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Former Member

from this:


I have to say this. General Granger is one of the most humble, most gracious, most decent decent human beings I've ever met.


He is perfectly suited to be President. I think all Guyanese would be proud of him.


to the blood-curdling 'Indo President or nothing' screech here:


. . . Personally, I now see the PNC is not serious about shared governance. It's still all about hegemony. The AFC was not negotiating the future role of the AFC in the government of Guyana but also the future of Indian political power in Guyana in a very hostile racial environment (hostile to everyone) that has no mercy for the race that does not "win." Anything less than legal parity of coercive power between the PNC and the AFC in a Coalition was not worth it.


go figure . . . or not

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Redux continue mumbling amongst the many manifestations of yourselves.


Nagamootoo was an ambitious man who took a huge gamble.  Pretending as if this isn't going to create large issues and confusion within the rural Indian vote is really being stupid.


You need to stop personalizing issues with people here on GNI.  I am sure that virtually none of us are going to vote on May 11th, so we don't matter in the scheme of things.


Focus your analysis on what is going on in Guyana.  If you have data that suggests that the dominant opinion (Nagamootoo made a mistake) is wrong than PROVIDE IT!



Also be bright enough to understand that the point that Shaitaan was making was that if Nagamootoo was able to pull enough votes away from the PPP who wouldn't have objected to a Granger presidency.


The issue now is that asking Indians to vote PNC, given their perceptions of that party, not unfounded by the way, is nonsensical and share fantasy.


The AFC should have remained independent and ought to have been focusing on emerging as a powerful third force, as was their intent when they were established in 2005/6.

Last edited by Former Member

I doan know how you do it bai. I just don't.


How is it possible that someone who seems by all appearances to have availed himself of a liberal education to make postings like this?


Also, how is it possible for someone to live their life absent words/concepts like nuance and context?


However, you have been able to beat the odds and accomplish this truly enviable state of cognitive dissonance.


No 1. My personal opinion of General Granger has not changed. He is eminently suited to be President of Guyana. He is absolutely the superior of Ramotar in every way. My personal affections for the man remain undiminished.


No 2. This Munich Agreement was/is a bad one. It could have only been made only by a PNC that is just ignorant of reality or more likely paranoid like a motherfoucker. It shows me that the PNC could not bring itself to concede substantive power to an Indian partner because they didn't. They offered to give some coolies some fancy titles. That's it.


No 3. This Agreement forces the Indos to make the PPP v PNC choice. The Indians should not be put in the position of having to vote fo the party that gave them a dictatorship and then the "Beat & Kill Nuff Coolie" post-election spectacles.


No. 3. An APNU Minority Presidency was a realistic (and even desirable) outcome of a three-way race. Some Indian substantive power would have existed in Parliament as the Majority check on an APNU President.


Now, we have a Darwinian struggle for group power and no reasonable rational choice for disaffected persons who don't wanna join the struggle for ein fuhrer, ein volk ein reich.

Originally Posted by redux:

from this:


I have to say this. General Granger is one of the most humble, most gracious, most decent decent human beings I've ever met.


He is perfectly suited to be President. I think all Guyanese would be proud of him.


to the blood-curdling 'Indo President or nothing' screech here:


. . . Personally, I now see the PNC is not serious about shared governance. It's still all about hegemony. The AFC was not negotiating the future role of the AFC in the government of Guyana but also the future of Indian political power in Guyana in a very hostile racial environment (hostile to everyone) that has no mercy for the race that does not "win." Anything less than legal parity of coercive power between the PNC and the AFC in a Coalition was not worth it.


go figure . . . or not

There is that old saying "I don't argue religion and politics". I believe that is because of all the things that people can discuss, those two are most suitable for blind followings. Someone can be really wutliss but suddenly become no so when they become friends. So I am not surprised how people change opinions when it comes to these two areas of human existence.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I doan know how you do it bai. I just don't.


