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Originally posted by Nuff:
PPP can't afford another election. They sported up all their money onm those ungrateful black APNU voters. Big Grin

What's funny is this time around they'll be held accountable for where the money is being from to throw all those parties, concerts and hand out tshirts.

It works for all sides.

The PPP will not be short of money. Why are GNI talking about another election before they know how minority government works. Another election at this time will give you the same results.. The only thing is Ramjattan will not be the AFC presidential nominee and they will lose their Indian support. The other partners of APNU will not merge with them the next election. Apnu will lose some of it's afro supporters to Trotman's AFC.

Botoom line is the result will still be the same.
Originally posted by Mr.T:
It's bee a while since I had a snap election.

A snap election will be called if the 2012 budget is defeated by the combined opposition.

There are lots of common things in the PPP and APNU maifestos that will be presented in march.

It would be on APNU's head if they budget is defeated.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

It would be on APNU's head if they budget is defeated.
So are you sayimg tje APNU should signoff on whatever the PPP throws in front of them?

Timers have changed, the opposition has a say in how the taxpayers money is spent. I haven't heard of the PPP inviting the opposition to sit down and discuss anything prior to the PPP relasing the budget what will be in the budget. They will have a rude awakening if they aren't all inclusive..
The Govt dont have to invite anyone. That is why there is Parliament. The Govt has to debate and say why an item is needed. The opposition can simply reject without any reason or ask for adjustments. The Guyanese People will be watching to see who act in their interest and who are playing Games.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

It would be on APNU's head if they budget is defeated.
So are you sayimg tje APNU should signoff on whatever the PPP throws in front of them?

Timers have changed, the opposition has a say in how the taxpayers money is spent. I haven't heard of the PPP inviting the opposition to sit down and discuss anything prior to the PPP relasing the budget what will be in the budget. They will have a rude awakening if they aren't all inclusive..
Originally posted by Nehru:
The Govt dont have to invite anyone. That is why there is Parliament. The Govt has to debate and say why an item is needed. The opposition can simply reject without any reason or ask for adjustments. The Guyanese People will be watching to see who act in their interest and who are playing Games
Asking for adjustments means having a say in what goes into the budget. What are you missing? Big Grin
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Nehru:
The Govt dont have to invite anyone. That is why there is Parliament. The Govt has to debate and say why an item is needed. The opposition can simply reject without any reason or ask for adjustments. The Guyanese People will be watching to see who act in their interest and who are playing Games.[QUOTE]the difference now is the ppp have to disclose every thing,no more secerts,or bullying.some of their supporters that get certain soup will not be please.the ppp is in for a rough ride
Originally posted by Nuff:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:

It would be on APNU's head if they budget is defeated.
So are you sayimg tje APNU should signoff on whatever the PPP throws in front of them?

Timers have changed, the opposition has a say in how the taxpayers money is spent. I haven't heard of the PPP inviting the opposition to sit down and discuss anything prior to the PPP relasing the budget what will be in the budget. They will have a rude awakening if they aren't all inclusive..

This is my opinion, not the PPP. I sated that the PPP would put into the budget all the common things which are in the APNU and PPP menifestos.
Will APnu vote againbst them? I say, No...
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
the PPP would put into the budget all the common things which are in the APNU and PPP menifestos.
Will APnu vote againbst them? I say, No...

And spice and warrior this might be how APNU and the PPP squeeze the AFC if the latter dont play ball with them....more especially with APNU. After all the PPP knows APNU will never win an election. They probably have learnt that they will never get the black vote so all is fair among people with common interests.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
the PPP would put into the budget all the common things which are in the APNU and PPP menifestos.
Will APnu vote againbst them? I say, No...

And spice and warrior this might be how APNU and the PPP squeeze the AFC if the latter dont play ball with them....more especially with APNU. After all the PPP knows APNU will never win an election. They probably have learnt that they will never get the black vote so all is fair among people with common interests.
okay if AFC is gone,who will the 30 thousand people go back to.i guess the ppp and guess what the ppp will win the next election by a landslide, more than 51%.then the black people is back into the dog house.collie will buy more fields because lot of slaves will be around
Originally posted by warrior:
okay if AFC is gone,who will the 30 thousand people go back to.i guess the ppp and guess what the ppp will win the next election by a landslide, more than 51%.then the black people is back into the dog house.collie will buy more fields because lot of slaves will be around
Are you saying those 30K AFC supporters were all PPP supporters before they came to AFC?
Originally posted by warrior:
[]okay if AFC is gone,who will the 30 thousand people go back to.i guess the ppp and guess what the ppp will win the next election by a landslide, more than 51%.then the black people is back into the dog house.collie will buy more fields because lot of slaves will be around

warrior the 30k will just go back to where they came from and the AFC will not eb able to stop them.

The Afro/mixed vote they got in 2006 went back to APNU. Its likely that many of their current Indo votes will go back to the PPP.

