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anyone with even the most basic science education would know that "food" for the human body 'furnace' means carbohydrates (simple or complex), fats and protein

the "mud cakes" by definition contain near zero of these things

massive, massive numbers of people would literally die in short order on a 'diet' of minerals and clay

that is not happening, and the people continue to partake of this stuff

so something else obvious is going on

it's called geophagy . . . look it up you FOOLS!

too many ignorant prancing around here

Ksazma in hood and panties leading the DUNCE parade

watch the videos . . . i have no time to teach

Last edited by Former Member

What is obvious to me is the blatant anti black racism pon GNI, even tekking refuge in anti black stereotypes dat mek no sense. Is open season pon black man on GNI.

All de retreads and retards out in full force, visiting every hate site they can find fuh scrounge up nasty, racist stereotypes pon black man. In Ksazma case, I think he low IQ mek he an easier and more gullilble fool fuh believing the nasty stereotypes he read about black man.

VishMahabir posted:
Iguana posted:

Low class, Low IQ turd that Ksazma is, he is prone to ingest the racist bile he finds on the hate sites he trolls and then come vomit it out hay.

Yo, Iggy...whats up?

Dem people on GNI so smart dat they now convinced that you, Ronan, Ruel Johnson and Carib are the same person...

...not surprised, that is extent of their "discussions". Nothing fruitful, just a whole lot of racist anti black shit and opining on who is who. See, there can't be 2 or more people who disagree with them, so it must be one posting under multiple handles. This is the nonsense.

Then there's diaper guy, waddling around shaking his diaper and posting what falls out. Doesn't even read or understand it first.

cain posted:
ksazma posted:

Nobody give a shit about black people. Why is that so difficult for you fools to accept. Live with your curse. 

Oh rass you lost it finally. Not good.

Nah bai. I intend to write exactly what I write. There is much purpose in my pronouncements. I am way too cool, calm and collected to lose it. I don't bestow undeserved condemnation on others.

Pointblank posted:
ksazma posted:

Nobody give a shit about black people. Why is that so difficult for you fools to accept. Live with your curse. 

Speak for yourself not on behalf of others.

being black is not a curse. 

The blacks I am addressing are those who should have said to the Coalition, you know what, you tried the same shit on Ramotar but failed because Ramotar was smarter, he did not tell you to bring it on. Nonetheless your actions reduced his government to about the same time as the NCV reduced yours. So suck it up, be honorable and call elections instead of making stupid excuses. Those are the kind of blacks I am addressing.

ksazma posted:
cain posted:
ksazma posted:

Nobody give a shit about black people. Why is that so difficult for you fools to accept. Live with your curse. 

Oh rass you lost it finally. Not good.

Nah bai. I intend to write exactly what I write. There is much purpose in my pronouncements.

banna climb down and tek a seat in the second/third small d!ck chair

Skeldon_man done blaze that particular trail in the pull-down-yuh-panty-and-tek-a-dump-in-public 'hero' stakes

you remember . . .n!gra dis and n!gger dat


Rev too . . . another ground floor dwarf strutting 'tall' in look-at-meee-i'm-a-baaad-man scarlet pumps


the key to alyuh 'success' is security that admin will accommodate and, more importantly, the hope that Black people will respond in kind

then it's a wash

like baseman, you praying hard hard that they do so

hmmmm . . . ?

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:
Pointblank posted:
ksazma posted:

Nobody give a shit about black people. Why is that so difficult for you fools to accept. Live with your curse. 

Speak for yourself not on behalf of others.

being black is not a curse. 

The blacks I am addressing are those who should have said to the Coalition, you know what, you tried the same shit on Ramotar but failed because Ramotar was smarter, he did not tell you to bring it on. Nonetheless your actions reduced his government to about the same time as the NCV reduced yours. So suck it up, be honorable and call elections instead of making stupid excuses. Those are the kind of blacks I am addressing.

abie Skeldon_man mini me now doing a lil dance, trying wan 'reset' that his peedown and Brown Shirt goose stepping these past 48 hours and well into dis marnin is all about the coalition Gov't in Guyana

banna, you either bold on steroids or quite sick in the head

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Don’t take any comfort in my discourse to Pointy.

talking to the wall to avoid lash from me is the coward’s way

that’s what teenage schoolgirls do

show us some more “comfort” steps senor sand dance

come to think of it, Skeldon_man does do IT better

you’re just a low-rent ‘mini me’ in platform shoes

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

Don’t take any comfort in my discourse to Pointy.

talking to the wall to avoid lash from me is the coward’s way

that’s what teenage schoolgirls do

show us some more “comfort” steps senor sand dance

come to think of it, Skeldon_man does do IT better

you’re just a low-rent ‘mini me’ in platform shoes

Speaking from personal experience. No wonder you behave the way you do. You must have done a lot of teenage schoolgirl fantasies. No wonder you little bit funny on the bottom side. Mouth open, story jump out.

ksazma posted:

The blacks I am addressing are those who should have said to the Coalition, you know what, you tried the same shit on Ramotar but failed because Ramotar was smarter, he did not tell you to bring it on. Nonetheless your actions reduced his government to about the same time as the NCV reduced yours. So suck it up, be honorable and call elections instead of making stupid excuses. Those are the kind of blacks I am addressing.

