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@Ramakant-P posted:

You got it up your ass and you didn't even know about it.

How did YOU know? Your man told you that, huh? He was just lying to calm your fears of his outsize dong! Now, you feel you take on any size, huh? Be careful! Some may cripple you for life! Mine, for instance! His was a teenie weenie in comparison! Beginner's luck! Be satisfied!


I just wanted to remind you guys that I had posted China was NOT the source of the 'virus'! Now the WHO has confirmed that! Check out Jim Marrs book, "Our Occulted History", bottom of page 301! My copy has disappeared, courtesy of a familiar spirit or djinn controlled by a Zionist Jew. While the Muslims Quran mentions djinns, the Muslims apparently don't know about controlling them! (That's the real reason the Arabs could never defeat.Zionist Israel which always.knows their plans through the fing djinni)! Except for 2 Muslims I read about in.Paul Brunton's books, "A Search in.Secret India" and "A Search in.Secret Egypt"! One was taught by an old Jew, the other.used the spirit of his dead brother! These things are real! They are electrical creatures and control everything electrical in my home, follow me everywhere I go, steal anything from me that the fing Jew wants, if only to irritate or frustrate me! All because.they.think I'm a threat to their plans for a New World Order ruled by their king. an alien, he that.proclaimed to the illiterate and superstitious Hebrews. "I am thy fing.Lord and thy fing God"! The Jewish high priests had learned to work with him! Why do you think they killed.Jesus? He was going to upset everything with his teachings! Like I told you, we never die! I could tell you more but later! One thing I should tell you now is, I first saw this fing djinn come floating into my home shaped like the mantis fish, outlined by the dust and sunlight! It was blue gray in colour and you could see right through the fker! They were trying to frighten me! I keep asking them out loud how they expect to frighten me when I am telling them to kill me! More to come! Frightened? Don't be! I'm not! Fk, we are spirits, too! We are the ones who make our bodies, matter, move!

Last edited by Former Member

Another shocker! Dracula is real but not as described in the book.or movies! It's a little creature that was blood! I would wake up feeling weak morning I awoke, head to the left and heard the sound of "Awk", then the patter of little feet running away from me down the passage between two beds. I thought it was my Australian Shepherd but she was still lying at the foot bed! I could tell you more of strange experiences I've had but you probably won't believe! Just remember, I don't lie, exaggerate or fantasize!

I believe the fing Zionist Jew is behind this! Note I said Zionist Jew! There are lots of Jews who are against the Zionists, probably because they fear what the goyim might do when they wake up!

Last edited by Former Member
@cain posted:

So, you ever had magic mushrooms?

There you go again with your scepticism! I don't use either medicinal or recreational drugs, smoke or drink! And I've told you I don't lie, exaggerate or fantasize! Further, someone formerly sceptical has now told me he believes me because he knows someone who the same things are happening to! It's your choice whether to believe or not, accept or not! I don't care which you do!

@Former Member posted:

Another PPP enthusiastic misfit, no doubt! There are so many of them! Why, the party even employs YOU here for ineffectual misdirection!

Where is your evidence of proof that the party employed me to misdirect this GNI? All misfits of the PPP are now token followers of the PNC whose

behavior is contrary to or forbidden by criminal law.


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