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Originally Posted by cain:

Kaz, those are cool, are they from you or? I tend to take pics of various cloud shapes, lighting etc, Just got a cool one from the plane's window at night with the setting sun's red glow along the horizon. I also have a couple from my balcony that seems like it was done with photoshop,I'll try to post it.

They were not done by me Cainsta. I pulled them off the web. Incidentally, although I went outside for lunch yesterday, I apparently never looked up at the sky even though I worked only a few blocks from that hospital. Regarding their authenticity, my daughter and son vouched for them. My daughter said that it was like that for many hours while my son said that he saw it at school. In turns of distance, the hospital is some miles north of Miami where the other photo (which includes the buildings) was taken. I live about 12 miles west of that hospital where it was also visible to my daughter and son. So it looks like it covered quite an expansive area.


Originally Posted by Chief:

I love to take pictures of the horizon mostly sunrise and sunsets.

One of the better sunsets I took was in theFlorida  kEYS  by a restaurant name Mile 82.

This is one of the best sunset photos I have ever taken. It was over Georgetown back in 1992.


Now how do I post that photo from my computer.




Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Bash:

That Cloud looks sick..Oh wait its over a Hospital.

I watched a documentary the other day on cloud formation. It was interesting. So much life in the white fluff-breathe taking. And names were given to the formations.  

The clouds look really cool from an aero-plane.


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