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Sharma Solomon vows not to “beg for any job”

June 30, 2015 12:10 pm[], Source


Chairman of Region Ten,Sharma Solomon has made it clear that he will not be begging for any positions in the APNU+AFC government and if he is not selected for any appointments, it will be just fine with him.


Solomon made the comment amid rising concerns as to whether he will return as the Chairman of Linden and if not, what role will he play in the APNU+AFC administration, if any.


Already there have been reports in sections of the media that former Member of Parliament, Renis Morian is to take the mantle from Sharma when the APNU+AFC names its Regional representatives.


In a recent interview, government’s Chief Whip Amna Ally noted that Solomon’s name was not extracted to serve in Region 10.


“I don’t know, I can’t say why. There are a number of people whose names were submitted to be candidates…many others were not extracted,” Ally stated.


She indicated that a lot of persons had many expectations but those were not met.


“Let me set the record straight with regards to Region Ten. It was not a Sharma Solomon campaign. It was a team campaign and while he was named Campaign Manager, there were many others who really had their shoulders to the wheel and did the work….other people have to be given a chance; they worked too. He is not the only one that worked,” the Chief Whip affirmed.


However, Solomon in a recent post on social media made his views rather pellucid, stating he shall not stoop to beg for any post in the new administration.


“Sharma Solomon is not prepared to subject the people of Region 10 to any form of humiliation where they will have to beg a few persons in Georgetown for me to return as Regional Chairman…this is something I have no control over. May I make this point very clear: I, Sharma Solomon shall not beg for any job and no offer was made to me by the administration,” he stated.


He maintained that his only commitment was to see the backs of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic administration and that has now been fulfilled.


“I wish to advise the political grasshopper that my commitment is to a cause of ridding Guyana of public officials whose sole intention it is to deny the citizens their right to the national patrimony. It is because of this greed the steam power plant is no more that caused the government in 2012 to want to increase electricity charges on an already economically disadvantaged people,” Solomon noted.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Why should Sharma or Kisson have to compromise their view of the world with respect to justice? They do not work for APNU. They work for the people. IF Granger is vindictive enough to hold grudges to those questioning his authority then he has a long way to grow to be a leader and at 70 there is no time.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should Sharma or Kisson have to compromise their view of the world with respect to justice? They do not work for APNU. They work for the people. IF Granger is vindictive enough to hold grudges to those questioning his authority then he has a long way to grow to be a leader and at 70 there is no time.

Something about Guyana's Politicians, Jagdeo was also like that.  These FOOLS will never learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Why should Sharma or Kisson have to compromise their view of the world with respect to justice? They do not work for APNU. They work for the people. IF Granger is vindictive enough to hold grudges to those questioning his authority then he has a long way to grow to be a leader and at 70 there is no time.

What is the real deal behind this strife?  Region 10 wanted someone else to be leader of APNU?


Yes, but Vanessa and Sharma worked hard for the Coalition.


They said Jagdeo was quite vindictive.  Apparently others are too.


Maybe Granger wants to purge the radicals who believe in street action.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:
Maybe Granger wants to purge the radicals who believe in street action.

Perhaps, a few here and there to show he is doing something, but the compliment of radicals remains firmly under PNC control.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger was smart.  He gave Norton and Advisor's job, and so he is playing him off against Sharma and Kissoon.

You sure about that?  Norton wanted Granger's job....please remember that!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger was smart.  He gave Norton and Advisor's job, and so he is playing him off against Sharma and Kissoon.

You sure about that?  Norton wanted Granger's job....please remember that!

And so did the young man Sharma.  Maybe if he had another name he would have been adviser too.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger was smart.  He gave Norton and Advisor's job, and so he is playing him off against Sharma and Kissoon.

You sure about that?  Norton wanted Granger's job....please remember that!

And so did the young man Sharma.  Maybe if he had another name he would have been adviser too.

VVP, do u seriously believe that Sharma Solomon or Vanessa Kissoon's 'Indian' name(s) are meaningful in the way Region 10 Black people in and out of APNU/PNC assess, love or hate them??


u must be a bigger fool than i thought or, perhaps, racist 'projection' took over and u simply can't help yourself

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger was smart.  He gave Norton and Advisor's job, and so he is playing him off against Sharma and Kissoon.

