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Former Member

Fellow Guyanese,

I had hoped to be addressing you under more pleasant and uplifting circumstances. As you know the budget presented this year was for 192.5 billion dollars

.  As you know the budget presented this year was for 192.5 billion dollars.  It was a budget which was carefully crafted to lift the quality of life of all our people.

Unfortunately the opposition AFC and APNU used their one seat majority to cut the budget by some 20.9 billion dollars.

These cuts appear to be motivated by a desire of the AFC and APNU to undermine the progress.

The implications of the cuts are wide ranging.  In the first place, they could result in many ordinary working people losing their jobs.  This will place new burdens on these persons, many of whom are the bread winners of their families.  In this regard the cuts are heartless. Secondly, the cuts threaten the financing of the many transformative projects which were intended to boost economic growth, create thousands of jobs and ensure increased benefits for all Guyanese. In this way the cuts imperil the future of our young people.


They have even voted against funds coming into the country to finance projects like the flagship Amaila Falls Hydro Power Station which is so critical to reducing the cost of electricity and which would have allowed us to reduce our dependence on imported fossil fuels and boost manufacturing including agro-processing and industrialization.

Particularly affected are our indigenous and hinterland communities. The shears of the Opposition have injudiciously severed the Hinterland Electrification Project which would have seen eleven thousand solar energy systems being provided to interior residents in 150 communities. 

The Opposition has also vindictively butchered a project for land titling for Amerindian communities as well as a micro and small enterprise initiative that would have provided small grants and support to small entrepreneurs.

It has scalped the country’s ambitious ICT programme which would have promoted increased investments and created numerous jobs for our people. In addition, the cuts have crippled the Ethnic Relations Commission and undermined our fight against narco-trafficking. Through these poisonous acts, the Opposition seems determined to slow down and eventually halt the impressive growth taking place under the PPP/Civic Government.  Using the dictatorship of one which they have in Parliament they want to stymie further progress obviously in the hope that if they can stop the development of our country they would advance their political mission which is to take power. even if is at the expense of ordinary Guyanese well-being

 This is most reckless and irresponsible and reflects the undemocratic nature of APNU, a creature of the PNCR, and the AFC which is led by bitter men obsessed with achieving personal power.

 I do not make these statements lightly.  I say this because they have done this foul deed after we had long meetings over six days during which the government provided exhaustive answers to all their concerns and offered reasonable responses to their demands.

 In the course of these engagements, we had reached agreements with APNU which they subsequently reneged on, fearing that the AFC would steal political support from them, and bowing to pressures from extremists in and outside of their ranks.

 We demonstrated goodwill from the beginning in increasing the old age pension to ten thousand dollars per month.  That alone would cost the treasury more than one billion dollars.

 More than that we agreed on a package of measures to assist the citizens of Linden where we agreed to implement a phased reduction in subsidies which would see the citizens of that mining community paying only a half of the tariff which the rest of the country is paying.

 The adjustment in the subsidy became necessary because it is unsustainable.  The price of fuel increased from US$5 – $7 per barrel in 1992 to US$120 per barrel today. 
Moreover, by gradually aligning the tariffs with the rest of the country, we hope to encourage greater conservation of energy in Linden. At the moment the per capita household consumption in Linden is almost three times that of households in the rest of Guyana. Yet during the negotiations both the AFC and APNU were inflexible on this issue. 

On the issue of reduction in the Value Added Tax which they proposed, we told them that we believed that a study was needed before any action was taken. However, we indicated that we were willing to sit with them to agree on extending the list of zero- rated items.  This we believe is a more targeted way to assist persons considered to be low income earners.

On the reduction of the toll fees on the Berbice River Bridge, we pointed out that the company, BBCI running that entity was a private company. We pointed out that some very important public institutions had invested in the bridge, including the NIS and New Building Society.  We went over with them how the fees were arrived at.  They were advised also that we were putting back a ferry to cross the river to correct the disadvantage that school children and workers in the Rosignol and West Bank Berbice may experience since the bridge became operational. Moreover, we asked them to consider the implications for investors in our country were we to do what they demanded – to nationalize the Bridge and make it a state company. We told them that that would put us in a bad position since we had agreed with the investors on a rate of return and that the bridge will become government owned after twenty years of operation. This too they rejected.

We also agreed to the creation of a Depressed Community Fund and proposed its funding of over 2 billion dollars for 2012 through an allocation of 1% of VAT revenue collections in 2011.


