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Nonsense, the majority of criminals are Blacks in Guyana, but the majority of Blacks Guyanese are not criminals.  


Every time druggie comments on blacks the issue of crime is always mentioned. if no one responded to him, and the so called moderate "non racist" Indians never do, one would think that crime was the number 1 occupation.

Druggie Indians are a growing element in crime, but you don't want that to be mentioned.  Even you know that some of the criminal behavior by blacks is as a result of being paid by Indians, using guns provided by Indians.  These being the para militias that you are so proud of.


Most of the Indian moderates on this BB doesn't condone the racist ,it's a futile attempt to to respond to the funny fellas,my suggestion is their thread or post die,these fellas can't be redeemed their mindset is poisoned by hate.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

yuji22 posted:

The racist Carib is yet to condemn the PNC for "rewarding" PNC thug Greene just because he is black.

Carib is a nasty racist, you have degraded yourself and should be ashamed to defend a blatant racist and Indo hater.

Shame on you Django, shame on you. You are an utter disgrace.

Yuji, there's nothing in Carib's history of posts here supports your comments.

Nehru posted:

Kari, either you are blind, naive(which I suspect deeply), uneducated , plain STUPID or all of the above. There also has to be a great degree of SHAMELESSNESS involved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you quote me the name of the bush rum that took possession of your senses? Or are you upset you partner Marcus is on the run?

yuji22 posted:

The racist Carib is yet to condemn the PNC for "rewarding" PNC thug Greene just because he is black.

Carib is a nasty racist, you have degraded yourself and should be ashamed to defend a blatant racist and Indo hater.

Shame on you Django, shame on you. You are an utter disgrace.

Your response is expected not untypical,emerge from the cocoon you will   see truth.

Last edited by Django
Mr.T posted:

DrugB ain't even full blood Indian. He has back man blood as well.

Riff, instead of worrying about my "insinuations" you should ban T for clearly slandering my persona with this unprovoked claim that I have black blood flowing through my veins. I never mentioned my pedigree and deny this claim. This is a personal attack and T should suffer the consequences. 

Django posted:


Most of the Indian moderates on this BB doesn't condone the racist ,it's a futile attempt to to respond to the funny fellas,my suggestion is their thread or post die,these fellas can't be redeemed their mindset is poisoned by hate.

Do not fall into CaribJ's trap, he is the most racist individual on this board. I am surprised that you buy into his nonsense.  I state the facts about Blacks in Guyana and am labelled a racist. It is a fact that Blacks are a minor part of the business community, even a Black sympathizer like you will admit to this. 

Django posted:

Nonsense, the majority of criminals are Blacks in Guyana, but the majority of Blacks Guyanese are not criminals.  


Every time druggie comments on blacks the issue of crime is always mentioned. if no one responded to him, and the so called moderate "non racist" Indians never do, one would think that crime was the number 1 occupation.

Druggie Indians are a growing element in crime, but you don't want that to be mentioned.  Even you know that some of the criminal behavior by blacks is as a result of being paid by Indians, using guns provided by Indians.  These being the para militias that you are so proud of.


Most of the Indian moderates on this BB doesn't condone the racist ,it's a futile attempt to to respond to the funny fellas,my suggestion is their thread or post die,these fellas can't be redeemed their mindset is poisoned by hate.

Silence means consent  I guess you thought that MLK shouldn't have responded to the Jim Crow South?

I suggest that you google any topic on Guyana and see how quickly GNI pops up.  So you suggest that I remain silent when druggie, baseman and the rest of the Indo KKK crew paint Guyanese blacks in the worst way?

When some Indians indulge in blatant racism and others remain silent it suggests that either you agree, or that it doesn't matter.

There is no way that such behavior will be tolerated among educated blacks as this behavior will be condemned.

Just compare how Jagdeo and Granger behave!

yuji22 posted:

The racist Carib is yet to condemn the PNC for "rewarding" PNC thug Greene just because he is black.

Carib is a nasty racist, you have degraded yourself and should be ashamed to defend a blatant racist and Indo hater.

Shame on you Django, shame on you. You are an utter disgrace.


What I would like you to answer is why are most of these Hammie Green thugs now with the PPP.

And you are a dishonest dog otherwise you would know fully well my opinion of Burnham and the PNC. I have condemned PNC racism.

At what point have you ever condemned PPP racism. In fact the reason why PPP racism exists is their need to cater to bigots like YOU!

But the so called moderate Indians say nothing, so allow others to get the impression that your bigotry represents the views of Indians towards blacks

Drugb posted:

Do not fall into CaribJ's trap, he is the most racist individual on this board.

This from a man who screams at how criminal, lazy, welfare loving and stupid blacks are.

He cannot get into any discussion about blacks without raising the SAME stereotypes that the KKK spread!

But continue druggie.  You will be confident in spewing your racism because the moderate Indians are too scared to condemn you.

caribny posted:

This from a man who screams at how criminal, lazy, welfare loving and stupid blacks are.

