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Leaked embassy cables reveal…Interesting perspectives by US envoy on “Sash” Sawh killing

August 27, 2011 | By | Filed Under News 

  Two days after the shocking 2006 murder of former Minister of Fisheries, Satyadeow “Sash”   Sawh, senior Guyanese functionaries had met the then United States Ambassador Roland Bullen asking for help to solve the case and recover more than 30-AK47s that went missing from the army. According to recently released embassy cables from the whistleblower website, Wikileaks, the local US Embassy, headed by then Ambassador Roland Bullen, were examining at least three theories that led to the killing of the “jocular” Minister – one of the being a retaliation from a militant, Buxton –based group and two others that were linked with drugs.

Satyadeow “Sash” Sawh

The cables which were supposed to be confidential and sent by the local embassy to the US Secretary of State, also spoke of President’s Bharrat Jagdeo’s mood at the meeting. According to the cables, Sawh was killed on April 22, and on April 24, Bullen met with Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, then later with President Jagdeo, to discuss the government of Guyana’s (GOG) request for security related assistance. “Jagdeo and Luncheon essentially admitted that the public’s patience with the GOG’s performance on security is wearing thin, and they are looking for a response that “captures the public’s imagination”. The GOG has also asked Canada and the UK for help,” the cable dated May 4 said. The cables were detailed. “Jagdeo’s mood was somber, with a visibly furrowed brow. Minister Sawh’s killing has clearly hit senior GOG officials hard. Their psychological moat that made them feel separated and protected from Guyana’s security problem has vanished.” The Ambassador, in the cable, said that according to Luncheon, Jagdeo has just about exhausted the Guyana security forces’ investigative capabilities and so they are forced to seek greater international assistance. “Post’s impression is that Sawh’s killing has really woken up senior GOG politicos to the loss of state control over the country’s security.” Dr. Luncheon, followed up with a written request for help, admitting that the government had recognized that the assassination of Minister Sawh has created the gravest threat to the country’s democracy. “Significantly, there are other threats associated with the existence of the criminal gang in Buxton and the intellectual authors of their crimes. Also the loss of the large number of AK-47 weapons from the military is still unexplained and recovery unrealised.” Luncheon asked for assistance expanding investigations into the loss of the AK-47 weapons from the military, leading to the recovery, enhancing the Criminal Investigation Department’s investigation into the murder of Minister Sawh and his family, and for crime fighting equipment for an elite force. The Ambassador also said that Minister of Home Affairs, Gail Teixeira; the Commissioner of Police, Winston Felix, and the Chief of Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Brigadier Edward Collins, were consulted prior to dispatching this request.

Roland Bullen

“Rather, the request reflects what President Jagdeo, Luncheon and the Cabinet want during this moment of sorrow and possibly panic.” Regarding the theories for the killing of Sawh, his sister, brother and security guard at the Minister’s LBI’s resident, the Embassy said it heard many stories about the motives. In the first instance there was a political angle. “A militant, presumably Afro-Guyanese anti-government faction wants to gain greater political power but feels it cannot do so through Guyana’s democratic process. The GOG is peddling this theory, and the GOG leadership is paranoid about a treasonous cadre of current and former military and police officers. This militant group is centered in Buxton, a coastal village approximately six miles east of Georgetown that is essentially beyond state control.” The embassy at that time said it believed that a corollary to this theory is that Sawh was targeted in revenge for the January, 2006, killing of prominent Afro-Guyanese journalist and “rabble-rouser”, Ronald Waddell. “To this end, the joint services have engaged in a series of searches of Buxton, which have netted night vision goggles, military uniforms, and other pieces of military equipment. Ballistics tests performed at spent shells from the Sawh murder scene prove that the same weapons were used in the February 26 Agricola/Eccles massacre and another gruesome shooting/beheading in Agricola in March 2005.” According to Bullen, Luncheon, the government’s spokesman, might have fueled the political angle when he publicly mused in the April 27 post-Cabinet briefing that unspecified members of the PNCR have contacts with the bandits in Buxton. “However, he explicitly stopped short of linking the PNCR to Sawh’s murder.” “Another angle was that Sawh was involved in criminal activities. Sawh was said to be close with a suspected money launderer (named) and known alien smuggler who owns a fish farm “which appears to be a money laundering operation.” The cable disclosed that this “money launderer” was previously arrested with several Guyanese and U.S. passports but later was acquitted of wrongdoing. “As Minister responsible for fisheries, Sawh would have had an ostensible reason to meet with …(named).” However, another theory was the Sawh was a “clean minister relative to many of his peers. Sawh took too strong a stand against criminal activity. Some are saying that Sawh took a lead role in urging the Cabinet not to issue forestry permits to suspect concerns, which pitted him against the drug lords.” WikiLeaks, which released the secret cables, is an international non-profit organisation that publishes submissions of private, secret, and classified media from anonymous news sources, news leaks, and whistleblowers. Its website, launched in 2006 under The Sunshine Press organisation, claimed a database of more than 1.2 million documents within a year of its launch. It has been highly controversial and raised the ire of several governments across the globe for the potentially embarrassing leaks.


