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With the demise of Messers Burnham, Reid and Hoyte the PNC is still continuing it's age old tricks.  They are using every means possible to delay an early elections.  They do not want to respect the "No Confidence" motion that was passed in the National Assembly by a majority of one.  Talk about wolves in sheep's clothing. Granger and his cabal are no different than Forbes Burnham and cohorts.  The "R" standing for Reform should be removed from the PNC/R.   The letter "R" is just a window dressing on the same old gang that have ravaged Guyana for over thirty years.      

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Bai, when it was only PNC, it was evil. When they add the R, the PNC was still evil. They tried another con job by putting the term APNU forward but even then, it was still the evil PNC. The last iteration of APNU/AFC proved once again that it is still the evil PNC. It seems that the PNC is incapable of emerging to the level of civilization. They had a golden opportunity to change their wicked ways when they assumed the government in 2015 but couldn't get out of their own way. Even Jagdeo stood up and proclaimed in parliament back in 2015 that he would not tolerate anyone demeaning the president (Granger) and still they could use Jagdeo's pronouncement to get out of their own way. Some things are just not meant to be good.

Last edited by Former Member
Reza R. Rahaman posted:

With the demise of Messers Burnham, Reid and Hoyte the PNC is still continuing it's age old tricks.  They are using every means possible to delay an early elections. 

They do not want to respect the "No Confidence" motion that was passed in the National Assembly by a majority of one.  Talk about wolves in sheep's clothing. Granger and his cabal are no different than Forbes Burnham and cohorts. 

The "R" standing for Reform should be removed from the PNC/R.   The letter "R" is just a window dressing on the same old gang that have ravaged Guyana for over thirty years.      

The two sides at the meeting yesterday (Ministry of the Presidency photo)

Looks like Jagdeo is stunned, the man who was kicked out of the party, told him he will bring down Jagdeo's PPP, sits calmly next to Naga.


Take a look at the negotiating teams, tell us what you have observed.

ksazma posted:

Bai, when it was only PNC, it was evil. When they add the R, the PNC was still evil. They tried another con job by putting the term APNU forward but even then, it was still the evil PNC. The last iteration of APNU/AFC proved once again that it is still the evil PNC.

It seems that the PNC is incapable of emerging to the level of civilization. They had a golden opportunity to change their wicked ways when they assumed the government in 2015 but couldn't get out of their own way.

Even Jagdeo stood up and proclaimed in parliament back in 2015 that he would not tolerate anyone demeaning the president (Granger) and still they could use Jagdeo's pronouncement to get out of their own way. Some things are just not meant to be good.

Unfortunately you are stuck in old times, no rolling over to Putinisque.

Regarding your last paragraph it's full of holes, please revisit the actions of Jagdeo and members of the opposition , towards President Granger when he visited parliament.

Nehru posted:

I observed a Neemakaram Crabdaag and a GADAHA, two of the most SHAMELESS Parasites on this Planet. Two criminals who are breaking every Law and disrespecting the Guyana Constitution in a way never heard of before. Two FOOLS are worth less that the price of NYC sewage!!!

How about  "Putinsque"  and minions ?

Last edited by Django
Nehru posted:

Rumjhaaaat has to speak in ways to please his Masters the very way you do.

No wonder Al Yuh on the same wrong side, Al Yuh cant help it, blinded by ignorance , stupidity and slavish nature!!

Ha..ha..ha.. Ramjattan is his own man, listen to his interview with Mark Benshop, you may learn a thing or two. I can post the interview here if it's difficult to find.

Your last statement seems to define the followers of  "Putinisque" are you in that league ?

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai, when it was only PNC, it was evil. When they add the R, the PNC was still evil. They tried another con job by putting the term APNU forward but even then, it was still the evil PNC. The last iteration of APNU/AFC proved once again that it is still the evil PNC.

It seems that the PNC is incapable of emerging to the level of civilization. They had a golden opportunity to change their wicked ways when they assumed the government in 2015 but couldn't get out of their own way.

Even Jagdeo stood up and proclaimed in parliament back in 2015 that he would not tolerate anyone demeaning the president (Granger) and still they could use Jagdeo's pronouncement to get out of their own way. Some things are just not meant to be good.

Unfortunately you are stuck in old times, no rolling over to Putinisque.

Regarding your last paragraph it's full of holes, please revisit the actions of Jagdeo and members of the opposition , towards President Granger when he visited parliament.

Bai, old times are right now. That is what is unfortunate for Guyana and Guyanese. I am not interested in living in make believe. The coalition are behaving irresponsible and wicked and you still continue to gloss over their behavior. Thankfully, I don't have to live with that burden.  When is this Coalition going to do the right thing without their feet having to be put to the fire. 