You sure about that?  Norton wanted Granger's job....please remember that!

And so did the young man Sharma.  Maybe if he had another name he would have been adviser too.

VVP, do u seriously believe that Sharma Solomon or Vanessa Kissoon's 'Indian' name(s) are meaningful in the way Region 10 Black people in and out of APNU/PNC assess, love or hate them??


u must be a bigger fool than i thought or, perhaps, racist 'projection' took over and u simply can't help yourself

Maybe your latter statement bai.  Is only Black people with Indian name are bad ass people?  Don't worry they will save Linden.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger was smart.  He gave Norton and Advisor's job, and so he is playing him off against Sharma and Kissoon.

You sure about that?  Norton wanted Granger's job....please remember that!

And so did the young man Sharma.  Maybe if he had another name he would have been adviser too.

VVP, do u seriously believe that Sharma Solomon or Vanessa Kissoon's 'Indian' name(s) are meaningful in the way Region 10 Black people in and out of APNU/PNC assess, love or hate them??


u must be a bigger fool than i thought or, perhaps, racist 'projection' took over and u simply can't help yourself

Maybe your latter statement bai.  Is only Black people with Indian name are bad ass people?  Don't worry they will save Linden.

i suggest u look at my "latter statement" lil mo carefully

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger was smart.  He gave Norton and Advisor's job, and so he is playing him off against Sharma and Kissoon.

You sure about that?  Norton wanted Granger's job....please remember that!

And so did the young man Sharma.  Maybe if he had another name he would have been adviser too.

VVP, do u seriously believe that Sharma Solomon or Vanessa Kissoon's 'Indian' name(s) are meaningful in the way Region 10 Black people in and out of APNU/PNC assess, love or hate them??


u must be a bigger fool than i thought or, perhaps, racist 'projection' took over and u simply can't help yourself

Maybe your latter statement bai.  Is only Black people with Indian name are bad ass people?  Don't worry they will save Linden.

i suggest u look at my "latter statement" lil mo carefully

I read it 10 times.  I am fully cognizant of what it means.  So why Cde. Granger and Harmon treating these two folks so badly?

Originally Posted by VVP:

Maybe your latter statement bai.  Is only Black people with Indian name are bad ass people?  Don't worry they will save Linden.

What is interesting is that these two folks represent a more militant wing of the PNC and quite liable to claim that victory was due to Linden and not to Nagamootoo, who clearly lost ground in the PPP strongholds.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Maybe your latter statement bai.  Is only Black people with Indian name are bad ass people?  Don't worry they will save Linden.

What is interesting is that these two folks represent a more militant wing of the PNC and quite liable to claim that victory was due to Linden and not to Nagamootoo, who clearly lost ground in the PPP strongholds.

Well arite, lets say you are rite.  Why Cde. Granger and Harmon treating them so badly?  What's wrong in the camp.  My father use to say something like "ingratitude more strong than traitors' arms quite vanquished Ceasar."  Let the Cdes know alright.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Granger was smart.  He gave Norton and Advisor's job, and so he is playing him off against Sharma and Kissoon.

You sure about that?  Norton wanted Granger's job....please remember that!

And so did the young man Sharma.  Maybe if he had another name he would have been adviser too.

VVP, do u seriously believe that Sharma Solomon or Vanessa Kissoon's 'Indian' name(s) are meaningful in the way Region 10 Black people in and out of APNU/PNC assess, love or hate them??


u must be a bigger fool than i thought or, perhaps, racist 'projection' took over and u simply can't help yourself

Maybe your latter statement bai.  Is only Black people with Indian name are bad ass people?  Don't worry they will save Linden.

i suggest u look at my "latter statement" lil mo carefully

I read it 10 times.  I am fully cognizant of what it means.  So why Cde. Granger and Harmon treating these two folks so badly?

