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Periodically i comment on Guyanese Face Book blogs ,

two young East Indian posters response to my comments,

"You are not living here and should not comment about Guyana"

I felt hurt "we in the Diaspora aren't welcome "was planning during my retirement  years to improvise a home i have there and spend a few months.I am contemplating to change my mind and go to some other country.

We are at each other throats on GNI,doesn't make sense my interest for the welfare of the people in Guyana will be minimal,let them battle their problems.

Who knows maybe i change my mind "one bad apple don't spoil the whole barrel"

will ponder on the phrase.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Django, this matter was discussed seriously in this very forum about two years ago. His Excellency yuji22 and I agreed that those people inside Guyana welcome our remittances and barrels but not our opinions or advice. And when remigrants land back in Guyana they are viewed with suspicion or as a threat to somebody's position. Or they are simply pounced upon and robbed. Of course, some are lucky to be allowed to enjoy their sunset years in peace.

Gilbakka posted:

Django, this matter was discussed seriously in this very forum about two years ago. His Excellency yuji22 and I agreed that those people inside Guyana welcome our remittances and barrels but not our opinions or advice. And when remigrants land back in Guyana they are viewed with suspicion or as a threat to somebody's position. Or they are simply pounced upon and robbed. Of course, some are lucky to be allowed to enjoy their sunset years in peace.


These Indian youths are followers of Bharat Jagdeo and want him to be the President again.

Guys and Gals don't take this as bashing,this is serious where is Guyana heading??


Guys get with the program dem Guyanese back home laughing dem rass off at how hard we does wuk in the flipping cold weather and suffering to survive even wuking 7 days a week here in NA. While dem back home enjoying all the national holidays, hardly wuk and have fancy big houses, no mortgage and no problem baby sitting the little ones. We get suckered in sending money and stuff back home fooling ourselves that one day we will go back there and retire. Foolish. Soon as you go back yuh own family will out yuh lights. As Bob Marley says yuh worse enemy is yuh best friend 

Amral posted:

Yeah Nehru while the former govt was filling their pockets and the leader taking it in the ass

Bhai, you know bedroom story more than me.


But on the serious side, we discussed the faults of the former Govt, warned the Namakaram NOT to play with dogs, he will get Flea and the GNI supporters NOT to be dumb, naive and stupid, but we know how it all ended.

Nehru posted:
Amral posted:

Yeah Nehru while the former govt was filling their pockets and the leader taking it in the ass

Bhai, you know bedroom story more than me.


But on the serious side, we discussed the faults of the former Govt, warned the Namakaram NOT to play with dogs, he will get Flea and the GNI supporters NOT to be dumb, naive and stupid, but we know how it all ended.

So if you all knew the PPP were creeps what other option was there..put the same creeps back into government or vote them out? How the hell was anyone to know the outcome? All voters wanted was to see the backs of the PPP. This govt is not performing as should but we hope as they are shown their faults they are corrected and not do the same as previous governments.

This you cannot comprehend.

Nehru posted:

Only a DUMMY would not know the outcome when it comes to the PNC and I can prove that beyond a reasonable doubt!!!

Only Namakarams and dumb, naive, illiterate fools would, after admitting the PPP had many faults which no one from the PPP has apologized for nor made any amends, yet would like the same person who lead their party to a loss, to run again as leader. Dam when you stupid you dam well stupid. (Please don't say Jagdeo did not run the party, we know better)

I still laugh at you people saying the only smart person to lead the PPP is Jagdeo. What happens should he croak, PPP done?

This shows how not so smart you Namakarams really are.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Django, this matter was discussed seriously in this very forum about two years ago. His Excellency yuji22 and I agreed that those people inside Guyana welcome our remittances and barrels but not our opinions or advice. And when remigrants land back in Guyana they are viewed with suspicion or as a threat to somebody's position. Or they are simply pounced upon and robbed. Of course, some are lucky to be allowed to enjoy their sunset years in peace.


These Indian youths are followers of Bharat Jagdeo and want him to be the President again.

Guys and Gals don't take this as bashing,this is serious where is Guyana heading??

Hey,  you stop it right there. The youths were right to say you are not living in Guyana, and if BJ wants to run for president again, he is within his right as per the court ruling. 

Cobra posted:

Hey,  you stop it right there. The youths were right to say you are not living in Guyana, and if BJ wants to run for president again, he is within his right as per the court ruling. 

One more bad apple in barrel,

you read the part where i said,I wanna go spend a couple months a year when i retire,plus i planned to do some community work all expense from my pocket,is that statement an encouragement for returning Guyanese.

Django posted:
Cobra posted:

Hey,  you stop it right there. The youths were right to say you are not living in Guyana, and if BJ wants to run for president again, he is within his right as per the court ruling. 

