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Home > NEWS > Satyadeow “Sash” Sawh – A Decade’s Viewpoint
Satyadeow Sawh
Satyadeow Sawh

Satyadeow “Sash” Sawh – A Decade’s Viewpoint


“Death must not find us thinking that we die” – Death of a Comrade, by Martin Carter (Guyana’s National Poet)

It is hard to believe that 10 years have passed since the swoop of death befell our beloved husband and father, Satyadeow “Sash” Sawh. In that time, not a day has passed that we, his wife and sons, have not thought of him, be it through the trigger of a given event, the happenstance of a day, or in our quiet moments of reflection. He is with us, at all times, in all that we do. His memory – as a larger-than-life, honest, energetic, loving, compassionate, intelligent and sympathetic family-man – will burn brightly in us.

But who was Satyadeow Sawh? What was his story? Where did he make an impact? When did his influence extend beyond the realm of normal? Most importantly, why did he matter?

The limitations of a letter make it impossible to capture the entirety of Sash Sawh’s life. Suffice it to say, he was a very special man whose time among us was all too short, but was deeply significant in many ways. Besides being the heart of our home, he was an outstanding leader in every regard in the public domain. He served his homeland with passion and distinction, and put his all into making a difference for Guyana in whatever role he was placed.

It is easy, at times, to simply remember him for the way in which he died, and for the manner in which he, his siblings and security guard were killed on April 22, 2006. His death was as shocking as it was tragic, and the date will stand as a blight on the timeline of modern Guyanese history for years to come. The fact that there have been no clear answers as to the intellectual authorship behind the brutality of that night is, in itself, a shame. We, his family, continue to want answers, and ask that the politicisation that a thorough inquiry into the events of April 22, 2006 could be subjected to be avoided – the despicable acts of April 22, 2006 demand that an objective and complete answer to the questions that persist be obtained.? Sash Sawh deserves that much.
It would be unfortunate, though, for his half-century of inspiring life to be overshadowed by his death. We continue to honour who he was, not cower to how he went.

Satyadeow Sawh’s life is best captured by some of his key qualities. Above all else, he was a man of impeccable honesty and integrity. Throughout his life, be it as a son, husband and father, as a leader in the community, or as a representative of the people of Guyana locally or overseas, he lived by the principles of “satya” (truth) in all of his endeavours. He has blessed us, his family, with the ability to hold our heads high long after his passing, knowing that any stones ever cast at his name could never tarnish the brilliance of his character.

Hand in hand with his integrity came his zeal. He was, from a very young age, inspired by the concept of service over self, and always gave his time and energy to causes about which he was passionate. His ethics were grounded in his religious and moral upbringing, thanks to the lessons of his parents and his life experiences growing up in Mahaicony and, later, Georgetown.

From an early age, and through to his migration to Canada as a teenager in the early 1970s, Sash Sawh was absorbed by “the struggle” – the struggle for democracy famously led by the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan, in whom he found an ideological leader and hero. He was, unapologetically, a Jaganite, and it is the quest for fairness in Guyana that fuelled his engagement with, and leadership of, the Association of Concerned Guyanese (ACG) in Toronto. As President of that group, he championed external agitation for a democratic Guyana, and the free and fair elections of 1992 were the culmination of his and the ACG’s struggles in Toronto, as much as they were for the PPP itself.

Sash Sawh’s passion and integrity fed into his immense capacity to lead. He was a born leader, blessed with a booming voice and an undeniable ‘people’s touch’ that allowed him to be in foreign lands discussing important matters one day, and in rural communities attempting to resolve real-world issues the next.

First, as Ambassador to Venezuela, he was a dynamic diplomat, and left an imprint on the fledgling Guyanese community in that country that led to him being awarded Venezuela’s second highest national award for non-nationals. Dr. Jagan recognised and harnessed this electricity, and called him to Guyana to serve as a Minister – first, within the Ministry of Agriculture, then of Fisheries, Crops and Livestock (with responsibility for Forestry), and eventually as Minister of Agriculture (acting) up to the time of his death. He served tirelessly under Presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan and Bharrat Jagdeo, and gained a reputation as a fighter for the poor and working class. His constituents – the farmers of the nation – were his focus, and his vigour helped expand the agricultural sector beyond traditional pursuits, in turn helping to shift Guyana’s food security thrust in a new, necessary direction.

