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Bwoy! Am I happy I did that physical.


It turns out my Triglyceride level was 443---danger level is 500.


Triglyceride is some kind of fat found in the blood.


It looks like the Rev's sweet tooth---chocolate, ice-cream, pastries, etc, etc

plus his love of steak, cheeseburgers and ribs---it looks like all the good stuff finally showed up in the blood.


443---Triglyceride level.


Everything else was fine---but Cholesterol was a tad high---and triglyceride was approaching danger level.





The Rev is still working on the good sense.


But I am pleased as punch with the good health part.


And lemme thank the first lady for for her loving care---if it was up to me---no physical---and the damn triglyceride may have touched 500(danger level) by now.




Thank you Lord.


By the way---the Rev is also proud of himself----the last 6 months---I cut out all soda---most sugar----OK I had a McDonald's ice cream cone recently.


I also cut back drastically on red meat.


And I became more disciplined in my exercise program---I can do 100 push ups easily---100 sit ups---climb 16 flight of stairs daily----and use some light weights.





If you got to this post---thank you for taking the time to read my comments above.





Us guys tend to be stubborn when it comes to taking care of our health---I was ordered to do the physical 6 months ago by the first lady----that woman must care deeply for me----I am glad I did---today I would highly recommend you guys treat yourself to a physical if you haven't had one in a while.



Originally Posted by Rev:


If you got to this post---thank you for taking the time to read my comments above.





Us guys tend to be stubborn when it comes to taking care of our health---I was ordered to do the physical 6 months ago by the first lady----that woman must care deeply for me----I am glad I did---today I would highly recommend you guys treat yourself to a physical if you haven't had one in a while.



The card, color of your paragraph and tone, really portrays a gay style. Reminds me of someone who always referred to his shim as "My First Lady"


Originally Posted by shanazb:

Very proud of you. we all should go to the doctor often .

keep up all the good work on your body.

you can blend up celery and carrot and drink too .

Thanks Shanaz. You are very kind!


May you, your husband and loving family be always blessed with great health and contentment.








Last edited by Former Member


Kevin Trudeau is 100% correct.


And get this---when you get the body to produce those magical hormones---you know what I'm talking about----the hormones that induce desire, excitement, sensuality, thrill, titillation, libido, etc, etc---DOPAMINE, etc---when the body produces these----there is no greater feeling.




How do you trick the body into producing those magical hormones ?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

Well, seÃąor Rev,thank goodness you listened to the First Lady and got your physical





I told you the Rev is a good listener. Do you believe me now ?



Hahahahaha! You probably had no choice...seÃąora First put her iron fist down and you knew to adopt the "yes dear" way of thinking. Btw, I had no reason to believe that you weren't a good listener

Originally Posted by Miraver:

Hahahahaha! You probably had no choice...seÃąora First put her iron fist down and you knew to adopt the "yes dear" way of thinking. Btw, I had no reason to believe that you weren't a good listener



As you know, when you like and respect and cherish someone, you value their wisdom, and even when you are not 100% enthused by their ideas or suggestions, you give them the benefit of the doubt.


So in addition to being a good listener---you now know the Rev is a very open minded manlol---always open to new ideas and suggestions, even if initially he is not predisposed to agree.



Originally Posted by chameli:

i  get a physical every single year around my birthday...since i always take time off from work, it is a great thing to do for me (plus the spa)

there are always 2 things the doc has said for over 25 yrs need to lose 20-25 lbs and your thyroid is high again (i do take thyroxin but never remember to take every day!!)


Cham, I go reluctantly to the doctor. I always tell the nurse that their scale is incorrect

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Miraver:

Hahahahaha! You probably had no choice...seÃąora First put her iron fist down and you knew to adopt the "yes dear" way of thinking. Btw, I had no reason to believe that you weren't a good listener



As you know, when you like and respect and cherish someone, you value their wisdom, and even when you are not 100% enthused by their ideas or suggestions, you give them the benefit of the doubt.


So in addition to being a good listener---you now know the Rev is a very open minded manlol---always open to new ideas and suggestions, even if initially he is not predisposed to agree.



SeÃąor Rev, a suggestion to go to the doctor and then embracing that suggestion does not qualify as having an open mind (in my books) what else do you have for us? 

Originally Posted by chameli:

i  get a physical every single year around my birthday...since i always take time off from work, it is a great thing to do for me (plus the spa)

there are always 2 things the doc has said for over 25 yrs need to lose 20-25 lbs and your thyroid is high again (i do take thyroxin but never remember to take every day!!)


Listen Chami!


Once the vital organs are healthy---and you have no issues with sugar, pressure, cholesterol, Triglycerides, etc---and if there is no stress in your life---then you can carry those 20-25 pounds with joy and enthusiasm.


Now chami, if Danyael disagrees and says those 20-25 pounds are unacceptable---then you are in deep do-do.hahahahaha



Last edited by Former Member

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