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Stanley Ming (seated at left) at the InterOil booth

November 21 2019


-in partnership with UK company

In a joint venture with the United Kingdom-based InterOil Group Ltd, businessman Stanley Ming is developing a US$200 million oil and gas shore base at Parika, East Bank Essequibo, where, according to him, locals will be able to rent space to provide services for the sector.

Ming, who had originally envisioned the creation of a community on 1,100 acres of land he owns there, told Stabroek News that it was only a “slight” change from the original housing plans he had for the area. He had also planned to establish the headquarters of his company, Ming’s Products and Services Ltd, there.

Ming told Stabroek News in an interview that 325 acres will be used for the shore base.

He said that the partnership with the oil and gas service provider will provide capital for the housing project which will forge ahead on parts of the remaining lands one year after the shore base, scheduled to start next year, is set up.

“What this project does is it gives the housing plans a jump start. The planned shore base is going to be on the same site I had originally intended for housing, but just beyond there, I have about 600 plus acres more and I will use about 400 acres for the housing activity,” he told Stabroek News.

“The offshore base activity would give the chump [money] for me to do the housing a year later. So you see, the base will just take up about 1/3 of the land. However, the shore base will be open for Guyanese to rent space to provide a wide array of services geared for the sector, without having to get the land. They will just pay a rent,” he added.

Back in 2012, the former PNCR parliamentarian had told this newspaper that while many businesses are searching for space to set up shop or expand in or around the capital city, he had a vision to shift operations to an area on the East Bank Essequibo as part of a planned modern community and commercial development venture.

He had explained that he foresaw the Parika area becoming a pivotal hub for future economic development in the region.

Ming, who has been operating his automotive and marine establishment in Georgetown from 1990, had said that that it was time for the country to stop seeing the synonymy between development and Georgetown and look to other areas, such as Parika.

It was to fulfill his vision that Ming recruited the Trinidad and Tobago firm, Newel Lewis Broadbridge Associates (NBLA) to design the envisaged community and to oversee its creation and named it ISIKA meaning ‘to give’.

Ming’s plans ranged from a fiberglass boat manufacturing facility to a community equipped with state-of-the-art medical, educational and recreational facilities and a place where farmers would process, package and distribute produce to supply the Caribbean and beyond. He also envisioned using the new location to better serve the booming gold, agricultural, tourism, transportation and other natural resources industries.

He said that plans for the housing project had to be put on “slight hold” as the interest he felt would have been generated and the funding, was not generated as planned.


However, last year December, after years of searching for investment partners, he was approached by InterOil who asked him if he was interested in reorganising the development plans to include a shore base.

“I couldn’t go ahead and start building because people were not willing to come to [a] place that did not have jobs readily available. Fate would have it that the InterOil people came here in 2018 and after their own research, they scouted me out and asked if I was interested in having a discussion. I did and they took a while, did their own research and then came back and asked if I was willing to go to London to meet with the company’s chairman,” he said.

“I went and I showed them again my vision, not just for me but for Guyana where I wanted whatever investment to be of benefit for the people here and after discussions we set up an arrangement in April of this year. They continued working and we have reached an agreement and here we are,” he added.

But providing a self-sustained housing community is still on Ming’s agenda and he said that the shore base will complement the housing project.

“I did my research on the company too and I see they have been doing this in parts of Africa where they are focused on local content. They have set up similar shore base service providers and in one country had over 20,000 persons employed.  So the plan is not for it to only be a shore base for the company because when it starts operating, Guyanese families will be living nearby and they can also use the shore base for their own businesses,” he explained.

“It is for Guyanese families. We will train, yes provide training and all of that. Any company that wants to set up a service providing business, we are open to providing space in the buildings which will be built. You don’t have to find a piece of land. The idea is any Guyanese, or a group of Guyanese that wants to set up can come on our base. These guys, this is what they do. For example, they had women form a business [which] provided laundry services to the operators. It is not only for the Exxons, Repsols, Tullows, Chevrons… it is for the welder, fabricating business, laundry, food…you name it. One base where all the people will be; a kind of a one-stop shop,” he added.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Baseman posted:

I didn’t realize motorcycle mechanics made so much money!

Ming may be just the fascia for the money people in the UK.

 I wonder if Labba will lose he canejuice stand?