To try to capture every nuance of Satyadeow Sawh, the man, would be futile over the course of only a few lines. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that he was no ordinary man – he gave all that he could to be a devoted husband of almost 24 years to his wife, an ideal father to his sons, and an exemplary citizen of the world. To contemplate his ending, and all of the ramifications that hearsay, rumours, theories and postulations have offered, is to be frustrated daily, for he, and all of the victims of that night, did not deserve to go in the way which they went. Inspired by justice and fairness, the events of April 22, 2006 require justice to be served, unreservedly.

As we look back on a decade without our dear “Dad” among us, we do not lament, for lamentation would get us nowhere. His bellow was to always “heave on” in the face of adversity, and heave on we shall. But he was a champion of the cause of right over wrong. In the wake of his death, the “right” needs to emerge, so that the valuable contributions that Satyadeow Sawh made to this world will not be lost with his passing.

After all, “death must not find us thinking that we die.”

Rest in peace, we love you.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Did any PPP apologist here question these horrible deaths?

Seeing our girl Bibi got ties with Jags, I asked her earlier this week if she had any info on this, I wonder how she's coming along?

Mitwah posted:
Home > NEWS > Satyadeow “Sash” Sawh – A Decade’s Viewpoint
Satyadeow Sawh
Satyadeow Sawh

Satyadeow “Sash” Sawh – A Decade’s Viewpoint


“Death must not find us thinking that we die” – Death of a Comrade, by Martin Carter (Guyana’s National Poet)

It is hard to believe that 10 years have passed since the swoop of death befell our beloved husband and father, Satyadeow “Sash” Sawh. In that time, not a day has passed that we, his wife and sons, have not thought of him, be it through the trigger of a given event, the happenstance of a day, or in our quiet moments of reflection. He is with us, at all times, in all that we do. His memory – as a larger-than-life, honest, energetic, loving, compassionate, intelligent and sympathetic family-man – will burn brightly in us.

But who was Satyadeow Sawh? What was his story? Where did he make an impact? When did his influence extend beyond the realm of normal? Most importantly, why did he matter?

The limitations of a letter make it impossible to capture the entirety of Sash Sawh’s life. Suffice it to say, he was a very special man whose time among us was all too short, but was deeply significant in many ways. Besides being the heart of our home, he was an outstanding leader in every regard in the public domain. He served his homeland with passion and distinction, and put his all into making a difference for Guyana in whatever role he was placed.

It is easy, at times, to simply remember him for the way in which he died, and for the manner in which he, his siblings and security guard were killed on April 22, 2006. His death was as shocking as it was tragic, and the date will stand as a blight on the timeline of modern Guyanese history for years to come. The fact that there have been no clear answers as to the intellectual authorship behind the brutality of that night is, in itself, a shame. We, his family, continue to want answers, and ask that the politicisation that a thorough inquiry into the events of April 22, 2006 could be subjected to be avoided – the despicable acts of April 22, 2006 demand that an objective and complete answer to the questions that persist be obtained.? Sash Sawh deserves that much.
It would be unfortunate, though, for his half-century of inspiring life to be overshadowed by his death. We continue to honour who he was, not cower to how he went.

Satyadeow Sawh’s life is best captured by some of his key qualities. Above all else, he was a man of impeccable honesty and integrity. Throughout his life, be it as a son, husband and father, as a leader in the community, or as a representative of the people of Guyana locally or overseas, he lived by the principles of “satya” (truth) in all of his endeavours. He has blessed us, his family, with the ability to hold our heads high long after his passing, knowing that any stones ever cast at his name could never tarnish the brilliance of his character.

Hand in hand with his integrity came his zeal. He was, from a very young age, inspired by the concept of service over self, and always gave his time and energy to causes about which he was passionate. His ethics were grounded in his religious and moral upbringing, thanks to the lessons of his parents and his life experiences growing up in Mahaicony and, later, Georgetown.

From an early age, and through to his migration to Canada as a teenager in the early 1970s, Sash Sawh was absorbed by “the struggle” – the struggle for democracy famously led by the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan, in whom he found an ideological leader and hero. He was, unapologetically, a Jaganite, and it is the quest for fairness in Guyana that fuelled his engagement with, and leadership of, the Association of Concerned Guyanese (ACG) in Toronto. As President of that group, he championed external agitation for a democratic Guyana, and the free and fair elections of 1992 were the culmination of his and the ACG’s struggles in Toronto, as much as they were for the PPP itself.

