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Two retrenched sugar workers commit suicide

The Wales Sugar Estate was closed in December 2016

In a matter of days, there have been reports of two separate incidents involving two former sugar workers- attached to the Wales and Rose Hall Estates -who have committed suicide.

On December 28 2017, Ramnarase Bissesar reportedly ingested gramaxone and on December 30 2017, Joseph Mohabir reportedly hung himself.

According to information received, Bissesar was among the approximately 350 cane harvesters attached to the Wales Estate who did not receive his severance pay from the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo).

It is alleged that on the day he opted to take his life, the now deceased man returned home at Inner Stanleytown, West Bank Demerara (WBD) around 14:00hrs after visiting some friends. He reportedly told his wife that he wasn’t sure how he was going to live since he did not receive his severance payment and could not secure even a part-time job.

Soon after, Bissesar went to the upper flat of his home and consumed the poisonous substance. His wife allegedly found him in a crumbled state and rushed him to the West Demerara Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

In the case of Mohabir – who was attached to the Rose Hall estate and also denied his severance pay- it has been reported that the 39-year-old hung himself in his bedroom on Old Year’s eve.

Mohabir reportedly began his career in the sugar industry at a young age and moved up the ranks to Field Superintendent- the post he held at the time of his sudden retrenchment.

The now deceased man also reportedly acted as Field Manager occasionally.

The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) earlier today (Tuesday) in a statement said that they were “deeply saddened and extremely upset” by the news.

“They [deceased], seemingly, could not bear the pressures of a jobless, misery-filled life occasioned by the Government’s infamous plans to close haphazardly a number of sugar estates,” the Union said.

As such, the entity sought to “express its sincere condolences to the family, relatives and friends of Ramnarase Bissesar and Joseph Mohabir.”

GAWU also noted that “while the two (2) incidents are more extreme manifestations, the laying-off of thousands of sugar workers has been a serious psychological factor and is pushing some into a depressive, despondent and desperate state. For them, the taking away of their only means to earn a living and the only job they have ever known can never be accepted and undoubtedly is leading to despair as these two moving instances demonstrate.”

As such, the Union contended that Government’s plans toward the sugar industry were “most ill-conceived and undoubtedly spiteful.”

“Indeed, it will be a spectre that will haunt our nation for years and even new generations to come. At this time, it is incumbent for the Government to quickly arrest what, clearly, is a frightening situation,” they said.

Furthermore, GAWU is calling on the administration to advise on the date of payment of the workers’ severance pay and the provision of alternative employment available, while noting that workers’ expenses have not ceased though their jobs were taken away.

The entity also expressed their belief that it is not too late in correcting the closure decisions taken.

Nevertheless, they maintained that suicidal counselling should begin immediately for those within the Sugar belt as “ time is clearly of the essence as the reality has shown.”

Persons can also access help from the Inter-Agency Suicide Prevention Helpline through telephone numbers: 223-0818, 223-0009 223-0001, 600-7896 or 623-4444.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is very sad, the provider is no longer the man of his house. The rush to close the sugar factories without any transition plans is spiteful and racist action by the ruling government, just to hurt one dominant race. Worst is yet to come, the people must be prepared, start organizing to help each other.


It is cowardly to commit these times, both men and women can be providers....these losers who commit suicide because they face some pressure are just that! LOSERS!

Riff posted:

It is cowardly to commit these times, both men and women can be providers....these losers who commit suicide because they face some pressure are just that! LOSERS!

Very insensitive and heartless comment from a well-to-Do   

You don’t know the various pressures the person was facing.  The job loss was just the final straw.  Suicide is never the answer, but don’t refer to them as losers!

Was the founder of Golden Crust a loser?

Riff posted:

It is cowardly to commit these times, both men and women can be providers....these losers who commit suicide because they face some pressure are just that! LOSERS!

Suicide is an endemic problem among Indians in Guyana. Its causes are complex but Guyana does not have the mechanisms and safety net to put in place to stem the tide of suicides. In fact, Guyana may have the highest per capita rates of suicides in the world. 

It primarily affects Indians of all ages...the most common mechanism is by hanging oneself or by drinking an easily available poison called gramaxone. To suggest that its a coward’s way out is to greatly simplify the matter.