Where is the tape Jagdeo claimed he has about the PNC’s involvement in criminal activities at Buxton?

December 9, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, A few years ago, then President Bharat Jagdeo made a startling declaration to the country that he had a tape in his possession to show that the PNC was involved in the criminal activities at Buxton. He also claimed that he knew the identity of those in the PNC and of the armed bandits who were involved in kidnapping, drug smuggling, murder and armed robbery and he would make the information public. If Jagdeo is telling the truth, then why he, as President, allowed the country to descend into such raw and inhumane criminal acts against innocent citizens. Which president in his right mind would have allowed criminals to take over the country? More than five years have elapsed and Jagdeo has not released the tape as yet. Where is the tape Mr. Jagdeo? You need to present it to the public in order to save the little credibility you have left? Although Jagdeo’s claim was a fabrication, a sham perpetrated by him and his cronies to scare the PNC, it nevertheless found currency in a population gullible enough to believe anything, even Jagdeo’s own fibs. I believe that there is simply no way that these criminals were anywhere smart enough to mastermind a crime wave that reaped havoc on the nation for almost four years without help from those in the authority. They did not have the intellect and were not barefaced enough to commit such massive crime and yet walk in public in the nation’s capital without disguise. The fact that the criminals did not even attempt to hide or evade the public clearly shows that they had the support of certain individuals in the administration. This is the reason why a former Minister of Home Affairs had to resign. This leaves the question then as to whether any tape existed at all and whether Jagdeo had ever told the truth on anything. It is easy to say that he did not, knowing the truth about his bogus marriage, all the corrupt practices that took place during his presidency and the secret deals he signed with the various foreign companies that benefited his wealthy friends and relatives at the expense of the poor and the working class. So whatever the genesis of the epidemic of crime, it has transcended those in Buxton. As the nation descended in criminality between 2002 and 2006, the people had lost trust in just about everything, including the leaders, and especially Jagdeo and his ruling cliche. During this period, Guyanese had lost their closeness, their serenity, civility and trust in the regime and the police force. These were replaced with a nation at war with itself which the PPP/C administration allowed. In every aspect of his political life, Jagdeo had embarrassed himself with unseemly pronouncements and approaches destined to elicit combative response. And his raw and unsolicited cuss-down of the media and those who challenged him proved that he was destined to fail as president. The upshot was a society seething with anger where everyday disagreements, inevitable in the society, turn murderous very quickly. It was a period in which armed bandits and organized gangs roamed the streets with impunity and with the blessings of those in authority. It is at this juncture that the convicted drug baron, Roger Khan’s loyalty to the regime fits in. He intimidated, kidnapped and murdered those who had opposed the regime with the promise of repayment. And it is here that the truth was unmasked, for he was the prime mover in the narco-trafficking activities in Guyana. The PPP unethical actions, put together, weave a tapestry of corruption, greed, extra-judicial killings and disrespect for the security forces and the people for all to gaze upon in awe. In panic, the nation was desperately in search for solutions to combat the crime wave. Not that the Police Force was unable to do it, it could have, but it was hampered by political interference, whereby Commanders were told who to prosecute and who not to prosecute. Well, not much has changed since and today we have a Force that is not only short of vehicles and qualified personnel but one that is unprofessional, corrupt and demands bribes from the citizens. Today, we have a Police Force that is incompetent to find the killers of the many unsolved murders. The families as well as the nation would like to know who killed Monica Reece, the former Minister of Agriculture Satyadeow Sawh, Alicia Foster, Seema Mangar and the more than four hundred extra judicial murders that occurred during Jagdeo’s horrible reign as the worst president of Guyana. Dr. Asquith Rose and Chandra Deollal, Esq.


A   FAMILY CUT DOWN: Minister Satyadeow Sawh, right, and his siblings at a  religious function in Guyana. From left are Rajpat Rai (killed) Krissendat Rai,   Bidwanie Rai, Pulmatie Persaud (killed) and Om Prakash (wounded).