Sash Sawh’s passion and integrity fed into his immense capacity to lead. He was a born leader, blessed with a booming voice and an undeniable ‘people’s touch’ that allowed him to be in foreign lands discussing important matters one day, and in rural communities attempting to resolve real-world issues the next.

First, as Ambassador to Venezuela, he was a dynamic diplomat, and left an imprint on the fledgling Guyanese community in that country that led to him being awarded Venezuela’s second highest national award for non-nationals. Dr. Jagan recognised and harnessed this electricity, and called him to Guyana to serve as a Minister – first, within the Ministry of Agriculture, then of Fisheries, Crops and Livestock (with responsibility for Forestry), and eventually as Minister of Agriculture (acting) up to the time of his death. He served tirelessly under Presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan and Bharrat Jagdeo, and gained a reputation as a fighter for the poor and working class. His constituents – the farmers of the nation – were his focus, and his vigour helped expand the agricultural sector beyond traditional pursuits, in turn helping to shift Guyana’s food security thrust in a new, necessary direction.

To try to capture every nuance of Satyadeow Sawh, the man, would be futile over the course of only a few lines. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that he was no ordinary man – he gave all that he could to be a devoted husband of almost 24 years to his wife, an ideal father to his sons, and an exemplary citizen of the world. To contemplate his ending, and all of the ramifications that hearsay, rumours, theories and postulations have offered, is to be frustrated daily, for he, and all of the victims of that night, did not deserve to go in the way which they went. Inspired by justice and fairness, the events of April 22, 2006 require justice to be served, unreservedly.

As we look back on a decade without our dear “Dad” among us, we do not lament, for lamentation would get us nowhere. His bellow was to always “heave on” in the face of adversity, and heave on we shall. But he was a champion of the cause of right over wrong. In the wake of his death, the “right” needs to emerge, so that the valuable contributions that Satyadeow Sawh made to this world will not be lost with his passing.

After all, “death must not find us thinking that we die.”

Rest in peace, we love you.

I hope they get to the bottom of this case. The family deserves to know. what happen. This was beyond being a terrible tragedy

Mitwah posted:

Will there ever be a COI to find out who killed him, his family and guard?

Mits, you should lobby your boy Khemraj to push for an investigation, if not a COI.  Its about time we get to the bottom of this.

Mitwah posted:

Vish, Khemraj is not my boy. I think it's the job of the opposition to push for an investigation.

hehehehe yeahhhh right. That would be interesting won't it?

That particular case is just awful. Nowhere in the world do they execute a Govt Minister and the Government stand quiet on the issue, but it was done in Guyana.


Sawh assassination is attack on democracy
-- President
`If we allow this murder to create division, then we hand victory to the enemies of this State'
PRESIDENT Bharrat Jagdeo last night declared that the assassination yesterday of acting Agriculture Minister Satyadeow `Sash' Sawh was an attack on democracy in Guyana and appealed to Guyanese to rally to beat back the forces of destruction.

In a statement broadcast on TV and radio, he said Guyanese democracy was yesterday morning attacked by forces which seek to destroy everything that this nation represents.

The callous assassination of Minister Satyadeow Sawh was not primarily an attack on an individual, but instead, it was a deliberate assault on the values of our nation. It was an attempt to destabilise our democracy and everything that we have fought so hard over the years to achieve.

He added: 

We wish to express our deep sorrow and condolences to Sash's family, friends and colleagues. The pain they are experiencing at this moment cannot truly be understood.

But let us be clear.

As a nation, we will face down this threat; we will destroy those who seek to wound us, and the peaceful and democratic will of the Guyanese people will prevail. Our democracy will survive, and the institutions of our State will continue to function and serve the people of this country.

I have indicated to the Commissioner of Police to take all necessary steps to find the murderers who carried out this cowardly act. The police will get every assistance that they need from the government. We will also be seeking external assistance in tracking down these murderers.

But that is just part of the response. For generations to come, people will look at how we dealt with this assault on our country, and their judgment will reflect whether the forces of decency and democracy emerged stronger, or whether we allow the forces of destruction to defeat us.I say to all Guyanese:  let us track down those who committed this act. Anyone who has any information about this morning' attack must fulfill their patriotic duty, and inform the police of all that they know.

Simultaneously, let us reaffirm the values of our country.

Let nobody succumb to this attack by showing disrespect to our fellow Guyanese; instead, let us strengthen our commitment to each other. And let us send a signal to the murderers and those who directed them that we will not be defeated. We will emerge stronger, and we will preserve our democracy and way of life.

