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Is there going to be a snap poll this year?




Will there be snap polls this year? No! Here are my reasons. A word on the local government thing before. If the PPP agrees to local government reform legislation, then there will not be a general election before 2016. They will not concede to such restructuring.

If municipals and councils are given autonomy under the reform, then they become independent of central authority. The local PPP chieftains then lose their power of patronage and control over money they can distribute during the campaign of a general election. Go into the NDC office in Lusignan and you will see on the walls of the office PPP election posters still hanging from the 2011 campaign
Afraid of losing more votes in an upcoming general election, the PPP will consider it suicidal to hold municipal polls and see defeat all over the place. What those losses will do is to send a nation-wide signal that the PPP days are over.
I posit, therefore, that there will not be local government elections this year. It is naÏve for Guyanese to think that the statement by the ABC countries on the exigency of local elections will deter the PPP. My theory of political behaviour is that over a long period of time, authoritarian regimes lose rationality and become oblivious to their weakness and encroaching reality.

Back to the reasons. First, there are nightmares rocking the collective psyche of the PPP as to the gamble of a snap poll. The content of the pressure cooker is the defeat of 2011. With billions of dollars and six media houses at its disposal the PPP couldn’t win a majority. It must ask itself if it can happen again. The media did not help because PPP supporters do not read the Guyana Times and the Chronicle; few Guyanese do. NCN, and Channels 65 and 69 are not good at influencing people.
Money didn’t work either because like the Obama campaign, nuff dollars were spent. Obama won both the Electoral College and the popular vote. The PPP lost the latter. Not to mention that Jagdeo’s Day of Appreciation did not create an aura for the former president. On the contrary, sugar workers didn’t want to hear his name.

Personnel are a formidable challenge for the PPP’s snap poll. It just hasn’t got a quota of young, bright stars that have charisma, intellectual bite, can talk persuasively and hold their own against their young opponents in APNU and the AFC.
An analyst can hardly point to the definitive factor that caused an organization to lose an election even though some weaknesses were more conspicuous than others. We can point to some definite factors that took away the PPP’s majority in 2011 but other stupidities were important.

For example, why in a country overflowing with young people, a party would want to go into five consecutive elections over a twenty year period with the same Prime Ministerial candidate? That is sickeningly unrealistic.

Equally stupid would be to enter a snap poll with the likes of Texieira, Luncheon, Rohee, Ramotar, Chandarpal, Bibi Shadick etc. The simple truth is that the era of these people has ended. The PPP has to bring fresh faces to the table and they must not have baggage. This is like finding a needle in the Atlantic Ocean. The new faces have some serious baggage like expensive swimming pools and palatial residencies.

Did corruption play a part in the defeat? Yes it did. If there is a 2013 general election it will play a negative role again because the PPP psychologically cannot move against its corrupt officials. Their exposure by the opposition will devastate the PPP again.

So what has the PPP got going for it if it tries another election? Two things. One is to democratize. This is a catch 22. Once the PPP tames its lust for power, the opposition will steal its thunder by claiming that if it wasn’t for opposition vigilance, exposure and confrontation Guyana would not have had democracy after 2012.

The other factor is the race card. This is the PPP’s raison d’etre throughout its post 1955 life and which it exploited with deadly consequences in the sixties. It seems to be accepted by Freedom House as the only game in town. It started as early as December 2011 when Ramotar exclaimed that PPP supporters were physically prevented by opposition people from voting. Read that to mean Africans stopped Indians.

Next came the Chronicle editorial in June 2012 that was more vicious than anything we saw in the sixties. Then it tried to milk the Agricola unrest. Will the race bait work in a snap poll? I doubt it.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Who wants to listen to a man like Freddie who stole books at a University and allegedly committed theft in Canada ? This man has zero credibility.


Yea bai dem chaps with US$1 mill house on Minista salary have nuff nuff credibility. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Who wants to listen to a man like Freddie who stole books at a University and allegedly committed theft in Canada ? This man has zero credibility.