Go tell the PPP that they shouldn't take daily beatings from Jagdeo.  That he selected a jackass simply because the fool wouldn't prevent him from wholesale corruption is something that everyone in Guyana knows. And also all analysts of Guyanese politics, including no doubt Exxon.

Frank Anthony and even the corrupt Anil would have been a better choice but Jagdeo knew who couldn't totally dominate them as he can Irfaan.


How can someone who has low self esteem put lash on anyone? Don't forget your wailing announcement that you were leaving GNI because nobody is taking you seriously. How many times have you left or been suspended/expelled only to reappear with another handle? How many handle you currently have? I have one. The same one I signed up with when I joined some 15 years ago. And there are no guarantees that I cannot be either suspended or expelled but that has not been the case in 15 long years. Your lack of self esteem forces you to think your actions is of consequence to others. I don't.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

The blacks I am addressing are those who should have said to the Coalition, you know what, you tried the same shit on Ramotar but failed because Ramotar was smarter, he did not tell you to bring it on. Nonetheless your actions reduced his government to about the same time as the NCV reduced yours. So suck it up, be honorable and call elections instead of making stupid excuses. Those are the kind of blacks I am addressing.

Go tell the PPP that they shouldn't take daily beatings from Jagdeo.  That he selected a jackass simply because the fool wouldn't prevent him from wholesale corruption is something that everyone in Guyana knows. And also all analysts of Guyanese politics, including no doubt Exxon.

Frank Anthony and even the corrupt Anil would have been a better choice but Jagdeo knew who couldn't totally dominate them as he can Irfaan.

Bai Cribby, there will be enough time to resolve the matter of the PPP presidential candidate. The immediate crises is that the behavior of the Coalition. Leh we deal wid dah wan fust nah.

ksazma posted:

Your lack of self esteem forces you to think your actions is of consequence to others. I don't.

huh . . .?

you seem very confused . . . poor grammar aside, in your hurry to use the magic words "lack of self esteem" in a sentence, you went off the rails and stumbled into incoherence

just because i does use dem words regularly to range-find alyuh antiman doan mean you can regurgitate am willy nilly without consulting me on usage

you following bad company . . . namely, baseman subliterate side

but that's what you get when you curl up into half-man mode trying to pelt wan wan brick without looking me in the eye

hiding can't help you banna

the long arm of RIDICULE features prominently in your future


now resume sand dancin

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

These people can easily be convinced to move to Guyana and given false registration papers and vote for the PNC.  PNC will promise land and cassava pie. 

please transfer this to the other thread here:

where it can properly serve as as the most 'articulate' (to date) Exhibit confirming PPP Hindutva psychological projection

yesss, yes . . . i know that you never really comprehended what those words actually meant and ting

is arite

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

These people can easily be convinced to move to Guyana and given false registration papers and vote for the PNC.  PNC will promise land and cassava pie. 

please transfer this to the other thread here:

where it can properly serve as as the most 'articulate' (to date) Exhibit confirming PPP Hindutva psychological projection

yesss, yes . . . i know that you never really comprehended what those words actually meant and ting

is arite

Racist punk.  So Indians cannot invest in Guyana due to race.  That’s your idea of good government.  It’s that old racist ideology which caused the collapse of the initial PNC!

Baseman posted:
ronan posted:
Baseman posted:

These people can easily be convinced to move to Guyana and given false registration papers and vote for the PNC.  PNC will promise land and cassava pie. 

please transfer this to the other thread here:

where it can properly serve as as the most 'articulate' (to date) Exhibit confirming PPP Hindutva psychological projection

yesss, yes . . . i know that you never really comprehended what those words actually meant and ting

is arite

Racist punk.  So Indians cannot invest in Guyana due to race.  That’s your idea of good government.  It’s that old racist ideology which caused the collapse of the initial PNC!

that's a diverting, fantasy LIE you keep repeating whenever you get ketch in stupidness

but, again, is arite . . . it properly serves to UNDERLINE your emptiness and desperation

keep squirming and juking jackass . . . the rope of RIDICULE around your neck only getting tighter

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

. . . Your lack of self esteem forces you to think your actions is of consequence to others. I don't.

huh . . .?

you seem very confused . . . poor grammar aside, in your hurry to use the magic words "lack of self esteem" in a sentence, you went off the rails and stumbled into incoherence

just because i does use dem words regularly to range-find alyuh antiman doan mean you can regurgitate am willy nilly without consulting me on usage

you following bad company . . . namely, baseman subliterate side

but that's what you get when you curl up into half-man mode trying to pelt wan wan brick without looking me in the eye

hiding can't help you banna

the long arm of RIDICULE features prominently in your future


now resume sand dancin

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

Bai Cribby, there will be enough time to resolve the matter of the PPP presidential candidate. The immediate crises is that the behavior of the Coalition. Leh we deal wid dah wan fust nah.