My Dear country men, women, and youth:

The PPP/Civic has always been ready to consult and to meet with the opposition and all stakeholders in the interest of advancing the socio-economic interests of our people. Even before I was sworn in as President, I agreed to meet and did meet the opposition parties.  We met on other occasions at short notice to discuss matters of national interest.
On my instruction, the contracts of all the projects which they queried were made available publicly and to APNU and the AFC.  We also laid in Parliament all the documents they requested in relation to projects. I even invited them to a full presentation of the Amaila Falls Project in which all their questions were answered.  We even told them that if they had any other questions or concerns we were willing to answer them. We have been open and frank at all times with the Opposition.


Unfortunately, the combined Opposition has conspired and ended up retarding the development taking place in the country. Their actions now threaten the many transformative projects that your government has started and delayed the commencement of others in the pipeline. By putting workers on the breadline, they have demonstrated a callous and mean-spirited attitude. The inexplicable and unfathomable cuts instituted by the opposition to our National Budget constitute an ominous threat to the livelihood of Guyanese and to future generations. These reductions in our Budget provisions assail not just workers rights but also threaten to reverse the gains which our people, through hard work and sacrifice, have earned over the years. The cuts constitute an assault on workers, their living standards, on economic growth, national unity, freedom of expression and our democratic gains.

In spite of this, my faith in dialogue remains undiminished. I still hold to the view that dialogue with all Guyanese, including the political parties, is the best way for us to narrow our differences and reach consensus on the way forward. However dialogue cannot be constructive or productive when the other side is intransigent or adopt an “all or nothing” posture.

I remain optimistic. I have inestimable [profound] faith in the people of this country and their ability to overcome the challenges presented by the developments of the past few days.

I want to assure all Guyana that the steps and decisions I take in the coming period will be guided by the national interest and commitment to the well-being of the people of this country. I am confident that we will overcome the present setback.

Thank You

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I am no expert in Guyana's constitution but can the President refuse to sign the budget and send it back to parliament ?


If the president has the constitutional power to do so then he should refuse to sign and call a snap election and the PPP has a very good chance of forming a majority government.


Interesting times ahead.

Last edited by Former Member

I want to assure all Guyana that the steps and decisions I take in the coming period will be guided by the national interest and commitment to the well-being of the people of this country. I am confident that we will overcome the present setback.




It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Was there equal time given for the opposition each to respond?

The opposition has no right to respond in the state media since they did not deem it necessary and allocated $ 1 to that sector.


The PPP is in a very good position to call a snap election. The AFC will end up the biggest losers since PPP and PNC supporters will return to their base in times like these.


I just spoke with some relatives in Berbice and they say the Berbicians are extremely angry ay the AFC and PNC. This is coming from areas that supported the AFC. They feel betrayed by RUNjattan and Moses.


Interesting times ahead.


Silly man; by definition it exists as the "State media" not the "PPP media" and the reason its future is null.


The PPP presumes the people forgot they acted as autocrats and never permitted one...yes not not one legislative item of the item ever being acted on.


Your relatives are not the Guyanese people. They made you and your awful racism had to have some source and most likely was seeded by them so they mean little to the new dispensation ( if your nasty racism is of them) where the need is for a merit not ethnic driven system

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Silly man; by definition it exists as the "State media" not the "PPP media" and the reason its future is null.


The PPP presumes the people forgot they acted as autocrats and never permitted one...yes not not one legislative item of the item ever being acted on.


Your relatives are not the Guyanese people. They made you and your awful racism had to have some source and most likely was seeded by them so they mean little to the new dispensation ( if your nasty racism is of them) where the need is for a merit not ethnic driven system

Storm, stop making an idiot of yourself by posting filth. Get a life.


Your beloved AFC will fade away like the dying wind. We will pump millions at the next election to flush them out. They acted like traitors.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm, stop making an idiot of yourself by posting filth. Get a life.


Your beloved AFC will fade away like the dying wind. We will pump millions at the next election to flush them out. They acted like traitors.

Storm sounding more and more like D2.  He's killing me with writing a thousand words to make a SINGLE point.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm sounding more and more like D2.  He's killing me with writing a thousand words to make a SINGLE point.

Is it possible that he is D2? That would explain a lot.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm, stop making an idiot of yourself by posting filth. Get a life.


Your beloved AFC will fade away like the dying wind. We will pump millions at the next election to flush them out. They acted like traitors.

Storm sounding more and more like D2.  He's killing me with writing a thousand words to make a SINGLE point.

He enjoy hearing himself speaking rubbish most of his sentences does not make sense. Well, what can we say of someone like D2. He can change his name but we can recognize him by his writing.


I know him from school days through some mutual friends and he was considered, let us say a bit foolish back then.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm, stop making an idiot of yourself by posting filth. Get a life.