Yea bai dem chaps with US$1 mill house on Minista salary have nuff nuff credibility. 

A thief man is a thief man biff or small. Freddie has zero credibility. It is a disgrace that you are endorsing theft.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Who wants to listen to a man like Freddie who stole books at a University and allegedly committed theft in Canada ? This man has zero credibility.


Yea bai dem chaps with US$1 mill house on Minista salary have nuff nuff credibility. 

A thief man is a thief man biff or small. Freddie has zero credibility. It is a disgrace that you are endorsing theft.


Bai I wish you bin tief a few books in your time. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK has officially endorsed theft. You have no class and should be ashamed of yourself. Did you steal books at the university that you attended ?

Nah I did not steal books nor do I take kick back tax. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK has officially endorsed theft. You have no class and should be ashamed of yourself. Did you steal books at the university that you attended ?

Nah I did not steal books nor do I take kick back tax. 

But you are a defending and embracing a man who admitted stealing from a University. Listen TK, theft is theft.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK has officially endorsed theft. You have no class and should be ashamed of yourself. Did you steal books at the university that you attended ?

Nah I did not steal books nor do I take kick back tax. 

But you are a defending and embracing a man who admitted stealing from a University. Listen TK, theft is theft.

But in the courts jail time for theft does with the value of the item. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

TK has officially endorsed theft. You have no class and should be ashamed of yourself. Did you steal books at the university that you attended ?

Nah I did not steal books nor do I take kick back tax. 

But you are a defending and embracing a man who admitted stealing from a University. Listen TK, theft is theft.

But in the courts jail time for theft does with the value of the item. 

Conclusion from TK... It is ok to steal from a University. What a disgrace.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Who wants to listen to a man like Freddie who stole books at a University and allegedly committed theft in Canada ? This man has zero credibility.

 Dude, ease  up on the accusations since you are well aware of the ignorance of such accusations and especially when it is appealing to the infraction of a kid. 


What he allegedly do is irrelevant to what he said above. While I do not care for its way he organized and delivered his opinions they are on point. Now, use your damn brain and address that rather than addressing the man. Speak to what he said if you disagree and add to the clarity of information here and not add to the useless clutter and cacophony of mudhead noise.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Who wants to listen to a man like Freddie who stole books at a University and allegedly committed theft in Canada ? This man has zero credibility.

 Dude, ease  up on the accusations since you are well aware of the ignorance of such accusations and especially when it is appealing to the infraction of a kid. 


What he allegedly do is irrelevant to what he said above. While I do not care for its way he organized and delivered his opinions they are on point. Now, use your damn brain and address that rather than addressing the man. Speak to what he said if you disagree and add to the clarity of information here and not add to the useless clutter and cacophony of mudhead noise.

Listen Storm


Freddie himself admitted stealing books from UG. Now, are you also defending theft ? Theft is theft, big or small. Remember your distance politician friend who was jailed for stealing ? That was also theft.


My point is that theft is theft. Big or small.


Only mudheads could think that a book issue from decades ago is relevant to anything.


I wonder how many of these same mudheads like Big Goady Seed smuggled and bribed their way even to getting their passports to exit coolie paradise.


You guys give mudheads like yujji too much credit in addressing their nonsense posts.


To the point of this thread, no there will be no snap elections. There will be a PPP/PNC Cabinet to carry us to 2016 and perhaps longer.


Ramotar is in no hurry to give up 4 years of his term especially as he doesn't have the votes for renonimation in any snap election.


He needs the time to create his majority on the PPP ExCo.

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Only mudheads could think that a book issue from decades ago is relevant to anything.


I wonder how many of these same mudheads like Big Goady Seed smuggled and bribed their way even to getting their passports to exit coolie paradise.


You guys give mudheads like yujji too much credit in addressing their nonsense posts.

Oi Joker AKA failed politician Farouk. You are displaying your hate and revenge towards Indo Guyanese because they rejected you. You need to eat some humble pie before you can become a politician. No wonder you have become a failed politician.