Are you denying that Jagdeo stood up in parliament and proclaimed that he will not allow anyone to demean the president (granger)?

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai, when it was only PNC, it was evil. When they add the R, the PNC was still evil. They tried another con job by putting the term APNU forward but even then, it was still the evil PNC. The last iteration of APNU/AFC proved once again that it is still the evil PNC.

It seems that the PNC is incapable of emerging to the level of civilization. They had a golden opportunity to change their wicked ways when they assumed the government in 2015 but couldn't get out of their own way.

Even Jagdeo stood up and proclaimed in parliament back in 2015 that he would not tolerate anyone demeaning the president (Granger) and still they could use Jagdeo's pronouncement to get out of their own way. Some things are just not meant to be good.

Unfortunately you are stuck in old times, no rolling over to Putinisque.

Regarding your last paragraph it's full of holes, please revisit the actions of Jagdeo and members of the opposition , towards President Granger when he visited parliament.

Bai, old times are right now. That is what is unfortunate for Guyana and Guyanese. I am not interested in living in make believe. The coalition are behaving irresponsible and wicked and you still continue to gloss over their behavior. Thankfully, I don't have to live with that burden.  When is this Coalition going to do the right thing without their feet having to be put to the fire. 

Are you denying that Jagdeo stood up in parliament and proclaimed that he will not allow anyone to demean the president (granger)?

Probably after coming to senses for previous disrespect shown to President Granger visits to Parliament, in one his address there was continuous banging on the desks, another time they walked out.

Sometimes i feel when you point to  the wickedness of other political parties, is to deflect from the wickedness of the PPP.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai, when it was only PNC, it was evil. When they add the R, the PNC was still evil. They tried another con job by putting the term APNU forward but even then, it was still the evil PNC. The last iteration of APNU/AFC proved once again that it is still the evil PNC.

It seems that the PNC is incapable of emerging to the level of civilization. They had a golden opportunity to change their wicked ways when they assumed the government in 2015 but couldn't get out of their own way.

Even Jagdeo stood up and proclaimed in parliament back in 2015 that he would not tolerate anyone demeaning the president (Granger) and still they could use Jagdeo's pronouncement to get out of their own way. Some things are just not meant to be good.

Unfortunately you are stuck in old times, no rolling over to Putinisque.

Regarding your last paragraph it's full of holes, please revisit the actions of Jagdeo and members of the opposition , towards President Granger when he visited parliament.

Bai, old times are right now. That is what is unfortunate for Guyana and Guyanese. I am not interested in living in make believe. The coalition are behaving irresponsible and wicked and you still continue to gloss over their behavior. Thankfully, I don't have to live with that burden.  When is this Coalition going to do the right thing without their feet having to be put to the fire. 

Are you denying that Jagdeo stood up in parliament and proclaimed that he will not allow anyone to demean the president (granger)?

Probably after coming to senses for previous disrespect shown to President Granger visits to Parliament, in one his address there was continuous banging on the desks, another time they walked out.

I am certain that he did not say it because he came to senses with any previous disrespect for Granger (I don't address Granger as president anymore. His presidency was resigned on 12/21/2018). But that said, are you denying that he made that proclamation in parliament?

Django posted:

Sometimes i feel when you point to  the wickedness of other political parties, is to deflect from the wickedness of the PPP.

The PPP is currently the Opposition party so to focus on them and ignore the Coalition's (PNC) wickedness is actually the true deflection. If your child is drowning in a pool, would you jump in post haste or would you worry first of and then seek to ensure that you are properly dressed in swim gear. Right now, the Coalition has the fuel and matches and are threatening to light the house ablaze. Worrying about who may get the fuel and matches at some later time and ignoring/allowing the coalition to burn the house makes no sense. First you try to get the fuel and matches from the ones currently threatening to light the house ablaze and one you have accomplish that, you seek to ensure that all fuel and matches don't get into the hands of irresponsible people who are threatening to burn the house down.

ksazma posted:

I am certain that he did not say it because he came to senses with any previous disrespect for Granger (I don't address Granger as president anymore. His presidency was resigned on 12/21/2018).

But that said, are you denying that he made that proclamation in parliament?

Can't recall such, please post the information, will stand corrected.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Sometimes i feel when you point to  the wickedness of other political parties, is to deflect from the wickedness of the PPP.

The PPP is currently the Opposition party so to focus on them and ignore the Coalition's (PNC) wickedness is actually the true deflection.

Not deflection, parse actions and give Jack his jacket.

