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Former Member

Authorities flood land claimed by Plaisance-Better Hope residents; installation of new overseer blocked

DEMERARA WAVES, OCTOBER 1 --- Police early Wednesday morning removed markings on land aback Plaisance-Better Hope that residents early Sunday morning began occupying to construct houses.
No one was injured or arrested during the pre-dawn operation. A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) activist, Sean Austin said the Guyana Sugar Corporation (Guysuco) also flooded the large acreage of land.

This is the fifth time that Police and supernumerary constables of the sugar corporation have had to move in to that area and reclaim land from people they deem squatters.


“Why they have the police treating us like if we are dogs, breaking up the bridges and threatening to harm us if we try to get across to our lands,” said a senior citizen who yearned for a plot of land to build a house and plant vegetables.

About 500 residents had last Sunday moved in on the land, alleging that machinery belonging to well-known private businesses had begun land preparation. They have deemed such an alleged move as intolerable because they were in dire need of house lots.



plaisance ndc chain



Austin had announced on Sunday that residents would have been allocated house lots after the land would have been surveyed.

After that operation ended, about 100 residents of Plaisance blocked the gates to theIndustry-Plaisance Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) on the Plaisance Railway Embankment Road to prevent the Assistant Regional Executive Officer  of Region Four and another man from entering the premises. They alleged that Singh was there to install the man as the new Overseer to replace Debra Mc Dowell who has been acting in that position for the past 15 years.


“Not another Sooba,” “Not another Sooba,” the residents chanted in reference to Central Government’s imposed appointment of Carol Ryan Sooba as Town Clerk of the Georgetown Municipality.

Police later arrived and appealed to the residents not to block the gates to the NDC office.

The Region Four official and the unnamed man subsequently left but not before being taunted by the residents.

Protesters form a human chain in front of the gates to the Industry-Plaisance Neighbourhood Democratic Council's office.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Jagdeo is a squatter along with the rest of the PPP thiefman dem.


Robert been squatting in Hermandston annexe for 15 Plus years. Again charity begins at home get the PPP squatters out of state owned properties.


Dictatorship and Hoyte instilled an entitlement attitude on some Afros who do not understand that they have to stop depending on the state and stand up and work for something so that they can achieve a sense of pride and dignity.


Learn from the Hardworking people of Guyana who live off the land and are very successful.


Again, try squatting on lands in America and Canada and you will find out.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Dictatorship and Hoyte instilled an entitlement attitude on some Afros who do not understand that they have to stop depending on the state and stand up and work for something so that they can achieve a sense of pride and dignity.


Learn from the Hardworking people of Guyana who live off the land and are very successful.


Again, try squatting on lands in America and Canada and you will find out.

Quit your racist crap. This land was being farmed out to a PPP crony and these people have begun to demand their right. It was public use  to the village for a long time but the PPP decided first to hand it over to the boob now to another fellow. It is their right to demand what the village needs rather than see another friend of the PPP gets it.


Ranchers are squatting on millions of acres of public lands in america so what are you talking about?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP dictatorship is not any different from what you claim was a PNC dictatorship. One and the same identical......embracing de Burnham constitution.

You have to make up your mind when you want to use dictatorship or democracy at your disposal. People do have problems in every democracy, but some people chose to be ignorant about it. India is one of the world's largest democracy and half of India's population still have to shit in the bushes.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Ranchers are squatting on millions of acres of public lands in america so what are you talking about?

Incorrect, Stormborn.


Ranchers do not squat on public lands in America. They pay a fee for the privilege to have their herds in the area.


There is on record only one rancher who is flouting the laws in the US_of_A which he will face soon.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Ranchers are squatting on millions of acres of public lands in america so what are you talking about?

Incorrect, Stormborn.


Ranchers do not squat on public lands in America. They pay a fee for the privilege to have their herds in the area.


There is on record only one rancher who is flouting the laws in the US_of_A which he will face soon.

Many do not pay. The   one who  refused to pay for eons   insist it is his right to squat given historical use.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Ranchers are squatting on millions of acres of public lands in america so what are you talking about?

Incorrect, Stormborn.


Ranchers do not squat on public lands in America. They pay a fee for the privilege to have their herds in the area.


There is on record only one rancher who is flouting the laws in the US_of_A which he will face soon.

Many do not pay. The   one who  refused to pay for eons   insist it is his right to squat given historical use.

The all do pay, Stormborn.


A decision will be rendered on the one who is flouting the laws for historical use has no relevance on his actions.