The AFC is now a party to which people flock to when they have problems with the party that they have traditionally supported. It is yet to develop its own base beyond maybe 3% of the votes.

Last time many Afro/mixed voters thought that Corbin was caving into the PPP. Now many Indo voters thought that the PPP was no longer the party of Jagan so they punished them, most by not voting or by voting AFC.

Suppose Ramotar fixes this problem. Do you think these voters will remain AFC? I caution you that even Nagamootoo might pick some fight to allow him to go back to the PPP.

And what will the AFC do to empower AfroGuyanese? The way I see it it will be up to APNu to figure this out, given that this group, and mixed voters account for over 95% of their base. And they are unlikely to add to this.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
[]okay if AFC is gone,who will the 30 thousand people go back to.i guess the ppp and guess what the ppp will win the next election by a landslide, more than 51%.then the black people is back into the dog house.collie will buy more fields because lot of slaves will be around

warrior the 30k will just go back to where they came from and the AFC will not eb able to stop them.

The Afro/mixed vote they got in 2006 went back to APNU. Its likely that many of their current Indo votes will go back to the PPP.

The AFC is now a party to which people flock to when they have problems with the party that they have traditionally supported. It is yet to develop its own base beyond maybe 3% of the votes.

Last time many Afro/mixed voters thought that Corbin was caving into the PPP. Now many Indo voters thought that the PPP was no longer the party of Jagan so they punished them, most by not voting or by voting AFC.

Suppose Ramotar fixes this problem. Do you think these voters will remain AFC? I caution you that even Nagamootoo might pick some fight to allow him to go back to the PPP.

And what will the AFC do to empower AfroGuyanese? The way I see it it will be up to APNu to figure this out, given that this group, and mixed voters account for over 95% of their base. And they are unlikely to add to this.
people have a way to judge people.well if this is your way of thinking that guyanese will keep voting race base then the sad news for you my brother is black people will always be second class citizen in guyana.
Originally posted by warrior:
people have a way to judge people.well if this is your way of thinking that guyanese will keep voting race base then the sad news for you my brother is black people will always be second class citizen in guyana.

Guyanese will vote race until Guyanes efeel confident that their interests will not be jeopardized on account of their race. APNU and the PPP are race based parties. The AFC isa baby party which cant deliver for any one...or defend their interests.

Rather than pushing out their puny chests the AFC needs to get to the gym for a good exercise regimen and then come back again looking stronger. You cannot claim to have the ability to defend people when you lack the strength in govt or elsewhere to do so.

Now if a declining Indian population thinks that it is THEIR own long term interests to have a major group of people feeling totally alienated they will have a very rude awakening. Inclusion of Africans is as much of benefit to Indians as it is to Africans themselves....unless they think that the specter of escalating crime and a diminished black middle class isa good thing.
Originally posted by Nuff:
Warrior. You are the only person mentioning race.

People vote for leaders who have their interests at heart. You think only blacks voted for Obama when blacks barely make up 12% of the US population?
i could,its all facts,if you donot face the facts,you are doom to make mistake in the future.i am not saying the indians should do this or that to keep blacks down,i am calling it as i see are not please at the way i said it
Originally posted by warrior:
.i am not saying the indians should do this or that to keep blacks down,

Indians, aside from the elites that is, have lost the ability to keep blacks down. Angry elements within the black population are well positioned to exact revenge on grass roots Indians and they know this. Elite Indos can buy protection.

If moderate blacks leave Guyana its not only blacks who will suffer.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
.i am not saying the indians should do this or that to keep blacks down,

Indians, aside from the elites that is, have lost the ability to keep blacks down. Angry elements within the black population are well positioned to exact revenge on grass roots Indians and they know this. Elite Indos can buy protection.

If moderate blacks leave Guyana its not only blacks who will suffer.
you running away again,i do not think the grass roots guyanese want to hurt each other.and i donot know which part of guyana you from,but this one grass root indian that never think the blacks could hurt him.this time is not long time
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
.i am not saying the indians should do this or that to keep blacks down,

Indians, aside from the elites that is, have lost the ability to keep blacks down. Angry elements within the black population are well positioned to exact revenge on grass roots Indians and they know this. Elite Indos can buy protection.

If moderate blacks leave Guyana its not only blacks who will suffer.

Tell dem deh, kill and harm some more poor coolies mek tings right. two foa one policy all over again. And you wonder why Indians worry about a PNC victory. Bai, mi tell you, massa day done, we coolies prepared for the worse down here, we see how you people talk when you thought you will win. Anyway, this is not a sustainable situation so we have to see. Problem is, we coolies aint going anywhere and when snap elections come PPP will get 60%, what you do then? We wanted more for the Afros but it look as though you just want to feed us to the dogs. Unfortunately for you, it aint going to happen. You will overplay your hand bai.
Originally posted by Jalil:
Originally posted by Nuff:
Warrior. You are the only person mentioning race.

People vote for leaders who have their interests at heart. You think only blacks voted for Obama when blacks barely make up 12% of the US population?

