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Former Member

Should the PPP accept guilt of killing Courtney and give him a State funeral as a political freedom fighter? More so, to make a monument in his honor, and to be given a national holiday on the date of his death? This man means so much to the opposition that his death could have cause a civil war in Guyana instead of having a national election. Thankfully to the opposition to make peace and ask for calm to avert any unrest. I want to thank the Afros for not killing the innocent Indians for a political cause. The opposition did a great job. Yes, "Vote for deliverance from Evil" on May 11th.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Should the PPP accept guilt of killing Courtney and give him a State funeral as a political freedom fighter? More so, to make a monument in his honor, and to be given a national holiday on the date of his death? This man means so much to the opposition that his death could have cause a civil war in Guyana instead of having a national election. Thankfully to the opposition to make peace and ask for calm to avert any unrest. I want to thank the Afros for not killing the innocent Indians for a political cause. The opposition did a great job. Yes, "Vote for deliverance from Evil" on May 11th.

your contempt for African Guyanese is noted


anything else?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Should the PPP accept guilt of killing Courtney and give him a State funeral as a political freedom fighter? More so, to make a monument in his honor, and to be given a national holiday on the date of his death? This man means so much to the opposition that his death could have cause a civil war in Guyana instead of having a national election. Thankfully to the opposition to make peace and ask for calm to avert any unrest. I want to thank the Afros for not killing the innocent Indians for a political cause. The opposition did a great job. Yes, "Vote for deliverance from Evil" on May 11th.

your contempt for African Guyanese is noted


anything else?


He's not contemptuous of African Guyanese. He's just an idiot with a limited vocabulary. There is a difference.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Did the opposition averted a blood shed massacre between Afros and Indos, Yes or no?

So you now confirming that the opposition was baited by the PPP/C?

You don't answer a question with a question, Mith. BTW, you will eventually serve one master on April 7th. (PNC)  

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Did the opposition averted a blood shed massacre between Afros and Indos, Yes or no?

So you now confirming that the opposition was baited by the PPP/C?

You don't answer a question with a question, Mith. BTW, you will eventually serve one master on April 7th. (PNC)  

Cobra wha yuh expect

to change on April 7th Bhai...


De PNC Thugs




Phalourie Joe





Yuh gon Hide Dem on April 7th

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Did the opposition averted a blood shed massacre between Afros and Indos, Yes or no?

So you now confirming that the opposition was baited by the PPP/C?

You don't answer a question with a question, Mith. BTW, you will eventually serve one master on April 7th. (PNC)  

OK. Thanks for the confirmation.  Courtney was a thorn in the PPP/C side especially Nandalall's. PPP goons are answering the call to "Kick them Ass." 

I cancelled my flight to Guyana on April 7th. How did you learn about my trip?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Should the PPP accept guilt of killing Courtney and give him a State funeral as a political freedom fighter? More so, to make a monument in his honor, and to be given a national holiday on the date of his death? This man means so much to the opposition that his death could have cause a civil war in Guyana instead of having a national election. Thankfully to the opposition to make peace and ask for calm to avert any unrest. I want to thank the Afros for not killing the innocent Indians for a political cause. The opposition did a great job. Yes, "Vote for deliverance from Evil" on May 11th.

your contempt for African Guyanese is noted


anything else?

 He's not contemptuous of African Guyanese. He's just an idiot with a limited vocabulary. There is a difference.

u are not qualified to either speak for me or correct me


he is "contemptuous," as you are, of fellow Guyanese who happen to be of African descent


the simple act of creating this thread insulting the dead speaks to this


this contempt underpins much of y'all race bais' open ethnic chauvinism (in country) which mysteriously 'disappears' from activism when y'all migrate to 1st World climes where u are a politically weak, tiny minority



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Should the PPP accept guilt of killing Courtney and give him a State funeral as a political freedom fighter? More so, to make a monument in his honor, and to be given a national holiday on the date of his death? This man means so much to the opposition that his death could have cause a civil war in Guyana instead of having a national election. Thankfully to the opposition to make peace and ask for calm to avert any unrest. I want to thank the Afros for not killing the innocent Indians for a political cause. The opposition did a great job. Yes, "Vote for deliverance from Evil" on May 11th.

your contempt for African Guyanese is noted


anything else?

 He's not contemptuous of African Guyanese. He's just an idiot with a limited vocabulary. There is a difference.

u are not qualified to either speak for me or correct me


he is "contemptuous," as you are, of fellow Guyanese who happen to be of African descent


the simple act of creating this thread insulting the dead speaks to this


this contempt underpins much of y'all race bais' open ethnic chauvinism (in country) which mysteriously 'disappears' from activism when y'all migrate to 1st World climes where u are a politically weak, tiny minority




No is speaking for the almighty redux or correcting him. Calm down.