The work of our government, the work that Minister Sawh was deeply committed to, will continue. We will carry on the fight for the success of all our people. We will continue to improve the economy. We will continue our massive investments in public services. And we will continue to strengthen our efforts to unleash the potential of businesses to create jobs and generate economic wealth. In addition to tough law enforcement, this is the appropriate response to those whose bankrupt idea of development is carried out through the barrel of a gun.

Above all else, we will not let this attack achieve its purpose – we will not let it tear us asunder, but instead, we will recommit ourselves to the creation of a peaceful, prosperous, and prejudice-free Guyana. We will show the world that the decent people of our country can create a future in which all our people can live, work and prosper together.

If we allow this murder to create division, then we hand victory to the enemies of this State.

So fellow Guyanese – speak to your friends, speak to your colleagues, speak to your neighbours. Make it clear to them that you are part of Guyana' noble response to this attack, that you will not tolerate any division among our people, that you will support the police and security forces as they seek to rid our society of this evil, and that you will not allow fear to take over your lives.

Sash Sawh was my colleague. He was a hard worker, and someone who returned to this country and made a tremendous contribution to our nation' development.  We will miss him in the Cabinet as I am sure that the farmers, fishermen and others whom he served and interacted with on a daily basis will miss him.  I saw first hand his dedication to the people of this country. Let us commemorate his life by holding the line, and destroying those who want to divide us. Let history record that we faced down this grave threat, and emerged as a stronger and more united country.

I know the Guyanese people. I know that we have the qualities we need to do this.

My Cabinet met this morning, just a few hours after this gruesome act, and reiterated our collective resolve to put even greater effort in our work to improve the life of every Guyanese. We think this is what our dear departed colleague would have wanted.

I ask all Guyanese to join with us and declare with one voice that we will not be defeated by our enemies, but instead we will destroy them, and continue together on our path to create a socially just and prosperous Guyana.


Last edited by Django

I have indicated to the Commissioner of Police to take all necessary steps to find the murderers who carried out this cowardly act. The police will get every assistance that they need from the government. We will also be seeking external assistance in tracking down these murderers.


What else do you want from the government. When the coalition was in opposition did they call for an COI   -Oh NO. if his death had nothing with the PNC then Granger now president must do a detail investigation.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

RIP son of the soil, and to all those who perished on that tragic day. 

You open your mouth again?

Son of the soil?  all you daddy Jagdeo is on record saying he knows who killed this SON OF THE SOIL!



Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RIP son of the soil, and to all those who perished on that tragic day. 

You open your mouth again?

Son of the soil?  all you daddy Jagdeo is on record saying he knows who killed this SON OF THE SOIL!



I have a right to open my mouth anytime I choose to do so.  If you and Jagdeo know who killed Sash Sawh, then the two of you should be hauled to court and slammed with lawsuits.  And don't tell me that PPP people have no shame.  I am a woman of dignity and integrity and I know many people in my party who are the same.  Wish the employees in your command said the same about you.  You have no depth or substance to any of the useless rants you post on this forum.  Always looking for trouble everywhere you go.  The shame is on you Mr. RRR!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Government ignored overtures from Canada in Sash Sawh ...

Sep 4, 2011 - Sawh's brother-in-law Bob Persaud who lost his wife Phulmattie Persaud ... the High Commissioner of Canada met President Bharrat Jagdeo on April 28, .... Satwas a close friend of mine since the late 60's, we kept in contact ..

They essentially admitted that they failed on security ...

Aug 29, 2011 - After Sawh was killed, the US Embassy sat down, assessed the ... According to the leaked cable, the failed PPP government of Jagdeo ...
Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Government ignored overtures from Canada in Sash Sawh ...

Sep 4, 2011 - Sawh's brother-in-law Bob Persaud who lost his wife Phulmattie Persaud ... the High Commissioner of Canada met President Bharrat Jagdeo on April 28, .... Satwas a close friend of mine since the late 60's, we kept in contact ..

They essentially admitted that they failed on security ...

Aug 29, 2011 - After Sawh was killed, the US Embassy sat down, assessed the ... According to the leaked cable, the failed PPP government of Jagdeo ...

Since when is a newspaper article used as a court of justice? 

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

Government ignored overtures from Canada in Sash Sawh ...

Sep 4, 2011 - Sawh's brother-in-law Bob Persaud who lost his wife Phulmattie Persaud ... the High Commissioner of Canada met President Bharrat Jagdeo on April 28, .... Satwas a close friend of mine since the late 60's, we kept in contact ..