Your beloved AFC will fade away like the dying wind. We will pump millions at the next election to flush them out. They acted like traitors.

Storm sounding more and more like D2.  He's killing me with writing a thousand words to make a SINGLE point.

He enjoy hearing himself speaking rubbish and most of his sentences does not make sense. Well, what can we say of someone like D2. He can change his name but we can recognize him by his writing.


I know him from school days through some mutual friends and he was considered, let us say a bit foolish back then.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Silly man; by definition it exists as the "State media" not the "PPP media" and the reason its future is null.


The PPP presumes the people forgot they acted as autocrats and never permitted one...yes not not one legislative item of the item ever being acted on.


Your relatives are not the Guyanese people. They made you and your awful racism had to have some source and most likely was seeded by them so they mean little to the new dispensation ( if your nasty racism is of them) where the need is for a merit not ethnic driven system

D2 should take some reading and writing courses. I do not expect any better from him since he is from the AFC top brass.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Silly man; by definition it exists as the "State media" not the "PPP media" and the reason its future is null.


The PPP presumes the people forgot they acted as autocrats and never permitted one...yes not not one legislative item of the item ever being acted on.


Your relatives are not the Guyanese people. They made you and your awful racism had to have some source and most likely was seeded by them so they mean little to the new dispensation ( if your nasty racism is of them) where the need is for a merit not ethnic driven system

Storm, stop making an idiot of yourself by posting filth. Get a life.


Your beloved AFC will fade away like the dying wind. We will pump millions at the next election to flush them out. They acted like traitors.

 Why you think that you obviously of an insular world, ( since you take comfort in such ignorant racist sentiments) have a life and I don't? That is your disease; a presumption of superiority when you are the epitome of mediocrity.


The AFC is an instrument of change not a reservoir of sublime philosophic distillates. It is the tool by which we can achieve our better natures. As such it is not a template for political aspiration but a mechanism for political mobilization to  find who we truly are.


The PPP on the other hand is that which makes us gag. It has served its purpose and must recede into history. Its kind of autocracy is of an era long past and one the world is best without.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Silly man; by definition it exists as the "State media" not the "PPP media" and the reason its future is null.


The PPP presumes the people forgot they acted as autocrats and never permitted one...yes not not one legislative item of the item ever being acted on.


Your relatives are not the Guyanese people. They made you and your awful racism had to have some source and most likely was seeded by them so they mean little to the new dispensation ( if your nasty racism is of them) where the need is for a merit not ethnic driven system

Storm, stop making an idiot of yourself by posting filth. Get a life.


Your beloved AFC will fade away like the dying wind. We will pump millions at the next election to flush them out. They acted like traitors.

 Why you think that you obviously of an insular world, ( since you take comfort in such ignorant racist sentiments) have a life and I don't? That is your disease; a presumption of superiority when you are the epitome of mediocrity.


The AFC is an instrument of change not a reservoir of sublime philosophic distillates. It is the tool by which we can achieve our better natures. As such it is not a template for political aspiration but a mechanism for political mobilization to  find who we truly are.


The PPP on the other hand is that which makes us gag. It has served its purpose and must recede into history. Its kind of autocracy is of an era long past and one the world is best without.

D2, you can post as Storm but you remain as dumb as you always were. Take some reading and writing classes. And please stop posting filth.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Silly man; by definition it exists as the "State media" not the "PPP media" and the reason its future is null.


The PPP presumes the people forgot they acted as autocrats and never permitted one...yes not not one legislative item of the item ever being acted on.


Your relatives are not the Guyanese people. They made you and your awful racism had to have some source and most likely was seeded by them so they mean little to the new dispensation ( if your nasty racism is of them) where the need is for a merit not ethnic driven system

Storm, stop making an idiot of yourself by posting filth. Get a life.


Your beloved AFC will fade away like the dying wind. We will pump millions at the next election to flush them out. They acted like traitors.

 Why you think that you obviously of an insular world, ( since you take comfort in such ignorant racist sentiments) have a life and I don't? That is your disease; a presumption of superiority when you are the epitome of mediocrity.


The AFC is an instrument of change not a reservoir of sublime philosophic distillates. It is the tool by which we can achieve our better natures. As such it is not a template for political aspiration but a mechanism for political mobilization to  find who we truly are.


The PPP on the other hand is that which makes us gag. It has served its purpose and must recede into history. Its kind of autocracy is of an era long past and one the world is best without.

D2, you can post as Storm but you remain as dumb as you always were. Take some reading and writing classes. And please stop posting filth.