Ming is involved in other business venture..

- mining

- importation of something food stuff. 

- vehicle’s import including motor cycles . 

He is a hardcore PNC. 

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

So, give us the right numbers nuh man.

I don't trust the Chinese and will never trust them.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

He is the ultimate gyafman.  I once attended his conference on using the Singapore model as a guide for Guyana development.  The whole thing was a pie in the sky imagery.  None of the numbers he presented added up. Funny part was everyone in the room was mesmerized by his Nancy story.

I got up and pointed out all the errors in his presentation and left.  The room was silent after that.

So where did he or is he getting this $200 million from?  Let us not forget that he was a PNC Parliamentarian and he has friends in high places.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

He is the ultimate gyafman.  I once attended his conference on using the Singapore model as a guide for Guyana development.  The whole thing was a pie in the sky imagery.  None of the numbers he presented added up?  Funny part was everyone in the room was mesmerized by his Nancy story.

I got up and pointed out all the errors in his presentation and left.  The room was silent after that.

So where did he or is he getting this $200 million from?  Let us not forget that he was a PNC Parliamentarian and he has friends in high places.

That’s because you are a smart woman.  He cannot pull wool over your eyes 👀! Nuff Guyanese fall fuh Nancy story.

Guyana is not Singapore and will never be!  I spent a lot of time there.  They are a disciplined and ethical people!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

He is the ultimate gyafman.  I once attended his conference on using the Singapore model as a guide for Guyana development.  The whole thing was a pie in the sky imagery.  None of the numbers he presented added up. Funny part was everyone in the room was mesmerized by his Nancy story.

I got up and pointed out all the errors in his presentation and left.  The room was silent after that.

So where did he or is he getting this $200 million from?  Let us not forget that he was a PNC Parliamentarian and he has friends in high places.

Hey hey hey...gurl yuh good. Labba call dem talk man...he and Eric deh talking bout dat Singapore fable foh dankey years. Dem tink yuh does juss build road and bridge and presto...everything develop. Ayoo see what happen to abie lord Bharrat berbice float bridge? Hey hey hey...

Last edited by Former Member

Yall read the thing in its entirety nuh man.


However, last year December, after years of searching for investment partners, he was approached by InterOil who asked him if he was interested in reorganising the development plans to include a shore base.

“I couldn’t go ahead and start building because people were not willing to come to [a] place that did not have jobs readily available. Fate would have it that the InterOil people came here in 2018 and after their own research, they scouted me out and asked if I was interested in having a discussion. I did and they took a while, did their own research and then came back and asked if I was willing to go to London to meet with the company’s chairman,” he said.

“I went and I showed them again my vision, not just for me but for Guyana where I wanted whatever investment to be of benefit for the people here and after discussions we set up an arrangement in April of this year. They continued working and we have reached an agreement and here we are,” he added.


Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

He is the ultimate gyafman.  I once attended his conference on using the Singapore model as a guide for Guyana development.  The whole thing was a pie in the sky imagery.  None of the numbers he presented added up. Funny part was everyone in the room was mesmerized by his Nancy story.

I got up and pointed out all the errors in his presentation and left.  The room was silent after that.

So where did he or is he getting this $200 million from?  Let us not forget that he was a PNC Parliamentarian and he has friends in high places.

Hey hey hey...gurl yuh good. Labba call dem talk man...he and Eric deh talking bout dat Singapore fable foh dankey years. Dem tink yuh does juss build road and bridge and presto...everything develop. Ayoo see what happen to abie lord Bharrat berbice float bridge? Hey hey hey...

How come yuh know suh fram yuh cane juice and salara stand in Parika?  You wan gyaafman too?


Nice move by Stanley Ming. He needs venture capital for these innovatives. There were 400 areas of land for sale in the Parika area a few years ago. Because rarely does a large chunk of land like that come on the market. I always wanted to know who bought it. These developments will cost lots of money. I hope that he gets the venture capital because he can make a profit if the cards go right.

Last edited by Prashad
Baseman posted:
Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

He is the ultimate gyafman.  I once attended his conference on using the Singapore model as a guide for Guyana development.  The whole thing was a pie in the sky imagery.  None of the numbers he presented added up. Funny part was everyone in the room was mesmerized by his Nancy story.

