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February 7 ,2021


Vishnu Panday, the point person for the government’s resuscitation plan for the Skeldon sugar estate, says he resigned as he was unable to work with GuySuCo’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sasenarine Singh and that they share opposing views on the way forward.

Panday was handpicked in September last year as point person/general manager by President Irfaan Ali along with a small team to create an action plan for the shuttered Skeldon Estate. Reopening the estate was a key election promise by the PPP/C.

However, with different views of the industry, Panday told Stabroek News on Friday that he could not continue to work to fulfill the President’s vision under the leadership of Singh. He deemed Singh as a “misfit in the corporation” and opined that Singh “does not possess the …ability to manage a dynamic industry.” Singh declined to comment on Panday’s statements when contacted by Stabroek News on Friday.

Singh is a Project Finance Specialist with over 16 years’ experience at turnaround management internationally and possesses leadership experience at building capacity in teams. He holds a Master’s Degree in Finance from Lancaster University, an Executive Post Graduate Diploma from the London Business School, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy from the University of Guyana. He is also a Chartered Accountant (ACCA).

“I have tried for months to work under his leadership but it hasn’t improved. I held on hoping things will change but that didn’t happen, so I decided to walk,” Panday related in an interview with this newspaper.

He said that while he has managed to make an impact during his five-month tenure as the General Manager of Skeldon, there was miscommunication on the objectives and goals of the corporation, an absence of a strategic plan for the next phase of the reopening of the estate and little interest from the CEO on how they could have moved Skeldon to a viable and producing estate.

He stated that with the Skeldon Estate factory being a relatively new one, the CEO never sought to tour or discuss with him the future for the estate and what projects need to be done before reopening.

According to Singh, based on his knowledge, the corporation received Panday’s resignation in early November and he gave reasons for his resignation.

Questioned as to how Panday’s resignation will affect the corporation and the Skeldon Estate in particular, Singh said GuySuCo has thousands of “experts at sugar.”

Singh also confirmed a Stabroek News report that former finance manager, Rama Persaud is currently acting as General Manager. He said that Persaud served in the role before and said that GuySuCo has a clear path to navigate.

Turnaround strategy

Singh said that Guysuco is presently “much stronger” than it was 12 months ago. Further, the CEO said that they have a turnaround strategy which was developed in January, 2021 and is currently with the policymakers as they await the national budget.

Panday said that when he answered the president’s call to work with the government to revive the sugar industry, he felt as if he was making a positive contribution to the country. However, he said he was unable to contribute more effectively since there was a difference in views on how the sector should operate.

Nonetheless, he said that he has been able to achieve a number of objectives during his short tenure.

He told this newspaper that when he assumed the position as General Manager he managed to employ 200 persons and re-establish the Human Resource component of the estate along with other departments such as  Agriculture and Mechanics, Security and other sub-departments.

“We began rebuilding access roads and work on drainage and irrigation by clearing the waterways. We… have been able to prepare 2000 acres of seed cane and began land preparation for the first crop,” Panday related.

He said that with the ground work laid so far, they were in a position to achieve the goal of restarting sugar production by 2024.

Asked if he feels that his resignation will negatively impact the workers, he responded in the affirmative.

“The workers have been highly motivated since we started works to reopen the estate. One thousand persons have already signed to be a part of the work force and I have had meetings with the private sugarcane farmers and we have established a working plan. But I think some persons’ morale will drop because I had a great working relationship with the employees,” he noted.

In its manifesto for the 2020 general elections. The PPP/C vowed to reopen three of the four estates shuttered by the APNU+AFC government: East Demerara, Rose Hall and Skeldon. It has also announced a development plan for the former Wales estate where the factory had been dismantled.

GuySuCo has been a huge financial drag on the economy for the last two administrations particularly as it relates to the troubled Chinese-built Skeldon factory which drove up the cost of production enormously. GuySuCo has lost the majority of its preferential priced markets which means that it has to target the CARICOM market and value-added production.

Around 7,000 sugar workers were laid off when the four estates were shuttered. The existing estates: Utivlugt, Blairmont and Albion have struggled to meet their production targets.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Ramakant-P posted:

He couldn't stand the heat, so he got out of the kitchen.   He didn't do his job. He contributed nothing.  A ship only has one captain.

Sorry, a ship can have more than one captain. The one at the helm is the Captain in command. Sase is a PPP crony. Vishnu is right not allow him to act obsequiously toward him.


Uh, eggscoose mih iggerunce but there was trouble with the Chinese work on the CJIA, now trouble on the Chinese-built Skeldon factory? And Ali kisses China's arse to cancel any relations with Taiwan? Something's very wrong here! Did China give Jagdeo and Ali funds for their mansions?

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

Naah. He is square peg in a round hole. What are his track records?

Which one of them is, Mits? Please clarify! One has lots of paper behind him, the other has the workers!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Uh, eggscoose mih iggerunce but there was trouble with the Chinese work on the CJIA, now trouble on the Chinese-built Skeldon factory? And Ali kisses China's arse to cancel any relations with Taiwan? Something's very wrong here! Did China give Jagdeo and Ali funds for their mansions?