They essentially admitted that they failed on security ...

Aug 29, 2011 - After Sawh was killed, the US Embassy sat down, assessed the ... According to the leaked cable, the failed PPP government of Jagdeo ...

Since when is a newspaper article used as a court of justice? 

You made out the case,when is the trial??

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RIP son of the soil, and to all those who perished on that tragic day. 

You open your mouth again?

Son of the soil?  all you daddy Jagdeo is on record saying he knows who killed this SON OF THE SOIL!



I have a right to open my mouth anytime I choose to do so.  If you and Jagdeo know who killed Sash Sawh, then the two of you should be hauled to court and slammed with lawsuits.  And don't tell me that PPP people have no shame.  I am a woman of dignity and integrity and I know many people in my party who are the same.  Wish the employees in your command said the same about you.  You have no depth or substance to any of the useless rants you post on this forum.  Always looking for trouble everywhere you go.  The shame is on you Mr. RRR!!!!


I am public figure and everyone knows me  because you are using my correct initials.

 i RUN TWO BUSINESS WITH OVER 60 EMPLOYEES and I am not sure where all employees are 100 % happy. I am offering you to come visit my office here in Mid Manhattan and see the operation first hand.





Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RIP son of the soil, and to all those who perished on that tragic day. 

You open your mouth again?

Son of the soil?  all you daddy Jagdeo is on record saying he knows who killed this SON OF THE SOIL!



I have a right to open my mouth anytime I choose to do so.  If you and Jagdeo know who killed Sash Sawh, then the two of you should be hauled to court and slammed with lawsuits.  And don't tell me that PPP people have no shame.  I am a woman of dignity and integrity and I know many people in my party who are the same.  Wish the employees in your command said the same about you.  You have no depth or substance to any of the useless rants you post on this forum.  Always looking for trouble everywhere you go.  The shame is on you Mr. RRR!!!!


I am public figure and everyone knows me  because you are using my correct initials.

 i RUN TWO BUSINESS WITH OVER 60 EMPLOYEES and I am not sure where all employees are 100 % happy. I am offering you to come visit my office here in Mid Manhattan and see the operation first hand.





Spoken like a true member of the PNC squad.


Why would Jagdeo kill Sawh when he could have fired him. Sawh never commanded any following in the PPP. If men like king Ralph (the first) Emperor of everything gourmet failed to put a dent in Jagdeo you think Sawh would have taken down Jagdeo. Hell no. You have to be an ediot to think that. Sawh had a brutal death. But his death was by brutal racist banditry who were trying to turn their small murderous banditry and drug dealing into a political movement.


Last edited by Prashad
Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RIP son of the soil, and to all those who perished on that tragic day. 

You open your mouth again?

Son of the soil?  all you daddy Jagdeo is on record saying he knows who killed this SON OF THE SOIL!



I have a right to open my mouth anytime I choose to do so.  If you and Jagdeo know who killed Sash Sawh, then the two of you should be hauled to court and slammed with lawsuits.  And don't tell me that PPP people have no shame.  I am a woman of dignity and integrity and I know many people in my party who are the same.  Wish the employees in your command said the same about you.  You have no depth or substance to any of the useless rants you post on this forum.  Always looking for trouble everywhere you go.  The shame is on you Mr. RRR!!!!


I am public figure and everyone knows me  because you are using my correct initials.

 i RUN TWO BUSINESS WITH OVER 60 EMPLOYEES and I am not sure where all employees are 100 % happy. I am offering you to come visit my office here in Mid Manhattan and see the operation first hand.





I have been to your office.   We have several mutual friends.  We have met at Social functions.  You even once showed me a picture of yourself on a bicycle that was in the newspaper almost 20 years ago. I know your daughter-in-law family very well.  I know what I am saying.  Of course I know your correct initials.  And your correct name.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:

I think it's the job of the opposition to push for an investigation.

They wouldn't need to if the government initiates it. And since this government is all about justice and no corruption, it should be very easy for them to do it. And luckily for them they have that precious tie breaker to stop the PPP from denying the Sawh's family justice. How confident are you Mits that the current government will initiate it?

Sheik101 posted:
Drugb posted:

The pnc knows who killed him.

BGurd, I thought Jagdeo said he knew who killed the man.

Anytime a govt minister is killed, the opposition is always suspect. No alibi from the PNC so far.