Neither  the PPP or the PNC saw it fit to set in place support systems or necessary services to address the Guyana, the traditional attitude is that the bana is crazy, so he killed himself. Story done.

Suicide in Guyana is a disease that has tremendous consequences on immediate and extended family members. ..if its this widespread, and so devastating, we simply cannot ignore it as the coward’s way out. 

Baseman posted:
Riff posted:

It is cowardly to commit these times, both men and women can be providers....these losers who commit suicide because they face some pressure are just that! LOSERS!

Very insensitive and heartless comment from a well-to-Do   

You don’t know the various pressures the person was facing.  The job loss was just the final straw.  Suicide is never the answer, but don’t refer to them as losers!

Was the founder of Golden Crust a loser?


Riff posted:
Baseman posted:
Riff posted:

It is cowardly to commit these times, both men and women can be providers....these losers who commit suicide because they face some pressure are just that! LOSERS!

Very insensitive and heartless comment from a well-to-Do   

You don’t know the various pressures the person was facing.  The job loss was just the final straw.  Suicide is never the answer, but don’t refer to them as losers!

Was the founder of Golden Crust a loser?


Salaam Bro Raymond . Did your statement has to do with Islam ... cause it’s a sin to commit suicide as per the Quran  .


Riff posted:
Baseman posted:
Riff posted:

It is cowardly to commit these times, both men and women can be providers....these losers who commit suicide because they face some pressure are just that! LOSERS!

Very insensitive and heartless comment from a well-to-Do   

You don’t know the various pressures the person was facing.  The job loss was just the final straw.  Suicide is never the answer, but don’t refer to them as losers!

Was the founder of Golden Crust a loser?


Riff, a few nights ago my son hosted a surprise b'day for me at my home. After a few drinks, his friends started loosening up. One friend (Peter) who's like a son to me, told us his story how close he was to suicide because of a business deal in which he lost $90K, breakup with his fiancée, etc. We were shocked, he's at my home every week and no one knew. A white guy talked to him and told of his story of finding his wife in bed with another guy, buying a gun to blow them away, then kill himself; but changed his mind after talking to someone. This helped Peter and he slowly started rebuilding his life. Another fine young man after finishing law school, bought a rope and studied from the internet how to tie himself with it, then hung himself. After the funeral, the law degree arrived in the mail; sadly he didn't confide in anyone. Moral of the stories: many folks face problems, the most important thing is talking to someone before doing anything drastic.     

Last edited by Former Member

no suicides in my family....just angry that these fellas so easily took their lives without regard to the ones left behind.

My view has nothing to do with Islam. 

I know of a Guyanese woman whose husband died in his 40s leaving her to raise 6 kids. SHe did it by selling produce in the market every day. Now her kids are all grown up and doing well.

SOme of these loser Guyanese men would just drink and don't give a rats ass about the kids.


Leonora posted:
Riff posted:
Baseman posted:
Riff posted:

It is cowardly to commit these times, both men and women can be providers....these losers who commit suicide because they face some pressure are just that! LOSERS!

Very insensitive and heartless comment from a well-to-Do   

You don’t know the various pressures the person was facing.  The job loss was just the final straw.  Suicide is never the answer, but don’t refer to them as losers!

Was the founder of Golden Crust a loser?


Riff, a few nights ago my son hosted a surprise b'day for me at my home. After a few drinks, his friends started loosening up. One friend (Peter) who's like a son to me, told us his story how close he was to suicide because of a business deal in which he lost $90K, breakup with his fiancée, etc. We were shocked, he's at my home every week and no one knew. A white guy talked to him and told of his story of finding his wife in bed with another guy, buying a gun to blow them away, then kill himself; but changed his mind after talking to someone. This helped Peter and he slowly started rebuilding his life. Another fine young man after finishing law school, bought a rope and studied from the internet how to tie himself with it, then hung himself. After the funeral, the law degree arrived in the mail; sadly he didn't confide in anyone. Moral of the stories: many folks face problems, the most important thing is talking to someone before doing anything drastic.     

what do you think of these 2 cases in Guyana? DO you think they did the right thing or was it just a copout?

Riff posted:

no suicides in my family....just angry that these fellas so easily took their lives without regard to the ones left behind.

