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You know, is true dat. My buddy and his wife has asked if I'd be interested in assisting him in his business venture which I know he has the qualifications and tools needed but wants me along for my of gab. I have the choice of staying at their place in the GTA for the duration whether for three months or three years.

Last edited by cain

Whoa/â€Ķ..yesterday we hit 19 deg..

cainsta..wha going on at yr end??

But this aft to nowâ€Ķrain rain rain!!

n rain in forecast for the next week..

well i dont like driving in rain..

n i dont mind a nice rain..

but not this nevah dun thingâ€Ķ

well..i welcome d rain ..n not snow..n at least it not cold..

n time for the garden so it is all good

but i dont like the dark clouds all day long!!

is whe d prezzy deh..he lil quiet ..d banna bzbzb more dan dem been !


YES YES YES!  We had sun all day today just as we saw it last September. I'm sure looking forward to our couple months of summer.

I do miss the way we dressed in Guyana...shirt...pants (maybe shortpants)...light footwear. For the ladies...dress...sari ...shirt...pants...shorts...light footwear

Here it's an under shirt  t-shirt and a shirt, long sleeved sweater...thick sweater or light coat, bigass coat for winter along with gloves...touque...ear muffs...winter boots...long johns.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

YES YES YES!  We had sun all day today just as we saw it last September. I'm sure looking forward to our couple months of summer.

I do miss the way we dressed in Guyana...shirt...pants (maybe shortpants)...light footwear. For the ladies...dress...sari ...shirt...pants...shorts...light footwear

Here it's an under shirt  t-shirt and a shirt, long sleeved sweater...thick sweater or light coat, bigass coat for winter along with gloves...touque...ear muffs...winter boots...long johns.

Cain..we r having 25 deg on Sundayâ€Ķ

last night overnight was minus 1 ..n at 6 am yesterday it was 0 degrees


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