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$1B over than engineer’s estimate…IDB’s anti-corruption arm launches probe into GPL’s contract award

The Office of Institutional Integrity (OII), an independent arm of the Inter-American Development

Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson

Bank (IDB) that is charged with investigating allegations of fraud and corruption, has started its probe of a major contract for the installation of over 25,000 smart meters and new transmission lines across the coastlands.
The project, part of a bigger one to improve the technical efficiency of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL), has been generating attention locally not only because of the billions of dollars involved, but with questions raised over the procedures to evaluate the bidders.
The tenders of the rehabilitation project had been opened since February, and were only reportedly granted Cabinet’s no-objection a few weeks ago – more than nine months later.
There has been no official signing of the contract with CMC, the Chinese company that was reportedly awarded the project, as is normal with a state project of this magnitude. It is unclear whether CMC has received any monies as yet.
On Monday, a bidder, Colombian-owned Enrique Lourido, which has partnered with local contractor, Fix It Depot, filed an official protest with OII citing corruption in the evaluation process and raising questions over the fact that CMC was awarded a project that was $1B over the engineer’s estimate. The bidder was the lowest.
An investigation by IDB’s anti-corruption and anti-fraud would effectively halt any disbursements.
IDB has been known to blacklist contractors and ask for retenders when fraud and other irregularities are found with the projects it is funding.
The Parliamentary Opposition has already slammed the delay of the award, noting that it was taking too long and that it appears that something was wrong.

No Announcement
Guyana officially learnt of the award when questions were posed to Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, during the recent considerations of the national budget in the National Assembly.
Questioned by Opposition Parliamentarian, Juan Edghill, the minister said that China National Machinery Import and Export (CMC) was the lowest responsive bidder.
Patterson was asked to explain the allocation of $1.2B to be plugged into the Power Utility Upgrade Programme (PUUP).
He said that the delay in implementing the project was as a result of the contract only recently being awarded to the Chinese company. Patterson said that the contract cost stands at $4.6 billion. He said that the engineer’s estimate was $3.9 billion,
After providing this information, Patterson was asked to state whether the company was the lowest bidder. “I could indicate clearly that the contractor that was awarded this bid was the lowest responsive bidder.”
A responsive bidder is an entity that would have satisfied all the requirements to be a successful bidder.
Edghill posed the question to Patterson whether he can explain why the evaluators would have chosen a company whose bidding price was almost $1B above the engineer’s estimate.

Opposition MP,
Juan Edghill

According to Patterson, the contract is a part of a much larger contract for US$64M and at the time of the tender this was the engineer’s estimate. But there was a delay in terms of the assessment. So when the assessment was done, the cost was determined by the evaluators to be fair and they were recommended to us, not only to the government of Guyana but also to the IDB as well as the EU.”
Both IDB and the European Union (EU) are funding the US$64M power projects.

Evidence of Wrongdoings
A spokesperson for Enrique Lourido and Fix It Depot yesterday disclosed that IDB’s investigative arm has started its probe and has already asked for a number of documents.
“Essentially, our lawyers and principals are talking to the investigators and we have already provided some documents. We have the evidence of wrongdoings. They said that they take any allegations of corruption and fraud very seriously. We believe that we won this contract fair and square, based on the specifications that were demanded and the fact we were the lowest bidder. On top of that, we were never told that we were disqualified or informed that an award was made. That is a breach.”
The spokesperson was also critical of the highly questionable decision by evaluators to up the price by over $1B over the engineer’s estimate, using an excuse of “unforeseeable risks”.
Five companies tendered for the project- China National Machinery Import and Export/Sino Hydro Corporation (China)- $7.1B; Multi Electrical System N.V. (Suriname)- $6.4B; China National Machinery Import and Export (CMC)/China Sinogy Electric Engineering Co. Limited – $4.6B; Cummings Electrical Limited- $3.67B and Enrique Lourido/Fixit Depot- $3.5B.
The award to the Chinese company had raised eyebrows since the company was involved in the construction of seven sub-stations, running new high powered transmissions along the coastland and the laying of two submarine cables across the Demerara and Berbice rivers.
The cable which was laid across the Demerara River was damaged in July under unknown circumstances. This left the East Demerara and Berbice areas without additional power being supplied by the new Vreed-en-Hoop power station for a number of months. It was only fixed, recently.
A key report by CEMCO, the local engineering company that supervised that project, had criticized the quality of work of CMC, including the laying of the submarine cable in the Demerara River.
The utility programme includes targeting loss reduction, rehabilitation and upgrading of distribution networks, upgrade/relocation of distribution transformers, implementation of systems management software and institutional strengthening.
GPL officials this past week confirmed that the power company has started moves to conduct an assessment of the CMC-built sub-stations to determine
GPL officials themselves have been highly nervous about the project and tight-lipped.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