Ask those who accuse them of tiefing.

@Former Member posted:

Uh, eggscoose mih iggerunce but there was trouble with the Chinese work on the CJIA, now trouble on the Chinese-built Skeldon factory? And Ali kisses China's arse to cancel any relations with Taiwan? Something's very wrong here! Did China give Jagdeo and Ali funds for their mansions?

Saw a documentary on Ethopia and the Chinese influence. Ali better be smart and stop them NOW. The Chinese are moving apparrel production to Africa because they have cheaper labour cost. Black Lives Matter should concentrate on Africa because that is where their tragedy started instead of the Whiteman country. This generation din enslave nobady.

@seignet posted:

Housing ministers duz get gold from the poor guyanese.

Presidents duz get their Ambassadors to arrange for AID from the Arabies.

If poor guyanese have gold to give, then they are not poor and do not need help from the government, especially those who wee squatting at the canelands at Success.

The ambassadors have a job to do and if they arrange any kind of aide from foreign government, then they did their job.

@alena06 posted:

When a new manager with no experience takes over it’s better to talk to the folks on the job with experience and then chart a way forward together.  Sad this had to end this way!  

He was so lucky to have had that job. 

@seignet posted:

Saw a documentary on Ethopia and the Chinese influence. Ali better be smart and stop them NOW. The Chinese are moving apparrel production to Africa because they have cheaper labour cost. Black Lives Matter should concentrate on Africa because that is where their tragedy started instead of the Whiteman country. This generation din enslave nobady.

Folks too simple! Jesus' kind of people misled by materialists!

@Former Member posted:

Luck had nothing to do with his appointment! His credentials and PPP faith in paper, not in demonstrated ability! Panday was right to quit!

What the media didn't you was that Pandey, though qualified to do the job,  didn't know what to do.

@Ramakant-P posted:

If poor guyanese have gold to give, then they are not poor and do not need help from the government, especially those who wee squatting at the canelands at Success.

The ambassadors have a job to do and if they arrange any kind of aide from foreign government, then they did their job.

When the ppl came from India they had lots of gold jewelry yet they were straving in Bihar, Bengal, Cooch Bihar and surrounds.

Having jewelry is their bank, all indians know this, especially those indians and blacks who wants to fleece dem.

Bribery to get a house lot. It is their right to have a piece of land not a handout from any government.

@seignet posted:

When the ppl came from India they had lots of gold jewelry yet they were straving in Bihar, Bengal, Cooch Bihar and surrounds.

Having jewelry is their bank, all indians know this, especially those indians and blacks who wants to fleece dem.

Bribery to get a house lot. It is their right to have a piece of land not a handout from any government.

That's not true.

Those people whom the British brought to the West Indies were beggars, thieves, homeless who slept in railway stations and used the bushes for their toilets.  They had no jewellery. They were half-naked.  They died like flies by the millions.

The British ships came, took them in, and fed them, game blankets to wrap their bodies, and pillows so can sleep comfortably on deck.

India never did anything for them.

Imagine out of the gutters, came future doctors, lawyers, engineers, professors, Businessmen, and all the Mitwahs, Totas, and Lolas.


You're calling my father a beggar, asslicker! It is recorded in the courts where he said he had to sell his gold jewelery on board ship in order to get food during the trip, you sh*t of a begging dalit! I follow his instructions! I don't, unlike you, lie! Only those fearful of dying, lie! If the emigrant dalits were dying like flies in India, why would the Brits care how many died aboard ship? They just dumped them overboard! Those who survived proved themselves hardy, and, besides, there were lots more back in India to replace those who died, you stupid, ass-licking, begging KUNT!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

You're calling my father a beggar, asslicker! It is recorded in the courts where he said he had to sell his gold jewelery on board ship in order to get food during the trip, you sh*t of a begging dalit! I follow his instructions! I don't, unlike you, lie! Only those fearful of dying, lie! If the emigrant dalits were dying like flies in India, why would the Brits care how many died aboard ship? They just dumped them overboard! Those who survived proved themselves hardy, and, besides, there were lots more back in India to replace those who died, you stupid, ass-licking, begging KUNT!

Stop stressing out yourself.  I never said that they died on board the ship.

Britain took care of them.  India did nothing for them.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Stop stressing out yourself.  I never said that they died on board the ship.

Britain took care of them.  India did nothing for them.

You never said that because you either didn't know or lied! and yeah, Britain took care of them! They allowed ass licking Irish overseers beat some of them, like the African slaves, until they tried that on high caste Indians like my father, you sycophantic dog! A former African slave testified in court how they tied up your sycophantic ancestor and beat him with whips, just like the slaves, long after Emancipation!