Jagdeo testing the Guyanese people. He must have a plane ready to whisk him away to America when the people march pan he baxside at his pradoville mansion. At the rate he is intimidating private citizen he ain't get much moh longer to live in Guyana. Just like Balram Singh Rai, his pension would be denied. Payback is a bitch.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 




This is a habit that will take generations to break. Remember Scottsburg ?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 




This is a habit that will take generations to break. Remember Scottsburg ?

Yuji, these people believe in the welfare system. They expect the government to give them everything for free. Remember Linden electricity rates? They don't want to let the Berbicians pay the same $5.00 to cross the Berbice River bridge.
Apex bullies..if there is a term to describe them.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 




This is a habit that will take generations to break. Remember Scottsburg ?

Yuji, these people believe in the welfare system. They expect the government to give them everything for free. Remember Linden electricity rates? They don't want to let the Berbicians pay the same $5.00 to cross the Berbice River bridge.
Apex bullies..if there is a term to describe them.

That is the problem in Guyana today.


Some Afros think that they are entitled to everything and that is the biggest impediment to their wealth accumulation.


Newspapers and opposition position themselves as if the state must provide 100 percent to people. You and I know that is far from the reality in North America and it should also apply to Guyana.


Those who who whine and complain will never be successful. 


Most Indos are successful and many sweat and toil and teach their children to do the same. They understand the value of money and methods of saving for a rainy day.


Look at the success stories of Indos in North America. It is incredible. Many are worth millions and they came here empty handed. They do not depend on the state for anything.


Nigel H of the AFC told a gathering of blacks that they must stop this notion of entitlement. This is the correct approach in ensuring that they can make progress in Guyana.


Then you have those like Carib who blame race for the lack of progress.


Take a look at Indo indentured immigrants and how successful they have become. This has led to envy since Afros depended on government and the civil service as sources of Income and that is not the correct approach. 


They must change their attitude towards wealth accumulation to become successful.


Yuji is never afraid to speak the truth despite the whiners and complainers who blame everything on race.


Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:


Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 

Established communities should have priority to the allocation of lands. It is a reason why strong local governments must be established where communities can speak to their needs rather than where a government governing from a distant center allocate per political convenience.


Squatting is happening everywhere. PPPites took over large stretches of shell beach area where such allocations are plainly not in the national interest or the interest of the local people. I call that squatting even if the PPP give it out. Ifart got his piece and so did Amhad. Are these not squatters or because a government has the authority to do as it pleases it can?


From tain to crabwoodcreek people are squatting on available lands. Along the linden highway there are hundreds of squatters. There is an Indian family squatting on my grandmothers land. They moved into an abandoned shack she had on the place. They are dirt poor and threatened my brother at first then cried for hours because they said they had no place to go. I literally had to pay them and a rasta to move and repaint the house and post signs to stop squatters. Only the rasta honored the deal. The other took the money and is waiting he says to find another place!


This is because the government refuse to establish a land court. People move in and you have no legal recourse. A fellow whose parents owned the bus Salome has his cousin squatting on his land. It has been 16 years now and he is yet to go to trial!


Race baiting only shows your inclination to blame any of our problems on black people. It is the corrupt Indians in the PPP who are squatting in Pradoville I and II. I guess the authority to allocate the land to themselves is seen in a different light from these people who are protesting the cronyism that neglects their community needs for that of others. They  are deemed horrible squatters when they occupy the land to object to its heavy handed give away to party members!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:


Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 




This is a habit that will take generations to break. Remember Scottsburg ?

Yuji, these people believe in the welfare system. They expect the government to give them everything for free. Remember Linden electricity rates? They don't want to let the Berbicians pay the same $5.00 to cross the Berbice River bridge.
Apex bullies..if there is a term to describe them.

That is the problem in Guyana today.


Some Afros think that they are entitled to everything and that is the biggest impediment to their wealth accumulation.


Newspapers and opposition position themselves as if the state must provide 100 percent to people. You and I know that is far from the reality in North America and it should also apply to Guyana.


Those who who whine and complain will never be successful. 


Most Indos are successful and many sweat and toil and teach their children to do the same. They understand the value of money and methods of saving for a rainy day.


Look at the success stories of Indos in North America. It is incredible. Many are worth millions and they came here empty handed. They do not depend on the state for anything.


Nigel H of the AFC told a gathering of blacks that they must stop this notion of entitlement. This is the correct approach in ensuring that they can make progress in Guyana.