Your anti Hindu agenda is also noted.


You need to learn decency and humility from politicians like Gerhard. Even though I disagree with Gerhard he still remains a decent man in my eyes. Now move aside you arrogant loser, Farouk.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Only mudheads could think that a book issue from decades ago is relevant to anything.


I wonder how many of these same mudheads like Big Goady Seed smuggled and bribed their way even to getting their passports to exit coolie paradise.


You guys give mudheads like yujji too much credit in addressing their nonsense posts.

Oi Joker AKA failed politician Farouk. You are displaying your hate and revenge towards Indo Guyanese because they rejected you. You need to eat some humble pie before you can become a politician. No wonder you have become a failed politician.

Your anti Hindu agenda is also noted.


You need to learn decency and humility from politicians like Gerhard. Even though I disagree with Gerhard he still remains a decent man in my eyes. Now move aside you arrogant loser, Farouk.



I saw you use the most vile representation of Gerhard a few weeks ago. We did not forget. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Only mudheads could think that a book issue from decades ago is relevant to anything.


I wonder how many of these same mudheads like Big Goady Seed smuggled and bribed their way even to getting their passports to exit coolie paradise.


You guys give mudheads like yujji too much credit in addressing their nonsense posts.

Oi Joker AKA failed politician Farouk. You are displaying your hate and revenge towards Indo Guyanese because they rejected you. You need to eat some humble pie before you can become a politician. No wonder you have become a failed politician.

Your anti Hindu agenda is also noted.


You need to learn decency and humility from politicians like Gerhard. Even though I disagree with Gerhard he still remains a decent man in my eyes. Now move aside you arrogant loser, Farouk.



I saw you use the most vile representation of Gerhard a few weeks ago. We did not forget. 

Post it !

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

Only mudheads could think that a book issue from decades ago is relevant to anything.


I wonder how many of these same mudheads like Big Goady Seed smuggled and bribed their way even to getting their passports to exit coolie paradise.


You guys give mudheads like yujji too much credit in addressing their nonsense posts.

Oi Joker AKA failed politician Farouk. You are displaying your hate and revenge towards Indo Guyanese because they rejected you. You need to eat some humble pie before you can become a politician. No wonder you have become a failed politician.


You need to learn decency and humility from politicians like Gerhard. Even though I disagree with Gerhard he still remains a decent man in my eyes. Now move aside you arrogant loser, Farouk.

You mean I don't hang my mouth where diarrhea soup is dripping? Yes I'm very proud of that fact.


My Soul is worth something to me. Of course a boat brahmin could never understand that.


And furthermore, I've done my part behind the scenes to advance our People inspite of mudheads like you. Worthless cowdaags whom I will never ever seek to court.


The difference between me and Gerhard is that he goes through the trouble of being diplomatic to you mudheads. Must be my Muslim blood that I have no such patience.


AND FYI Mudhead,


My anti Hindu agenda is sooooooooo anti-hindu that the only hindu civil rights cases ever fought were brought at my instigation.


Of course you wouldn't know that because you're just an idiot

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Who wants to listen to a man like Freddie who stole books at a University and allegedly committed theft in Canada ? This man has zero credibility.

 Dude, ease  up on the accusations since you are well aware of the ignorance of such accusations and especially when it is appealing to the infraction of a kid. 


What he allegedly do is irrelevant to what he said above. While I do not care for its way he organized and delivered his opinions they are on point. Now, use your damn brain and address that rather than addressing the man. Speak to what he said if you disagree and add to the clarity of information here and not add to the useless clutter and cacophony of mudhead noise.

Listen Storm


Freddie himself admitted stealing books from UG. Now, are you also defending theft ? Theft is theft, big or small. Remember your distance politician friend who was jailed for stealing ? That was also theft.


My point is that theft is theft. Big or small.