The PPP has yet to select its PM candidate and even many in its base are laughing at Irfaan.  Jagdeo needs to say thank you to the Coalition for dragging their feet.  Announce that he is resigning from politics, suggest that Irfaan withdraw from the presidential and urge the PPP to chose Frank Anthony.

If he does all of that the PPP is guaranteed victory.    Irfaan is a complete fool and this issue about his lies about his academic qualifications adds credence to it.  He is a creature that comedians like with his BA coming after his MA, and then not being able to show evidence of it.  And I heard he is supposedly now working on his PhD.  This is an insult to the PPP base, and by extension to Guyanese at large.

The PPP has as much time as they need to fix their mess as the Coalition is in no rush.   They don't know what to do and many probably have their resumes being sent to employers outside of Guyana.

You constantly scream about PNC violence.  Tell you this.  To the extent that elements do behave this way they can only do so if they feel that the majority of the black/mixed population condones this.  They know full well that they don't, which is why the LAST post election violence was in 2001.  There was NONE in 2006 and NONE in 2011 and when some decided to play bully after 2015 Granger ordered them to cease and to behave themselves.

If the PPP communicates to blacks that they aren't a threat to them many might give them a chance, either by staying home, or even voting for them.  But with Jagdeo at the helm no way as too many blacks suffered in his era.  That massive black/mixed turnout in 2015 shows the degree to which they hate him and even last year in the LGE blacks stayed home rather than vote PPP.

caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

Bai Cribby, there will be enough time to resolve the matter of the PPP presidential candidate. The immediate crises is that the behavior of the Coalition. Leh we deal wid dah wan fust nah.

The PPP has yet to select its PM candidate and even many in its base are laughing at Irfaan.  Jagdeo needs to say thank you to the Coalition for dragging their feet.  Announce that he is resigning from politics, suggest that Irfaan withdraw from the presidential and urge the PPP to chose Frank Anthony.

If he does all of that the PPP is guaranteed victory.    Irfaan is a complete fool and this issue about his lies about his academic qualifications adds credence to it.  He is a creature that comedians like with his BA coming after his MA, and then not being able to show evidence of it.  And I heard he is supposedly now working on his PhD.  This is an insult to the PPP base, and by extension to Guyanese at large.

The PPP has as much time as they need to fix their mess as the Coalition is in no rush.   They don't know what to do and many probably have their resumes being sent to employers outside of Guyana.

You constantly scream about PNC violence.  Tell you this.  To the extent that elements do behave this way they can only do so if they feel that the majority of the black/mixed population condones this.  They know full well that they don't, which is why the LAST post election violence was in 2001.  There was NONE in 2006 and NONE in 2011 and when some decided to play bully after 2015 Granger ordered them to cease and to behave themselves.

If the PPP communicates to blacks that they aren't a threat to them many might give them a chance, either by staying home, or even voting for them.  But with Jagdeo at the helm no way as too many blacks suffered in his era.  That massive black/mixed turnout in 2015 shows the degree to which they hate him and even last year in the LGE blacks stayed home rather than vote PPP.

Bai Cribby, I have no doubt that should an election day be set, the PPP will promptly announce their PM candidate. The PPP can turn things around very quickly. Lots of folks thought that they were running out of time to nominate a Presidential candidate and lo and behold, in no time they had a candidate. No doubt he is not the best candidate the PPP has but he is the candidate so we PPP supporters have to support him. Now it seems like the Coalition is more worried about their prospects than the PPP even with Ali as the candidate. That is why they are scared to have the voters choose.

ronan posted:

abie Skeldon_man mini me now doing a lil dance, trying wan 'reset' that his peedown and Brown Shirt goose stepping these past 48 hours and well into dis marnin is all about the coalition Gov't in Guyana

banna, you either bold on steroids or quite sick in the head

Correct. Ramjattan, Roopnarine, Nagamootoo and other Indians are all part of this "coalition govt" Herr Ksazma talking about, but for 72+ hours Herr Ksazma weeping and gnashing he teeth at black man ONLY, scouring the KKK sites for every derogatory stereotype of black man he can find and posting it to loud applause from he Shitabatty choir of nehru, skeldon, and de rest of dem.

Is educational fuh dem Americans reading hay though. Dem realization now fortified that there are Indians in Guyana like ksazma and the majority who post hay who hold the same view of blacks as the apartheid regime of South Africa.

Prashad posted:

Haiti businessmen have invested in rice growing in Guyana which started under the Ramotar PPP government so there is no need for people to eat mud cakes in Haiti.

banna you need to check yourself and behave like a big man for a change

joke is joke, but the Goebbelsian anti-Black hate speech the likes of which we have seen from Indians on this board these past couple of days is a remarkable something all Indo-Guyanese, especially all y'all deceitful on GNI with your mouths taped shut should be ashamed of

don't mix up the two

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