Then you have those like Carib who blame race for the lack of progress.


Take a look at Indo indentured immigrants and how successful they have become. This has led to envy since Afros depended on government and the civil service as sources of Income and that is not the correct approach. 


They must change their attitude towards wealth accumulation to become successful.


Yuji is never afraid to speak the truth despite the whiners and complainers who blame everything on race.


For six thousand years indians of the Uyanese ilk ( their siblings in india remains so) were at the bottom of the pile. SUrely, natural ingenuity if it existed could have lifted them out! In Guyana they did....why? IN the US they are doing marginally better but is it because of special skills?


You are too dumb to grasp anything beyond your racism. Note, for every success of an indian there is another thousand living in at home. The same is for the lot in Canada and RH. You place too much faith on the idea that you eat well that you are successful. There is a lot more to it and much of what you have came because someone else had to fight and still suffers because of the label and racist determination that they are troublesome.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Storm loves to write Nancy stories.

do you think your idea of superior capacities because of your race has any real credence? You are a royal dummy and  do not seem to grasp any virtue a liberal arts education could have rectified.



Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:


Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 




This is a habit that will take generations to break. Remember Scottsburg ?

Yuji, these people believe in the welfare system. They expect the government to give them everything for free. Remember Linden electricity rates? They don't want to let the Berbicians pay the same $5.00 to cross the Berbice River bridge.
Apex bullies..if there is a term to describe them.

That is the problem in Guyana today.


Some Afros think that they are entitled to everything and that is the biggest impediment to their wealth accumulation.


Newspapers and opposition position themselves as if the state must provide 100 percent to people. You and I know that is far from the reality in North America and it should also apply to Guyana.


Those who who whine and complain will never be successful. 


Most Indos are successful and many sweat and toil and teach their children to do the same. They understand the value of money and methods of saving for a rainy day.


Look at the success stories of Indos in North America. It is incredible. Many are worth millions and they came here empty handed. They do not depend on the state for anything.


Nigel H of the AFC told a gathering of blacks that they must stop this notion of entitlement. This is the correct approach in ensuring that they can make progress in Guyana.


Then you have those like Carib who blame race for the lack of progress.


Take a look at Indo indentured immigrants and how successful they have become. This has led to envy since Afros depended on government and the civil service as sources of Income and that is not the correct approach. 


They must change their attitude towards wealth accumulation to become successful.


Yuji is never afraid to speak the truth despite the whiners and complainers who blame everything on race.


For six thousand years indians of the Uyanese ilk ( their siblings in india remains so) were at the bottom of the pile. SUrely, natural ingenuity if it existed could have lifted them out! In Guyana they did....why? IN the US they are doing marginally better but is it because of special skills?


You are too dumb to grasp anything beyond your racism. Note, for every success of an indian there is another thousand living in at home. The same is for the lot in Canada and RH. You place too much faith on the idea that you eat well that you are successful. There is a lot more to it and much of what you have came because someone else had to fight and still suffers because of the label and racist determination that they are troublesome.


Fact: Indos in Guyana are 1,000,000 times ahead of Afros. It is not about about race but the difference lies in their approach to wealth accumulation.


Your race cry is what many successful Afros are poking fun at because it is your mentality that is preventing many blacks from becoming successful.


If you want to talk facts, I just came back from Guyana and witnessed the massive development of areas dominated by Indos. I saw a totally different picture when I travelled Black dominated areas.


Blacks need to learn the art of wealth accumulation. Forget about your liberal arts.


I am never afraid to speak the truth.


Take a look at Indo and Afro immigrants to Canada and USA you see the same trend of wealth accumulation.


I see the same pattern as I saw in Guyana here in North America and we have a level playing field in North America.


So, please stop using the race card and start examining the patterns of wealth accumulation.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Take a look at Indo and Afro immigrants to Canada and USA you see the same trend of wealth accumulation.


I see the same pattern as I saw in Guyana here in North America and we have a level playing field in North America.


So, please stop using the race card and start examining the patterns of wealth accumulation.

What is wealth accumulation? Richmond hill has a mean income of 26k! You need to get real. You are first generation immigrant so you would do anything to get by. People who have been here eons and who are the conscience of the society see things differently. They do not want to merely get by.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:


Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 




This is a habit that will take generations to break. Remember Scottsburg ?

Yuji, these people believe in the welfare system. They expect the government to give them everything for free. Remember Linden electricity rates? They don't want to let the Berbicians pay the same $5.00 to cross the Berbice River bridge.
Apex bullies..if there is a term to describe them.