I got up and pointed out all the errors in his presentation and left.  The room was silent after that.

So where did he or is he getting this $200 million from?  Let us not forget that he was a PNC Parliamentarian and he has friends in high places.

Hey hey hey...gurl yuh good. Labba call dem talk man...he and Eric deh talking bout dat Singapore fable foh dankey years. Dem tink yuh does juss build road and bridge and presto...everything develop. Ayoo see what happen to abie lord Bharrat berbice float bridge? Hey hey hey...

How come yuh know suh fram yuh cane juice and salara stand in Parika?  You wan gyaafman too?

Na is a Parika nabel string bury deh...hey hey hey.

Prashad posted:

Nice move by Stanley Ming. He needs venture capital for these innovatives. There were 400 areas of land for sale in the Parika area a few years ago. Because rarely does a large chunk of land like that come on the market. I always wanted to know who bought it. These developments will cost lots of money. I hope that he gets the venture capital because he can make a profit if the cards go right.

Chinese money will flow.  The Chinese are not like the Indians. They actually collaborate with the Chinese diaspora to spread influence!

Labba posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

He is the ultimate gyafman.  I once attended his conference on using the Singapore model as a guide for Guyana development.  The whole thing was a pie in the sky imagery.  None of the numbers he presented added up. Funny part was everyone in the room was mesmerized by his Nancy story.

I got up and pointed out all the errors in his presentation and left.  The room was silent after that.

So where did he or is he getting this $200 million from?  Let us not forget that he was a PNC Parliamentarian and he has friends in high places.

Hey hey hey...gurl yuh good. Labba call dem talk man...he and Eric deh talking bout dat Singapore fable foh dankey years. Dem tink yuh does juss build road and bridge and presto...everything develop. Ayoo see what happen to abie lord Bharrat berbice float bridge? Hey hey hey...

He has repeated the Singapore fable for so many years, he actually believes the thing now.  He has a bizzare fixation with Parika.  Told me he will move the capital from Georgetown to Parika.  Wonder if he noticed that Parika was under two feet of water a few weeks ago.

Anyway Guyana now gat a Doctor who is an expert in urban and regional planning so that Parika thing wouldn’t materialize under his Presidency.

Bibi Haniffa
alena06 posted:
Sean posted:

Miss Alena, the answer is posted above your question. 

Racing at GMRSC and car business generated all that money to own so much land?

Bright bright Gyal like you never hear bout PNC mathematics.  

Bibi Haniffa

Ok let me put it in a much easier way. The Chinese government is using state financial resources in enhancing its foreign policy agenda. Guyana is definitely on their radar. 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
alena06 posted:
Sean posted:

Miss Alena, the answer is posted above your question. 

Racing at GMRSC and car business generated all that money to own so much land?

Bright bright Gyal like you never hear bout PNC mathematics.  

Me taut ayuh was finance gurus.  Diss is Chinese leverage finance mathematics!

Where ever there is oil, the Chinese are!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

He is the ultimate gyafman.  I once attended his conference on using the Singapore model as a guide for Guyana development.  The whole thing was a pie in the sky imagery.  None of the numbers he presented added up?  Funny part was everyone in the room was mesmerized by his Nancy story.

I got up and pointed out all the errors in his presentation and left.  The room was silent after that.

So where did he or is he getting this $200 million from?  Let us not forget that he was a PNC Parliamentarian and he has friends in high places.

That’s because you are a smart woman.  He cannot pull wool over your eyes 👀! Nuff Guyanese fall fuh Nancy story.

Guyana is not Singapore and will never be!  I spent a lot of time there.  They are a disciplined and ethical people!

Lee Qwan credited the culture and work ethic of the people of Singapore.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
cain posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

So, give us the right numbers nuh man.

Are you going to finance this project?

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

You all please tell me what happened to this project that Badal announced more almost two years ago:


Pegasus unveils 15-storey tower in US$100M expansion- Badal urges tax, fiscal incentive reforms

Building almoss complete. Badal use wan Chinee construction company...hey hey hey...abie Guyana wukkers does want drink likka fri nite, all weekend and den drink soup monday and den turn up foh wuk Tuesday. And if yuh turn yuh back pon dem...all yuh building material dem tief and sell out...hey hey hey. 

