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Subject: Save a life

β€ŽVery soon women will start paying men handsomely to suck their breasts. Why? BBC Homepage Top News Story: Doctors recommend that women reduce the risk of getting breast cancer by having their breast sucked thoroughly. It is said that regular sucking of their breast lowers d risk level that tends to build up breast cancer. The breast must be sucked as often as possible, help women fight breast cancer today. Men, Pls 'n' Pls, do your part & suck a breast now & women, Pls endeavour 2 make it available regularly. This message is from d Ministry of Health IN THE FIGHT AGAINST BREAST CANCER.
> I honestly think we shuld comply. My humble submission: Help save a life 2day. Pls, suck a breast 2day!!! Send this 2 all responsible men/women I didn't believe at first so I googled it, u can too

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