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Second religious party seeks votes of churchgoers

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KLM Campaign Strategist, Apostle Y. Abernaty Jeune

YET another religious-based party has been launched in Guyana, calling itself the Kingdom Liberal Movement (KLM), with the primary motivation to “return a high level of moral discipline to Guyana”.

The party held a small launching on November 16, 2019 at Moray House which was unfortunately unattended by the media. Speaking with the Guyana Chronicle, KLM Campaign Strategist, Apostle Y. Abernaty Jeune, said that the party is made up of mainly pastors, from different independent churches.

KLM Presidential Candidate, Bishop Linden Hercules

However, although the party’s logo depicts a golden crown, synonymous to the Christian religion, it says that it is open to members from the Muslim, Hindu and Rastafarian community. It is not associated with the recently- launched People’s Republic Party (PRP) dubbed ‘the pastors party’; in fact, when the KLM approached the PRP for a possible coalition, it was shot down.

“Even though I said it’s made up of mainly pastors, this is just at the forefront. In no way we want to characterize our brand, the movement, as a party who endeavors to Christianize Guyana,” Jeune said.

“We’re not focusing on our geology or our doctrinal emphasis. We believe that put us all together as religious bodies and there is a lot we have in common.” He stressed that the party is not “taking the church to government” but would nonetheless work as individual churches to preach against the lifestyle of the LGBTQ community and all other forms of immorality.

KLM is confidently contesting all regions in Guyana and claims to have completed its List of Candidates for Nomination Day some 80 per cent. Jeune said that while a large number of the supporters within the churches are “strong” APNU supporters, he is hoping to sway their vote. “We have enough supporters, even though they are mainly from the churches. Our objective is to reach out to the churches, firstly, because that’s where most of our support we’re hoping to come from,” he said.

Although the KLM is relatively silent, the Apostle doubts that the other new parties recently formed have their act together when it comes to their list of candidates. This week the party plans to write all churches in Guyana, explaining its interest in government, with the hope that more will put their trust in the KLM. Its presidential candidate is Bishop Linden Hercules who has pastored in Guyana and Suriname. Meanwhile, the party is being supported financially by the pastors while other business persons have pledged support.
“We have already planned to go into our own pockets and at the same time to see how best we can to utilize the means [to campaign] that are not necessarily costly,” Juene said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi.  He was much smarter and a force to be dealt with as he was not afraid of Burnham.  He was a fearless collie man.  Anyone else who challenged the 50 years Jagan leadership of the PPP was similarly dealt with.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

GUMP was mostly Black Muslims who had hoped to pull Indian Muslims away from the PPP!

BS Rai wanted to move the PPP In a different direction but Jagan Communist perps won the day!  Had he prevailed, Guyana would have been a different nation!  My relatives left the PPP after Rai was pushed out!

Ayuh hero Jagan is responsible for the shithole Guyana quagmire!  Nuff still hanging fuh soup!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

GUMP was mostly Black Muslims who had hoped to pull Indian Muslims away from the PPP!

BS Rai wanted to move the PPP In a different direction but Jagan Communist perps won the day!  Had he prevailed, Guyana would have been a different nation!  My relatives left the PPP after Rai was pushed out!

Ayuh hero Jagan is responsible for the shithole Guyana quagmire!  Nuff still hanging fuh soup!

Is not only Jagun + Burnhum + some one lovers in WPA...hey hey hey.

Labba posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

GUMP was mostly Black Muslims who had hoped to pull Indian Muslims away from the PPP!

BS Rai wanted to move the PPP In a different direction but Jagan Communist perps won the day!  Had he prevailed, Guyana would have been a different nation!  My relatives left the PPP after Rai was pushed out!

Ayuh hero Jagan is responsible for the shithole Guyana quagmire!  Nuff still hanging fuh soup!

Is not only Jagun + Burnhum + some one lovers in WPA...hey hey hey.

You miss the bigger picture!  If Jagan’s ideology did not dominate, Burnham would not have had such a long rope!


Na write off these pastors yet.

They have a large congregation and could very well offer free passage to heaven and PNC people can fall for it. PNC promised snake oil and they bought into it. These pastors can promise heavenly oil.

PNC supporters love to be oiled. 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi.  He was much smarter and a force to be dealt with as he was not afraid of Burnham.  He was a fearless collie man.

 Anyone else who challenged the 50 years Jagan leadership of the PPP was similarly dealt with.

Facts !!! with that said you are still a supporter.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi. 

Review the background sources to C_A_R_E_F_U_L_L_Y verify when Balram Singh Rai was firmly with the CIA.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi.  