That is the problem in Guyana today.


Some Afros think that they are entitled to everything and that is the biggest impediment to their wealth accumulation.


Newspapers and opposition position themselves as if the state must provide 100 percent to people. You and I know that is far from the reality in North America and it should also apply to Guyana.


Those who who whine and complain will never be successful. 


Most Indos are successful and many sweat and toil and teach their children to do the same. They understand the value of money and methods of saving for a rainy day.


Look at the success stories of Indos in North America. It is incredible. Many are worth millions and they came here empty handed. They do not depend on the state for anything.


Nigel H of the AFC told a gathering of blacks that they must stop this notion of entitlement. This is the correct approach in ensuring that they can make progress in Guyana.


Then you have those like Carib who blame race for the lack of progress.


Take a look at Indo indentured immigrants and how successful they have become. This has led to envy since Afros depended on government and the civil service as sources of Income and that is not the correct approach. 


They must change their attitude towards wealth accumulation to become successful.


Yuji is never afraid to speak the truth despite the whiners and complainers who blame everything on race.


For six thousand years indians of the Uyanese ilk ( their siblings in india remains so) were at the bottom of the pile. SUrely, natural ingenuity if it existed could have lifted them out! In Guyana they did....why? IN the US they are doing marginally better but is it because of special skills?


You are too dumb to grasp anything beyond your racism. Note, for every success of an indian there is another thousand living in at home. The same is for the lot in Canada and RH. You place too much faith on the idea that you eat well that you are successful. There is a lot more to it and much of what you have came because someone else had to fight and still suffers because of the label and racist determination that they are troublesome.


Fact: Indos in Guyana are 1,000,000 times ahead of Afros. It is not about about race but the difference lies in their approach to wealth accumulation.


Your race cry is what many successful Afros are poking fun at because it is your mentality that is preventing many blacks from becoming successful.


If you want to talk facts, I just came back from Guyana and witnessed the massive development of areas dominated by Indos. I saw a totally different picture when I travelled Black dominated areas.


Blacks need to learn the art of wealth accumulation. Forget about your liberal arts.


I am never afraid to speak the truth.

As I said often enough, willful ignorance is antithetical to facts. Where are Indians a million times better off than blacks? Not any place on the planet or guyana or the us specifically. IN Guyana specifically the income distribution of the general population is practically the same. Do not let the few indians with wealth gull you into some reflected glow of indian success. They are catching their ass in general as anyone else and even Ravi dev in his study insist that Indians in the villages are worse off than urban communities. 



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 




This is a habit that will take generations to break. Remember Scottsburg ?

Yuji, these people believe in the welfare system. They expect the government to give them everything for free. Remember Linden electricity rates? They don't want to let the Berbicians pay the same $5.00 to cross the Berbice River bridge.
Apex bullies..if there is a term to describe them.

That is the problem in Guyana today.


Some Afros think that they are entitled to everything and that is the biggest impediment to their wealth accumulation.


Newspapers and opposition position themselves as if the state must provide 100 percent to people. You and I know that is far from the reality in North America and it should also apply to Guyana.


Those who who whine and complain will never be successful. 


Most Indos are successful and many sweat and toil and teach their children to do the same. They understand the value of money and methods of saving for a rainy day.


Look at the success stories of Indos in North America. It is incredible. Many are worth millions and they came here empty handed. They do not depend on the state for anything.


Nigel H of the AFC told a gathering of blacks that they must stop this notion of entitlement. This is the correct approach in ensuring that they can make progress in Guyana.


Then you have those like Carib who blame race for the lack of progress.


Take a look at Indo indentured immigrants and how successful they have become. This has led to envy since Afros depended on government and the civil service as sources of Income and that is not the correct approach. 


They must change their attitude towards wealth accumulation to become successful.


Yuji is never afraid to speak the truth despite the whiners and complainers who blame everything on race.


Black people gave the Indentured a foundation to build upon. Typical of crab dog mentality, the Jaganites soon forgot about all that.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Take a look at Indo and Afro immigrants to Canada and USA you see the same trend of wealth accumulation.


I see the same pattern as I saw in Guyana here in North America and we have a level playing field in North America.


So, please stop using the race card and start examining the patterns of wealth accumulation.

What is wealth accumulation? Richmond hill has a mean income of 26k! You need to get real. You are first generation immigrant so you would do anything to get by. People who have been here eons and who are the conscience of the society see things differently. They do not want to merely get by.