How is it possible that someone who seems by all appearances to have availed himself of a liberal education to make postings like this?

i personally like to think of it as pulling down y'all panties so that people can see your disease


Also, how is it possible for someone to live their life absent words/concepts like nuance and context?

dat sounds suspiciously like the smoke Kari likes to blow out of his ass when he gets a brain freeze but needs badly to write something . . . u picking up bad habits hanging out with bhai Karimullah


However, you have been able to beat the odds and accomplish this truly enviable state of cognitive dissonance.

i suggest that u consult a dictionary and stop misusing that term


No 1. My personal opinion of General Granger has not changed. He is eminently suited to be President of Guyana. He is absolutely the superior of Ramotar in every way. My personal affections for the man remain undiminished.

relevant only in the sense that your PERSONAL position now is that only an Indian President [PPP or coalition] is fair


No 2. This Munich Agreement was/is a bad one. It could have only been made only by a PNC that is just ignorant of reality or more likely paranoid like a motherfoucker. It shows me that the PNC could not bring itself to concede substantive power to an Indian partner because they didn't. They offered to give some coolies some fancy titles. That's it.

Cheap demagoguery requiring only ridicule. The agreement may have been a bad one, but it took two to make it, Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC signed on the dotted line . . . they obviously saw merit in it. if, as you aver, David Granger is an honorable man "suited" to be president, why compare him here to Adolf Hitler?


No 3. This Agreement forces the Indos to make the PPP v PNC choice. The Indians should not be put in the position of having to vote fo the party that gave them a dictatorship and then the "Beat & Kill Nuff Coolie" post-election spectacles.

irrelevant . . . this thread is about you being a hypocrite and not about the merits of coalition strategy


No. 3. An APNU Minority Presidency was a realistic (and even desirable) outcome of a three-way race. Some Indian substantive power would have existed in Parliament as the Majority check on an APNU President.

irrelevant (again) . . . this thread is about you being a hypocrite and not about the merits of coalition strategy


Now, we have a Darwinian struggle for group power and no reasonable rational choice for disaffected persons who don't wanna join the struggle for ein fuhrer, ein volk ein reich.

more irrelevancy . . . this thread is about you being a hypocrite; skip the German, "Jai Hind" fits u better

'respectfully' Herr [mini me] Goebbels. . . my responses in bold above

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I doan know how you do it bai. I just don't.


How is it possible that someone who seems by all appearances to have availed himself of a liberal education to make postings like this?

i personally like to think of it as pulling down y'all panties so that people can see your disease


Also, how is it possible for someone to live their life absent words/concepts like nuance and context?

dat sounds suspiciously like the smoke Kari likes to blow out of his ass when he gets a brain freeze but needs badly to write something . . . u picking up bad habits hanging out with bhai Karimullah


However, you have been able to beat the odds and accomplish this truly enviable state of cognitive dissonance.

i suggest that u consult a dictionary and stop misusing that term


No 1. My personal opinion of General Granger has not changed. He is eminently suited to be President of Guyana. He is absolutely the superior of Ramotar in every way. My personal affections for the man remain undiminished.

relevant only in the sense that your PERSONAL position now is that only an Indian President [PPP or coalition] is fair


No 2. This Munich Agreement was/is a bad one. It could have only been made only by a PNC that is just ignorant of reality or more likely paranoid like a motherfoucker. It shows me that the PNC could not bring itself to concede substantive power to an Indian partner because they didn't. They offered to give some coolies some fancy titles. That's it.

Cheap demagoguery requiring only ridicule. The agreement may have been a bad one, but it took two to make it, Moses Nagamootoo and the AFC signed on the dotted line . . . they obviously saw merit in it. if, as you aver, David Granger is an honorable man "suited" to be president, why compare him here to Adolf Hitler?


No 3. This Agreement forces the Indos to make the PPP v PNC choice. The Indians should not be put in the position of having to vote fo the party that gave them a dictatorship and then the "Beat & Kill Nuff Coolie" post-election spectacles.

irrelevant . . . this thread is about you being a hypocrite and not about the merits of coalition strategy


No. 3. An APNU Minority Presidency was a realistic (and even desirable) outcome of a three-way race. Some Indian substantive power would have existed in Parliament as the Majority check on an APNU President.

irrelevant (again) . . . this thread is about you being a hypocrite and not about the merits of coalition strategy


Now, we have a Darwinian struggle for group power and no reasonable rational choice for disaffected persons who don't wanna join the struggle for ein fuhrer, ein volk ein reich.

more irrelevancy . . . this thread is about you being a hypocrite; skip the German, "Jai Hind" fits u better

'respectfully' Herr [mini me] Goebbels. . . my responses in bold above

OK so you have had your personal attack.