 You are indeed an abdurate ass. I care little about what Freddie did or did not do. What he said above  which is the focus of the thread. If you are concerned with his character and his past supposedly larcenous behavior then create a thread on that. Otherwise, get your mud head ass off the thread if you do not care to address  what is in the OP. That is how a thread ought to function had we active moderation here


I may disagree with Gerhard and will condemn his  political actions but he still remains a decent man. You see TK, you are not humble and that is what you need to learn, humility. You are all about I, I, me, me and "my education and qualifications".


You will earn respect when you learn humility.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I may disagree with Gerhard and will condemn his  political actions but he still remains a decent man. You see TK, you are not humble and that is what you need to learn, humility. You are all about I, I, me, me and "my education and qualifications".


You will earn respect when you learn humility.



It is you mudheads who bring it up here. So I have to buss up your myths. 

Originally Posted by JoKer:

AND FYI Mudhead,


My anti Hindu agenda is sooooooooo anti-hindu that the only hindu civil rights cases ever fought were brought at my instigation.


Of course you wouldn't know that because you're just an idiot

Farouk AKA failed politician, you are as arrogant as they come. Hence your failed political bid. You will succeed when you learn humility. Until then you will remain a failed politician, Farouk.


We are not blind, your anti Hindu posts are quite visible. Poking fun at hindus will not help your political cause, Farouk.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I may disagree with Gerhard and will condemn his  political actions but he still remains a decent man. You see TK, you are not humble and that is what you need to learn, humility. You are all about I, I, me, me and "my education and qualifications".


You will earn respect when you learn humility.


Intolerance for gross stupidity is NOT lack of humility. Its merely a recitation of fact!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

I may disagree with Gerhard and will condemn his  political actions but he still remains a decent man. You see TK, you are not humble and that is what you need to learn, humility. You are all about I, I, me, me and "my education and qualifications".


You will earn respect when you learn humility.

To this point you have been nothing more than a sententious bitch. Further, one cannot learn morality from a racist no less than they can from a child molester. You have too impoverished a moral or intellectual credentials to leverage assaults on the character of anyone.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

AND FYI Mudhead,


My anti Hindu agenda is sooooooooo anti-hindu that the only hindu civil rights cases ever fought were brought at my instigation.


Of course you wouldn't know that because you're just an idiot

Farouk AKK failed politician, you are as arrogant as they come. Hence your failed political bid. You will succeed when you learn humility. Until then you will remain a failed politician, Farouk.


We are not blind, your anti Hindu posts are quite visible. Poking fun at hindus will not help your political cause, Farouk.


Which election did Farouk lose? Post the election results.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I may disagree with Gerhard and will condemn his  political actions but he still remains a decent man. You see TK, you are not humble and that is what you need to learn, humility. You are all about I, I, me, me and "my education and qualifications".


You will earn respect when you learn humility.


Intolerance for gross stupidity is NOT lack of humility. Its merely a recitation of fact!

Farouk, AKA failed politician, Your arrogance shines.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:

AND FYI Mudhead,


My anti Hindu agenda is sooooooooo anti-hindu that the only hindu civil rights cases ever fought were brought at my instigation.


Of course you wouldn't know that because you're just an idiot

Farouk AKK failed politician, you are as arrogant as they come. Hence your failed political bid. You will succeed when you learn humility. Until then you will remain a failed politician, Farouk.


We are not blind, your anti Hindu posts are quite visible. Poking fun at hindus will not help your political cause, Farouk.


He will do fine if he chooses to go into politics. De bai is hybrid Hindu-Muslim and not a pretensive Brahmin. 


And FYI Boat Brahmin,


In 2010, an Indian slate actually captured the majority of 90 some odd party positions in an Assembly District of 120,000 people.


Who led this slate again?

Originally Posted by JoKer:

And FYI Boat Brahmin,


In 2010, an Indian slate actually captured the majority of 90 some odd party positions in an Assembly District of 120,000 people.


Who led this slate again?

You are failed politician Farouk. Who are you trying to fool ?