Nuff it look like Warrior and CaribJ dont believe the Race war is over.

Dem bai at war wid all coolies, none good except who exit or who dead
Did freeness got them any Votes>> Or was it a case of eat from the PPP Plate and then BORE wan HOLE Pun Am??? Thus, there is no need to feed any Hungrybelly, whitemouth IDIOTS!!!
Originally posted by cain:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Today for Jamaica. Guyana needs to do the same. Views, comments, suggestions anyone????

The PPP won't have the money to spend on another election. How they gonna be able to buy the people dem chicken and free stuff?
Originally posted by caribj:
Indians, aside from the elites that is, have lost the ability to keep blacks down. Angry elements within the black population are well positioned to exact revenge on grass roots Indians and they know this. Elite Indos can buy protection.

What are you . . . the latest set up man for 'Sledgehammer'??

This is absurd racialist posturing, . . . and incitement to boot!

The 2011 election seems to have caused some people on this BB to lose their freakin minds.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by caribj:
Indians, aside from the elites that is, have lost the ability to keep blacks down. Angry elements within the black population are well positioned to exact revenge on grass roots Indians and they know this. Elite Indos can buy protection.

What are you . . . the latest set up man for 'Sledgehammer'??

This is absurd racialist posturing, . . . and incitement to boot!

The 2011 election seems to have caused some people on this BB to lose their freakin minds.

He nah gafa do datt bai. Me bin roun' GT on the 29th and me tell you, many Afro neighborhoods were off limits to us Indos, den a sing dem gon feed we to di dogs. We coolies got a good lesson on the Afro mindset and dem poor AFC bais gon pay come next elections, nat dem fault, just so it is.

Soa alyuh wait for extract revenge nah, like abie had peace and safety wenn alyuh bin rule fo 28 years. Banna, Afro racism is in avery aspect of this society, dem all hold waan head when time come, and datt is to punish coolies. Yuh buddy Caribj let the cyat out, but we bin know datt. Di cyatt gat let out on Nomination day. Nuff abie coolie see dat, e-nuff ah dem coolies and "X" di cup in response, nat caaz we like di cup.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by caribj:
Indians, aside from the elites that is, have lost the ability to keep blacks down. Angry elements within the black population are well positioned to exact revenge on grass roots Indians and they know this. Elite Indos can buy protection.

What are you . . . the latest set up man for 'Sledgehammer'??

This is absurd racialist posturing, . . . and incitement to boot!

The 2011 election seems to have caused some people on this BB to lose their freakin minds.

He nah gafa do datt bai. Me bin roun' GT on the 29th and me tell you, many Afro neighborhoods were off limits to us Indos, den a sing dem gon feed we to di dogs. We coolies got a good lesson on the Afro mindset and dem poor AFC bais gon pay come next elections, nat dem fault, just so it is.

Soa alyuh wait for extract revenge nah, like abie had peace and safety wenn alyuh bin rule fo 28 years. Banna, Afro racism is in avery aspect of this society, dem all hold waan head when time come, and datt is to punish coolies. Yuh buddy Caribj let the cyat out, but we bin know datt. Di cyatt gat let out on Nomination day. Nuff abie coolie see dat, e-nuff ah dem coolies and "X" di cup in response, nat caaz we like di cup.

Arite, arite 'Sledge'. . ., we know this is the only song you know, and you need the RELEASE.

LIES & 'COMMONNESS' double ur pleasure bai, suh tek aff yu panty an DANCE . . . one mooo time!!
There isn't going to be a snap election. But if there is one, the PPP will take back the country. The AFC is a disruptive element of our society. Only in the minds do they believe that they are effecting a change in Guyana.Their agenda will be reversed. Moses is going to lead them and try rite the wrong what he has done to Indo+_guyanese. In 194 164, The UF did the same thing and we suffered for 28 years.. Cheers.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
And you wonder why Indians worry about a PNC victory. .

The PNC is the best thing for folks like you. Right now the angry types will be kept busy marching and venting their rage this way. If a power vaccuum comes because the PNC dies off and some one else fills it who knows what they might do.

And where will the PPP get 60% of the votes from? There arent that many Indians left.
Originally posted by redux:
This is absurd racialist posturing, . . . and incitement to boot!


How is this so when a point was made about an angry and disaffected component within rhe AfroGuyanese community and the habits of some to scape goat poor Indians in their rage?

Just keep an eye on that Youth Group. I dont think that Granger controls them because I suspect Granger believes the time for marching is oevr...a view obviously not shared by them.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by redux:
This is absurd racialist posturing, . . . and incitement to boot!


How is this so when a point was made about an angry and disaffected component within rhe AfroGuyanese community and the habits of some to scape goat poor Indians in their rage?

Just keep an eye on that Youth Group. I dont think that Granger controls them because I suspect Granger believes the time for marching is oevr...a view obviously not shared by them.

The Youth Group is controlled by WPA....they are creating a Power base to stand alone on their own.

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