Now please comment about the prospects of rural Indian voters now being asked to vote for the same PNC, who they claim attacked them after the elections of 1997, and 2001, and who they claim was involved in massacres at Lusignan, etc.


Don't argue your perceived truth.  Argue based upon how they will support the PNC based upon their perceived truth.  It is THEIR vote and not yours which will determine the results of the election.

Originally Posted by caribny:
OK so you have had your personal attack.


Now please comment about the prospects of rural Indian voters now being asked to vote for the same PNC, who they claim attacked them after the elections of 1997, and 2001, and who they claim was involved in massacres at Lusignan, etc.


Don't argue your perceived truth.  Argue based upon how they will support the PNC based upon their perceived truth.  It is THEIR vote and not yours which will determine the results of the election.

wrong thread . . . that's why i ignored your previous post


u should start one for yourself since u seem determined to 'resolve' a debate u are having with no one


No. 3. An APNU Minority Presidency was a realistic (and even desirable) outcome of a three-way race. Some Indian substantive power would have existed in Parliament as the Majority check on an APNU President.

irrelevant (again) . . . this thread is about you being a hypocrite and not about the merits of coalition strategy

i had to pull out a heavy hammer and a big nail for this one . . . [assuming that David Granger is not Herr Hitler, of course] how in heaven's name is this "desirable" outcome superior to what is on offer by the coalition were it to win?

my edited response to No. 3

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
OK so you have had your personal attack.


Now please comment about the prospects of rural Indian voters now being asked to vote for the same PNC, who they claim attacked them after the elections of 1997, and 2001, and who they claim was involved in massacres at Lusignan, etc.


Don't argue your perceived truth.  Argue based upon how they will support the PNC based upon their perceived truth.  It is THEIR vote and not yours which will determine the results of the election.

wrong thread . . . that's why i ignored your previous post


u should start one for yourself since u seem determined to 'resolve' a debate u are having with no one

I am debating with lots of people.  You seem content to launch personal attacks.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
OK so you have had your personal attack.


Now please comment about the prospects of rural Indian voters now being asked to vote for the same PNC, who they claim attacked them after the elections of 1997, and 2001, and who they claim was involved in massacres at Lusignan, etc.


Don't argue your perceived truth.  Argue based upon how they will support the PNC based upon their perceived truth.  It is THEIR vote and not yours which will determine the results of the election.

wrong thread . . . that's why i ignored your previous post


u should start one for yourself since u seem determined to 'resolve' a debate u are having with no one

I am debating with lots of people.  You seem content to launch personal attacks.

not with me . . . certainly not on this thread

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
OK so you have had your personal attack.


Now please comment about the prospects of rural Indian voters now being asked to vote for the same PNC, who they claim attacked them after the elections of 1997, and 2001, and who they claim was involved in massacres at Lusignan, etc.


Don't argue your perceived truth.  Argue based upon how they will support the PNC based upon their perceived truth.  It is THEIR vote and not yours which will determine the results of the election.

wrong thread . . . that's why i ignored your previous post


u should start one for yourself since u seem determined to 'resolve' a debate u are having with no one

I am debating with lots of people.  You seem content to launch personal attacks.

not with me . . . certainly not on this thread

I realize that as you are too busily mumbling to yourself when not launching personal attacks.  You have no ability to craft an argument which says that the APNU/AFC stunt INCREASES the probability that the PPP will lose.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by caribny:
OK so you have had your personal attack.


Now please comment about the prospects of rural Indian voters now being asked to vote for the same PNC, who they claim attacked them after the elections of 1997, and 2001, and who they claim was involved in massacres at Lusignan, etc.


