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D2 posted:
Drugb posted:
D2 posted:
Drugb posted:

I am not disputing that some form of wild rice was cultivated in Africa. In fact rice is a grass and grass grows everywhere. What is questionable is whether its foundation as a commercial crop began in Africa.  Also, not sure where you got your information of rice in Africa 6000 years ago. Please reference this article, it says China was the origin.

Dude ease up. In your hastiness to be critical you made a transparently discoverable mistake. Adding the term "commercial" into your statement does not clarify. It is ugly dissimulation. Africa was using rice as a food crop for some thousands of years. Whether it was six or 3.5 thousand years it was a hell of a long time ago. I wrote extemporaneously, I will have to check how I came by the date but my error is not the point of discussion here. It is yours that you so egregiously defend constantly as if denigrating African history is always your aim.  The reality is the world has had a few civilizations and Africa stands as one of  of incomparable greatness. 

If you and the sloppy boys would pay attention, you would note that I stated that rice was never prevalent in Africa.  In fact the academics agree that it was first cultivated in China. However it looks like many of you Granger brown nosers have an agenda to rush to accredit afros with the least of accomplishments even if not true. Soon you will tell us that they discovered the cure for polio.  

still trying to walk when you are on broken legs...lie to yourself if you must. What you said is above.

Don't blame me, see the link I provided, no mention of africa is made. I guess you know more than the folks at London Global university.

caribny posted:

Your original scream was that cook up rice couldn't be "black man food" because according to you blacks knew nothing about rice before Indians arrived. 

In your simpleton ways you dont consider that one pot dishes with rice are popular among black communities from South Carolina all the way down to Brazil, so yes consumption of rice was known long before the first Indian indenture walked off the plank in British Guiana.

The rice was clearly NOT being sourced in India or China as the transportation of that era wouldn't have permitted it.  In fact rice was grown in South Carolina and elsewhere and shipped to the Caribbean slave plantations, together with salted meats and corn/wheat flour.  Ground provisions and plantains were grown in the Caribbean, hence your illogical notion that this is the only foods that blacks knew about.

In fact the African rice was of a different species than the Asian so in fact its YOU who need to thank the Chinese for their rice. Africans had domesticated the varieties that they found there. 

Given the different settlement patterns and the lower population densities Africans had no need for huge plantations as did the Indians and the Chinese.  Their economies were based on producing what they needed and buying what they couldn't produce. Their trading partners in North Africa also had rice so there was no need to sell it to them.

The issue with African vs. Asian rice is this. During the colonial era cocoa, coffee and palm oil were the commercial crops, not rice, so all of the focus on improving rice varieties that occurred under the FAO and other organizations was focused on the Asian varieties.  So today the Asian varieties are higher yielding whereas the African varieties remain relative unchanged.

Never made such a scream, just questioned how rice became blackman food when it originated in China. But you will note that even the sakiwinki bird man acknowledged that cookup is a dish found across all cultures. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Your original scream was that cook up rice couldn't be "black man food" because according to you blacks knew nothing about rice before Indians arrived. 

In your simpleton ways you dont consider that one pot dishes with rice are popular among black communities from South Carolina all the way down to Brazil, so yes consumption of rice was known long before the first Indian indenture walked off the plank in British Guiana.

The rice was clearly NOT being sourced in India or China as the transportation of that era wouldn't have permitted it.  In fact rice was grown in South Carolina and elsewhere and shipped to the Caribbean slave plantations, together with salted meats and corn/wheat flour.  Ground provisions and plantains were grown in the Caribbean, hence your illogical notion that this is the only foods that blacks knew about.

In fact the African rice was of a different species than the Asian so in fact its YOU who need to thank the Chinese for their rice. Africans had domesticated the varieties that they found there. 

Given the different settlement patterns and the lower population densities Africans had no need for huge plantations as did the Indians and the Chinese.  Their economies were based on producing what they needed and buying what they couldn't produce. Their trading partners in North Africa also had rice so there was no need to sell it to them.