Prashad posted:

Name who in the PPP who were his supporters. Many comrades never heard of the man because he was mostly in Canada. People like Gilbakka know him because they travel for the party.

Prash, we have to be fair to Sash. I first met him in 1982 at the PPP Congress at Enterprise. He and a group of other PPP comrades had travelled from North America to attend that congress. The group included Joey Jagan, Herman Singh and GNI member Churchill. Sash was without a doubt the "star bai" because many congress delegates and observers surrounded him every corner he was standing. 

Two years later, as part of a 6-man PPP team returning from a short trip to Moscow via Toronto, I saw an admirable aspect of Sash's character. He and two others picked us up at Pearson Airport at night and drove us to a Chinese restaurant named "Moon Garden" and bought us a sumptuous dinner and beer. When it was time to pay, Sash tendered his credit card but one of his friends said, "No, Sash, you're out of a job right now. We will pay." Sash went ahead and paid the bill with a generous smile. We heard that he was unemployed for 6 months and counting. I never heard a bad word about Sash throughout the years.


The PNC risk the lives of their members who went to Buxton to negotiate peace with this renegade group because their leadership realized that sooner or later they would have had to fight this group for the support of African Guyanese and they did not want a repeat of A Wpa type situation. But no deal. This group was brain washed with a BS mixture of Ras tafari, waddelll, perrriara and gibsen philosophy 



Mitwah posted:

Will there ever be a COI to find out who killed him, his family and guard?

Maybe, but like the Rodney COI, the PNC will issue a denial and challenge the credibility of the findings!!  Give it another 20 or so years!!

Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RIP son of the soil, and to all those who perished on that tragic day. 

You open your mouth again?

Son of the soil?  all you daddy Jagdeo is on record saying he knows who killed this SON OF THE SOIL!



You lil fullah clown should lie low, Trump rising.  Trojan horses will be routed out!!  You shameless little "man"!

Do you know who killed the man?

Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RIP son of the soil, and to all those who perished on that tragic day. 

You open your mouth again?

Son of the soil?  all you daddy Jagdeo is on record saying he knows who killed this SON OF THE SOIL!



I have a right to open my mouth anytime I choose to do so.  If you and Jagdeo know who killed Sash Sawh, then the two of you should be hauled to court and slammed with lawsuits.  And don't tell me that PPP people have no shame.  I am a woman of dignity and integrity and I know many people in my party who are the same.  Wish the employees in your command said the same about you.  You have no depth or substance to any of the useless rants you post on this forum.  Always looking for trouble everywhere you go.  The shame is on you Mr. RRR!!!!


I am public figure and everyone knows me  because you are using my correct initials.

 i RUN TWO BUSINESS WITH OVER 60 EMPLOYEES and I am not sure where all employees are 100 % happy. I am offering you to come visit my office here in Mid Manhattan and see the operation first hand.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RIP son of the soil, and to all those who perished on that tragic day. 

You open your mouth again?

Son of the soil?  all you daddy Jagdeo is on record saying he knows who killed this SON OF THE SOIL!



I have a right to open my mouth anytime I choose to do so.  If you and Jagdeo know who killed Sash Sawh, then the two of you should be hauled to court and slammed with lawsuits.  And don't tell me that PPP people have no shame.  I am a woman of dignity and integrity and I know many people in my party who are the same.  Wish the employees in your command said the same about you.  You have no depth or substance to any of the useless rants you post on this forum.  Always looking for trouble everywhere you go.  The shame is on you Mr. RRR!!!!


I am public figure and everyone knows me  because you are using my correct initials.

 i RUN TWO BUSINESS WITH OVER 60 EMPLOYEES and I am not sure where all employees are 100 % happy. I am offering you to come visit my office here in Mid Manhattan and see the operation first hand.





I have been to your office.   We have several mutual friends.  We have met at Social functions.  You even once showed me a picture of yourself on a bicycle that was in the newspaper almost 20 years ago. I know your daughter-in-law family very well.  I know what I am saying.  Of course I know your correct initials.  And your correct name.

Watch that banna.  Something eerily strange about him!!

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

RIP son of the soil, and to all those who perished on that tragic day. 

You open your mouth again?

Son of the soil?  all you daddy Jagdeo is on record saying he knows who killed this SON OF THE SOIL!



You lil fullah clown should lie low, Trump rising.  Trojan horses will be routed out!!  You shameless little "man"!

Do you know who killed the man?

Ask Jagdeo. He said he knew.


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