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kp posted:

Potato was first grown in Egypt  then moved to Europe.

You may want to compare the three sources.

The potato, from the perennial Solanum tuberosum, is the world’s fourth largest food crop, following rice, wheat, and maize. The Inca Indians in Peru were the first to cultivate potatoes around 8,000 BC to 5,000 B.C.

The potato was introduced to Egypt during the 1800's, and large scale cultivation began during the First World War, when British colonial officials encouraged its production to feed their troops. After the war, however, expansion of potato growing was hampered by the poor quality of imported seed and by farmers' inexperience with the crop.

Last edited by Django
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Oh mi mumma!!  Ayuh cut the skont out.  Now is waan stchupit Potatoe Man and his P0ke.y Horse rowe!!!!

BTW, that was story in a story book!!

Oye Bhai, this thread is about Serious Question.

But it always come back to Black and Coolie!!

HAHAHAAAAaaaaa! These rass guys arguin dem bumbaclat over who invent rice an who firs mek french fries an all sorta is not just one thread dem doin dis.

Base, I gonna start a thread jus for me an you over who first invented fish. 

cain posted:
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Oh mi mumma!!  Ayuh cut the skont out.  Now is waan stchupit Potatoe Man and his P0ke.y Horse rowe!!!!

BTW, that was story in a story book!!

Oye Bhai, this thread is about Serious Question.

But it always come back to Black and Coolie!!

HAHAHAAAAaaaaa! These rass guys arguin dem bumbaclat over who invent rice an who firs mek french fries an all sorta is not just one thread dem doin dis.

Base, I gonna start a thread jus for me an you over who first invented fish. 

Gilly eager to jump in that fishing thread.

Mitwah posted:

Who invented the loin cloth? Indos and Afros used to wear it when they were digging canals, drains or ponds or working in the rice fields during plowing and planting seasons.

It was called langotee. 

Bai, men have been tying up them loli and balls since cave man days.  It was tuff to go running πŸƒ after animals in a hunt wid yuh sausage and balls dangling and getting caught between yuh legs. 

cain posted:

Gilly eager to jump in that fishing thread.


It is like the ice-water argument. One person  refused to accept science and mathematics then then and the argument continued for over five years!  This goody fellow refuse to accept Africans had a rice culture and persist in denying the historical reality however much the evidence becomes available. Willful ignorance cannot be overcome with facts. This fellow comes back like a zombie, impervious of the conscious world that knows the contrary yet  chants about his wisdom when he lumbers about with his brains cascading from his skull from the beating he is getting. This argument can last for a long long time! 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

Who invented the loin cloth? Indos and Afros used to wear it when they were digging canals, drains or ponds or working in the rice fields during plowing and planting seasons.

It was called langotee. 

Bai, men have been tying up them loli and balls since cave man days.  It was tuff to go running πŸƒ after animals in a hunt wid yuh sausage and balls dangling and getting caught between yuh legs. 

Men wearing langoti and working the rice fields.

Image result for langoti pictures

cain posted:

A couple quotes for this:  "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes time and annoys the pig"

"Never wrestle with a pig: you get dirty and the pig enjoys it?"

My beagles try to bang on my guitars when they want to go outside. They know I will not ignore them if they try to slam a few chords. They are astute enough to know I would not ignore them if they bang on the guitar strings. They are smart. This fellow still has a ways to go with his act to transition to being insightful.

D2 posted:
cain posted:

A couple quotes for this:  "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes time and annoys the pig"

"Never wrestle with a pig: you get dirty and the pig enjoys it?"

My beagles try to bang on my guitars when they want to go outside. They know I will not ignore them if they try to slam a few chords. They are astute enough to know I would not ignore them if they bang on the guitar strings. They are smart. This fellow still has a ways to go with his act to transition to being insightful.

Should those beagles start playing better than you, you in big trouble.

Oh and by the way seeing your concern about not enough women out bait worked banna, caught me a nice hippy looking babe who is the drummer with our Friday group.

cain posted:
D2 posted:
cain posted:

A couple quotes for this:  "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes time and annoys the pig"

"Never wrestle with a pig: you get dirty and the pig enjoys it?"

My beagles try to bang on my guitars when they want to go outside. They know I will not ignore them if they try to slam a few chords. They are astute enough to know I would not ignore them if they bang on the guitar strings. They are smart. This fellow still has a ways to go with his act to transition to being insightful.

Should those beagles start playing better than you, you in big trouble.

Oh and by the way seeing your concern about not enough women out bait worked banna, caught me a nice hippy looking babe who is the drummer with our Friday group.

Have a drink on me for not having to be sleeping in a cold bed this winter. I bet there are lots of sub zero nights for fierce cuddling coming up soon!

I locked those dogs out of my music room. They would sit in front of the door with big droopy ears and wide sad eyes pondering why!!!...then I let them in again!!

D2 posted:
cain posted:

Should those beagles start playing better than you, you in big trouble.

Oh and by the way seeing your concern about not enough women out bait worked banna, caught me a nice hippy looking babe who is the drummer with our Friday group.

Have a drink on me for not having to be sleeping in a cold bed this winter. I bet there are lots of sub zero nights for fierce cuddling coming up soon!

I locked those dogs out of my music room. They would sit in front of the door with big droopy ears and wide sad eyes pondering why!!!...then I let them in again!!

No cold bed, for sure.

You lock poor doggies outta the music room. So you are worried about them getting better than you..hahaha

Last edited by cain

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