Dunce, each home owned by Indos in RH = $ 600,000 plus x 300,000.

Black Guyanese rent payers Homes $ 0. x 50,000 = $ 0


The point is that Indo Guyanese can accumulate wealth with $ 26 k per year while Afros cannot.


You are such a dunce.


It is about wealth accumulation, stupid.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 




This is a habit that will take generations to break. Remember Scottsburg ?

yuji and Skelly, you guys should read up on the village system in Guyana before making erroneous statements about Plaisance people. People cannot squat on their own land.

Freed slaves pooled their savings and bought the whole of Plaisance in 1838 from a cattle farmer named A.J. Watershodt. Plaisance was declared a village officially in 1892.

The proprietors of all Plaisance consist of the freed slaves and their descendants who are protesting today. That part of Plaisance which is vacant was unused because of circumstances. Dr Odeen Ishmael in his book THE GUYANA STORY says: "The shareholders , or proprietors, possessed no experience in cooperative management; and since they used up their savings to purchase land, they had nothing left for maintaining the roads, bridges , sluice gates, and drainage canals."

Various local authorities after 1892 failed to develop that stretch of land which the government is appropriating unilaterally today. But ownership rights still rest in the collective village.

If they are "squatting" there today, they are within their rights. It's their land.

Calling the people "roaches" and "bullies" and calling for water cannon, as Skelly is doing, are based on ignorance or racialism or both.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 




This is a habit that will take generations to break. Remember Scottsburg ?

yuji and Skelly, you guys should read up on the village system in Guyana before making erroneous statements about Plaisance people. People cannot squat on their own land.

Freed slaves pooled their savings and bought the whole of Plaisance in 1838 from a cattle farmer named A.J. Watershodt. Plaisance was declared a village officially in 1892.

The proprietors of all Plaisance consist of the freed slaves and their descendants who are protesting today. That part of Plaisance which is vacant was unused because of circumstances. Dr Odeen Ishmael in his book THE GUYANA STORY says: "The shareholders , or proprietors, possessed no experience in cooperative management; and since they used up their savings to purchase land, they had nothing left for maintaining the roads, bridges , sluice gates, and drainage canals."

Various local authorities after 1892 failed to develop that stretch of land which the government is appropriating unilaterally today. But ownership rights still rest in the collective village.

If they are "squatting" there today, they are within their rights. It's their land.

Calling the people "roaches" and "bullies" and calling for water cannon, as Skelly is doing, are based on ignorance or racialism or both.


According to the false claim by Gil, then the natives in Canada owns all of Lands and waterways in Canada and therefore they should squat on my several acreage property or on parliament buildings.


Total Howash Gil.


Please try again.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Another PNC stronghold lawlessness. They are squatting, the land does not belong to them. They should use the water canon to get rid of these unwanted roaches. Typical bullies. 




This is a habit that will take generations to break. Remember Scottsburg ?

yuji and Skelly, you guys should read up on the village system in Guyana before making erroneous statements about Plaisance people. People cannot squat on their own land.

Freed slaves pooled their savings and bought the whole of Plaisance in 1838 from a cattle farmer named A.J. Watershodt. Plaisance was declared a village officially in 1892.

The proprietors of all Plaisance consist of the freed slaves and their descendants who are protesting today. That part of Plaisance which is vacant was unused because of circumstances. Dr Odeen Ishmael in his book THE GUYANA STORY says: "The shareholders , or proprietors, possessed no experience in cooperative management; and since they used up their savings to purchase land, they had nothing left for maintaining the roads, bridges , sluice gates, and drainage canals."

Various local authorities after 1892 failed to develop that stretch of land which the government is appropriating unilaterally today. But ownership rights still rest in the collective village.

If they are "squatting" there today, they are within their rights. It's their land.

Calling the people "roaches" and "bullies" and calling for water cannon, as Skelly is doing, are based on ignorance or racialism or both.


According to the false claim by Gil, then the natives in Canada owns all of Lands and waterways in Canada and therefore they should squat on my several acreage property or on parliament buildings.


Total Howash Gil.


Please try again.

Yugi you are being an ass, read what Gilly wrote again. Racism is covering your eyes, remove it and you will understand what Gilly said in his post.


Yes, if you built your house or if the Govt built something on land that is owned by the Indians, the native Indians have the right to reclaim them.

Last edited by cain

I stand by what I said.


