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A 33 stone man who was so depressed about  being overweight that he tried to end his own life has lost a staggering 18  stone - and so dramatic is his transformation that he is now nicknamed Mr  Muscles.

Mike Waudby weighed 22 stone by the age of 21  and by the time he was 29 he tipped the scales at 33 stone.

Morbidly obese Mike became so down about his  weight that he took an overdose to end his suffering.

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Lost control: Mike weighed so much that he lived his life slumped in a chair drinking alcohol he ordered off the internet

Lost control: Mike weighed so much that he lived his  life slumped in a chair drinking alcohol he ordered off the internet


Toned: The personal trainer from Hull, Yorks lost 18 stone over 18 months and is now nicknamed Mr Muscles

Toned: The personal trainer from Hull, Yorks lost 18  stone over 18 months and is now nicknamed Mr Muscles

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Fat people are basically strong. You need muscles to carry that weight around.  A fat woman never box you? It carries a wallop.


But anyone can lose weight and look like this guy if they are committed.

it calls for focus, dedication, daily training, diet, and you need a trainer or dedicated partner.  I have never seen a Guyanese woman in the gym, but I have seen several Guyanese men pumping up.


All you chubbies, time to get up and go go go !  


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