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Sparrow still in coma
September 11, 2013

(Trinidad Express) The Mighty Sparrow remains in a coma at a hospital in Queen’s, New York, with no change in his condition.
All day yesterday, rumours were flying around the world that the Calypso King of the World (Slinger Francisco) had passed away, beginning with a news report on a local radio station in the morning that he had died.
Later in the evening, someone posted a message on Facebook that he had passed on during the afternoon, which was also untrue.
At 5:34 p.m., Sparrow’s close friend Calypso Rose made a statement on a radio station saying that he was “very much alive. He is in a coma, but he is not brain dead, so he can hear”.
It is expected that either Sparrow’s wife, Margaret, or his son, Richard Tony Francisco, will issue a statement this morning.
At around seven o’clock last night, there was word that Sparrow began to “respond to whatever pain his body was experiencing”, which can be an indication that he may be coming out of the coma.
Facebook messages from people worldwide continue to extend prayers and express hope that he will recover.

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