SPRING is officially here..
but SNOW!!!
Wht r some of yr plans for spring??
spring cleaning?? Lol
SPRING is officially here..
but SNOW!!!
Wht r some of yr plans for spring??
spring cleaning?? Lol
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Freezing temp
Oh gawd
West End GTA. Friday March 22, 2024
Snow ending before morning then cloudy. Amount 5 to 10 cm or 2 to 4 inches. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 4C. Wind chill near minus 9C.
Am staying in. Have my cocoa and pop corn ready.
Oh rant yall got summer weather down there, it it was -28 here now -18. I'm thinking of going for a jog, hehheh
still cold rass and it is snowing right now
similar conditions at my end
@cain posted:Oh rant yall got summer weather down there, it it was -28 here now -18. I'm thinking of going for a jog, hehheh
Oh Gawd!!!
B careful u Nah freeze up !!!
@Mitwah posted:West End GTA. Friday March 22, 2024
Snow ending before morning then cloudy. Amount 5 to 10 cm or 2 to 4 inches. Wind up to 15 km/h. Low minus 4C. Wind chill near minus 9C.
Am staying in. Have my cocoa and pop corn ready.
More snow up here after 6 pm
Well here we are, things starting to nice up an ting last couple days around zero and outside with only a sweater, now we buried in snow...tarass. I shoveled and tomorrow do it again.
Down here it rained for the past 2 days. Left the car on driveway for a free wash. Expecting some snow tonight.
Well finally next wk will look n feel like spring..Wed is 16 degrees!!
@Mitwah posted:Down here it rained for the past 2 days. Left the car on driveway for a free wash.
Expecting some snow tonight.
Same here..had snow overnight !! Might get some flurries tonite
hope itis the last for snow for this yr..
We get it here until end of April then back around October.
@cain posted:We get it here until end of April then back around October.
U hav to move back CainâĶlol..to much snow n cold in yuh ole-age days..hahaha
You know, is true dat. My buddy and his wife has asked if I'd be interested in assisting him in his business venture which I know he has the qualifications and tools needed but wants me along for my ..ahem...gift of gab. I have the choice of staying at their place in the GTA for the duration whether for three months or three years.
It's a bright and beautiful day here today. High 12C.
Whoa/âĶ..yesterday we hit 19 deg..
cainsta..wha going on at yr end??
But this aft to nowâĶrain rain rain!!
n rain in forecast for the next week..
well i dont like driving in rain..
n i dont mind a nice rain..
but not this nevah dun thingâĶ
well..i welcome d rain ..n not snow..n at least it not cold..
n time for the garden so it is all good
but i dont like the dark clouds all day long!!
is whe d prezzy deh..he lil quiet ..d banna bzbzb more dan dem been !
We had lots of rain today and now as I peep outside is snow goin on taraà ssss.
To spice up my life I might go take in a show Abbamania, they do Abba's music. But I have three weeks until then so gotta find some excitement until then.
@cain posted:We had lots of rain today and now as I peep outside is snow goin on taraà ssss.
Cloudy here but will hit double digits here today. Too damp to start working on the garden soil.
YES YES YES! We had sun all day today just as we saw it last September. I'm sure looking forward to our couple months of summer.
I do miss the way we dressed in Guyana...shirt...pants (maybe shortpants)...light footwear. For the ladies...dress...sari ...shirt...pants...shorts...light footwear
Here it's an under shirt t-shirt and a shirt, long sleeved sweater...thick sweater or light coat, bigass coat for winter along with gloves...touque...ear muffs...winter boots...long johns.
@cain posted:YES YES YES! We had sun all day today just as we saw it last September. I'm sure looking forward to our couple months of summer.
I do miss the way we dressed in Guyana...shirt...pants (maybe shortpants)...light footwear. For the ladies...dress...sari ...shirt...pants...shorts...light footwear
Here it's an under shirt t-shirt and a shirt, long sleeved sweater...thick sweater or light coat, bigass coat for winter along with gloves...touque...ear muffs...winter boots...long johns.
Cain..we r having 25 deg on SundayâĶ
last night overnight was minus 1 ..n at 6 am yesterday it was 0 degrees
We might get 25 in August. Yesterday was cold and windy not a good day to run around naked in the backyard
@cain posted:We might get 25 in August. Yesterday was cold and windy not a good day to run around naked in the backyard
Plenty rain here..nights r still cold..
i think yest high was 10 or 12âĶ
i still gave on my heat , thermostat is at 72 deg..lol
we will skip spring and go straight to summer
@Amral posted:we will skip spring and go straight to summer
Those were my thoughts yesterday..it was cold last night whn i came off work!!
Tomorrow will be 18C. Hope the grass dries out so that I can cut it. I normally cut it at 2 1/2" but I think I will cut it at 2".
Say what? Cut grass? Whatderass I hearin here? We still got lil bit white stuff at the back, grass getting cut sometime in late May or early June, throw in a few cuts then winter start back.
Hey Cain, my first mowing was 4 weeks ago. At the cottage there's too much moss. Have to get rid of it and put in some new grass.
@Mitwah posted:Hey Cain, my first mowing was 4 weeks ago. At the cottage there's too much moss. Have to get rid of it and put in some new grass.
Mowed four weeks ago? Where's this cottage located banna, Barbados?
@cain posted:Mowed four weeks ago? Where's this cottage located banna, Barbados?
Four weeks ago was at my residence. Cottage is in the Muskoka Region about 2 hours South of your place.
@Mitwah posted:Tomorrow will be 18C. Hope the grass dries out so that I can cut it. I normally cut it at 2 1/2" but I think I will cut it at 2".
Hubby mowed ours yesterday..
finally we have spring/early summer temps
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