I totally reject your characterization of my as being contemptuous of anyone because of race....especially African Guyanese. Disagreeing with redux does not make one a racist. I see you subscribe to the Caribj definition of racism.


Yes, I can agree this thread is pretty insulting and tasteless.


There is no existential ethnic concern for Indians in America or any other First World Country because there is no political party that uses us as a punching bag when its political agenda is not successful. I don't worry about Democrats or Republicans at my door every four years if their candidate for President loses. Guyana on the other hand has a rich history of Indians as the target for wholesale electoral violence.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I suggest that the monument of our new freedom fighter be placed at the square of the revolution. 


Salute to Courtney.


Idiots like you will always always be the reason no one listens to Indian issues.

Someone should ram a big black kack up his ass at the square of the revolution. I'm sure he'll come to his senses quickly.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I suggest that the monument of our new freedom fighter be placed at the square of the revolution. 


Salute to Courtney.


Idiots like you will always always be the reason no one listens to Indian issues.

Someone should ram a big black kack up his ass at the square of the revolution. I'm sure he'll come to his senses quickly.


Now I think I understand why any post I make here concerning the genuine issues that ordinary Indians face is demonized as an paen to Indian racism by some.


I get it. Our Indian simpletons make it easy for people to demonize issues affecting Indians and thus summarily dismiss them.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I suggest that the monument of our new freedom fighter be placed at the square of the revolution. 


Salute to Courtney.


Idiots like you will always always be the reason no one listens to Indian issues.

Shaitan, you need a forum for yourself. I suggest you consult with the admin. BTW, do you think you're doing a good job of addressing Indian issues? You think you can convinced the opposition clowns to accept Indians when they join the criminal PNC? Most of the time you wish Afro would fook Indian randomly like fook slave and you want to address their issues? Bro, take a rest...

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I suggest that the monument of our new freedom fighter be placed at the square of the revolution. 


Salute to Courtney.


Idiots like you will always always be the reason no one listens to Indian issues.

Shaitan, you need a forum for yourself. I suggest you consult with the admin. BTW, do you think you're doing a good job of addressing Indian issues? You think you can convinced the opposition clowns to accept Indians when they join the criminal PNC? Most of the time you wish Afro would fook Indian randomly like fook slave and you want to address their issues? Bro, take a rest...


1. I do the best job I can with my limited skills available to try and articulate Indian concerns in Guyana.


2. I am sure you're right. I don't think the Opposition has been convinced to accept Indian concerns as being part of the dialogue yet. But I am convinced that we must continue to talk to them until they listen. They're not going anywhere. And we're not going anywhere. I believe in making peace with those you are in conflict with. Guyanese Indians can't be making peace with Palestinians. They must make their peace with Afro-Guyanese. That is a cold hard fact. And not necessarily a negative fact at that.


3. I see you're into joining the GNI penchant for mind reading. I don't know how its possible I can be accused on GNI of being militantly pro-douglarization and also militantly anti-douglarization. You and Caribj must meet sometime and decide what the common position is on what Shaitaan thinks about douglarization. The truth is chap is that I don't care much. People are free to make their own choices. However, I would like Guyanese Indians to survive as a people much like any other group wishes to survive as a people. The position of defending people's free personal choice and encouraging Indian-Indian marriages are not mutually exclusive.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I suggest that the monument of our new freedom fighter be placed at the square of the revolution. 


Salute to Courtney.

Emails, recorded telephone conversation exposeâ€ĶJagdeo/Nandlall/Sattaur plot to kill staff and shutdown K/News

October 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under Heist of Guyana, News 