"10 times" . . . hmmm?


ask somebady literate to explain; is arite

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Abbe estate town coolie put all dem cells in his brain together and came up with the Theory of the Indian Surname to explain Sharma and Kissoon's current predicament

Yes that's for dumb asses like you and redux to run around with.  Go feed on it 


And the two clowns if case you didn't get it:


And so did the young man Sharma.  Maybe if he had another name he would have been adviser too.


The highlight was meant to be a joke but if you bring assine questions I will treat you that way.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

He can be a PM candidate if he can bring Linden in.

Sharma Salomon would never Join the PPP as Long as Jagdeo & Ravi Dev calling the shots.

Salomon is not a Racist....and he will continue to work with the Alliance.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

Maybe your latter statement bai.  Is only Black people with Indian name are bad ass people?  Don't worry they will save Linden.

What is interesting is that these two folks represent a more militant wing of the PNC and quite liable to claim that victory was due to Linden and not to Nagamootoo, who clearly lost ground in the PPP strongholds.

Well arite, lets say you are rite.  Why Cde. Granger and Harmon treating them so badly?  What's wrong in the camp.  

The answer to your question is in Carib's response (see bolded above). Granger is not necessarily treating them badly, it has more to do with their militancy. The PPP tried everything to provoke Granger and black folks to turn militant. It failed. Make no mistake - Granger has put himself at risk in order to work with Indians. 


Meanwhile, operators like Shaitan and Vish Mahabir are calling for a more "militant" Indian (Mahabir openly so). They are going to get the bloodbath they wish for because if Granger's efforts, even to the extent of muzzling his own extremists, is not enough for Indians then what if the militant wing of the PNC emerges?. If it does, and I hope it doesn't, then I sincerely hope that operators like Mahabir and Shaitan are on Regent Street to enjoy the fruits of their militancy.


The truth is - some Indians will accept nothing short of 100% INDIAN RULE. And this has NOTHING to do with ethnic security concerns.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Pharaoh Granjer may never accept Sharma or Kisson. we all may know why. so it is time for the PPP to reach out to our brother and sister.

Prash...will the brother Sharma and sister Kissoon move to the new

Indo country ??

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Prashad:
I said a homeland for PPP and Roar supporters. These two are our brother and sister so hell yes.

Sharma & Kissoon aint attracted or interested in Jagdeo or Ravi DNA....they are happy with the AFC-APNU Alliance.....although the PNC got their problems.


PPP got more Problems than PNC


Quote Itaname...

"Meanwhile, operators like

Shaitan and Vish Mahabir

are calling for a more

"militant" Indian (Mahabir openly so)."


Jihaji, Taliban & ICIS

all fighting America Today...





Shaitan use to be ok....

Good.... and Respected

by many....


He served his Country

in the USA Army well,


He was seen as a Hero


He came back and

was recognized by people in high places....


It seems there was

a Humpty- Dumpty moment..


After which

 he found himself

in bed with De PPP Crooks...


Vishnu claims he is Sick

and it is Mental Problems.....


I hope he can



and Refuse to be a be a failed jihaji

and standing on the losers side

for the rest of his life.

Originally Posted by VVP:

Well arite, lets say you are rite.  Why Cde. Granger and Harmon treating them so badly?  What's wrong in the camp.  My father use to say something like "ingratitude more strong than traitors' arms quite vanquished Ceasar."  Let the Cdes know alright.

PNC civil war.  Unlike the PPP when factions within the PNC wage war they stay WITHIN the PNC. 



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

Abbe estate town coolie put all dem cells in his brain together and came up with the Theory of the Indian Surname to explain Sharma and Kissoon's current predicament

And I don't know why because both Kissoon and Sharma are more "African" in phenotype than is Granger.  Any such Indo ancestry must be extremely remote.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Pharaoh Granjer may never accept Sharma or Kisson. we all may know why. so it is time for the PPP to reach out to our brother and sister.

Prash...will the brother Sharma and sister Kissoon move to the new

Indo country ??

  I love how folks like to babble. I feel very confident to say that Kissoon and Sharma probably feel more comfortable with their African ancestry than does Granger, so why will they want to move to Cheddistan?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Pharaoh Granjer may never accept Sharma or Kisson. we all may know why. so it is time for the PPP to reach out to our brother and sister.

