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November 5, 2020


Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir yesterday said that Minister of Tourism, Industry and Commerce Oneidge Walrond’s  renunciation of  her American citizenship is “acceptable” while noting that the issue of the publicizing of the renunciation certificate is one between her and the Opposition.

Contacted on the issue yesterday, Nadir told Stabroek News that he is aware that Walrond uttered her renunciation on August 18th and he has no reason to doubt her.

“…..What I knew was that the Honourable Minister had said to me that she submitted her renunciation on 18th of August. I have no reason to not believe the Honourable Minister and I consider the renunciation of the 18th of August as acceptable to me,” Nadir said.

It has been argued by some that if the date of the renunciation certificate is later than September 1st when she was sworn in as a technocratic Member of Parliament that would have constituted a breach of Article 155 of the constitution.

The Opposition APNU+AFC has demanded that Parliament Office make public Walrond’s Certificate of Renunciation that confirms she has given up American citizenship.

In terms of making the renunciation certificate public, Nadir stated, “I think that is something between the Opposition and the Honourable Minister. I have asked the Clerk to check with the Honourable Minister with respect to documentation…..This issue of the certificate itself is another one.”

Meanwhile, Clerk of the National Assembly Sherlock Isaacs said he is still awaiting legal advice on the matter of Walrond’s renunciation. “I am still awaiting legal advice. I don’t want to do anything until I have the legal advice in the hand,” Isaacs said.

Given the furore over dual citizenship that had marred the 11th Parliament, Isaacs had urged MPs who had issues with dual citizenship to provide evidence of their eligibility to enter the new Parliament.

This had been provided by several MPs

In a letter, dated October 30th, APNU+AFC MP  Roysdale Forde gave both Nadir and Isaacs a 24-hour deadline to either publish the certificate or face court action.

“The inaction by yourself and the Speaker of the National Assembly in the face of the unconstitutional appointment of Mrs. Oneidge Walrond is unacceptable and constitutes a violation of your obligation to uphold the Constitution of Guyana,” his letter stated.

Forde specifically referenced an October 25th letter sent by APNU+AFC Chief Whip Christopher Jones, which first requested that the certificate be made available to the opposition.

The party contends that Walrond was not qualified to be appointed as a Minister of Government and or Member of Parliament and therefore her appointment was in breach of the Constitution and consequently invalid.

“We are of the firm view that Mrs. Oneidge Walrond is not lawfully a member of the National Assembly and ought to be so declared. We are also of the view that the failure to respond to the aforesaid letter by supplying a copy of the Certificate of Renunciation is most untenable,” Forde’s letter contends.

However, while the 24-hour deadline has passed, Isaacs and Nadir said that up to yesterday afternoon they had still not received any such letter.

“I did not see and up to now I haven’t seen this supposed letter from the Member of Parliament Mr Forde,” Nadir said.

Isaacs related the same while stating that he is aware of what he is doing. “…No I haven’t seen anything…I heard about it. I don’t know what’s going on but I know what I am doing,” the Clerk said.

Efforts made by this newspaper to contact Forde yesterday on whether any legal action has been filed proved futile.

Walrond has been accused of taking the Oath of an MP while still possessing American citizenship in direct violation of a constitutional prohibition on dual citizens being eligible for elections as members of the Assembly, although her status as a technocrat minister has seen legal arguments suggesting that the provision would not apply in her case.

The APNU+AFC has been demanding that Walrond either produce a certificate dated before her swearing in or resign her position.

Walrond, in turn, has said that two weeks after she was invited to join the Cabinet, she wrote to the US Consular office renouncing her US citizenship with immediate effect. She said she was then informed of the administrative procedure she was required to comply with in order to obtain a Certificate of Loss of Nationality.

“I complied with that process by August 27. I have since received the Certificate of Loss of Nationality,” Walrond had said via a public statement.

She has not provided a date of the certificate.