Guyana fragile Democracy need  level headed politicians.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Sometimes i feel when you point to  the wickedness of other political parties, is to deflect from the wickedness of the PPP.

The PPP is currently the Opposition party so to focus on them and ignore the Coalition's (PNC) wickedness is actually the true deflection.

Not deflection, parse actions and give Jack his jacket.

Guyana fragile Democracy need  level headed politicians.

The Coalition (PNC) is currently threatening that fragile democracy by refusing to do the most basic element of democracy, the willingness to peacefully do what the constitution requires.

To give Jack his jacket would require proclaiming that the Coalition (PNC) is currently disobeying the law.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Sometimes i feel when you point to  the wickedness of other political parties, is to deflect from the wickedness of the PPP.

The PPP is currently the Opposition party so to focus on them and ignore the Coalition's (PNC) wickedness is actually the true deflection.

Not deflection, parse actions and give Jack his jacket.

Guyana fragile Democracy need  level headed politicians.

The Coalition (PNC) is currently threatening that fragile democracy by refusing to do the most basic element of democracy, the willingness to peacefully do what the constitution requires.

To give Jack his jacket would require proclaiming that the Coalition (PNC) is currently disobeying the law.

Since the CM motion vote, please give a chronology  to date where the law was disobeyed.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I am certain that he did not say it because he came to senses with any previous disrespect for Granger (I don't address Granger as president anymore. His presidency was resigned on 12/21/2018).

But that said, are you denying that he made that proclamation in parliament?

Can't recall such, please post the information, will stand corrected.

Check starting around 16:00. This is the very first address that Jagdeo gave after the Coalition assume office so he couldn't have had previous disrespect Granger. Jagdeo kicked the Coalition asses at this address and from that point forward, they have been having nightmares. 

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Sometimes i feel when you point to  the wickedness of other political parties, is to deflect from the wickedness of the PPP.

The PPP is currently the Opposition party so to focus on them and ignore the Coalition's (PNC) wickedness is actually the true deflection.

Not deflection, parse actions and give Jack his jacket.

Guyana fragile Democracy need  level headed politicians.

The Coalition (PNC) is currently threatening that fragile democracy by refusing to do the most basic element of democracy, the willingness to peacefully do what the constitution requires.

To give Jack his jacket would require proclaiming that the Coalition (PNC) is currently disobeying the law.

Since the CM motion vote, please give a chronology  to date where the law was disobeyed.

Only this week, they were handing out contracts which are not legally allowed from a caretaker government. The dunce Harmon says that they are waiting for clarity on July 12th. The only thing that will be further clarified on July 12th is the CCJ telling the Coalition that they need to p ussyfooting and do the right thing.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I am certain that he did not say it because he came to senses with any previous disrespect for Granger (I don't address Granger as president anymore. His presidency was resigned on 12/21/2018).

But that said, are you denying that he made that proclamation in parliament?

Can't recall such, please post the information, will stand corrected.

Check starting around 16:00. This is the very first address that Jagdeo gave after the Coalition assume office so he couldn't have had previous disrespect Granger.

Jagdeo kicked the Coalition asses at this address and from that point forward, they have been having nightmares. 

Incorrect !!!

Sittings from the start of the 11 th Parliament to 30 th of December 2015

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Sometimes i feel when you point to  the wickedness of other political parties, is to deflect from the wickedness of the PPP.

The PPP is currently the Opposition party so to focus on them and ignore the Coalition's (PNC) wickedness is actually the true deflection.

Not deflection, parse actions and give Jack his jacket.

Guyana fragile Democracy need  level headed politicians.

The Coalition (PNC) is currently threatening that fragile democracy by refusing to do the most basic element of democracy, the willingness to peacefully do what the constitution requires.

To give Jack his jacket would require proclaiming that the Coalition (PNC) is currently disobeying the law.

Since the CM motion vote, please give a chronology  to date where the law was disobeyed.

Only this week, they were handing out contracts which are not legally allowed from a caretaker government.

The dunce Harmon says that they are waiting for clarity on July 12th. The only thing that will be further clarified on July 12th is the CCJ telling the Coalition that they need to p ussyfooting and do the right thing.

There is no  mention of "Caretaker Government" in the Constitution.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I am certain that he did not say it because he came to senses with any previous disrespect for Granger (I don't address Granger as president anymore. His presidency was resigned on 12/21/2018).

But that said, are you denying that he made that proclamation in parliament?

Can't recall such, please post the information, will stand corrected.

Check starting around 16:00. This is the very first address that Jagdeo gave after the Coalition assume office so he couldn't have had previous disrespect Granger.

