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TUCSON, AZ - A 22-year-old man was shot by a 68-year-old man Saturday morning after he was discovered sleeping next to his wife, authorities said.

The Pinal County Sheriff's Office said deputies responded to the shooting around 1 a.m. Saturday to a neighborhood around the Saddlebrooke adult community in Tucson. Saddlebrooke is located near the Santa Catalina Mountains in Southern Arizona.

PCSO spokesman Tim Gaffney said the 68-year-old man found his wife, 63, and 22-year-old Stephen Trevor Chapman sleeping together in their small guest house.

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Originally Posted by TI:
...the 68-year-old man found his wife, 63, and 22-year-old Stephen Trevor Chapman sleeping together in their small guest house.


Every post menopause woman in a loveless relationship should treat herself to a BOY TOY/gigolo.


Listen. Mature women have needs and desires too---and if the 68 year old husband can no longer function---then a 63 year old wife needs her stimulation---and a 22 year old gigolo is a good investment for her.


Fast forward to 1:40




Originally Posted by TI:

There are rules, man!  Yu don't mess with grandma! In other states he would have been shot to death. I guess grandpa did not have his glasses on




Fact the rules---life is too short to be following rules.


Listen! Some people are old at 30 while other people are young at 80.


"Grandma" was feeling young at 63.hahahahaha




I have no issue with the lady looking for a younger fellow, but the rules of protocol dictate a maximum limit of 20 years age difference.  At 22, he needs to max out at 42, and the 63 year old lady maxes out at 43 in a partner, not younger. 

The young people of today have no respect for rules, neither do the older folk. The entire fabric of society is heading south!  





Originally Posted by TI:

I have no issue with the lady looking for a younger fellow, but the rules of protocol dictate a maximum limit of 20 years age difference.  




Which ancient text did you find those rules of protocol ?


The Rev wishes to bring you forward into the modern world.


Women today think a lot like men---a 63 year old wife who feels young at heart---and whose 68 year old husband cannot fulfill her needs---such a woman has no qualms about bedding a 22 year old gigolo.







Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:


Originally Posted by TI:

I have no issue with the lady looking for a younger fellow, but the rules of protocol dictate a maximum limit of 20 years age difference.  




Which ancient text did you find those rules of protocol ?


The Rev wishes to bring you forward into the modern world.


Women today think a lot like men---a 63 year old wife who feels young at heart---and whose 68 year old husband cannot fulfill her needs---such a woman has no qualms about bedding a 22 year old gigolo.







Sounds, like you were a jigololo.  Rev, your personal frame of reference speaks volumes about your closest and intimate female relatives.

Originally Posted by TI:

I still maintain that there should be a suitable age gap. What are they going to discuss in the after the act conversation?  


There should be some mental compatibility don't you think?




You have a lot to learn young man----so pay attention.




A lot of people---looks like you are among them---confuse these two.




* When a 68 year old woman ends up in bed with a 22 year old man----it is strictly Physical intimacy.


* And it looks like she wore him out so much that he fell asleep---and that's how the old 68 year old husband was able to pump a few bullets in the poor boy's head.





Listen TI


When a woman's hormones is in overflow---when she's all juiced up-- she doesn't give a rat's a$$ about mental capability---all she wants a man who can rock her boat---she wants a man with staying power.hahaha


Don't worry TI---you'll learn as you grow up.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by TI:

I still maintain that there should be a suitable age gap. What are they going to discuss in the after the act conversation?  


There should be some mental compatibility don't you think?




You have a lot to learn young man----so pay attention.




A lot of people---looks like you are among them---confuse these two.




* When a 68 year old woman ends up in bed with a 22 year old man----it is strictly Physical intimacy.


* And it looks like she wore him out so much that he fell asleep---and that's how the old 68 year old husband was able to pump a few bullets in the poor boy's head.