September 21, 2014

Jagdeo/Sattaur plot to destroy Kaieteur News unearthed

Publisher of the Kaieteur News, Glenn Lall, is in possession of incontrovertible evidence of a plot by former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, and Commissioner-General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), Khurshid Sattaur, to bring down Kaieteur News. Confidential documentation, leaked to this publication, reveals that the Commissioner-General provided the former President with detailed tax information of a number of independent media houses in - a a The disclosure of the information by GRA’s Commissioner-General to Jagdeo, represents a grave breach of the ‘Oath of Secrecy’ sworn to by Sattaur as an officer of the Guyana Revenue Authority, said one lawyer. In taking the Oath, Sattaur solemnly declared that he would “truly, faithfully, impartially and honestly execute the powers vested in him.” He also swore that he would “judge and determine upon all matters and things before him without fear, affection, or malice”. And he swore, too, not to disclose any tax information concerning any taxpayer, but this has not been the case. Both Jagdeo and Sattaur are fully aware of the impropriety of their action and as such Sattaur even acknowledged, in the documents, that Jagdeo is expected to treat the information with confidence, said the lawyer. The documents would lift the lid off a few Government officials who have been insisting that all is right in Guyana and democracy is very much alive, he added. Both Kaieteur News and Stabroek News have been on the receiving end of Government’s anger over critical issues like corruption, value for money on projects, and local government elections. This publication is of the firm view that former President Jagdeo is not entitled to receive financial or tax information of any taxpayer, let alone a private citizen, as it would be highly improper, and clearly a breach of regulations. The information received revealed that Jagdeo advised Sattaur on “an impending major audit of the Kaieteur News” as a public ploy to defend the GRA and Sattaur against criticisms by the Kaieteur News. There is strong indication, according to the documents seen by Kaieteur News, that the plot between Sattaur and Jagdeo was hatched after a news report a few weeks ago raised questions over the employment of three children of the Commissioner-General at GRA. The report had questioned whether it was proper. Sattaur had also been highly defensive and upset with Kaieteur News and the private media, after questions were asked of GRA’s role in granting Bai Shan Lin, a Chinese logging company that is being investigated by Parliament, tens of millions of dollars in duty free concessions. When asked about details of the duty free concessions granted to Bai Shan Lin, Sattaur made it clear that the laws that are in place barred him from ever disclosing the information. He said that the matter was closed. As such, the public was kept in the dark over those duty free concessions for high-end SUVs, like a Lexus, an Infiniti series, and even a number of luxury vans. The granting of duty free concessions for vehicles pertaining to investments has to be relevant to the type of investment being made. GRA remained silent on this and also how it granted the duty free concessions even before Bai Shan Lin was given permission to freely operate its concessions. According to Kaieteur News’s publisher, Glenn Lall, he is now even more convinced that certain members within the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic and Government are determined to silence the voice of the independent media. “The use of the Guyana Revenue Authority, a body to which members of the public entrust their most private information, as a weapon against the media is a dangerous development indeed, and a violation of press freedomâ€Ķ “Kaieteur News is forced to ask what other tax information has not been compromised by Sattaur and Jagdeo?” Lall opined that it is time for Sattaur to step down as Commissioner-General of GRA with an independent, criminal investigation launched to enquire the role played by Jagdeo, and to ensure that the tax agency is operating within its mandate. “We also call on President Donald Ramotar to take steps to prevent Mr. Jagdeo from interfering further in his administration of the country,” Lall said.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Should the PPP accept guilt of killing Courtney and give him a State funeral as a political freedom fighter? More so, to make a monument in his honor, and to be given a national holiday on the date of his death? This man means so much to the opposition that his death could have cause a civil war in Guyana instead of having a national election. Thankfully to the opposition to make peace and ask for calm to avert any unrest. I want to thank the Afros for not killing the innocent Indians for a political cause. The opposition did a great job. Yes, "Vote for deliverance from Evil" on May 11th.

your contempt for African Guyanese is noted


anything else?

 He's not contemptuous of African Guyanese. He's just an idiot with a limited vocabulary. There is a difference.

u are not qualified to either speak for me or correct me


he is "contemptuous," as you are, of fellow Guyanese who happen to be of African descent


the simple act of creating this thread insulting the dead speaks to this


this contempt underpins much of y'all race bais' open ethnic chauvinism (in country) which mysteriously 'disappears' from activism when y'all migrate to 1st World climes where u are a politically weak, tiny minority




No is speaking for the almighty redux or correcting him. Calm down.


I totally reject your characterization of my as being contemptuous of anyone because of race....especially African Guyanese. Disagreeing with redux does not make one a racist. I see you subscribe to the Caribj definition of racism.


Yes, I can agree this thread is pretty insulting and tasteless.


There is no existential ethnic concern for Indians in America or any other First World Country because there is no political party that uses us as a punching bag when its political agenda is not successful. I don't worry about Democrats or Republicans at my door every four years if their candidate for President loses. Guyana on the other hand has a rich history of Indians as the target for wholesale electoral violence.

the "existential ethnic concern" for Indians in Guyana is the bleating of the radical Hindutva opportunist in your head soiling legitimate debate on security and weak institutions of governance (by design!) in Guyana


btw, "wholesale electoral violence" and "punching bag" are the rhetorical devices of political schemers intent on generating as much heat as possible to suppress light when discussing Indian security concerns


and, i speak to "ethnic chauvinism" in my paragraph about you (and your ilk) folding up the flag of race "nationalism" when in the 1st World . . . not about ethnic security


nice try though

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

So, is Courtney getting a State funeral at the opposition expense?   


