't use Hitler and my president in the same statement. It's an insult to our people(Americans).

Noted. I listened to a few radio and TV broadcasts and heard Americans themselves referring to Trump as a fascist. Me sell um how me buy um. No profit.

skeldon_man posted: 

He is a disgrace to America. I see he signed an order that will affect how people deduct their interest mortgage on their taxes. May cost some homeowners about $500.00.

Clarification: It is not about deducting mortgage interest from taxes. It is about not having to pay for mortgage principal insurance on government backed loans. Customarily home owners who borrow more than 80% of the value of their home has to but insurance to protect that difference between what they borrow and the 80% ceiling. It is still a scam because the entire 100 percent of the note can be recovered regardless of how much is borrowed (no lender lends more than 100% of the value of the property) and if the market crashes, that PMI is meaningless because the value can drop way beyond what is recovered from that insurance.

Ironically it is those homeowners who don't have lots of disposable cash who are forced to borrow more than 80% of their home and what did Trump do as his vey first executive order? He took that little benefit away from those homeowner. So much for the defender of the small man (and woman).

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted: 

He is a disgrace to America. I see he signed an order that will affect how people deduct their interest mortgage on their taxes. May cost some homeowners about $500.00.

Clarification: It is not about deducting mortgage interest from taxes. It is about not having to pay for mortgage principal insurance on government backed loans. Customarily home owners who borrow more than 80% of the value of their home has to but insurance to protect that difference between what they borrow and the 80% ceiling. It is still a scam because the entire 100 percent of the note can be recovered regardless of how much is borrowed (no lender lends more than 100% of the value of the property) and if the market crashes, that PMI is meaningless because the value can drop way beyond what is recovered from that insurance.

Ironically it is those homeowners who don't have lots of disposable cash who are forced to borrow more than 80% of their home and what did Trump do as his vey first executive order? He took that little benefit away from those homeowner. So much for the defender of the small man (and woman).

I a "ticker" on CNN and did not fully understand how it will work. I don't have to worry, I do not have a mortgage.

ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

It's great to see the unity displayed.  Even Muslims are now coming around to worshiping the Donald!

Muslims don't worship any other than Allah dude. Even Muhammad only gets loved.

Don't they worship the moon?

No. Where do you hear these things. The only purpose of the moon is that it measures the beginning and ending of each month.

ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Noted. I listened to a few radio and TV broadcasts and heard Americans themselves referring to Trump as a fascist. Me sell um how me buy um. No profit.

Only a fool would not seek some kind of profit.  Just messing with you dude.

No problem. According to conventional wisdom, Gilbakka is a chronic fool who puts honor before money. Me is de poorest in de family, bai. I never entertained the concept "profit" in any of my undertakings.

Gilbakka posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Noted. I listened to a few radio and TV broadcasts and heard Americans themselves referring to Trump as a fascist. Me sell um how me buy um. No profit.

Only a fool would not seek some kind of profit.  Just messing with you dude.

No problem. According to conventional wisdom, Gilbakka is a chronic fool who puts honor before money. Me is de poorest in de family, bai. I never entertained the concept "profit" in any of my undertakings.

Gilly bhai, No you are not poor. Money is not everything. Peace of mind and contention is what counts. Don't let money be your master. I am a rich man too; not with money. My mind is at peace and I am content with what I have. I have done well through the years and now enjoying the benefits of my hard work. Keep in mind that our maker sent us here to help our fellow man so we can survive along with them. If we do this, then we are not poor.

skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I figured Gilly and Django in their 60s...I guess Skelly also up there

Yeah, I am retired..4years ago. Retired early to enjoy my SS before it's all gone. Love the outdoors and have been enjoying it.

Suh you got wan couple years ahead of me.

Enjoy bro,

i plan from this year to take it light on the work side and start enjoying what i missed,so far knock on wood health is great no meds.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I figured Gilly and Django in their 60s...I guess Skelly also up there

Yeah, I am retired..4years ago. Retired early to enjoy my SS before it's all gone. Love the outdoors and have been enjoying it.