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Constitution of Guyana

Tenure of office of Ministers.
[Amendment 14 of 2000]
183. (1) The office of a Minister who was not an
elected member of the Assembly at the time of his or her
appointment and has not subsequently become such a
member shall become vacant if the holder of the office –
(a) ceases to be a citizen of Guyana; or
(b) if he or she becomes disqualified for election as a member of the
Assembly by virtue of article 155 or of any law enacted in pursuance thereof.

Oneidge Walrond was appointed as Minister on August 5 ,at that point of time she was US Citizen.

Last edited by Django
@Ramakant-P posted:

Walrondgate has ended amicably.

The LAW was broken !!! It appears the LAW doesn't hold true for the PPP ,under whose Government the amendment of the Constitution was done. That's the Party that preaches the RULE OF LAW.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

The LAW was broken !!! It appears the LAW doesn't hold true for the PPP ,under whose Government the amendment of the Constitution was done. That the same Party that preaches the RULE OF LAW.

No law was broken. She renounced her citizenship after she was invited to join the cabinet. She didn't have to.  Granger didn't.


Guyanese want a new type of politics, principled politicians

Most times, opportunist politicians get away with illegal behaviour because some of their party supporters and some members of their ethnic community make excuses for them and do not call them out to be accountable for their wrongdoings.

Geoffrey Da Silva

Last edited by Django

This is obviously a big deal for Guyanese. They call on the Government to be accountable and transparent, and they themselves are trying very hard to make the country ungovernable. They are also involved in trivial things that have no interest to anybody. They make suppositions and support riots and disturb the peace. They provoke the police officers so that they can be justified in their evil actions


Please leave the honourable lady alone. She has an important job to do in  Tourism, commerce, and industrial development. The President has great confidence in this Minister and as you can see, was given portfolios that three Coalition Minister couldn't do.

@Django posted:

He isn't a US CITIZEN . Where did you pull that from ??

That's how he deflects the topics.  I am not a fan of this law. The opposition needs to investigate  as to whether she was sworn in whilst she was still a citizen of the Divided States of America.

@Mitwah posted:

What sort of legal background, Manzoor has?

PPPites like Manzoor always make their own rules when it suits their purpose, instead of following the constitution.  Documents and the constitution determined that  Walrond was sworn in as an American citizen.

@Mitwah posted:

That's how he deflects the topics.  I am not a fan of this law.

The opposition needs to investigate  as to whether she was sworn in whilst she was still a citizen of the Divided States of America.

Waldron statement proves was a US Citizen when sworn in as Minister.

@Django posted:


The Tourism Minister is a Technocrat and was not on the nomination list. She never knew she she would be asked to be a minister until Dr Irfan called her.

She then notified the US embassy she wanted to renounce her citizenship and this was done. Before she took the oath of office.

August the 5th she was asked by Irfan.

August18th she wrote to the US consulate office.

She was sworn into office 2nd September after giving up her US citizenship.

  So please learn the FACT, there is only ONE.


@kp posted:

The Tourism Minister is a Technocrat and was not on the nomination list. She never knew she she would be asked to be a minister until Dr Irfan called her.

She then notified the US embassy she wanted to renounce her citizenship and this was done. Before she took the oath of office.

August the 5th she was asked by Irfan.

August 18th she wrote to the US consulate office.

She was sworn into office 2nd September after giving up her US citizenship.

  So please learn the FACT, there is only ONE.


Sworn as Minister on August 5th . No matter how much tried still failing ,it's a subject for concern ,the LAW was broken.


There are going to be a lot of innuendos by the opposition and those who support the opposition. They are going to make excuses to hide their feelings. Guys get over it the PPP won and they are doing a tremendous job in running the Government and country.  The PPP is inclusive, transparent, and accountable.

@Ramakant-P posted:

There are going to be a lot of innuendos by the opposition and those who support the opposition. They are going to make excuses to hide their feelings. Guys get over it the PPP won and they are doing a tremendous job in running the Government and country.  The PPP is inclusive, transparent, and accountable.

The law was broken.


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