Last edited by Mitwah

“Another angle was that Sawh was involved in criminal activities. Sawh was said to be close with a suspected money launderer (named) and known alien smuggler who owns a fish farm “which appears to be a money laundering operation.” The cable disclosed that this “money launderer” was previously arrested with several Guyanese and U.S. passports but later was acquitted of wrongdoing.


Apparently the US just nabbed this fellow!!!

Originally Posted by Danyael:

“Another angle was that Sawh was involved in criminal activities. Sawh was said to be close with a suspected money launderer (named) and known alien smuggler who owns a fish farm “which appears to be a money laundering operation.” The cable disclosed that this “money launderer” was previously arrested with several Guyanese and U.S. passports but later was acquitted of wrongdoing.


Apparently the US just nabbed this fellow!!!

Hmmm. Who might that be?


Sawh took too strong a stand against criminal activity. Some are saying that Sawh took a lead role in urging the Cabinet not to issue forestry permits to suspect concerns, which pitted him against the drug lords.”


According to the cables, Sawh was killed on April 22, and on April 24, Bullen met with Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, then later with President Jagdeo, to discuss the government of Guyana’s (GOG) request for security related assistance. “Jagdeo and Luncheon essentially admitted that the public’s patience with the GOG’s performance on security is wearing thin, and they are looking for a response that “captures the public’s imagination”. The GOG has also asked Canada and the UK for help,” the cable dated May 4 said. The cables were detailed. “Jagdeo’s mood was somber, with a visibly furrowed brow. Minister Sawh’s killing has clearly hit senior GOG officials hard. Their psychological moat that made them feel separated and protected from Guyana’s security problem has vanished.”

KishanB posted:

April is coming again as we remember this brother.

 All because he objected to a deal from one of the PPP crime family.


Bai, why you don't go ress yuh lil rass.  Let them investigate and find out, I'm confident it will lead back to the PNC sponsored terrorists which were then hold-up in Buxton.  The only party known and proven to have taken part in terrorism is the PNC!!

Mitwah posted:

According to the cables, Sawh was killed on April 22, and on April 24, Bullen met with Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, then later with President Jagdeo, to discuss the government of Guyana’s (GOG) request for security related assistance. “Jagdeo and Luncheon essentially admitted that the public’s patience with the GOG’s performance on security is wearing thin, and they are looking for a response that “captures the public’s imagination”. The GOG has also asked Canada and the UK for help,” the cable dated May 4 said. The cables were detailed. “Jagdeo’s mood was somber, with a visibly furrowed brow. Minister Sawh’s killing has clearly hit senior GOG officials hard. Their psychological moat that made them feel separated and protected from Guyana’s security problem has vanished.”

We have to put that into context. Jagdeo was suddenly confronted with the  fact that his friend and bedfellow Khan was acting well outside the law with the murder of Sawh. So it was then that the decision was made to sell Khan out and hand him over to the US one way or the other. but Khan got a far lower prison sentence than Rohee and Jagdeo expected. So expect some fireworks when Khan gets back to Guyana. Mind you, an attempt will be made to assassinate him on his way from the airport. It's a common strategy in Guyana.


I do not think RK was involved in the killing of Sawh.  My brother was RK's main attorney in Guyana and I know that my brother upset with Sawh killing.  Maybe that why certain people went after the Buxton terrorists after the police could not do their job.

Extra judicial killing of terrorists could never be the answer, but what else can you do when you are dealing with an incompetent and corrupt police and a nation is under siege?  That's the question.

VVP posted:

I do not think RK was involved in the killing of Sawh.  My brother was RK's main attorney in Guyana and I know that my brother upset with Sawh killing.  Maybe that why certain people went after the Buxton terrorists after the police could not do their job.

Extra judicial killing of terrorists could never be the answer, but what else can you do when you are dealing with an incompetent and corrupt police and a nation is under siege?  That's the question.

As competent leaders you reformulate the police. If you take justice in your hand as an elected government of a multi ethnic state you legitimize yourself by transgressing your oath of office. The first rule of any government is to uphold the law, defend the personhood of citizens and protect property rights all of which the PPP failed miserably at doing and that is not even speaking to their obscene rape of the national treasury.

VVP posted:

I do not think RK was involved in the killing of Sawh.  My brother was RK's main attorney in Guyana and I know that my brother upset with Sawh killing.  . . .

THAT's why u think RK was not involved Sash Sawh's murder?

u are obviously not a very serious person

redux posted:
VVP posted:

I do not think RK was involved in the killing of Sawh.  My brother was RK's main attorney in Guyana and I know that my brother upset with Sawh killing.  . . .