I remember Ratti, a later immigrant than my father, who danced in honor of my father's son, me, at a bonfire celebration. I was too young to remember everything, but I remember she had a lot of gold jewellery on her forearms!  She and her husband, Bidam, and son lived in one of my father's properties in Lamaha Street, Georgetown, near the alley and near Dr. J.B. Singh's home and office! You shut your stinking beggar's mouth, you hyena's eject!

And how or why India could do anything for them, you ignoramus? There was no India! It was all British, whether by hook or crook, through the tried British way of dividing and conquering!

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

What the media didn't you was that Pandey, though qualified to do the job,  didn't know what to do.

Panday, an honest man, didn't know what to do with the mess he was handed! Singh told the PPP what they wanted to hear! Fing incompetents more interested in fooling their supporters so they could focus on their goal of stealing as much as they want with oil revenue coming in now, as Roger Khan's drug business has dried up!

All that money spent on new machinery is going to be wasted as the machinery will again be abandoned when reality about the sugar industry hits the PPP and their supporters!

Now here's Jagdeo telling us about $200 to $500 million going to be spent on gas BS, when it would be better spent on Guyana's own refinery which would better serve Guyana, whether the oil companies stay or leave! I can't help wondering how much of this money will be going to Jagdeo and his cronies! Gas and lower electricity costs could wait! What will happen if the oil companies pull up stakes and leave! Is Jagdeo going to supply gas through his mouth or his behind? Guyana, with its own refinery, could always buy oil from other countries! Even Venezuela!

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@cain posted:

Oi Shally, how does one who seem intelligent be kinda..ahem...silly when it comes to this friken virus and  what's being done to keep people safe?

I answered you but accidentally deleted when I tried to edit! So I'lI just tell you, because it WORKS! In fact, this exercise, done after meals allows 100% digestion and RECHARGES your body!

Keep safe? Keep them in the fing dark about what the US DoD is really about! Reducing the world population as world.population is growing faster than necessary resources! Have you read the.message on the Georgia Guidestones as yet?

It's in the air you breathe or why would they tell you to wear the fing mask? Do you wear a mask while eating, drinking or SLEEPING? Do you breathe through your fing mouth?

THINK! Would it be easier to reduce the world population by war of by telling people to beware of a virus and frightening them to beg for a vaccine to keep them from dying from a virus? Let the stupid kill themselves off! I'm waiting to see how many people will die from the 'vaccine' several months later! No one is dying from heart attack, cancer or anything else anymore! It's all virus caused now! F the stupid doctors!

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I was telling you something that you could observe yourself but the Canadian-born vermin deleted my post! So you will have to wait until I have the right insecticide for him! Working on it!


Fing poor insect has an inferiority complex! While I KNOW how and when I came here. he has to rely on what 'strangers', he calls mother and father, tell him! Too bad his natural tendencies are displayed here! Those of vermin! Shit! The things you can pick up in a garbage dump or a cesspit! Or a venereal disease from a cheap whore!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Panday, an honest man, didn't know what to do with the mess he was handed! Singh told the PPP what they wanted to hear! Fing incompetents more interested in fooling their supporters so they could focus on their goal of stealing as much as they want with oil revenue coming in now, as Roger Khan's drug business has dried up!

All that money spent on new machinery is going to be wasted as the machinery will again be abandoned when reality about the sugar industry hits the PPP and their supporters!

Now here's Jagdeo telling us about $200 to $500 million going to be spent on gas BS, when it would be better spent on Guyana's own refinery which would better serve Guyana, whether the oil companies stay or leave! I can't help wondering how much of this money will be going to Jagdeo and his cronies! Gas and lower electricity costs could wait! What will happen if the oil companies pull up stakes and leave! Is Jagdeo going to supply gas through his mouth or his behind? Guyana, with its own refinery, could always buy oil from other countries! Even Venezuela!

You know better than the PPP. What are you doing talking shit on GNI?

@Ramakant-P posted:

You know better than the PPP. What are you doing talking shit on GNI?

I don't take bribes or kickbacks! I'm not in that 'fortunate' position! Are you?

Is a perpetual supply of gas guaranteed? By your or Jagdeo's mouth or rectum?

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

Sorry, a ship can have more than one captain. The one at the helm is the Captain in command. Sase is a PPP crony. Vishnu is right not allow him to act obsequiously toward him.

Isn’t Sase an AFC man?

Bibi Haniffa
@Former Member posted:

I don't take bribes or kickbacks! I'm not in that 'fortunate' position! Are you?

Is a perpetual supply of gas guaranteed? By your or Jagdeo's mouth or rectum?

You are not in that fortunate position? Can you prove that they take bribes and kickbacks?

@Former Member posted:

Can you disprove? Whence came the mansions?

Yes! I can. Further more if that is so, there is nothing you can do about it.

So watch your mannerisms before they "bytch yu  sk'nt".

@Ramakant-P posted:

Yes! I can. Further more if that is so, there is nothing you can do about it.

So watch your mannerisms before they "bytch yu  sk'nt".

It's quite clear they bytched YOUR sk'nt, whatever that means!


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