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

because you are a smart woman.  He cannot pull wool over your eyes 👀! Nuff Guyanese fall fuh Nancy story.

Guyana is not Singapore and will never be!  I spent a lot of time there.  They are a disciplined and ethical people!

Lee Qwan credited the culture and work ethic of the people of Singapore.  

Gat nothin to do wid Chinee or coolie culture...Lee Quan was wan racial...doh is woh he want abie and ayoo foh believe in he book...hey hey hey.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Ming is gyafman. Don't believe those numbers. They are grossly exaggerated for political purpose.

He is the ultimate gyafman.  I once attended his conference on using the Singapore model as a guide for Guyana development.  The whole thing was a pie in the sky imagery.  None of the numbers he presented added up?  Funny part was everyone in the room was mesmerized by his Nancy story.

I got up and pointed out all the errors in his presentation and left.  The room was silent after that.

So where did he or is he getting this $200 million from?  Let us not forget that he was a PNC Parliamentarian and he has friends in high places.

That’s because you are a smart woman.  He cannot pull wool over your eyes 👀! Nuff Guyanese fall fuh Nancy story.

Guyana is not Singapore and will never be!  I spent a lot of time there.  They are a disciplined and ethical people!

Lee Qwan credited the culture and work ethic of the people of Singapore.  

It feels good being there!  I walk through the malls, went shopping, walked the streets.  It was clean and the people well mannered and polite!  No fear of anyone or anything!  It’s like Switzerland!

Also the government mix the population, no ethno-centric neighborhoods.  Due to this, the schools reflect this mixture!  In the class room, they mix the kids so the faster kids help the slower ones!  A Singaporean told me the aim is to develop a culture of collaboration and selflessness!  They do not want one feeling superior to another!

Suh when people talk of Singapore, it’s more than roads and buildings!

cain posted:

Dem people scared  of doing wrong in Singapore, is nuff nuff lash they get when caught.

Hehe. True!  Shouldn’t people be scared of doing wrong?

In Guyana you commit murder and rape and the president will pardon you!!

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

Dem people scared  of doing wrong in Singapore, is nuff nuff lash they get when caught.

Hey hey hey...doh is true bai...imagine wan coolie govt in GUY lash two blackman...all hell break loose...dem go seh 1000 innocent virgin blacman get kill by dem coolie...hey hey hey. 

ksazma posted:

Bai Base, if the Singapore is about developing a culture of collaboration and selfishness, it wouldn’t thrive in Guyana. 😀

Me know bai!  Duh wuh mi mean.  In Guyana, Blackman want ting fuh dem mattie, coolie want ting fuh coolie and dem Putagee want everything fuh Putageeze!😀😀

Labba posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

You all please tell me what happened to this project that Badal announced more almost two years ago:


Pegasus unveils 15-storey tower in US$100M expansion- Badal urges tax, fiscal incentive reforms

Building almoss complete. Badal use wan Chinee construction company...hey hey hey...abie Guyana wukkers does want drink likka fri nite, all weekend and den drink soup monday and den turn up foh wuk Tuesday. And if yuh turn yuh back pon dem...all yuh building material dem tief and sell out...hey hey hey. 

I hope that Chinee Co. does not screw up like they did on Skeldon. Anyways, it's great to see developments that create jobs.

Billy Ram Balgobin
ksazma posted:

Bai Base, if the Singapore is about developing a culture of collaboration and selfishness, it wouldn’t thrive in Guyana. 😀

But there is hope for Guyana!   Last night I watched a show called Globespan 24x7 with three homans from Guyana, one Black, one Putagee and one Coolie!

The Black gyal (Nicole) had praise fuh some coolie people!  She even mentioned a woman Indra something!  But she get lil carried away with diss Chairwoman/Chairperson thingy!

The Putagee gyal with a tennis star name (Jennifer Cipriati) talk bout women in business, etc!  Good stuff!

Den dah Coolie gyaal was interesting.  She gat wan Coolie fuss name (Deoki), wan Putagee lass name (Pestano) and she seh duh bestest homan fuh President was wan Black ‘oman Ms Volda Lawerence.  Is nah dah same Volda who seh she guh only hire PNC wuh look like she?  

But nah worry, datts how unity dozz start!  Me like dah move!


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