Jagdeo kicked the Coalition asses at this address and from that point forward, they have been having nightmares. 

Incorrect !!!

Sittings from the start of the 11 th Parliament to 30 th of December 2015

I was not aware of any other address by Jagdeo prior to the budget address above. But are you still denying that Jagdeo made that proclamation in parliament?

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Sometimes i feel when you point to  the wickedness of other political parties, is to deflect from the wickedness of the PPP.

The PPP is currently the Opposition party so to focus on them and ignore the Coalition's (PNC) wickedness is actually the true deflection.

Not deflection, parse actions and give Jack his jacket.

Guyana fragile Democracy need  level headed politicians.

The Coalition (PNC) is currently threatening that fragile democracy by refusing to do the most basic element of democracy, the willingness to peacefully do what the constitution requires.

To give Jack his jacket would require proclaiming that the Coalition (PNC) is currently disobeying the law.

Since the CM motion vote, please give a chronology  to date where the law was disobeyed.

Only this week, they were handing out contracts which are not legally allowed from a caretaker government.

The dunce Harmon says that they are waiting for clarity on July 12th. The only thing that will be further clarified on July 12th is the CCJ telling the Coalition that they need to p ussyfooting and do the right thing.

There is no  mention of "Caretaker Government" in the Constitution.

So we bellyaching about what the Coalition is required to do after the successful passage of a NCM instead of insisting that the Coalition stop their illegal behavior?

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I am certain that he did not say it because he came to senses with any previous disrespect for Granger (I don't address Granger as president anymore. His presidency was resigned on 12/21/2018).

But that said, are you denying that he made that proclamation in parliament?

Can't recall such, please post the information, will stand corrected.

Check starting around 16:00. This is the very first address that Jagdeo gave after the Coalition assume office so he couldn't have had previous disrespect Granger.

Jagdeo kicked the Coalition asses at this address and from that point forward, they have been having nightmares. 

Incorrect !!!

Sittings from the start of the 11 th Parliament to 30 th of December 2015

I was not aware of any other address by Jagdeo prior to the budget address above.

But are you still denying that Jagdeo made that proclamation in parliament?

Not aware is no excuse for making statements without facts.

The statement was made, after the President was disrespected, clearly sense has prevailed.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:

Bai, when it was only PNC, it was evil. When they add the R, the PNC was still evil. They tried another con job by putting the term APNU forward but even then, it was still the evil PNC. The last iteration of APNU/AFC proved once again that it is still the evil PNC. It seems that the PNC is incapable of emerging to the level of civilization. They had a golden opportunity to change their wicked ways when they assumed the government in 2015 but couldn't get out of their own way. Even Jagdeo stood up and proclaimed in parliament back in 2015 that he would not tolerate anyone demeaning the president (Granger) and still they could use Jagdeo's pronouncement to get out of their own way. Some things are just not meant to be good.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I am certain that he did not say it because he came to senses with any previous disrespect for Granger (I don't address Granger as president anymore. His presidency was resigned on 12/21/2018).

But that said, are you denying that he made that proclamation in parliament?

Can't recall such, please post the information, will stand corrected.

Check starting around 16:00. This is the very first address that Jagdeo gave after the Coalition assume office so he couldn't have had previous disrespect Granger.

Jagdeo kicked the Coalition asses at this address and from that point forward, they have been having nightmares. 

Incorrect !!!

Sittings from the start of the 11 th Parliament to 30 th of December 2015

I was not aware of any other address by Jagdeo prior to the budget address above.

But are you still denying that Jagdeo made that proclamation in parliament?

Not aware is no excuse for making statements without facts.

The statement was made, after the President was disrespected, clearly sense has prevailed.

My initial comment on this thread was that Jagdeo proclaimed that he would not allow anyone to demean the president but you chose to deflect to something else. You also said that if I post the evidence, you will stand corrected. Now you have chosen to chastise me but have not yet brought yourself to stand corrected. 

As I have mentioned many times, I will NEVER support the PNC. I lived my entire life in Guyana under their wickedness so I have the right to feel the way I do about them. You say many times that you are neutral but one has to be blind to believe that. As I have mentioned many times also, I have a lot of respect for you but I believe that is currently being challenged and before that really occur, I will refrain from interacting with you on any political circumstances regarding Guyana. We are at polar opposites but I was taken aback when you posted recently that I talk for talk sake. We all talk for talk sake but I didn't think it necessary to say that to someone I regarded as a brother. Sayonara pal.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:While there are terms/words used to express

Only this week, they were handing out contracts which are not legally allowed from a caretaker government.

