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kp posted:
ksazma posted:
ba$eman posted:

It's great to see the unity displayed.  Even Muslims are now coming around to worshiping the Donald!

Muslims don't worship any other than Allah dude. Even Muhammad only gets loved.

Why do they face Mecca to worship ? Why do they circle and stone the Kabba.??

Both acts are symbolic acts. The facing of the Kaaba came about because the Prophet wanted all believers to have one focus and initially he chose facing Jerusalem but later on changed that direction after he was directed by the Qur'anic verse to face the Kaaba. The circling of the Kaaba is also symbolic as it symbolizes continuity, unity, etc. The stone in the kaaba is believed to be brought to earth by the first human being, Adam. There is no worship of the moon, Kaaba or stone. To clarify this one needs only to reference the very first verse of the Qur'an, "ALL praises are for ALLAH, Lord of ALL the worlds". No mention is made to anyone or anything else in that declaration.


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