Listen TI


When a woman's hormones is in overflow---when she's all juiced up-- she doesn't give a rat's a$$ about mental capability---all she wants a man who can rock her boat---she wants a man with staying power.hahaha


Don't worry TI---you'll learn as you grow up.



Rev this is big bizness for Jamaican men in the tourism industry. Many white women go there for the jigolos.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev this is big bizness for Jamaican men in the tourism industry. Many white women go there for the jigolos.



The Jamaican gigolos are very entrepreneurial. I remember reading the article below years ago and having a good laugh:


'Sex sells' and young men in the resort areas of Montego Bay and Ocho Rios are taking advantage of this.


The gigolos working in these areas have been providing sexual favours to women as a full-time job and have been making big bucks in the process.


One such person Marcus, a 23-year-old father of three, told THE STAR; "I'm doing what I like. I like girls. It's better than a nine to five." He got many of his possessions through the business. A 2004 Toyota Carolla motor car with its classic leather interior and music system along with three cellular phones. He lives in a rented one bedroom home. "My washing machine, flat screen television and sofa were also acquired from being a gigolo," Marcus said


Nicholas,also from Montego Bay, is a part-time gigolo with nine years experience. "I really took it up seriously six years ago," said the 26-year-old who has an asso-ciate's degree in computer information and technology from an overseas college.


ha ha ha ha ha




Originally Posted by chameli:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev this is big bizness for Jamaican men in the tourism industry. Many white women go there for the jigolos.

chameli: we know this 67 yr fat old woman who goes to b'dos every 3 mths for a good time



* May god continue to bless that 67 year old woman with a sense of adventure.


* You call her old---but she ain't friggin old---there are lots of 40 and 50 year old women who have allowed themselves to think old and become old---but that 67 year old woman has a youthful, enterprising, adventurous mind.hahahaha


* A good way for a woman to re-connect with her sexuality is to emulate that 67 year old woman---take regular trips---leave the old and boring husband at home.hahahahahaha





Originally Posted by chameli:

any woman who has a boring husband is entitled to leave them....(old or young does not matter)

i have a younger husband who makes me laugh all the time, is fun and adventuresome ...

You are blessed! Your younger husband knows how to turn on the ignition switch that activates the dopamine engine which gets you all aroused and juiced


Bu your 67 year old friend is not as fortunate as you---she has to take other measures to tap into her reservoir of lust and desire---those trips work like magic for such women.



Originally Posted by chameli:


and even though there have been fleeting moments of temptation, i have resisted because of my instincts

I don't know Chami. According to the Gospel, even looking is committing adultery; "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Matt. 5:28



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, at what age you stop being a Jigolo?

Mitwah bhai:


The only place the Rev has been a gigolo has been in his facting mind.hahahaha


But lemme ask you a question Mitts---you are a pandit, right ? And you pandits have done quite well with the ladies, right ?lol





Seriously Mitwah, when you were a young man, were you ever seduced by an older woman ?




You like movies MItts ? You ever saw THE GRADUATE---it's one of the Rev's favorite movies.




What a cougar that Mrs Robinson.








Originally Posted by ksazma:

I don't know Chami. According to the Gospel, even looking is committing adultery; "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Matt. 5:28



Are you accusing the loyal and faithful chami of Mental Adultery ?hahahaha



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I don't know Chami. According to the Gospel, even looking is committing adultery; "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." Matt. 5:28



Are you accusing the loyal and faithful chami of Mental Adultery ?hahahaha



Just seeking clarification your holiness.

Maybe it is limited to looking at a woman.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

Just seeking clarification your holiness.

Maybe it is limited to looking at a woman.


ha ha ha ha


Excellent observation ksazma---that's good news for the lovely chami---she has not committed mental adultery.





The Bible preaches in Ephesians 5:22-24


"Women, submit to your husbands, as to the Lord..."


The Rev preaches to women that when their husbands no longer fulfill their physical or emotional needs, then it is their God-given right to seek external bliss and fulfillment----you see every woman possesses a deep reservoir of lust and desire---and that reservoir must never be allowed to run dry.hahaha



Ephesians says a woman should submit to her husband---but the Rev says when the husband stops delivering on his responsibility---a woman must do what's right for her---and that is NOT adultery.




Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:






Seriously Mitwah, when you were a young man, were you ever seduced by an older woman ?






Rev, Just remember this and you will respect older  women.

par-strii jene maat re
Another man's wife is like his mother to him.

I disagree Mits. While I do respect other women, none is like a mother to me. I reserve that privilege only for my birth mother because she has been more than a birth mother to me.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Rev:






Seriously Mitwah, when you were a young man, were you ever seduced by an older woman ?






Rev, Just remember this and you will respect older  women.

par-strii jene maat re
Another man's wife is like his mother to him.

I disagree Mits. While I do respect other women, none is like a mother to me. I reserve that privilege only for my birth mother because she has been more than a birth mother to me.

That's OK ! You and I are not a Vaishnavs.

I respect older women. Did Mother Theresa ever gave birth?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I respect older women. Did Mother Theresa ever gave birth?

I respect older women also but they will be no more than an aunt to me. Now if I did not have a real birth mother who nurtured and me and still prays for my comfort and safety, I may have a different opinion. But I am fortunate and don't intend to diminish that fortune.

Mother Theresa 'mother' title is religious related, not parental. She is a great woman but will not replace my mother. Not now, not ever. No one will.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I respect older women. Did Mother Theresa ever gave birth?

I respect older women also but they will be no more than an aunt to me. Now if I did not have a real birth mother who nurtured and me and still prays for my comfort and safety, I may have a different opinion. But I am fortunate and don't intend to diminish that fortune.

Mother Theresa 'mother' title is religious related, not parental. She is a great woman but will not replace my mother. Not now, not ever. No one will.

I like your response. The key word is "respect". Your reply reminds of these Lyrics: Hey Re Kanhaiya
(Hey Kanhaiya/ Lord Krishna)
Kisko Kahega Tu Maiya
(Who will you call your mother?)
Jisane Tujhako Janam Diya Ke,
(The one who has given birth to you)
Jisne Tujhako paala
(Or the one who nurtured you)
Kanhaiya---?Kisako Kahega Tu Maiya--
(Kanhaiya, who will call you Mother?)


She is 57; He is 30---57 year old Kris Jenner(mother of Kardashians) divorced her 60 year old husband Bruce and 2 weeks later she is banging a 30 year old---Cougar Kris is obviously an enterprising, adventuresome woman.


Bet Kris was cheating on Bruce waaaaaay before the divorce---the rule is if the husband doesn't live up to his responsibility and his duties----if he slacks up and becomes boring, stale and spiritless---then the wife must adventure.








What do you think about the 27 year age difference---and how many 30 or 40 year old women look as sexually daring and inviting as 57 year old Kris ? A lot of 30 or 40 year old women are dull, drab, cheerless, and boring.



Last edited by Former Member

I beg to differ on 30's and 40's year olds.  That is when women are at their peak, performing best in all areas

That guy is merely after some small change. I bet he closes his eyes, especially when she gets the hot flashes

According to the gigolo manifesto, there has to be some attraction and feeling, or else the noble tradition descends and degenerates into the mundane and ordinary.


Originally Posted by TI:

I beg to differ on 30's and 40's year olds.  That is when women are at their peak, performing best in all areas



Which antiquated sex manual did you read that in ? It's dead wrong.


Listen! You need to be brought into the 21st century.


Pay attention:


A woman's sexual satisfaction is directly related to her ability to be assertive, confident and self assured in the bedroom.


Now. There is no question that many 30 and 40 year old women are assertive.


BUT POST MENOPAUSE WOMEN LIKE 57 YEAR OLD KRIS JENNER---those women know what they want---and they have no compunction when it comes to going out and getting it.





You are playing with danger bwoy---making fun of menopausal women and hot flashes---you're lucky chameli is not reading this thread.hahaha






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