My view has nothing to do with Islam. 

I know of a Guyanese woman whose husband died in his 40s leaving her to raise 6 kids. SHe did it by selling produce in the market every day. Now her kids are all grown up and doing well.

SOme of these loser Guyanese men would just drink and don't give a rats ass about the kids.


I don't think it has to do with will power. Depression is an illness, unless you have it you don't know how debilitating it really is. 

In perspective, you would not bet mad at a person who has cancer/diabetes as though the person has control over the illness. 

Drugb posted:

Normally those who have family members who commit suicide are the ones most insensitive and angry at the victims. I wonder if riff had any suicides in his family? 

Absolute bull sh1t.  Publish the study which indicates this linkage.  Suicide results from a complex set of factors, one big being the mental health and coping mechanism one possesses. Every individual is different. Even among siblings the difference could be big and how they approach the same circumstances could be different!

Stop making simplistic judgments of people!

Drugb posted:
Riff posted:

no suicides in my family....just angry that these fellas so easily took their lives without regard to the ones left behind.

My view has nothing to do with Islam. 

I know of a Guyanese woman whose husband died in his 40s leaving her to raise 6 kids. SHe did it by selling produce in the market every day. Now her kids are all grown up and doing well.

SOme of these loser Guyanese men would just drink and don't give a rats ass about the kids.


I don't think it has to do with will power. Depression is an illness, unless you have it you don't know how debilitating it really is. 

In perspective, you would not bet mad at a person who has cancer/diabetes as though the person has control over the illness. 

Now, this makes sense!!


These fellas just lost their jobs...they did not waste much time in the "depressed" state...seems it was spur of the moment

Maybe they needed to speak to someone....but pride played a part I guess

Nehru posted:


Riff posted:

Also, plenty of these Guyanese men drown their depression in alcohol....that money could be put to better use

How do you judge?   For a grown man you understand very little!

Baseman posted:
Riff posted:

Also, plenty of these Guyanese men drown their depression in alcohol....that money could be put to better use

How do you judge?   For a grown man you understand very little!

what is there to understand when rumshops are filled and there is a financial struggle at home?

Riff posted:
Nehru posted:


Cowards and ASS KISSERS will certainly take such a path. Real men fight for their RIGHTS against MONSTERS and Namakaram Crabdaags!!!!

Dave posted:
Riff posted:
Baseman posted:
Riff posted:

It is cowardly to commit these times, both men and women can be providers....these losers who commit suicide because they face some pressure are just that! LOSERS!

Very insensitive and heartless comment from a well-to-Do   

You don’t know the various pressures the person was facing.  The job loss was just the final straw.  Suicide is never the answer, but don’t refer to them as losers!

Was the founder of Golden Crust a loser?


Salaam Bro Raymond . Did your statement has to do with Islam ... cause it’s a sin to commit suicide as per the Quran  .


A suicide bomber is committing suicide and they shout in the name of God. Is that Islamic??

Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:

Normally those who have family members who commit suicide are the ones most insensitive and angry at the victims. I wonder if riff had any suicides in his family? 

Absolute bull sh1t.  Publish the study which indicates this linkage.  Suicide results from a complex set of factors, one big being the mental health and coping mechanism one possesses. Every individual is different. Even among siblings the difference could be big and how they approach the same circumstances could be different!

Stop making simplistic judgments of people!

Please be kind. The man can only extrapolate from his personal experience. It's possible that members of his family are insensitive and angry at suicide victims because they experienced too many suicides. It is also more than likely he spews a lot of BS because members of his family spew a lot of BS.


A sad situation. Where are the protests and demands that the government act to alleviate the situation? Why are the workers and their families camping out in front of parliament building until a solution is implemented? Give the people free land to farm.

antabanta posted:

A sad situation. Where are the protests and demands that the government act to alleviate the situation? Why are the workers and their families camping out in front of parliament building until a solution is implemented? Give the people free land to farm.

Hey , there is no protest or camping out in front parliament building .


Dave posted:
antabanta posted:

A sad situation. Where are the protests and demands that the government act to alleviate the situation? Why are the workers and their families camping out in front of parliament building until a solution is implemented? Give the people free land to farm.

Hey , there is no protest or camping out in front parliament building .