. . . . . . .
Tuesday, August 31,2010

The Pitched, Heated, Wild Battles For Unpaid, Obscure Positions

Even in races for state committee and district leader, intrigue, big fundraising, sex tapes

By Chris Bragg
At a trendy bar in East Williamsburg, about 70 people gathered for a fundraiser in support of Esteban Duran, a community activist running an uphill campaign this year against Brooklyn Democratic leader Vito Lopez.
As Duran arrived, the crowd rose for a standing ovation. Duran put his fist in the air like a winning prize fighter—the young challenger who had somehow withstood an onslaught of petition challenges from Lopez’s lawyers and stayed on the ballot.
Then, Rep. Nydia Velázquez, in town from Washington, delivered a fiery speech about the importance of Duran’s race.
The whole spectacle—the big money, the big crowd, the big name—could almost obscure the fact that it is not Lopez’s county leadership spot, or even Assembly seat, that Duran is seeking.
Duran’s eyes are on the state committee: unpaid, non-governmental, and with few perks or powers.
Years ago, before politicians were allocated money for their own district offices, state committee members and district leaders were seen as more influential. Now, many see the positions as stepping stones for elected office: a place to start a political club, build a base and have a seat at the table when time comes for a county political organization to endorse you.
Nonetheless, in north Brooklyn and in pockets of Queens, small-scale proxy wars have broken over the stillunproven belief that winning district leader, state committee or county committee seats is the path to curbing the last excesses of machine politics.
In Brooklyn, for instance, the New Kings Democrats, a collection of Barack Obama volunteers that ran some 50 candidates for county committee spots in 2008, have upped that ante, this year running a handful of candidates for state committee spots against Lopez-backed candidates. (In Brooklyn, state committee and district leader spots are a combined position.)
One of the candidates, Lincoln Restler, has already raised a whopping $49,000— more than many Assembly candidates— and has hired a full-time campaign manager and has a campaign office. Still, even if Restler and all his reformer compatriots win all the races they are contesting— a long-shot at best—there are still 42 total district leader spots total, and they would be far from being able to knock off Lopez.
In the short term, according to the group’s founder, Matt Cowherd, the goal is simply to get some younger, active representation in the community, a greater level of internal dissent in the party. In the long term, the hope is to reform how the Kings County
Democratic Party fundamentally operates—with or without Lopez.
“The ultimate goal is to force the leadership to pave the way towards small ‘d’ democracy and transparency,” he said. “If Vito J. Lopez decides to do that, we will accept that gleefully and thankfully.”
But serious hurdles remain. In 2008, when the so-called Rainbow Rebels flipped leadership of the Bronx Democratic Party by forming a new county committee, they were doing so in a party that had a natural internal divide between its Latino and black members. The revolution came from the top down and behind closed doors, with elected officials and district leaders flipping the county committee votes.
In Brooklyn, the movement is from the ground up, with most elected officials unwilling to jump on board. Without their help, Lopez controls far more proxy votes than the number of county committee candidates the reform group can possibly run.
Incumbents can also grow entrenched.
Even though they do not get paid while in office, district leaders and state committee members can raise money and freely spend it. Some use the accounts to build a war chest with an eye on a future run. Others, like Steve Cohn, a nearly three-decade state committee member in Williamsburg who is retiring this year, dole out funds to numerous local Hasidic Jewish organizations and to political allies. Cohn has taken in nearly $250,000 in campaign donations since 2006, and spent over $288,000 since 2005, despite facing no opposition for his seat. Cohn’s son, Warren, is now running against Restler for the state committee seat.
Despite the long odds, Cowherd said he believes that if New Kings proves to be a viable turnout machine in its own right, undecided state committee members who are dissatisfied with Lopez will flip.
“There are a lot of fence-sitters who go along with things because it’s advantageous politically,” Cowherd said.
In southwest Queens, meanwhile, Farouk Samaroo is taking a more fo- cused approach towards reforming the county Democratic Party’s operations. His idea is based on the results of a Citizens Union study from 2008 showing that over a third of all legislative seats in New York are filled by vacancy committee. He hopes to change the calculus of the vacancy committee in one small part of the borough.
He has personal experience with the issue. Last year, the young Afghan War vet and several other candidates were not given the chance to run for indicted Assembly Member Anthony Seminerio’s vacated Assembly seat. Instead, the Queens Democratic Committee forced a special election and chose Mike Miller as the Democratic nominee via vacancy committee. He won after two out of the three district leaders that showed up for the committee meeting voted for Miller.
“We have some of the most worthless members of the Assembly and State Senate in Queens,” Samaroo said. “That is a result of a very opaque, at best, selection system.”
Samaroo has now started the Southwest Queens Democratic Club in an effort to get independent-minded district leaders, county committee members and judicial delegates elected in the 38th Assembly district. Over 90 people affiliated with Samaroo have made the ballot to run for these spots in the Assembly district, he said.
Jeff Merritt, founder of the non-profit consulting firm Grassroots Initiative, has been advising insurgent candidates to run this kind of campaign for years. The main benefit of a slew of people on a slate in one area, he said, is that it creates buy-in for volunteers that can counter the official Democratic clubs in a county party, which have signature gatherers, doorknockers and block captains in place.
“And, if the folks get elected,” Merritt added, “they now have their own machine.”
Though Samaroo rails against the Queens Democratic Party, executive director Michael Reich said the party’s well-known cohesion is a result of years of building trust between leadership and district leaders.
Still, there are indications at times that internal dissent can be costly. Last year, when James Wu was running for the Council seat being vacated by John Liu, he was in the fortunate position of being a district leader. In other words, he was one of the four people who got to decide who the Queens party would back to replace Liu.
But the party favored another candidate, John Choe, and twisted Wu’s arm until he voted against himself. Choe got the party’s backing. (Both lost the primary.)
Even though they do not get paid while in office, district leaders and state committee members can raise money and freely spend it. Some use the accounts to build a war chest with an eye on a future run.
Wu remains a district leader and has the party’s support this year in his race for re-election. But Martha Flores- Vazquez, another district leader in the room that day who chose to remain neutral, got a primary challenge this year from a Liu staffer, and was knocked off the ballot recently by Queens County lawyers.
Indeed, the battles for the unpaid spots can sometimes get ugly. In a Ft. Greene, Brooklyn race for state committee, for instance, Renee Collymore recently filed a police report against her opponent and requested an order of protection by charging stalking and harassment. Collymore has also accused her opponent of trying to spread information around the neighborhood about a sex tape she had shot with an ex-boyfriend.
All of this angst, for an unpaid spot, with few formal powers? Even for a true believer like Collymore, it all can be a little bit much.
“Politics such as this is not normal,” she said.

