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My new discovery: Soy Chunks -
I would like to share this excellent discovery of soy chunks with GNI men and women who love cooking and venturing new foods. Most of you may have known about the soy chunk's before me, but only yesterday I had the pleasure to experience it for the first time.

Soy (dried) chunks come in a family-size packet that you soak in water and easy to cook. It's a substitute meat for vegetarians and those who are fasting. It comes in (imitation) meat and vegetable flavors. It is fun and easy to cook. You can cook it in many varieties, but my favorite is masala bungal to give that pacchioni resemblance and taste.


Soy chunk is also cooking friendly for lazy people who don't want to mess-up their nails, get dirty from cutting up chicken and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. If you know to boil an egg, you can cook soy chunks. Men, if your wife leave you, soy chunk is the way to go. Women, if you man leave you, I hope you know to boil water to save your soul.


Ok, I would like to hear your experience with soy chunks.  

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Originally Posted by Cobra:



 Ok, I would like to hear your experience with soy chunks.  

Well! This is the first time I am hearing about soy chunks.


It surely looks very appetizing---at least the photo above.


So where do you buy that stuff---Indian store, Bangladeshi store, West Indian store ? Where ?





Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:



 Ok, I would like to hear your experience with soy chunks.  

Well! This is the first time I am hearing about soy chunks.


It surely looks very appetizing---at least the photo above.


So where do you buy that stuff---Indian store, Bangladeshi store, West Indian store ? Where ?





I buy it from the neighborhood supermarket. You can also get from Chinese, West Indian outlets, and Indian vegetable markets.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

My new discovery: Soy Chunks -
I would like to share this excellent discovery of soy chunks with GNI men and women who love cooking and venturing new foods. Most of you may have known about the soy chunk's before me, but only yesterday I had the pleasure to experience it for the first time.

Soy (dried) chunks come in a family-size packet that you soak in water and easy to cook. It's a substitute meat for vegetarians and those who are fasting. It comes in (imitation) meat and vegetable flavors. It is fun and easy to cook. You can cook it in many varieties, but my favorite is masala bungal to give that pacchioni resemblance and taste.


Soy chunk is also cooking friendly for lazy people who don't want to mess-up their nails, get dirty from cutting up chicken and spend a lot of time in the kitchen. If you know to boil an egg, you can cook soy chunks. Men, if your wife leave you, soy chunk is the way to go. Women, if you man leave you, I hope you know to boil water to save your soul.


Ok, I would like to hear your experience with soy chunks.  

Soy comes in a thousand different format and can be flavored in tens of thousands of ways. You can also make it from regular soy beans or soy milk as my Chinese neighbor informed me and promised to show me how.


Being one hundred percent vegetarian, we use soy chunks in quite a few dishes. We first soak it then cook it to replace meat. Bora and chunks with potatoes, chunks bhunjay with masala, Chunks with Eggplant etc. We also use Tofu in a lot of our meals.


My children love it and will never think about eating meat, fish or eggs for ethical reasons. I am in no way imposing my lifestyle on others but being vegetarian has been a very healthy choice for us.


Go chunks !



Originally Posted by yuji22:

Being one hundred percent vegetarian, we use soy chunks in quite a few dishes.


Good Jesus Lord! You don't eat sushi yuji ?


A life without quality sushi is empty, meaningless and


But seriously, the Rev is into healthy eating these days---I'll have to try out that soy.


I also found about about Haagen Dazs Salted Caramel ice cream this weeks---poster riya mentioned it---so I'll have to check that out.









Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:



 Ok, I would like to hear your experience with soy chunks.  

Well! This is the first time I am hearing about soy chunks.


It surely looks very appetizing---at least the photo above.


So where do you buy that stuff---Indian store, Bangladeshi store, West Indian store ? Where ?







We buy Bedesse brand chunks at West Indian stores. We use it on a daily basis to replace meat since the entire family is vegetarians. You just soak it, bhunjay it with the masala and cook it the same way you would cook meat with vegetables Guyanese style. It is very healthy.


My wife buys the dark colored type, there is also a lighter colored type of chunks. Go Chunks and go nuts cooking it.

Originally Posted by yuji22:



We buy Bedesse brand chunks at West Indian stores. We use it on a daily basis to replace meat since the entire family is vegetarians. You just soak it, bhunjay it with the masala and cook it the same way you would cook meat with vegetables Guyanese style. It is very healthy.


My wife buys the dark colored type, there is also a lighter colored type of chunks. Go Chunks and go nuts cooking it.

Muchas gracias yuji bhai!


I love dhall and rice and okra---dhall and rice and spinach---dhall and rice and karila.


I'll definitely check out that SOY chunk.








In laboratory studies, animal studies, and research looking at groups of people and what they eat, certain chemical components of soy have been linked to a lower risk of breast and prostate cancer. Randomized clinical trials are needed to understand how these findings apply to cancer prevention in humans. Most studies that have shown benefit have used whole soy protein rather than soy components and extracts.




Originally Posted by Cobra:

I have been farting a lot since I started eating soy chunks. Is that one of the side effect?  


ha ha ha ha ha


I was thinking of heading up to Queens later this afternoon to check out some of that soy you and yuji recommended---but now you have me thinking----may have to change plans.hahahahaha




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