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I propose we start an official Guyanese dictionary.I have started it with the first four words. I'll add a few more words every week and see where it takes us. Any suggestions?

The official Guyanese dictionary
Allbutt – Albert, ( a very common name for Males)
Yu all - You all
Teifin - Thieving, Stealing. (Usually happens without permission)
Teking – Taking (Usually with permission)
Originally posted by Dhall:
I propose we start an official Guyanese dictionary.I have started it with the first four words. I'll add a few more words every week and see where it takes us. Any suggestions?

The official Guyanese dictionary
Allbutt – Albert, ( a very common name for Males)
Yu all - You all
Teifin - Thieving, Stealing. (Usually happens without permission)
Teking – Taking (Usually with permission)
There are many out there and and they all suffer from the same deficiency when started by the non professional ie there is no official and can be no official Guyanese creole since we have a variety of the. This has been an on going dispute between Caribj and myself

Here is one
but you can find many others and some good books on the subject matter.

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