THAT's why u think RK was not involved Sash Sawh's murder?

u are obviously not a very serious person

Of course you cannot read between the lines brite bai.  Sit and wait I will explain it for you.

VVP posted:
redux posted:
VVP posted:

I do not think RK was involved in the killing of Sawh.  My brother was RK's main attorney in Guyana and I know that my brother upset with Sawh killing.  . . .

THAT's why u think RK was not involved Sash Sawh's murder?

u are obviously not a very serious person

Of course you cannot read between the lines brite bai.  Sit and wait I will explain it for you.

oh, i read between the lines all the time . . . it's my business

your choice is between dishonest and naive

pick wan

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
VVP posted:

I do not think RK was involved in the killing of Sawh.  My brother was RK's main attorney in Guyana and I know that my brother upset with Sawh killing.  Maybe that why certain people went after the Buxton terrorists after the police could not do their job.

Extra judicial killing of terrorists could never be the answer, but what else can you do when you are dealing with an incompetent and corrupt police and a nation is under siege?  That's the question.

As competent leaders you reformulate the police. If you take justice in your hand as an elected government of a multi ethnic state you legitimize yourself by transgressing your oath of office. The first rule of any government is to uphold the law, defend the personhood of citizens and protect property rights all of which the PPP failed miserably at doing and that is not even speaking to their obscene rape of the national treasury.

Reforming the police is almost impossible in Guyana mostly in a crisis situation.

You know, all it took to legitimize the killing of Osma was a written directive from the President.  Could Jagdeo have done this to eliminate the Buxton terrorists?  Would people have accepted that?

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:
Stormborn posted:
VVP posted:

I do not think RK was involved in the killing of Sawh.  My brother was RK's main attorney in Guyana and I know that my brother upset with Sawh killing.  Maybe that why certain people went after the Buxton terrorists after the police could not do their job.

Extra judicial killing of terrorists could never be the answer, but what else can you do when you are dealing with an incompetent and corrupt police and a nation is under siege?  That's the question.

As competent leaders you reformulate the police. If you take justice in your hand as an elected government of a multi ethnic state you legitimize yourself by transgressing your oath of office. The first rule of any government is to uphold the law, defend the personhood of citizens and protect property rights all of which the PPP failed miserably at doing and that is not even speaking to their obscene rape of the national treasury.

Reforming the police is almost impossible in Guyana mostly in a crisis situation.

You know, all it took to legitimize the killing of Osma was a written directive from the President.  Could Jagdeo have done this to eliminate the Buxton terrorists?  Would people have accepted that?

Osama is a non state actor and not a citizen of the united state. He was sanctioned by the state military and not by a hired engaged in a state of war. The murder of those boys was the murder of citizens and however criminal bent they were the imperative was to use the legitimate state law enforcement to capture or kill them if they resist. The problem here is if a legitimate government is not able to do its duty it is to demit office. If in doing its duty it resort to illegitimate means then on that account it becomes illegitimate also. There can be no bending of the rules or exception in this respect.


So what about Drone killings where even the innocent were killed?  An American terrorist was also killed in one of the attacks.

I am not for extra judicial killings.  I wish if the USA had stepped in to help because it looked like the government did ask for help.

VVP posted:

So what about Drone killings where even the innocent were killed?  An American terrorist was also killed in one of the attacks.

I am not for extra judicial killings.  I wish if the USA had stepped in to help because it looked like the government did ask for help.

Not the same either. These are the actions of a legitimate state acting against non state actors intend on harming its citizens. The government refused british offer of  help to retrain the police. It resisted the US request for a DEA office. Both of these could have helped combat the drug culture and the insurrection movement. 

VVP posted:

I am not for extra judicial killings.  I wish if the USA had stepped in to help because it looked like the government did ask for help.

freakin unbelievable that u come here and dissimulate like this with a straight face

when the DEA snatched Roger Khan from the protective embrace of the PPP Govt and delivered him to US justice, Freedom House screamed foul [note that the orgy of killings suddenly stopped after this event]

yes, play stupid and pretend u doan about the UK backed SSRAP assistance Jagdeo turned down in 2009


Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:

So what about Drone killings where even the innocent were killed?  An American terrorist was also killed in one of the attacks.

I am not for extra judicial killings.  I wish if the USA had stepped in to help because it looked like the government did ask for help.

LOL! nice try at deflection.  At Freedom House dem had a saying: " Dead men can't talk."

Stormborn posted:
VVP posted:

I do not think RK was involved in the killing of Sawh.  My brother was RK's main attorney in Guyana and I know that my brother upset with Sawh killing.  Maybe that why certain people went after the Buxton terrorists after the police could not do their job.