He cannot get into any discussion about blacks without raising the SAME stereotypes that the KKK spread!

But continue druggie.  You will be confident in spewing your racism because the moderate Indians are too scared to condemn you.

As usual, your first instinct is to play the race card instead of analyzing the facts.  Whenever I make verifiable observations about Blacks your tendency is to scream racism.  

Drugb posted:

As usual, your first instinct is to play the race card instead of analyzing the facts.  Whenever I make verifiable observations about Blacks your tendency is to scream racism.  

A black organization sets up to uplift black people.

Here comes druggie screaming that unless they grovel to Indians, and beg for help that they cannot get any where.  Blacks cannot do anything, other than engage in crime, without Indians.  Clearly the implication of black inferiority

Pity that you are such a bigot that you don't even see it for yourself!  YOU pulled out your usual racist card but being such a racist you don't even see it, and then you call me a racist because I refuse to allow you to get away with it. And I warn Indians what the consequences to Indians as a whole by not shutting down racists like YOU.

In fact it was YOU who introduced the race card. Had you not arrived with your usual Indo supremacist attitudes these thread would have died a slow death.

FACT. There are many blacks in the business organizations in Guyana, many in leadership positions.  I think that those who are competent and have the deep desire to succeed in business can figure it out just like anyone.  Owning a business isn't an entitlement and there are many paths to success that don't involve being a business owner.

FACT. It is but a few hundred people who in fact dominate the business sector in Guyana. The fact that most of them happen to be Indian is irrelevant given that the vast majority of Indians are struggling.  And the evidence is in the high suicides, among the highest in the world. Successful people do NOT want to kill themselves.

Now maybe I can return your racism and tell you that Indians need to learn from blacks how to deal with their problems so that they don't kill off themselves.

caribny posted:

A black organization sets up to uplift black people.

Here comes druggie screaming that unless they grovel to Indians, and beg for help that they cannot get any where.  Blacks cannot do anything, other than engage in crime, without Indians.  Clearly the implication of black inferiority

Pity that you are such a bigot that you don't even see it for yourself!  YOU pulled out your usual racist card but being such a racist you don't even see it, and then you call me a racist because I refuse to allow you to get away with it. And I warn Indians what the consequences to Indians as a whole by not shutting down racists like YOU.

In fact it was YOU who introduced the race card. Had you not arrived with your usual Indo supremacist attitudes these thread would have died a slow death.

FACT. There are many blacks in the business organizations in Guyana, many in leadership positions.  I think that those who are competent and have the deep desire to succeed in business can figure it out just like anyone.  Owning a business isn't an entitlement and there are many paths to success that don't involve being a business owner.

FACT. It is but a few hundred people who in fact dominate the business sector in Guyana. The fact that most of them happen to be Indian is irrelevant given that the vast majority of Indians are struggling.  And the evidence is in the high suicides, among the highest in the world. Successful people do NOT want to kill themselves.

Now maybe I can return your racism and tell you that Indians need to learn from blacks how to deal with their problems so that they don't kill off themselves.

What I stated was logical. If one is looking to uplift a people by increasing their ranks in the business community, you need to have successful mentors.  You would not hire a blind man to help you cross the road.  I look to those who are successful as my mentors, not those with no track record.  How does Blacks benefit from looking to their own with a poor track record in business for mentorship? Do you agree or disagree that the Indians can teach the Blacks about running a successful business in Guyana? Or are they better served by isolating themselves, the blind leading the blind?

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Nonsense, the majority of criminals are Blacks in Guyana, but the majority of Blacks Guyanese are not criminals.  


Every time druggie comments on blacks the issue of crime is always mentioned. if no one responded to him, and the so called moderate "non racist" Indians never do, one would think that crime was the number 1 occupation.

Druggie Indians are a growing element in crime, but you don't want that to be mentioned.  Even you know that some of the criminal behavior by blacks is as a result of being paid by Indians, using guns provided by Indians.  These being the para militias that you are so proud of.


Most of the Indian moderates on this BB doesn't condone the racist ,it's a futile attempt to to respond to the funny fellas,my suggestion is their thread or post die,these fellas can't be redeemed their mindset is poisoned by hate.

Silence means consent  I guess you thought that MLK shouldn't have responded to the Jim Crow South?

I suggest that you google any topic on Guyana and see how quickly GNI pops up.  So you suggest that I remain silent when druggie, baseman and the rest of the Indo KKK crew paint Guyanese blacks in the worst way?

When some Indians indulge in blatant racism and others remain silent it suggests that either you agree, or that it doesn't matter.

There is no way that such behavior will be tolerated among educated blacks as this behavior will be condemned.

Just compare how Jagdeo and Granger behave!

Carib i never suggested you should not respond,you have that right.

I detest making a post on racist threads,many times i have responded to these chaps and it's still the same crap over and over, as such i stay away to avoid being contaminated by their diatribe.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:


What I stated was logical.