 I can see you are extremely smart...for an idiot that is.  The above are clear English prose.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Silly man; by definition it exists as the "State media" not the "PPP media" and the reason its future is null.


The PPP presumes the people forgot they acted as autocrats and never permitted one...yes not not one legislative item of the item ever being acted on.


Your relatives are not the Guyanese people. They made you and your awful racism had to have some source and most likely was seeded by them so they mean little to the new dispensation ( if your nasty racism is of them) where the need is for a merit not ethnic driven system

Storm, stop making an idiot of yourself by posting filth. Get a life.


Your beloved AFC will fade away like the dying wind. We will pump millions at the next election to flush them out. They acted like traitors.

 Why you think that you obviously of an insular world, ( since you take comfort in such ignorant racist sentiments) have a life and I don't? That is your disease; a presumption of superiority when you are the epitome of mediocrity.


The AFC is an instrument of change not a reservoir of sublime philosophic distillates. It is the tool by which we can achieve our better natures. As such it is not a template for political aspiration but a mechanism for political mobilization to  find who we truly are.


The PPP on the other hand is that which makes us gag. It has served its purpose and must recede into history. Its kind of autocracy is of an era long past and one the world is best without.

D2, you can post as Storm but you remain as dumb as you always were. Take some reading and writing classes. And please stop posting filth.

 I can see you are extremely smart...for an idiot that is.  The above are clear English prose.

Go to bed. You have not changed one bit D2. Please learn to read and write or take some further classes. Until then, you are not worthy of a response.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Silly man; by definition it exists as the "State media" not the "PPP media" and the reason its future is null.


The PPP presumes the people forgot they acted as autocrats and never permitted one...yes not not one legislative item of the item ever being acted on.


Your relatives are not the Guyanese people. They made you and your awful racism had to have some source and most likely was seeded by them so they mean little to the new dispensation ( if your nasty racism is of them) where the need is for a merit not ethnic driven system

Storm, stop making an idiot of yourself by posting filth. Get a life.


Your beloved AFC will fade away like the dying wind. We will pump millions at the next election to flush them out. They acted like traitors.

 Why you think that you obviously of an insular world, ( since you take comfort in such ignorant racist sentiments) have a life and I don't? That is your disease; a presumption of superiority when you are the epitome of mediocrity.


The AFC is an instrument of change not a reservoir of sublime philosophic distillates. It is the tool by which we can achieve our better natures. As such it is not a template for political aspiration but a mechanism for political mobilization to  find who we truly are.


The PPP on the other hand is that which makes us gag. It has served its purpose and must recede into history. Its kind of autocracy is of an era long past and one the world is best without.

D2, you can post as Storm but you remain as dumb as you always were. Take some reading and writing classes. And please stop posting filth.

 I can see you are extremely smart...for an idiot that is.  The above are clear English prose.

Go to bed. You have not changed one bit D2. Please learn to read and write or take some further classes. Until then, you are not worthy of a response.

That coming from mediocrity personified makes no one miss a step on the possibility it contains a scintilla of truth!

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

Storm you talking sheer pucc why u don't ansa yuji like a man. Give lil facts an suh to back up what u saying.

When he develop the capacity to ask logical questions or speak to  facts he can be answered. To this point he rants like an idiot and pretends he has the sagacity of Solomon. Answering that would be as promising as having a meaningful  conversation with a schizophrenic. 

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

Storm you talking sheer pucc why u don't ansa yuji like a man. Give lil facts an suh to back up what u saying.

SUN-G please do not waste you time with AFC joker Storm. He needs to return to school and sharpen up his skills before he starts making any sense, until then he remain a joker and picks fights with everyone for the sake of doing so.


Stormy leh mi tell you something. When u want to mek a point of substance u mek it with some facts because as u see dem big rich man like Gerhard Ramsaroop know dem guilty and now dem talking like some of dem govament fat cat. Guyana nah poor anymo mi brudda like when we de living under PNC. Big ones like Gerhard gat nuff nuff money and want power for their family business. Dat is all. Don't think what going on is between PNC, PPP and AFC. No sar. This is bout rich people who fighting for power so they can get mo. Mi nah know if you rich too because then u gon turn pon me.

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

Stormy leh mi tell you something. When u want to mek a point of substance u mek it with some facts because as u see dem big rich man like Gerhard Ramsaroop know dem guilty and now dem talking like some of dem govament fat cat. Guyana nah poor anymo mi brudda like when we de living under PNC. Big ones like Gerhard gat nuff nuff money and want power for their family business. Dat is all. Don't think what going on is between PNC, PPP and AFC. No sar. This is bout rich people who fighting for power so they can get mo. Mi nah know if you rich too because then u gon turn pon me.