Extra judicial killing of terrorists could never be the answer, but what else can you do when you are dealing with an incompetent and corrupt police and a nation is under siege?  That's the question.

As competent leaders you reformulate the police. If you take justice in your hand as an elected government of a multi ethnic state you legitimize yourself by transgressing your oath of office. The first rule of any government is to uphold the law, defend the personhood of citizens and protect property rights all of which the PPP failed miserably at doing and that is not even speaking to their obscene rape of the national treasury.

Unfortunately the PPP supporters failed the party. They were content to sit back and let the Blacks dominate the police force. How can a govt be effective in managing a police force comprised of 99.9% opposition operative whose mission was to discredit the said govt?  The price for nation building requires personal sacrifices from all, the Indians don't put in their fair share when it comes to the armed forces.  Imagine the GDF and police personnel who were managing the Buxton issue were informing the bandits whenever there were raids, hence the bad guys were always one step ahead.  No wonder the nations "concerned citizens" had to take matters into their own hands and phantomize the insurgents. 

Drugb posted:

Unfortunately the PPP supporters failed the party. They were content to sit back and let the Blacks dominate the police force. How can a govt be effective in managing a police force comprised of 99.9% opposition operative whose mission was to discredit the said govt?  The price for nation building requires personal sacrifices from all, the Indians don't put in their fair share when it comes to the armed forces.  Imagine the GDF and police personnel who were managing the Buxton issue were informing the bandits whenever there were raids, hence the bad guys were always one step ahead.  No wonder the nations "concerned citizens" had to take matters into their own hands and phantomize the insurgents. 

yes, those "concerned citizens" u rave about did one hell of a job "phantomizing" Sash Sawh and his family

murdered PPP minister posthumously tossed into the dead-men-tell-no-tales "insurgent" pile to protect PPP interests . . . interesting

u walking around with yuh intestines hanging out yuh bt and u doan even notice

Last edited by Former Member

What the then government had to hide, when they requested the assistance from USA, UK, and Canada but was not supported by the opposition.The Walter Rodney Inquiry started by the PPP in government and the findings just came out after several delays ,to the embarrassment  of the PNC government. Yes , I am in favour of more COI for all the unanswered deaths going back 50 years, but, what will it solve, it will take another 50 years before we get the answers.

kp posted:

Yes , I am in favour of more COI for all the unanswered deaths going back 50 years, but, what will it solve, it will take another 50 years before we get the answers.

The PPP have lots to hide, over 500 murders, including Henry Greene

kp posted:

What the then government had to hide, when they requested the assistance from USA, UK, and Canada but was not supported by the opposition.The Walter Rodney Inquiry started by the PPP in government and the findings just came out after several delays ,to the embarrassment  of the PNC government. Yes , I am in favour of more COI for all the unanswered deaths going back 50 years, but, what will it solve, it will take another 50 years before we get the answers.

Incorrect! The PPP government turned down offers of assistance from the UK and the US in curbing the crime spree .

Last edited by Mars
baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
kp posted:

Yes , I am in favour of more COI for all the unanswered deaths going back 50 years, but, what will it solve, it will take another 50 years before we get the answers.

The PPP have lots to hide, over 500 murders, including Henry Greene

Well, alyuh in powah now, goa find am!!

Remember how you touted "Dead men tell no tales". Why did you run away to India?

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
kp posted:

What the then government had to hide, when they requested the assistance from USA, UK, and Canada but was not supported by the opposition.The Walter Rodney Inquiry started by the PPP in government and the findings just came out after several delays ,to the embarrassment  of the PNC government. Yes , I am in favour of more COI for all the unanswered deaths going back 50 years, but, what will it solve, it will take another 50 years before we get the answers.

Incorrect! The PPP government turned down offers of assistance in curbing the crime spree from the UK and the US.

Alyuh PNc wanted to use the [PNC sponsored] terror wave as a means to "back door" power.  The PPP was addressing the issue, no outside intervention would have had the outcome in that timeframe.  In fact, it would have required PNC involvement and they would have used it to shelter your own terrorists rings and force political concessions out of the Govt!  the foreign Govts would have politicized the issue!!

Furthermore, when you outsource domestic security to foreign powers, you can end up with Srebrenica and Rwanda!!

You're confused. I'm not a part of the PNC. Never was, never will be.

So you turned down the help of Scotland Yard and the US DEA in tackling crime related to the drug trade but you outsourced it to your top drug lord. Impressive!


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