The dunce Harmon says that they are waiting for clarity on July 12th. The only thing that will be further clarified on July 12th is the CCJ telling the Coalition that they need to p ussyfooting and do the right thing.

There is no  mention of "Caretaker Government" in the Constitution.

While words are generally used in layman's terms to express a few references to the constitution -- such as "Caretaker Government" ---

The fundamental issues are ---

1. Government defeated by the December 2018 motion in parliament.

2. CCJ confirmed and upheld that decision on the December 2018 motion.

Hence, elections MUST be held within three months; with the end date in September 2019.

ksazma posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai, when it was only PNC, it was evil. When they add the R, the PNC was still evil. They tried another con job by putting the term APNU forward but even then, it was still the evil PNC. The last iteration of APNU/AFC proved once again that it is still the evil PNC. It seems that the PNC is incapable of emerging to the level of civilization. They had a golden opportunity to change their wicked ways when they assumed the government in 2015 but couldn't get out of their own way. Even Jagdeo stood up and proclaimed in parliament back in 2015 that he would not tolerate anyone demeaning the president (Granger) and still they could use Jagdeo's pronouncement to get out of their own way. Some things are just not meant to be good.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

I am certain that he did not say it because he came to senses with any previous disrespect for Granger (I don't address Granger as president anymore. His presidency was resigned on 12/21/2018).

But that said, are you denying that he made that proclamation in parliament?

Can't recall such, please post the information, will stand corrected.

Check starting around 16:00. This is the very first address that Jagdeo gave after the Coalition assume office so he couldn't have had previous disrespect Granger.

Jagdeo kicked the Coalition asses at this address and from that point forward, they have been having nightmares. 

Incorrect !!!

Sittings from the start of the 11 th Parliament to 30 th of December 2015

I was not aware of any other address by Jagdeo prior to the budget address above.

But are you still denying that Jagdeo made that proclamation in parliament?

Not aware is no excuse for making statements without facts.

The statement was made, after the President was disrespected, clearly sense has prevailed.

My initial comment on this thread was that Jagdeo proclaimed that he would not allow anyone to demean the president but you chose to deflect to something else. You also said that if I post the evidence, you will stand corrected. Now you have chosen to chastise me but have not yet brought yourself to stand corrected. 

As I have mentioned many times, I will NEVER support the PNC. I lived my entire life in Guyana under their wickedness so I have the right to feel the way I do about them.

You say many times that you are neutral but one has to be blind to believe that.

As I have mentioned many times also, I have a lot of respect for you but I believe that is currently being challenged and before that really occur, I will refrain from interacting with you on any political circumstances regarding Guyana.

We are at polar opposites but I was taken aback when you posted recently that I talk for talk sake. We all talk for talk sake but I didn't think it necessary to say that to someone I regarded as a brother.

Sayonara pal. problem.

I will never support a "Putinsque"

Now if all alyuh on the same page, what sort of conversation is that ?

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Sometimes i feel when you point to  the wickedness of other political parties, is to deflect from the wickedness of the PPP.

The PPP is currently the Opposition party so to focus on them and ignore the Coalition's (PNC) wickedness is actually the true deflection.

Not deflection, parse actions and give Jack his jacket.

Guyana fragile Democracy need  level headed politicians.

Say it, you mean them Blackman?

Reza R. Rahaman posted:

With the demise of Messers Burnham, Reid and Hoyte the PNC is still continuing it's age old tricks.  They are using every means possible to delay an early elections.  They do not want to respect the "No Confidence" motion that was passed in the National Assembly by a majority of one.  Talk about wolves in sheep's clothing. Granger and his cabal are no different than Forbes Burnham and cohorts.  The "R" standing for Reform should be removed from the PNC/R.   The letter "R" is just a window dressing on the same old gang that have ravaged Guyana for over thirty years.      

Country man, if Charrandas was asked today about his vote, he would say, is better I din vote yes. His yes vote was good intentions for all Guyanese, however, it was not recieved as such. The Blacks considered it to be a racial move and Indians lukewarm about it. Jagdeo on the hand was overjoyed. There it is, he overwhelmed the PPP and placed himself the superior general over the spineless guys and gals of that organization. People may be asking whey he gat that power from bcz dey already know what a PPP Presidency would be like.

Why would Blacks give over a country to known thieves. The PNC have a moral right to deny elections until the PPP men and women grow some baltz and send Jagdeo and Irfaan off. They need to do that out of respect for the black electorate. If those outside of Jagdeo and Irfaan believes in democracy, then they need to struggle together to ensure democratic goverance. Only then should the PNC leave the place.     


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