He was much smarter and a force to be dealt with as he was not afraid of Burnham.  

He was a fearless collie man.

Haaa haaaa haaaaaa --- yuh spinning nancy story here. 

1. Balram Singh Rai miserably LOST all elections prior to being a part of the PPP.

2. Cheddi Jagan gave Balram Singh Rai an extremely safe seat to contest in the then elections.

3. After Balram Singh Rai left the PPP, to form the Justice Party, he again lost miserably in the elections -- securing about 1,000 votes and even lost his deposit.

4. He then later left to reside in Britain.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi.  He was much smarter and a force to be dealt with as he was not afraid of Burnham.  He was a fearless collie man.

 Anyone else who challenged the 50 years Jagan leadership of the PPP was similarly dealt with.

Facts !!! with that said you are still a supporter.

200 years of soup bai!  Meh see Granguh juss tek way lil soup!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi.  He was much smarter and a force to be dealt with as he was not afraid of Burnham.  He was a fearless collie man.

 Anyone else who challenged the 50 years Jagan leadership of the PPP was similarly dealt with.

Facts !!! with that said you are still a supporter.

200 years of soup bai!  Meh see Granguh juss tek way lil soup!

No one in all of Guyana drank more soup than Shiamkaran.  He was an expert in cutting coolie throat for lil flour and dhall.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi.  He was much smarter and a force to be dealt with as he was not afraid of Burnham.  He was a fearless collie man.

 Anyone else who challenged the 50 years Jagan leadership of the PPP was similarly dealt with.

Facts !!! with that said you are still a supporter.

200 years of soup bai!  Meh see Granguh juss tek way lil soup!

No one in all of Guyana drank more soup than Shiamkaran.  He was an expert in cutting coolie throat for lil flour and dhall.

200 years of Soup!!!   200 years!!   Dattsss nuff nuff nuff soup!!

Wam wid ANUS??  200 years spile laka dah?

cain posted:

Oi Kaz dem PPP guys you prefer, how come dem seem to love stabbing dem own peeps in their backs?

Bai, sometimes greed and selfishness make good people become bad. Been happening from de beginning of time. See how good Lucifer was and den how bad he became? Dat is just like dem back stabbing former PPP peepkle. De good ones will always remain wid de good party, de PPP.


Just for the record, I have no problem with people who were personally victimized by the PPP or any of its principals. There are no perfect people in existence so it would be preposterous to suggest that the PPP is perfect. They are just miles ahead of the PNC in every aspect of governance and democracy. I know one case in particular where a family that I have a lot of respect for was victimized by the PPP and because it is a very respectable family, I will never hold any grudges against them. My condemnation is for the ones who backstab their mattee for greed and power.

ksazma posted:

Just for the record, I have no problem with people who were personally victimized by the PPP or any of its principals. There are no perfect people in existence so it would be preposterous to suggest that the PPP is perfect. They are just miles ahead of the PNC in every aspect of governance and democracy. I know one case in particular where a family that I have a lot of respect for was victimized by the PPP and because it is a very respectable family, I will never hold any grudges against them. My condemnation is for the ones who backstab their mattee for greed and power.

Well, you know the family. If you don’t, then you will condemn them for doing the same!

The worse backstabber are the ones purporting to be the greatest loyalists! There is one “dead ender” loyalist who claims they know who wrote Irfaan thesis!  They also does cuss down Jagan but turned up to make speech at an event in his honor!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi.  He was much smarter and a force to be dealt with as he was not afraid of Burnham.  He was a fearless collie man.  Anyone else who challenged the 50 years Jagan leadership of the PPP was similarly dealt with.

Balram Singh thought he had so much support amongst the East Indians. How many votes did he get for the CIA money he spent during the elections? 


Maybe BSR didn't have popular appeal amongst the core PPP supporters since that was already Jagan's turf. However, given BSR's intelligence and lean to Capitalism, Jagan, the PPP and Guyana at large would have benefited tremendously if BSR's voice was able to drown out the Communism noise that prevailed in the party at that time. I wouldn't assail BSR.


Cheddie made the offer to Indians in 1950s more money for chopping cane, that was his support base. In 1992, he was in complete control of the sugar industry with no oppostion from the PNC and the SPA. He filled up Guysuco management with Indo crooks, who robbed the sugar workers of the 1950s promises. And CBJ knew of the corruptions in the industry. 

Indians are keen on following iconic leadership regardless how detrimental it is for them. And the beat goes on after seven decades. 