When did you become so schupid chap?


He may very well be entitled to a State funeral since its daily becoming more likely that the State killed him.

He must also get sainthood like Mother Theressa who lived and died for the of the poor. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

So, is Courtney getting a State funeral at the opposition expense?   


When did you become so schupid chap?


He may very well be entitled to a State funeral since its daily becoming more likely that the State killed him.

He must also get sainthood like Mother Theressa who lived and died for the of the poor. 


Snide remarks notwithstanding, Ewing seems to have been in fear of his life from the PPP and he seems to have been the target of PPP harassment. This tends to lend weight to the theory that he was indeed killed by the PPP.


I'm almost ready to bring out the pitchfork and join the mob on this. The did rush to judgment but it's beginning look like they were right.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

So, is Courtney getting a State funeral at the opposition expense?   


When did you become so schupid chap?


He may very well be entitled to a State funeral since its daily becoming more likely that the State killed him.

He must also get sainthood like Mother Theressa who lived and died for the of the poor. 


Snide remarks notwithstanding, Ewing seems to have been in fear of his life from the PPP and he seems to have been the target of PPP harassment. This tends to lend weight to the theory that he was indeed killed by the PPP.


I'm almost ready to bring out the pitchfork and join the mob on this. The did rush to judgment but it's beginning look like they were right.

This is all aboutâ€Ķ.The PNC desperately trying to manufacture a Babu John

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Should the PPP accept guilt of killing Courtney and give him a State funeral as a political freedom fighter? More so, to make a monument in his honor, and to be given a national holiday on the date of his death? This man means so much to the opposition that his death could have cause a civil war in Guyana instead of having a national election. Thankfully to the opposition to make peace and ask for calm to avert any unrest. I want to thank the Afros for not killing the innocent Indians for a political cause. The opposition did a great job. Yes, "Vote for deliverance from Evil" on May 11th.

Paul, I know you were a nasty low class racist but this is beyond the pale. What Guyana needs is deliverance from diseased minds in people like you.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Did the opposition averted a blood shed massacre between Afros and Indos, Yes or no?

The opposition averted a retaliation from an Indian dominated government who already murdered some 400 black men. Do not  hide behind the innocent majority of Indians who care little for your nasty brand of racism and are themselves victims of the PPP corruption. The opposition is trying to reconcile a long standing tradition of racist politics which you represent well

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Should the PPP accept guilt of killing Courtney and give him a State funeral as a political freedom fighter? More so, to make a monument in his honor, and to be given a national holiday on the date of his death? This man means so much to the opposition that his death could have cause a civil war in Guyana instead of having a national election. Thankfully to the opposition to make peace and ask for calm to avert any unrest. I want to thank the Afros for not killing the innocent Indians for a political cause. The opposition did a great job. Yes, "Vote for deliverance from Evil" on May 11th.

This is the worse I have seen you said in a long time.

I just logged on and do not have the luxury of time to read every response to the nonsense you wrote her however let me address you.

Yes this brother deserve a state funeral because he was not affiliated to any political party.

He stood up to injustices as he saw it. He stood up to evil Anil Nandalal who said that it  will only be time before someone shoot up the independent newspaper.

Courtney was an educated person  who was not a thug. From all indication he was hard working entrepreneur who wanted betterment for his fellow Guyanese. As far as I am concerned what caused him his life is his daily protest of Minister Nanadalal office who is on record for saying that he has little tolerance for people who are against him and he know people who has guns.


This murder has PPP hands all over it.

Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I suggest that the monument of our new freedom fighter be placed at the square of the revolution. 


Salute to Courtney.

Your mockery will not score you any points here, moron. You coming across looking more and more stupid with every post. You should give it a rest. Retardation is a bad thing.

Well said!!

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Ok.  If that attachment is valid, this Ewing was pretty messed up in his head, and was a loose cannon.

The average black person feel the same.

The average blackman in Guyana feel that they are not getting a fair chance

The average blackman is annoyed how the PPP is sharing the wealth. Do you believe the average blackman is blind.

They are convinced that yes the Chatrees are in charge  and are the new Massa.


Aye buddy the smallest child in Guyana know that Jagdeo stole and the mansion he got isill gotten.


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