No disrespect but you are a bit slow, my point is that the natives have no rights on peoples or government titled land.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I stand by what I said.

You are one stubborn *******,that's why. You are one of the biggest idiots on this board and hold that title with pride.


Good morning,


Are you on dope ? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I stand by what I said.

You are one stubborn *******,that's why. You are one of the biggest idiots on this board and hold that title with pride.


Good morning,


Are you on dope ? 

I could tell you who I am on, wanna know?

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I stand by what I said.

You are one stubborn *******,that's why. You are one of the biggest idiots on this board and hold that title with pride.


Good morning,


Are you on dope ? 

I could tell you who I am on, wanna know?


Enjoy your dope.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Take a look at Indo and Afro immigrants to Canada and USA you see the same trend of wealth accumulation.


I see the same pattern as I saw in Guyana here in North America and we have a level playing field in North America.


So, please stop using the race card and start examining the patterns of wealth accumulation.

What is wealth accumulation? Richmond hill has a mean income of 26k! You need to get real. You are first generation immigrant so you would do anything to get by. People who have been here eons and who are the conscience of the society see things differently. They do not want to merely get by.


Dunce, each home owned by Indos in RH = $ 600,000 plus x 300,000.

Black Guyanese rent payers Homes $ 0. x 50,000 = $ 0


The point is that Indo Guyanese can accumulate wealth with $ 26 k per year while Afros cannot.


You are such a dunce.



It is about wealth accumulation, stupid.

 Dude, I know RH. I lived there. People live on top of each other. Indeed the homes are on average that much now but most were bought at 65 to 100K. The majority of the people in the area are menial laborers because they do not have any skill set.


Black Guyanese are mot not in the area and they also own their homes in the area of Brooklyn where they live. I do not see a difference between the two areas in terms of wealth accumulation.


Most of the Posters here know the area and they know that the city tried to regulate housing in the area because claims of illegal conversion to 60 percent of the  units was mentioned. Vishnu posts here and he can give you numbers off the cuff.


The area has some 100K illegal guyanese to some 65K legal ones so where are those 100k accumulating great wealth? Actually, if those illegal ones who could not accumulate much did not exist the other group would be catching their ass as well since it is that body politic that sustains its small enterprises. 


BTW, one can count the number of people there who are rich in their heads so you are dreaming of great productivity and abundance. In England, Black West Indians are out performing native whites so should we now say  they are a mutant black labor force? As I said, you will be forever stupid because of your racism

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by seignet:

Black people gave the Indentured a foundation to build upon.



Storm has lost his marbles. He wants to rewrite Indentured Immigrant's history.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Take a look at Indo and Afro immigrants to Canada and USA you see the same trend of wealth accumulation.


I see the same pattern as I saw in Guyana here in North America and we have a level playing field in North America.


So, please stop using the race card and start examining the patterns of wealth accumulation.

What is wealth accumulation? Richmond hill has a mean income of 26k! You need to get real. You are first generation immigrant so you would do anything to get by. People who have been here eons and who are the conscience of the society see things differently. They do not want to merely get by.


Dunce, each home owned by Indos in RH = $ 600,000 plus x 300,000.

Black Guyanese rent payers Homes $ 0. x 50,000 = $ 0


The point is that Indo Guyanese can accumulate wealth with $ 26 k per year while Afros cannot.


You are such a dunce.



It is about wealth accumulation, stupid.

 Dude, I know RH. I lived there. People live on top of each other. Indeed the homes are on average that much now but most were bought at 65 to 100K. The majority of the people in the area are menial laborers because they do not have any skill set.


Black Guyanese are mot not in the area and they also own their homes in the area of Brooklyn where they live. I do not see a difference between the two areas in terms of wealth accumulation.


Most of the Posters here know the area and they know that the city tried to regulate housing in the area because claims of illegal conversion to 60 percent of the  units was mentioned. Vishnu posts here and he can give you numbers off the cuff.


The area has some 100K illegal guyanese to some 65K legal ones so where are those 100k accumulating great wealth? Actually, if those illegal ones who could not accumulate much did not exist the other group would be catching their ass as well since it is that body politic that sustains its small enterprises. 


BTW, one can count the number of people there who are rich in their heads so you are dreaming of great productivity and abundance. In England, Black West Indians are out performing native whites so should we now say  they are a mutant black labor force? As I said, you will be forever stupid because of your racism


Your usual nonsense.


You hidden racism towards Indo Guyanese is quite evident now, burck man.

Last edited by Former Member

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