Typo. I meant Why are the workers and families NOT camping out in front of parliament building.

Riff posted:

Look at the one who killed his wife in Queens then hang himself leaving his young kids behind.

Isn't he a loser?

That’s the effect of the problem...its symptomatic of a broader problem. 

Clearly taking the lives of a loved one then committing suicide falls into the category of being a coward....but there are other cases where much younger kids don’t see any way out...there are all kinds of reasons why people commit suicide...we cant generalize from the case in Queens.

Besides, people deal with depression in different ways, and we don’t know what other problems these people may have that led them to this decision. 


Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:

Normally those who have family members who commit suicide are the ones most insensitive and angry at the victims. I wonder if riff had any suicides in his family? 

Absolute bull sh1t.  Publish the study which indicates this linkage.  Suicide results from a complex set of factors, one big being the mental health and coping mechanism one possesses. Every individual is different. Even among siblings the difference could be big and how they approach the same circumstances could be different!

Stop making simplistic judgments of people!


Effects of Suicide on Family and Friends

Learning that a loved one has died by suicide can absolutely be traumatic. In addition to all the feelings that anyone would feel about the death of a loved one, when the death is a suicide, there are additional feelings like:

  • Extreme guilt for not preventing the suicide
  • Failure because a person they loved felt unloved and committed suicidesuicide-effect-family-healthyplace
  • Anger or resentment at the person who chose to take his or her own life
kp posted:

This is very sad, the provider is no longer the man of his house. The rush to close the sugar factories without any transition plans is spiteful and racist action by the ruling government, just to hurt one dominant race. Worst is yet to come, the people must be prepared, start organizing to help each other.

Pity you didn't have that concern when 80% of the bauxite workers lost their jobs.

caribny posted:
kp posted:

This is very sad, the provider is no longer the man of his house. The rush to close the sugar factories without any transition plans is spiteful and racist action by the ruling government, just to hurt one dominant race. Worst is yet to come, the people must be prepared, start organizing to help each other.

Pity you didn't have that concern when 80% of the bauxite workers lost their jobs.

How many of them committed suicide? ?

kp posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

This is very sad, the provider is no longer the man of his house. The rush to close the sugar factories without any transition plans is spiteful and racist action by the ruling government, just to hurt one dominant race. Worst is yet to come, the people must be prepared, start organizing to help each other.

Pity you didn't have that concern when 80% of the bauxite workers lost their jobs.

How many of them committed suicide? ?

There was no need to. What caribjunk will not tell you is that they already had a backup occupation, robbing Indians. 

kp posted:
caribny posted:
kp posted:

This is very sad, the provider is no longer the man of his house. The rush to close the sugar factories without any transition plans is spiteful and racist action by the ruling government, just to hurt one dominant race. Worst is yet to come, the people must be prepared, start organizing to help each other.

Pity you didn't have that concern when 80% of the bauxite workers lost their jobs.

How many of them committed suicide? ?

When you type your Indo centric junk you didn't know whether Linden bauxite workers did or did not.  Of course you think that they are less deserving of the sympathy than are sugar workers so you don't even have the decency to admit that the PPP set a precedent in the callous way that these people were treated. 

The one benefit that they enjoyed since the days of the Canadian owners and the PPP wanted to take that away even as they ABANDONED that town!

And of course now it has been exposed that Jagdeo had to be FORCED to make severance payments when he shut down sugar factories, and he even tried to undermine GAWU!

Drugb posted:

There was no need to. What caribjunk will not tell you is that they already had a backup occupation, robbing Indians. 

Druggie next time you scream that you never display bigotry towards blacks remember that post.

Here we have Indians killing each other and this is what you scream.

Note the first murder for 2018.  It wasn't a black man who killed that poor woman.

kp posted:

Carib stuck in time he is the official black racist on GNI. I wonder if he ever helped anyone in his life more so a black man from Linden.

For over 30 years I have been involved in a variety of community based activities and yes some Indo Guyanese kids have been among the beneficiaries.  Unlike you I am not so tacky as to scream to the world every time I help someone.

And yes some have been black dominated organizations which awarded scholarships to many, including some Indo Guyanese kids.  Interesting that some of you will claim to be "black" if a scholarship is involved.

Last edited by Former Member

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