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Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

in yuh village?


We had one name Maraj, the man was even enlisted to squeeze the "squash" in my throat when I was little.


I think every village had one...I even remember them in GT


They were always treated well in Guyana, maybe money, rice or even call them in fuh eat some food


Back in the 80's a kid begging near Demico House told me that he easily makes $60. That was good draw back then. A guy used to visit us in Prashad Nagar all the way from Essiquibo. We used to have lots for him and his kids. Was a good gyaff man though. Pasty didn't beg although many thought he did. My mom used to cook for him like every day. 


This topic makes me remember my dad.

the beggars coming through the village would arrange it so that they end up at our house just before night.....because they were given dinner and a place to sleep (and it was best of a Friday because dinner was always beef curry).  After my dad passed, my family continued to 'watch out' for the beggars


I vividly remember three of them......

this one lady who used to recite the name of every single village from Parika to Wales.....with barely a few breaths in between


this other lady who used to 'catch fits' (only later I could put the name eiplepsy to her illness).....she would get severe seizures and fall down any and every where....but the villagers would always take care of her....put a spoon between her teeth, make sure she is decently covered and everyone know to just stay with her until she got out of it.


there there was the tall lanky guy...who looked strong and healthy to be out there working.....but my Mom would say, don't ask questions just give him the rice.  so, this one day she yelled out to me....mek sure you gee him wan full cup. the beggahman.....started chanting full-cup....full-cup....full-cup.....and then he dropped the "ls" from the full.....try it and you will hear what the new cup sounded like.  unfortunately for him my brother-in-law was just coming home from canefield wid the big cutlish in his hand....he heard the chant and started chasing the beggar who was running like a sprinter.....caught him halfway down the street and he got a good broadside in he behine!!!    don't think we ever saw him after that!!!


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