One more bad apple in barrel,

you read the part where i said,I wanna go spend a couple months a year when i retire,plus i planned to do some community work all expense from my pocket,is that statement an encouragement for returning Guyanese.

Them Bhai nah want you in Guyana. Stay in American and show your patriotism to Trump.

Cobra posted:
Django posted:
Cobra posted:

Hey,  you stop it right there. The youths were right to say you are not living in Guyana, and if BJ wants to run for president again, he is within his right as per the court ruling. 

One more bad apple in barrel,

you read the part where i said,I wanna go spend a couple months a year when i retire,plus i planned to do some community work all expense from my pocket,is that statement an encouragement for returning Guyanese.

Them Bhai nah want you in Guyana. Stay in American and show your patriotism to Trump.

“Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.”
― Mark Twain


If you are thinking about retiring... not Guyana. Your age group has either migrate or return to their creator.

The current generation wouldn't know you , so you are a total stranger in your birth country. Family rass don't have time with you ... unless you gon spend the daro . Or some young chicks gonna hang on to you hoping you will bring them over... then you get kick to the curb . 

Imran posted:

If you are thinking about retiring... not Guyana. Your age group has either migrate or return to their creator.

The current generation wouldn't know you , so you are a total stranger in your birth country. Family rass don't have time with you ... unless you gon spend the daro . Or some young chicks gonna hang on to you hoping you will bring them over... then you get kick to the curb . 

Ok Bro taking your advise,any going is fuh waan week.

Imran posted:

If you are thinking about retiring... not Guyana. Your age group has either migrate or return to their creator.

The current generation wouldn't know you , so you are a total stranger in your birth country. Family rass don't have time with you ... unless you gon spend the daro . Or some young chicks gonna hang on to you hoping you will bring them over... then you get kick to the curb . 

Had a chap working here that actually had that game plan. Used to go back to Guatemala, marry a nice young gyal and bring she back. Spend a few years wid she and as soon as she get she papers and hit the road, repeat the process. Last count was 4 or 5 ex-wives and 1 pickney. No alimony because he made sure that was part of divorce agreement.


As someone who has moved back to Guyana to live, I can agree with some of the comments expressed here regarding retiring and moving back to Guyana.

However  we came back here for a reason, a purpose. In spite of all the frustrations  impediments, etc. We proceeded to do what we wanted to do and disregarded or mitigated for some of the negatives. 

Yes, we could have gone to other countries in the Caribbean, but chose Guyana. We wanted to complete the circle, to pay back for some of what I received as a youth in Guyana. If we make the future better for at least one person, then  we would have achieved our purpose.

and I cannot leave out the great things - lying in the hammock enjoying the Atlantic breeze, eating fresh mangoes from my tree, coconut water every day fresh butter fish for supper. On Monday, I had guava, guava jam,  mangoes, papaya, psidium, coconut water, cherries and pomegranate from our yard as part of our meals on that day. 

Just have to be realistic, and be really grounded to survive and lead a useful life here.


Zed posted:

As someone who has moved back to Guyana to live, I can agree with some of the comments expressed here regarding retiring and moving back to Guyana.

However  we came back here for a reason, a purpose. In spite of all the frustrations  impediments, etc. We proceeded to do what we wanted to do and disregarded or mitigated for some of the negatives. 

Yes, we could have gone to other countries in the Caribbean, but chose Guyana. We wanted to complete the circle, to pay back for some of what I received as a youth in Guyana. If we make the future better for at least one person, then  we would have achieved our purpose.

and I cannot leave out the great things - lying in the hammock enjoying the Atlantic breeze, eating fresh mangoes from my tree, coconut water every day fresh butter fish for supper. On Monday, I had guava, guava jam,  mangoes, papaya, psidium, coconut water, cherries and pomegranate from our yard as part of our meals on that day. 

Just have to be realistic, and be really grounded to survive and lead a useful life here.


It was my father's dream to move back to Guyana after he retired. He said all he needed was a house with trees in the yard, a bottomhouse to hang a hammock and a couple of dogs.


Some of the mistakes many make are

1. They think that they will find the same level of comfort, facilities, etc here in Guyana as they have abroad, ie. America or Canada in Guyana.

2. The have grown, sometimes, they have outgrown Guyana. They have difficulty fitting back in here.

3. Many think that the Guyana that exist in their minds is congruent with the reality. 

4. Thinking that they can recreate the experiences, emotions and feeling they had growing up in Guyana.

5. That money buys or cements loyalty, friendship, love, commitment, etc.

6. That the experience and qualifications/knowledge that you might have and want to make available freely to help the country is valued, is accepted. 

I guess that your dad never made it to Guyana. Too bad.

Prior to returning, I kept saying that I wanted to return, but there was always a reason to postpone it. I know of many who wanted to and kept postponing it. Eventually, I said to heck with all the excuses and moved back here. Did not regret it, thought at times it can be frustrating.


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