At all cost, everything must be done to drown out sane voices. Indians fall prey, and dey doan really care. Blinded by What?

seignet posted:

Cheddie made the offer to Indians in 1950s more money for chopping cane, that was his support base. In 1992, he was in complete control of the sugar industry with no oppostion from the PNC and the SPA. He filled up Guysuco management with Indo crooks, who robbed the sugar workers of the 1950s promises. And CBJ knew of the corruptions in the industry. 

Indians are keen on following iconic leadership regardless how detrimental it is for them. And the beat goes on after seven decades. 

At all cost, everything must be done to drown out sane voices. Indians fall prey, and dey doan really care. Blinded by What?

Seiggy, Jagan's generation has passed on. Indians have made enormous attempts to alleviate themselves. Look how many of them have obtained higher education and moved on to better pastures abroad. I bet over 95% of Guyanese immigrants have been very progressive and have pushed their kids to do better than we did. We can't blame Jagan for everything. We must praise Dr. Jagan for giving us free secondary education so we could lay the foundation for future generations. I can bet you there are more Guyanese and their descendants abroad than the population in Guyana.
A white Peace Corps friend(from Ohio) in Guyana in the late 60s told me that if I stayed in Guyana, I will never learn to think outside the Guyanese mentality. He encouraged me to migrate and experience different cultures.

Zed posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi.  He was much smarter and a force to be dealt with as he was not afraid of Burnham.  He was a fearless collie man.  Anyone else who challenged the 50 years Jagan leadership of the PPP was similarly dealt with.

Balram Singh thought he had so much support amongst the East Indians. How many votes did he get for the CIA money he spent during the elections? 

The truth why Balram Singh Rai was expelled.

PPP held its annual elections on 28 April 1962.Balram Singh Rai, the Minister of Home Affairs, reported that there had been “a radicalisation of the organisation” and weeks later he was expelled from the party because he “opposed the strong communist direction it was moving toward.”

Django posted:
Zed posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi.  He was much smarter and a force to be dealt with as he was not afraid of Burnham.  He was a fearless collie man.  Anyone else who challenged the 50 years Jagan leadership of the PPP was similarly dealt with.

Balram Singh thought he had so much support amongst the East Indians. How many votes did he get for the CIA money he spent during the elections? 

The truth why Balram Singh Rai was expelled.

PPP held its annual elections on 28 April 1962.Balram Singh Rai, the Minister of Home Affairs, reported that there had been “a radicalisation of the organisation” and weeks later he was expelled from the party because he “opposed the strong communist direction it was moving toward.”

Rai tried to save coolies from themselves! But coolies are a dumb bunch and they swallowed Jagan koolaid!  Many are still afflicted by it!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Vindhya should form the Guyana Dharmic Janata Party!

Guyana had a religious party in Guyana. It was called GUMP(Guyana United Muslim Party). Where are they now? They got paid well by the CIA to destabilize the country. Balram Singh Rai got paid well too. These were the scum bags of the coolies in Guyana.

Before Balram Singh Rai teamed up with the CIA he was pushed out by Cheddi.  He was much smarter and a force to be dealt with as he was not afraid of Burnham.  He was a fearless collie man.  Anyone else who challenged the 50 years Jagan leadership of the PPP was similarly dealt with.

Balram Singh thought he had so much support amongst the East Indians. How many votes did he get for the CIA money he spent during the elections? 

The truth why Balram Singh Rai was expelled.

PPP held its annual elections on 28 April 1962.Balram Singh Rai, the Minister of Home Affairs, reported that there had been “a radicalisation of the organisation” and weeks later he was expelled from the party because he “opposed the strong communist direction it was moving toward.”

Rai tried to save coolies from themselves! But coolies are a dumb bunch and they swallowed Jagan koolaid!  Many are still afflicted by it!

I am boggled at the mindset modern day East Indians support of the party built on the principles of Communist ideology. They don't have the courage to confront leaders of the party , all they do is nod their heads.

Found this statement on a  recent paper i am reading  about British Guiana from 1961 - 1963 from the  "The University of Edinburgh School of History, Classics & Archaeology"

"Guianese newspaper reported in early October 1960 that Jagan had told businessmen in the colony that he would not ensure free elections in the country after it was granted independence."

Last edited by Django

On the issue on free and fair elections, PNC gave us two black Presidents who were riggers and another Black President who is raping the constitution and ignoring CCJ.

All elections under PPP were certified free and fair !

Facts and figga don’t lie. 

Sean posted:

On the issue on free and fair elections, PNC gave us two black Presidents who were riggers and another Black President who is raping the constitution and ignoring CCJ.

All elections under PPP were certified free and fair !

Facts and figga don’t lie. 

Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development.

Sean posted:

On the issue on free and fair elections, PNC gave us two black Presidents who were riggers and another Black President who is raping the constitution and ignoring CCJ.