An investigation by IDB’s anti-corruption and anti-fraud would effectively halt any disbursements. Both IDB and the European Union (EU) are funding the US$64M power projects.

Looks like Xmas came too early for some.



Checks and balances,Kaiteur News doing a good job policing the the current gov't.

Nehru was bad mouthing the KN owner,calling his media all sorts of names.

can some one describe this Nehru fella,whose vocabulary is made up of a few words.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Nehru was bad mouthing the KN owner,calling his media all sorts of names.

can some one describe this Nehru fella,whose vocabulary is made up of a few words.

REMINDER: Today is CHRISTMAS, a day traditionally set aside for TRUCE. Please hold your fire against Nehru until another day.

Nehru posted:

Nehru is NOT a CRADAAGm NAMAKARAM, ASS KISSER, SOUP DRINKER like Django. Parasites like you are from a different Planet!!!



Don't stretch your vocabulary too much...there was not one reference to snake oil! But I guess you do need to rest one of the 5 words you can arrange in a sentence so they are not over used! I bet if were to give you a head start  of  a noun and a verb you would still be hard pressed to make a different sentence from the kind above!

Hilarious !!

Here is a description from a GNI exiting poster.

Last edited by Django

Regardless of your view about Nehru's command of the English language or your view of Kaiteur News, the situation still remains a troubling one. The coalition (which Django seems to support) appears to involved in financial impropriety. I cannot remember the IDB ever taking such action over the years the previous government has been in power. The Coalition promised change, but seems to be carrying on in the same fashion of which they had accused the previous government.

His comment was, in my view, an attempt to divert attention from the main idea in the news item.since he is so supportive of glen lal's newspaper, he might want to suggest to glen that he investigate the sweetie business as it relates to money laundering.

Zed posted:

Regardless of your view about Nehru's command of the English language or your view of Kaiteur News, the situation still remains a troubling one. The coalition (which Django seems to support) appears to involved in financial impropriety. I cannot remember the IDB ever taking such action over the years the previous government has been in power. The Coalition promised change, but seems to be carrying on in the same fashion of which they had accused the previous government.

His comment was, in my view, an attempt to divert attention from the main idea in the news item.since he is so supportive of glen lal's newspaper, he might want to suggest to glen that he investigate the sweetie business as it relates to money laundering.

"Checks and balances,Kaiteur News doing a good job policing the the current gov't."

Seems you missed the statement i made above.

As for the rest of your post, regarding KN owner,it's the duty of the Justice system to apprehend and prosecute Companies or Individuals for wrong doings.

No wonder Guyana is such a cesspit,corruption by Gov't officials both PNC,PPP and private citizens ruled the roost.

The destiny of my future while in my mothers womb in the country of my birth was in the hands of two men one an Indian and the other an African,both of them goofed up and it's still the same for future generations.

I am still hoping before i expire,there will be changes.

Last edited by Django

I wonder who is Mugabe's Thieves? Could it be those robbers/murderers of African descent who has been decimating the Indo Community in Guyana?

Did you refer to the Jackass as Mugabe?


Zed, the ass kisser cant discuss the theft of over a billion dollars . His Masters will be angry with him. This is the level these Parasites are willing to go.