Suh you got wan couple years ahead of me.

Enjoy bro,

i plan from this year to take it light on the work side and start enjoying what i missed,so far knock on wood health is great no meds.

People asked me if I don't get bored being retired. I told them with all the stuff I do, I cannot be bored. I also have 2 brothers who are retired also. The wife and I go for breakfast 2x a week, lunch once a week. Out at the sporting goods store every other day(different stores).

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I figured Gilly and Django in their 60s...I guess Skelly also up there

Yeah, I am retired..4years ago. Retired early to enjoy my SS before it's all gone. Love the outdoors and have been enjoying it.

Suh you got wan couple years ahead of me.

Enjoy bro,

i plan from this year to take it light on the work side and start enjoying what i missed,so far knock on wood health is great no meds.

People asked me if I don't get bored being retired. I told them with all the stuff I do, I cannot be bored. I also have 2 brothers who are retired also. The wife and I go for breakfast 2x a week, lunch once a week. Out at the sporting goods store every other day(different stores).

What kind of sports do you take part in?

VVP posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

I figured Gilly and Django in their 60s...I guess Skelly also up there

Yeah, I am retired..4years ago. Retired early to enjoy my SS before it's all gone. Love the outdoors and have been enjoying it.

Suh you got wan couple years ahead of me.

Enjoy bro,

i plan from this year to take it light on the work side and start enjoying what i missed,so far knock on wood health is great no meds.

People asked me if I don't get bored being retired. I told them with all the stuff I do, I cannot be bored. I also have 2 brothers who are retired also. The wife and I go for breakfast 2x a week, lunch once a week. Out at the sporting goods store every other day(different stores).

What kind of sports do you take part in?

I do a lot of fishing(no ice fishing) and do hunt pheasants, grouse and doves. Dove hunting is the most exciting. I accompany my brothers when they go deer hunting. They shot 2 bucks this past fall, one 4 pointer and one 7 pointer. I do not eat venison; my wife and kid do.

We are planning to buy a clay pigeon thrower and try some clay shooting this summer.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:

What kind of sports do you take part in?

I do a lot of fishing(no ice fishing) and do hunt pheasants, grouse and doves. Dove hunting is the most exciting. I accompany my brothers when they go deer hunting. They shot 2 bucks this past fall, one 4 pointer and one 7 pointer. I do not eat venison; my wife and kid do.

We are planning to buy a clay pigeon thrower and try some clay shooting this summer.

Better to go to a club and shoot skeet or trap.  I shoot trap in the ATA.  The clubs (in NY) are often open to the public on certain days for clay shooting.

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:

What kind of sports do you take part in?

I do a lot of fishing(no ice fishing) and do hunt pheasants, grouse and doves. Dove hunting is the most exciting. I accompany my brothers when they go deer hunting. They shot 2 bucks this past fall, one 4 pointer and one 7 pointer. I do not eat venison; my wife and kid do.

We are planning to buy a clay pigeon thrower and try some clay shooting this summer.

Better to go to a club and shoot skeet or trap.  I shoot trap in the ATA.  The clubs (in NY) are often open to the public on certain days for clay shooting.

Too many people join these clubs and the fees are high. Very few clubs exist here and often they are packed during the warmer days. There's a large DNR range about 80 miles away which is always open.

skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:

What kind of sports do you take part in?

I do a lot of fishing(no ice fishing) and do hunt pheasants, grouse and doves. Dove hunting is the most exciting. I accompany my brothers when they go deer hunting. They shot 2 bucks this past fall, one 4 pointer and one 7 pointer. I do not eat venison; my wife and kid do.

We are planning to buy a clay pigeon thrower and try some clay shooting this summer.

Better to go to a club and shoot skeet or trap.  I shoot trap in the ATA.  The clubs (in NY) are often open to the public on certain days for clay shooting.

Too many people join these clubs and the fees are high. Very few clubs exist here and often they are packed during the warmer days. There's a large DNR range about 80 miles away which is always open.

Where I used to live there were 10 clubs in a 15 miles radius.  Some of them you wouldn't know about unless you ask.


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