All elections under PPP were certified free and fair !

Facts and figga don’t lie. 

I agree!  PPP always has free and fair elections!

Django posted:
Sean posted:

On the issue on free and fair elections, PNC gave us two black Presidents who were riggers and another Black President who is raping the constitution and ignoring CCJ.

All elections under PPP were certified free and fair !

Facts and figga don’t lie. 

Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development.

Django, is Sean lying when he said Two Black president rigged the election, rape the constitution and ignore the CCJ ruling. 



Hey hey na know what ayoo arguing bout...hey hey hey. Is true PNC blackman president rig de eleckshun and dem base jump up and celebrate it...hey hey hey...ayoo remember de calypso a Linden? How dem peopkle rejoice when de song seh Hoyte muss rig Hoyte stupid dat he give dem free and fair eleckshun to Cheddie in 1992? Hey hey hey...

But ayoo need foh remember dem Indo commies like Cheddie, Nagamootoo, Janet, Rohee, Feroz, Gail, (even we former PPP bai when he was in he socialist rikatics foh Cheddie, Gilbakka ) and dem would give ayoo elecksun as free and fair like what Castro give dem peopkle in Cuba...dem PPP elecshun would a be free and fair juss like Maduro give Venezuela...hey hey hey. Dem wise peopkle seh...every ackshun gat reaction. What ayoo expect? Dem rich Putagee in GT go staan quiet or de West foh do nothing? Hey hey hey...every acksun gat reaction. Hey hey hey...

Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

On the issue on free and fair elections, PNC gave us two black Presidents who were riggers and another Black President who is raping the constitution and ignoring CCJ.

All elections under PPP were certified free and fair !

Facts and figga don’t lie. 

Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development.

Django, is Sean lying when he said Two Black president rigged the election, rape the constitution and ignore the CCJ ruling.

Sir , please re-read my statement . Also read up on the history of Guyana ,from the entrance of Jagan and Burnham in to British Guiana politics. I mentioned many times on this site why Burnham was chosen for Guyana independence and was allowed to rig elections. Well just found Jagan had such plans , never knew there was such statements.

Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

On the issue on free and fair elections, PNC gave us two black Presidents who were riggers and another Black President who is raping the constitution and ignoring CCJ.

All elections under PPP were certified free and fair !

Facts and figga don’t lie. 

Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development.

Django, is Sean lying when he said Two Black president rigged the election, rape the constitution and ignore the CCJ ruling.

Sir , please re-read my statement . Also read up on the history of Guyana ,from the entrance of Jagan and Burnham in to British Guiana politics. I mentioned many times on this site why Burnham was chosen for Guyana independence and was allowed to rig elections. Well just found Jagan had such plans , never knew there was such statements.

You believe every piece of propaganda you read!  That’s a belief, what Burnham did is fact!  That being said, it was Jagan’s ideology that gave us Burnham for such a long time!

Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:

On the issue on free and fair elections, PNC gave us two black Presidents who were riggers and another Black President who is raping the constitution and ignoring CCJ.

All elections under PPP were certified free and fair !

Facts and figga don’t lie. 

Your myopic views on Black vs Indian , who good and who bad, it's beyond that for third world multi-ethnic countries development.

Django, is Sean lying when he said Two Black president rigged the election, rape the constitution and ignore the CCJ ruling.

Sir , please re-read my statement . Also read up on the history of Guyana ,from the entrance of Jagan and Burnham in to British Guiana politics. I mentioned many times on this site why Burnham was chosen for Guyana independence and was allowed to rig elections. Well just found Jagan had such plans , never knew there was such statements.

You believe every piece of propaganda you read!

 That’s a belief, what Burnham did is fact!  That being said, it was Jagan’s ideology that gave us Burnham for such a long time!

The information came from a paper from  "The University of Edinburgh School of History, Classics & Archaeology"

Do you think the University will print propaganda ? every piece of information was backed up by sources.

Last edited by Django

DJ is someone who harbours a  firm belief that everything that he finds on the Internet is accurate and factual based on HIS opinion. Bai, life don't work dat way. Many times, authors of articles are expressing their biased opinions.

Look at CNN, the most biased name in news.

Look at the Impeachment hoax, no one had proof. It was all people's opinions. 

Try deh bai.

Sean posted:

DJ is someone who harbours a  firm belief that everything that he finds on the Internet is accurate and factual based on HIS opinion.

Bai, life don't work dat way. Many times, authors of articles are expressing their biased opinions.

Well i can decipher facts from fiction, especially when authors and researchers provide sources. The Internet is the new technology to share information ,it's modern day method to find information.

Last edited by Django

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