Stormy Bhai teach meh vocabulary nah before you leave

asj posted:

I wonder who is Mugabe's Thieves? Could it be those robbers/murderers of African descent who has been decimating the Indo Community in Guyana?

Did you refer to the Jackass as Mugabe?

Asj, it is a reference to the African notorious Dictators and how they Rule.

Nehru posted:

Zed, the ass kisser cant discuss the theft of over a billion dollars . His Masters will be angry with him. This is the level these Parasites are willing to go.


Stormy Bhai teach meh vocabulary nah before you leave

Did any money hand over to the contractor ???

Today is Boxing Day,i guh get you bassidy.

Last edited by Django

Django, maybe Nehru is correct when he says that you are clueless when it comes to Guyana. By attributing the blame for the present situation in Guyana to just two individuals, you absolve those thousands of others who thru acts of commission or acts of omission are part of the problem. These include both those who living or were living in Guyana and those whose residence were outside.

regarding the other part of your response. You were lauding the newspaper for policing tge government. Are you suggesting  that it had something to do with unveiling this mess. It seems to me that they were just reporting the news that was public info. The coalition said that they will fix the justice system. Seems that now the thieves were given the keys to the house. 

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Zed, the ass kisser cant discuss the theft of over a billion dollars . His Masters will be angry with him. This is the level these Parasites are willing to go.


Stormy Bhai teach meh vocabulary nah before you leave

Did any money hand over to the contractor ???

Today is Boxing Day,i guh get you bassidy.

One day you will put blackpat on your face. Continue to support these human parasites. Your blind love for your PNC is written all over you face. Today is boxing day. Nehru guh put 2 bax pun you rass.

Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:

Django, maybe Nehru is correct when he says that you are clueless when it comes to Guyana.

I lived 43 yrs in GY,know that place inside and out,had acquaintances with politicians gov't officials,and people of all walks of life,some are around and some gone beyond.

Hope that tells you something.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Zed, the ass kisser cant discuss the theft of over a billion dollars . His Masters will be angry with him. This is the level these Parasites are willing to go.


Stormy Bhai teach meh vocabulary nah before you leave

Did any money hand over to the contractor ???

Today is Boxing Day,i guh get you bassidy.

One day you will put blackpat on your face. Continue to support these human parasites. Your blind love for your PNC is written all over you face. Today is boxing day. Nehru guh put 2 bax pun you rass.

Only bar flies that  chap can bax.

Nehru posted:
asj posted:

I wonder who is Mugabe's Thieves? Could it be those robbers/murderers of African descent who has been decimating the Indo Community in Guyana?

Did you refer to the Jackass as Mugabe?

Asj, it is a reference to the African notorious Dictators and how they Rule.

Okay bai Nehru, I figure that as of now we cannot put Granger in that Dictator Category but slowly he is getting there.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Zed, the ass kisser cant discuss the theft of over a billion dollars . His Masters will be angry with him. This is the level these Parasites are willing to go.


Stormy Bhai teach meh vocabulary nah before you leave

Did any money hand over to the contractor ???

Today is Boxing Day,i guh get you bassidy.

This is splitting hairs. Still trying to deflect.

Django posted:

"Checks and balances,Kaiteur News doing a good job policing the the current gov't."


Checks and balances should be dictated by legislation and not newspapers. What has the your PNC done so far to ensure checks and balances in the constitution? All the big talk you folks had while in opposition and now you are telling us that Kaiteur is the conscience of the nation,. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

"Checks and balances,Kaiteur News doing a good job policing the the current gov't."


Checks and balances should be dictated by legislation and not newspapers. What has the your PNC done so far to ensure checks and balances in the constitution? All the big talk you folks had while in opposition and now you are telling us that Kaiteur is the conscience of the nation,. 

Banna,the press is the people's watch dog,they are important to functioning democracy.

Django posted:

Banna,the press is the people's watch dog,they are important to functioning democracy.

Watchdog is don't prevent the problem. Policies do. Get off the koolaid and start drinking some strong coffee. 


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