It is time someone brings up this issue of Gerhard and his million dollar family business plans. He is hanging out with fat cats like RUMjattan who have no sympathy for the poor and who charges his client hefty fees.


It is time that you expose these men who care about their own wallets and not the poor working class of Guyana.

Dr. Cheddi dedicated his life defending the working class but RUMjattan and Mr. Donkey cart economist Carl Greenidge are bent on destroying the working classes for political gain.


Storm and Yuji we nah need fuh fight and mek abbey blood bile. I am sure we all want the very best for our all of Guyana. So let us talk some real fact man and stop dis pucci lantan attack pon one anatda. Yuji bai (mi assume) you are right about the rich multi millioniare like Gerhard Ramsaroop who mi think they sey come fram Sweden and dus drive wan BMW. That man just left the PPP because dem nat give him 1000 acre land on East Bank because he did want to kick off an old land who had wan house lat there. Suh me hare. I think ah hear it so happen the old lady was a PPP supporter and the party get mad pan Gerhard- the Siccors Man.

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

Stormy leh mi tell you something. When u want to mek a point of substance u mek it with some facts because as u see dem big rich man like Gerhard Ramsaroop know dem guilty and now dem talking like some of dem govament fat cat. Guyana nah poor anymo mi brudda like when we de living under PNC. Big ones like Gerhard gat nuff nuff money and want power for their family business. Dat is all. Don't think what going on is between PNC, PPP and AFC. No sar. This is bout rich people who fighting for power so they can get mo. Mi nah know if you rich too because then u gon turn pon me.

First, you need to get your facts straight. Gerhard is a poor man trying to do what is required of him, feed his family so this story of him being of the patrician class is fabrication.


If you are concerned with wealth being a motive check Repu's son or Ramotar or any from among the whole lot in the PPP who simply rape the country by implanting their offsprings in prime leech positions.


Storm a losing respect fur u now. Gerhard Ramsaroop come from one of the richest family in Guyana. That man so rich eh own wan mandir for himself. Mus ask him. Dem have big big big business in Guyana and does export flower to America and does supply all them embassy and hotel. Mus ask him. U really think poor people does drive BMW. Ah think he de buy one of dem anti-man govament BMW from Reep son. Mus ask him.

Originally Posted by SUN-G:

Storm and Yuji we nah need fuh fight and mek abbey blood bile. I am sure we all want the very best for our all of Guyana. So let us talk some real fact man and stop dis pucci lantan attack pon one anatda. Yuji bai (mi assume) you are right about the rich multi millioniare like Gerhard Ramsaroop who mi think they sey come fram Sweden and dus drive wan BMW. That man just left the PPP because dem nat give him 1000 acre land on East Bank because he did want to kick off an old land who had wan house lat there. Suh me hare. I think ah hear it so happen the old lady was a PPP supporter and the party get mad pan Gerhard- the Siccors Man.



If I can understand correctly, Gerhard got mad because the PPP refused to evict and old lady form her house which was located on 1000 (0ne thousand) acre of land that Gerhard wanted to purchase ?


The PPP refused and Gerhard developed hate and revenge for the PPP ?

What is the cost of 1000 acre of land in Guyana ? Millions, or tousands.


To be fair, let Gerhard confirm or deny your posts.

BTW, Gerhard says that he is of German origin.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by SUN-G:

Storm a losing respect fur u now. Gerhard Ramsaroop come from one of the richest family in Guyana. That man so rich eh own wan mandir for himself. Mus ask him. Dem have big big big business in Guyana and does export flower to America and does supply all them embassy and hotel. Mus ask him. U really think poor people does drive BMW. Ah think he de buy one of dem anti-man govament BMW from Reep son. Mus ask him.

 Is it really true that Gerhard owns his own mandir ? How much does it cost to build such a mandir ?


Does Gerhard really own a very large Business and drives a BMW ?


To be fair, let Gerhard comment because based on your post, Gerhard is no working class man.


I am betting you now that Gerhard not gon respond. The man know the truth. The old lady was living in the middle of the place and mi nah wan lawya but she seh she nah move. Gerhard went to freddom poqui house and threaten dem that he gon leave if dem dont remove the woman and give him the land. PPP refuse on principle and then Gerhard leff for the AFC. Dat how it happen.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Storm is simply a CRABDAAG IDIOT!!!!!

No!...I am a dragon!

All nonsense aside, I see that Stormfront is making no effort to deny that he is D2.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I know your pitiful behind would love for me to be on the bottom of the food chain as you...sorry.

You are already there, next stop will be a mental institution, and then .......


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