Spin it whatever way you want Farouk. But you are not an elected official and will never become one if you do not become humble. You are what you are, a failed politician.


The very hindus who you are poking fun at are the very votes that you seek. The most vile pictures that you posted are insulting to hindus to say the least. You will never become a politician unless you learn to respect other people and their culture.


If your posts are any indication of who you really are then you are quite a disgraceful person. Now that you have admitted to your real personality, I sincerely hope that some of your posts end up in social media.


You post graphic pictures whit no respect of families of those killed in Guyana and yet you want run for political office.


Shame on you, Farouk.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Spin it whatever way you want Farouk. But you are not an elected official and will never become one if you do not become humble. You are what you are, a failed politician.


The very hindus who you are poking fun at are the very votes that you seek. The most vile picture that you posted are insulting to hindus to say the least. You will never become a politician unless you learn to respect other people and their culture.


If your posts are any indication of who you really are then you are quite a disgraceful person. Now that you have admitted to your real personality, I sincerely hope that some of your posts end up in social media.


You post graphic pictures whit no respect of families of those killed in Guyana and yet you want run for political office.


Shame on you, Farouk.


I care about the opinions of people who count....You dear Mudhead do not.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Spin it whatever way you want Farouk. But you are not an elected official and will never become one if you do not become humble. You are what you are, a failed politician.