Prash...will the brother Sharma and sister Kissoon move to the new

Indo country ??

  I love how folks like to babble. I feel very confident to say that Kissoon and Sharma probably feel more comfortable with their African ancestry than does Granger, so why will they want to move to Cheddistan?

You mean they do have some Indo in them?  Maybe Vanessa because Kissoon is here last name, but I thought (maybe incorrectly) that Sharma parents just gave him that name.  A lot of Africans gave their kids Indian first names.  Just like a lot of Guyanese gave their kids Russian names. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Itaname:

The truth is - some Indians will accept nothing short of 100% INDIAN RULE. And this has NOTHING to do with ethnic security concerns.

Of course all of these Indo militants live in the safety of North America.  I suspect that Indians, who live in Guyana, are quite happy that Granger has his more militant elements quiet.  Moses is also grateful, which is why he isn't falling for the nonsense that people like Jay peddle.


Moses knows a number of things.


1.  There is tremendous rage among elements of the African population over the "23" years.


2.  That he did NOT bring in the large Indo swing vote which was hoped for, and that he lacked a proper infrastructure to mount an effective campaign, and get out to vote mechanisms.  He knows that the more militant PNC wing have noted this.


3.  He knows that he has to build bridges to over come distrust towards him, not only from the PNC, but even from the G/town AFC wing, who are determined to maintain control over the AFC, which they created.


4.  Moses also knows that the 18 leaders within the coalition are 50% African, and represent GREATER diversity than was apparent in the PPP, which used non Indians as window dressing, but ensured that the power remained among Indians.



If Moses wages that open war that the PPPite Jay wishes that he does, he will be drummed out of the AFC, by the AFC itself, and will be less able to represent the interests of the AFC Indos.


Jay's behavior indicates that he is fundamentally a PPPite.  Unlike the PNC, the PPP tolerates no dissent, and all who don't do as the leader (Jagdeo) says are pushed out.  He doesnt know how to forge cross ethnic alliances.  He has no interest in learning more about Afro Guyanese, their concerns, and how to reduce distrust. 


All Jay knows is that he cannot function within any entity unless Indians are in control, and blacks are tokens.  Jay's angst is that Granger isn't the figure head token which Sam Hinds was, and Elisabeth Harper would have been. Like the old southerners, he loves negroes who smile a lot, and remain quiet.

Originally Posted by VVP:

You mean they do have some Indo in them?  Maybe Vanessa because Kissoon is here last name, but I thought (maybe incorrectly) that Sharma parents just gave him that name.  A lot of Africans gave their kids Indian first names.  Just like a lot of Guyanese gave their kids Russian names. 

What ever Indian that they might have is immaterial.  If Indians do not accept people who are 50% Indian, they will not accept Vanessa.


Those who are trying to imply that the exclusion of these people have a basis on race are being foolish.  FIVE Indians are in the cabinet, THREE of whom are APNU!

Originally Posted by VVP:

caribny, Moses is weak, Granger knows that.  It is Ramjattan they cannot mess with.  The balance of power is in Ramjattan hands.

Ramjattan doesnt even have juice within the AFC.  Trotman used to slap him around like a bytch. 


Its only the arrival of Moses which helped him.  Ramjattan has no voter base. Check and see how many votes Ramjattan brought in for the 2006 election.  In 2006 Region 6 AFC votes were mainly from New Amsterdam.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by VVP:

caribny, Moses is weak, Granger knows that.  It is Ramjattan they cannot mess with.  The balance of power is in Ramjattan hands.

Ramjattan doesnt even have juice within the AFC.  Trotman used to slap him around like a bytch. 


Its only the arrival of Moses which helped him.  Ramjattan has no voter base. Check and see how many votes Ramjattan brought in for the 2006 election.  In 2006 Region 6 AFC votes were mainly from New Amsterdam.

Trotman is a mouse compared to Ramjattan...the whole Guyana knows that except you.  Trotman is no. 3 in the AFC not even no. 2.  Ramjattan has the vote in parliament that counts and don't forget who brought down the PPP.


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