Don't argue your perceived truth.  Argue based upon how they will support the PNC based upon their perceived truth.  It is THEIR vote and not yours which will determine the results of the election.

wrong thread . . . that's why i ignored your previous post


u should start one for yourself since u seem determined to 'resolve' a debate u are having with no one

I am debating with lots of people.  You seem content to launch personal attacks.

not with me . . . certainly not on this thread

I realize that as you are too busily mumbling to yourself when not launching personal attacks.  You have no ability to craft an argument which says that the APNU/AFC stunt INCREASES the probability that the PPP will lose.

again . . . wrong thread bai


you know, I really do prefer being personally attacked by the Gold Teet Brigade. At least dem bais would occasionally mix their remarkable stupidity with something genuinely funny.


Like Kneeru for example. He will spend all day saying stupid things and then he will regale me with a tale of Burnham oppression because he once had to eat breadfruit curry instead of finest curry of aloo.


You on the other hand chap are not only stupid. You're worse. You're a bore. The worst sin in my book.


I'm not even interested in patting you on your thick head.


-Herr Shaitaan

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

you know, I really do prefer being personally attacked by the Gold Teet Brigade. At least dem bais would occasionally mix their remarkable stupidity with something genuinely funny.


Like Kneeru for example. He will spend all day saying stupid things and then he will regale me with a tale of Burnham oppression because he once had to eat breadfruit curry instead of finest curry of aloo.


You on the other hand chap are not only stupid. You're worse. You're a bore. The worst sin in my book.


I'm not even interested in patting you on your thick head.


-Herr Shaitaan

i just notice you slip wan by me hay by not mentioning my name


coward move, but is a nice try . . . from Kari's ole playbook


it's good that u are afraid


it would be better though if u figure out a way to cover up dem sores i exposing on this thread


your disease is deep, but antibiotic cream might work on the things that show

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

you know, I really do prefer being personally attacked by the Gold Teet Brigade. At least dem bais would occasionally mix their remarkable stupidity with something genuinely funny.


Like Kneeru for example. He will spend all day saying stupid things and then he will regale me with a tale of Burnham oppression because he once had to eat breadfruit curry instead of finest curry of aloo.


You on the other hand chap are not only stupid. You're worse. You're a bore. The worst sin in my book.


I'm not even interested in patting you on your thick head.


-Herr Shaitaan

i just notice you slip wan by me hay by not mentioning my name


coward move, but is a nice try . . . from Kari's ole playbook


it's good that u are afraid


it would be better though if u figure out a way to cover up dem sores i exposing on this thread


your disease is deep, but antibiotic cream might work on the things that show

You are amusing in the venom of your attacks.


That doesn't change the fact though. Shaitaan, caribj, and redux can spout all we want but its the grass roots people of Guyana, the cities, the rural areas, and the interior who will determine who wins.  Not those of us sitting down in front of our computers, living in NYC or Toronto.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

you know, I really do prefer being personally attacked by the Gold Teet Brigade. At least dem bais would occasionally mix their remarkable stupidity with something genuinely funny.


Like Kneeru for example. He will spend all day saying stupid things and then he will regale me with a tale of Burnham oppression because he once had to eat breadfruit curry instead of finest curry of aloo.


You on the other hand chap are not only stupid. You're worse. You're a bore. The worst sin in my book.


I'm not even interested in patting you on your thick head.


-Herr Shaitaan

i just notice you slip wan by me hay by not mentioning my name


coward move, but is a nice try . . . from Kari's ole playbook


it's good that u are afraid


it would be better though if u figure out a way to cover up dem sores i exposing on this thread


your disease is deep, but antibiotic cream might work on the things that show

You are amusing in the venom of your attacks.


That doesn't change the fact though. Shaitaan, caribj, and redux can spout all we want but its the grass roots people of Guyana, the cities, the rural areas, and the interior who will determine who wins.  Not those of us sitting down in front of our computers, living in NYC or Toronto.


I hope they doan cuss down the skeptical Indo voters in Guyana so quickly. I'm still not convinced that's a viable strategy in voter outreach.




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