The very hindus who you are poking fun at are the very votes that you seek. The most vile picture that you posted are insulting to hindus to say the least. You will never become a politician unless you learn to respect other people and their culture.


If your posts are any indication of who you really are then you are quite a disgraceful person. Now that you have admitted to your real personality, I sincerely hope that some of your posts end up in social media.


You post graphic pictures whit no respect of families of those killed in Guyana and yet you want run for political office.


Shame on you, Farouk.


I care about the opinions of people who count....You dear Mudhead do not.

Who cares about a failed politician, Farouk. You are the most arrogant wanna be politician. No wonder you will never be selected to run for office. The AFC might be a good base for you. You fit right in with some of their vile and foul posters. Keep it up.


Anyone who remotely knows me knows how devoted I am to empowering Indians (especially Hindus).


However, I am not here to coddle Hindus and tell them how great they are. I try to help make them better.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Spin it whatever way you want Farouk. But you are not an elected official and will never become one if you do not become humble. You are what you are, a failed politician.


The very hindus who you are poking fun at are the very votes that you seek. The most vile picture that you posted are insulting to hindus to say the least. You will never become a politician unless you learn to respect other people and their culture.


If your posts are any indication of who you really are then you are quite a disgraceful person. Now that you have admitted to your real personality, I sincerely hope that some of your posts end up in social media.


You post graphic pictures whit no respect of families of those killed in Guyana and yet you want run for political office.


Shame on you, Farouk.


I care about the opinions of people who count....You dear Mudhead do not.

Who cares about a failed politician, Farouk. You are the most arrogant wanna be politician. No wonder you will never be selected to run for office. The AFC might be a good base for you. You fit right in with some of their vile and foul posters. Keep it up.


You lack even basic common you cannot possibly make such a can rant all you want.


My Friends, What an absolute Nonsense, I know Freddy, a failed PPP boy, he lives in darkness ,does not see the light of the day. I just returned form Guyana , travelled from Essequibo to Berbice spoke to all sector of the population, they see progress, crime is down, employment is up and foreign envestors are returning. But ,if the opposition parties hinder progress, the people wants an election to secure a full PPP government.Freddy and the AFC/APNU don't want an early election, because they know they will loose BIG time. So for you foreign bloggers, go to Guyana and talk to the people who votes to bring change, get the facts!!!!!

Originally Posted by kp:

My Friends, What an absolute Nonsense, I know Freddy, a failed PPP boy, he lives in darkness ,does not see the light of the day. I just returned form Guyana , travelled from Essequibo to Berbice spoke to all sector of the population, they see progress, crime is down, employment is up and foreign envestors are returning. But ,if the opposition parties hinder progress, the people wants an election to secure a full PPP government.Freddy and the AFC/APNU don't want an early election, because they know they will loose BIG time. So for you foreign bloggers, go to Guyana and talk to the people who votes to bring change, get the facts!!!!!




While I may agree to disagree with you on the merits of the PPP in Government, there is something that bothers me about insisting on personally demonizing anyone who criticizes the PPP on a policy level.


You may disagree with Kissoon (and I do often as well) but he is a patriot and he is healthy in a democracy.


Our democracy needs dissent though speech and the pen. The alternative outlet is street violence.


The system of government and particularly the party in government must respond to criticism in a healthy and judicious way.

Originally Posted by kp:

My Friends, What an absolute Nonsense, I know Freddy, a failed PPP boy, he lives in darkness ,does not see the light of the day. I just returned form Guyana , travelled from Essequibo to Berbice spoke to all sector of the population, they see progress, crime is down, employment is up and foreign envestors are returning. But ,if the opposition parties hinder progress, the people wants an election to secure a full PPP government.Freddy and the AFC/APNU don't want an early election, because they know they will loose BIG time. So for you foreign bloggers, go to Guyana and talk to the people who votes to bring change, get the facts!!!!!


The Jagdeo faction wants the snap election. Ramotar wants a full five years. When was Freddy a PPP buy again?


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