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Originally Posted by Miraver:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

68 is a fabulous age, Tola!

Yes, women from the Caribbean know what they want

I am having the best time of my life, travelling on photo assignments to other countries, with a companionship we enjoy.

She is private and do her own thing, but when  we meet at a sunset dinner, it seem magical in friendship.   

Hi Tola, it good to know that you are having the time of your life! Now that I know you're an expert photographer, I might reach out to you for camera tips.

When you say, "she is private", what do you mean? 

Looks like you've been blessed with an unmatched gift of friendship.

Miravar, regarding cameras, 

[I almost call you Miraval [with another name] after a friend who is a photographer for Hindustan Times in Delhi]

I first met her at the World Social Forum in Mumbai where she broke security to take photos of VIPs and  was carried by  her arm pits by two security guards.

When I asked her later whether she was afraid, she said, 'but I got my shots'.  A very brave woman who could have been put in jail.


I don't consider myself an expert like Storm, but I have been using Nikon equipment since 1969. Before that time, with other cameras since 1960.

OM gosh, now you can age me.


Please, any questions regarding cameras anytime.


'She is private'... I learn from experience, individuals needs space.

In my travels with a companion, she is first my friend and intimacy, if appropriate comes after. It is not the first priority in our relationship. Companionship and doing other things together comes first.

Most days on the road, our highlight is a wine dinner with sunsets and talk.

It might start at eight and end at about midnight.

We have separate rooms for privacy and enter only if there is a need, by mutual consent. This can sometime happen at 2 am.


'She is private' means giving each other space and when we come together, a fire is lit.          


Last edited by Tola

Tola, Miraval is a brave soul. I don't mind being thought of as brave. Okay, I will not hesitate to ask questions about cameras in the future.

Regarding your response on "she is private", I now understand it's "space". It seems like you have a committed set of behaviors toward your friendships;that's great. I wish you many more years of sunset conversations

Back to space and privacy...I believe that all relationships need space. Space= growth. 


Originally Posted by Miraver:

Tola, Miraval is a brave soul. I don't mind being thought of as brave. Okay, I will not hesitate to ask questions about cameras in the future.

Regarding your response on "she is private", I now understand it's "space". It seems like you have a committed set of behaviors toward your friendships;that's great. I wish you many more years of sunset conversations

Back to space and privacy...I believe that all relationships need space. Space= growth. 


Miravar, this is profound...Space = growth. I will pass it on to Teresa.  

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Miraver:


Miravar, this is profound...Space = growth. I will pass it on to Teresa.  

Tola, your Teresa is a smart woman. She already knows about space and growth

Koi fish comes to will grow based on the size of its container. I'll put a quote about koi on the "Daily Quote" thread.


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