The issue with African vs. Asian rice is this. During the colonial era cocoa, coffee and palm oil were the commercial crops, not rice, so all of the focus on improving rice varieties that occurred under the FAO and other organizations was focused on the Asian varieties.  So today the Asian varieties are higher yielding whereas the African varieties remain relative unchanged.

Never made such a scream, just questioned how rice became blackman food when it originated in China. But you will note that even the sakiwinki bird man acknowledged that cookup is a dish found across all cultures. 

Never....a typical Jagdeo moment,  trying to scare Berbicians  to vote for the PPP.

When is Jagdeo going to  get Berbicians to protest against the Berbice bridge toll increase. So they can cream his ass wid BP.    

Tola posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

Your original scream was that cook up rice couldn't be "black man food" because according to you blacks knew nothing about rice before Indians arrived. 

In your simpleton ways you dont consider that one pot dishes with rice are popular among black communities from South Carolina all the way down to Brazil, so yes consumption of rice was known long before the first Indian indenture walked off the plank in British Guiana.

The rice was clearly NOT being sourced in India or China as the transportation of that era wouldn't have permitted it.  In fact rice was grown in South Carolina and elsewhere and shipped to the Caribbean slave plantations, together with salted meats and corn/wheat flour.  Ground provisions and plantains were grown in the Caribbean, hence your illogical notion that this is the only foods that blacks knew about.

In fact the African rice was of a different species than the Asian so in fact its YOU who need to thank the Chinese for their rice. Africans had domesticated the varieties that they found there. 

Given the different settlement patterns and the lower population densities Africans had no need for huge plantations as did the Indians and the Chinese.  Their economies were based on producing what they needed and buying what they couldn't produce. Their trading partners in North Africa also had rice so there was no need to sell it to them.

The issue with African vs. Asian rice is this. During the colonial era cocoa, coffee and palm oil were the commercial crops, not rice, so all of the focus on improving rice varieties that occurred under the FAO and other organizations was focused on the Asian varieties.  So today the Asian varieties are higher yielding

Never....a typical Jagdeo moment,  trying to scare Berbicians  to vote for the PPP.

When is Jagdeo going to  get Berbicians to protest against the Berbice bridge toll increase. So they can cream his ass wid BP.    

It might be useful if you dress up in your best skirt and ask him. Just make sure that the buckta don't have bottom. 

ronan posted:
Drugb posted:
So the folks at London Global were liars . . .?

the London Global paper is a poorly conceived red herring of yours . . . having nothing to do with the issues on the table

incredibly, it's quite possible that you may actually be too stupid to understand this

Go light on that bhai, scowered the internet to find one half baked article that rice have no connection to Africa, to prove his warped point.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:

Rice is a variation of grass, so is wheat.  How can anyone believe there was no African specie.  However, other food staples took hold in Africa.  Corn became more staple and require less water.

Some modern day people, forgets about ancient civilization contribution to our existence. Every human on this planet past and present can be credited for food production,medicine, etc for prolonging our existence.

Look at the ole USA we are a melting pot, people with ideas and thoughts created modern things that enhance our lives at a such fast pace that is beyond the realm of imagination.Some day in the future there may be arguments who created such things first,the Western world or the Eastern world.

Some people are stuck in their ways,they are hard nuts to crack.


African rice Oryza Glaberrima, distinct from Asian rice Oryza Sativa, was domesticated and cultivated for millennia in West Africa from the Niger Delta to the Sahel as history & science documents, see PNAS abstract here:

the link famously provided by drugb points to offerings from a UCL project on Asian rice and it's antiquity

a red herring par for the course for our resident shakeabatty who knows no science and is somewhat unaware of his own stupidity

independent domestication timelines of Oryza Glaberrima vs. Oryza Sativa are an irrelevant scientific debate outside the scope of our discussion here

the fact that i have to belabor the obvious is bizarre

Last edited by Former Member

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