You are a blasted black hating racist who has driven blacks away from GNI. Look how many blacks have left disgusted by the endless bigoted black bashing that it tolerated.

Now let the moderate Indians defend your right to peddle your racist filth.

I have no interesting in debating your filthy CRAP!

Django posted:

Carib i never suggested you should not respond,you have that right.


Look at the racial composition of the regular posters here, and ask yourself whether YOUR complicity with the likes of drugb isn't responsible for this.'

Why am I probably the only black left?  The rest left, disgusted by the daily tolerance of racism by people like YOU!  Yes it is YOUR silence that gives the Indo KKK the confidence to peddle their nonsense, because the result is that I am painted as the racist because YOU remain silent.


Be honest, call this the Indo Guyana Hate Site.....blacks NOT wanted!  In fact this is the reputation that it has in Barbados AND in Guyana!


caribny posted:

You are a blasted black hating racist who has driven blacks away from GNI. Look how many blacks have left disgusted by the endless bigoted black bashing that it tolerated.

Now let the moderate Indians defend your right to peddle your racist filth.

I have no interesting in debating your filthy CRAP!

That is your prerogative if you throw up the white flag of surrender.  It is quite obvious that my observations cut to the core and the truth hurts. 

Drugb posted:

That is your prerogative if you throw up the white flag of surrender.  It is quite obvious that my observations cut to the core and the truth hurts. 

Shut your blasted mouth you disgusting racist. I am SICK of you!

Now go and find a white hood and put it on!  You will be applauded by most Indians on this site.

After all this is an Indian site. Non Indians NOT WANTED!

Last edited by Former Member
VVP posted:

There is too much racism on this board.  That's what happen when people are allowed to hide behind aliases.  I can understand the need to use an alias but to say things that you would not say under your own name just shows people lack backbone.

I don't know how you came to that conclusion. I have never said a racist thing on this board.

yuji22 posted:

The racist Carib is yet to condemn the PNC for "rewarding" PNC thug Greene just because he is black.

Carib is a nasty racist, you have degraded yourself and should be ashamed to defend a blatant racist and Indo hater.

Shame on you Django, shame on you. You are an utter disgrace.

Shut up nah! You cannot find one post where the man said he is better than you because of his genetic contribution or insist that Indians are not competent because of their gene or culture. Instead this board is replete with assertions of that nature about black people.

There a are a few nasty racist here, actually two on steroids because of poor education and latent stupidity; you and Paul.  The others need that as a crutch to maintain a sense of self worth because that is what they must a drunk needing a drink, or a junkie needing a fix due to chronic lack of self worth.

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:

I suggest that you google any topic on Guyana and see how quickly GNI pops up. 

That's right. I googled something the other day and an early entry was a post by Gilbakka two years ago. Man, we is popular and notorious on Google Search.


Google got it smartness when you insert their code on your website,then they crawl it to get the information.

I build and manage my Company website it shows up on the first page in my neck of the woods,now that's a different story how it's been done.

Gilbakka posted:
caribny posted:

I suggest that you google any topic on Guyana and see how quickly GNI pops up. 

That's right. I googled something the other day and an early entry was a post by Gilbakka two years ago. Man, we is popular and notorious on Google Search.

Yes and then we have the racist Indians screaming stuff straight out from a KKK site. A black who confronts their racism being called a racist.  And Indians, who attack me, because they object to me confronting an Indo racist, then squealing that they don't attack the racists because "they don't have the time!"

This site has been mentioned on several occasions for its bigotry towards blacks.  In fact it was used as evidence by black Bajans that Indo Guyanese should be tossed out of that island, given that Indians are "genetically" disposed to hate blacks.

Given the wide spread racism from Indians, and the fact that most other Indians tolerate this, and confront me and not the racist, why be shocked when this site is cited as a reason for Indo Guyanese to be removed from Barbados.  I have been to T&T forums and I do NOT see the level of racism that is tolerate here.  The Indo racists are confronted by other Indians, so they know that this is NOT socially acceptable behavior!

But continue to allow GNI to be seen as an Indo Supremacist site!

yuji22 posted:

The racist Carib is yet to condemn the PNC for "rewarding" PNC thug Greene just because he is black.

Carib is a nasty racist, you have degraded yourself and should be ashamed to defend a blatant racist and Indo hater.

Shame on you Django, shame on you. You are an utter disgrace.

Django is no disgrace.

What is wrong with giving a shout out to CaribJ ?


Chief I guess this is the best that you can do to confront Indo racists.

Now a history lesson would be more appropriate. Something about the fact that their presence here and the sharp reduction of racism towards peoples of color is due to the struggles of Caribbean and American blacks working alongside fair minded whites, and Puerto Ricans. 

If course at the time Asian Indians, no doubt also Guyanese Indians, were too busy trying to be white to be part of this effort.

But here you even join those who bash black Americans.  Ignorant of the fact that some of the most successful and high powered black owned companies in these United States are in fact owned by American blacks.

I am sure that Oprah Winfrey is a name that you know well.

Last edited by Former Member

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