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Former Member

Please don't go bro.  You obviously take yourself seriously, which is a good thing.  Most of the other PPP posters are simply paid hacks - like albert.  In your case, I now realise because of your thin-skinnedness, you do need a pseudonym on the internet.  However, word of advice, knowing that, you should stick to issues and not threaten anyone and resort to name-calling.


I must thank you though, this morning when I read you took raymond's post to be coming from the admin, I laughed until my sides hurt.  I was so breathless, it took a good little while to explain to my perplexed wife.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Looks like I missed something. I did not see any thing reprehensible in Stromborn's posting. Personal attacks are not uncommon in politics as can be easily verified by anyone watching PM question time from Westminster. However, debates should stick to the issues and not degenerate into mudslinging for the lack of a coherent argument.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

I will miss our one and only cyber Brahmin. Don't go Yuji.

This is the result of a cyber bramin who rub shoulders with cyber Chamar and partake in too much cyber Henny and Cyber poke cutters...a cyber Jag is now needed to cleanse he....



We can get uncle Rama_cant to do the cyber jag .

Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:



I must thank you(Yuji) though, this morning when I read you took raymond's post to be coming from the admin, I laughed until my sides hurt.  I was so breathless, it took a good little while to explain to my perplexed wife.




The Rev is shocked that yuji fell for Raymond's prank. Honest folks tend to sometimes be gullible, and yuji is an honest man. I consider yuji a friend, and I am highly confident he'll be back. But damn yuji, did you have to fall for that trick Raymond pulled on you ? Did you really believe that was admin ? Anyway, go bathe in the ganges and then come back here all refreshed and ready to hammer away at stormy and the AFC.



Originally Posted by Tar_K:
Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Tar_K:

I will miss our one and only cyber Brahmin. Don't go Yuji.

This is the result of a cyber bramin who rub shoulders with cyber Chamar and partake in too much cyber Henny and Cyber poke cutters...a cyber Jag is now needed to cleanse he....



We can get uncle Rama_cant to do the cyber jag .


I believe being here would do a lot for his intellectual growth, mental fortitude and knowledge of his native country.


This place to me has always been a sandbox rather than a soapbox. We kick sand, that is what we do. None of us, except for a few,  are real personalities. Most of us grow a cyber self. This place distorts personalities and makes one into a cyber warriors. How good you are at it means how much you are willing to fight, clarify your position and stand up for your views. If you are wimpy you run. If you are dumb, you stay and become a Nehru; if you are a stunted ideologue, you become a Henry. Otherwise you change and become more understanding. ( Paid posters do not count in any of this)


Yes, there are beneficial effects of posting. One gets to know not only the names of the people in government and what they do that matters but what they are as personalities and how they are perceived. One is also  presented with lots of information from which they can  distills their own truth. There is hardly anyone who comes here and is not made tougher for it. Of course a few exceptions like Nehru do come to us like that cracked egg in the carton. One has to accept that as part of life.


He will not get educated in the rum shop in ways he will here. In time that racism of his will no longer be tenable for him in his world. I am sure if he stays he will get enough oxygen to overcome the disabilities he came into this world with and which has left him stunted to this point.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I believe being here would do a lot for his intellectual growth, mental fortitude and knowledge of his native country.


This place to me has always been a sandbox rather than a soapbox. We kick sand, that is what we do. None of us, except for a few,  are real personalities. Most of us grow a cyber self. This place distorts personalities and makes one into a cyber warriors. How good you are at it means how much you are willing to fight, clarify your position and stand up for your views. If you are wimpy you run. If you are dumb, you stay and become a Nehru; if you are a stunted ideologue, you become a Henry. Otherwise you change and become more understanding. ( Paid posters do not count in any of this)


Yes, there are beneficial effects of posting. One gets to know not only the names of the people in government and what they do that matters but what they are as personalities and how they are perceived. One is also  presented with lots of information from which they can  distills their own truth. There is hardly anyone who comes here and is not made tougher for it. Of course a few exceptions like Nehru do come to us like that cracked egg in the carton. One has to accept that as part of life.


He will not get educated in the rum shop in ways he will here. In time that racism of his will no longer be tenable for him in his world. I am sure if he stays he will get enough oxygen to overcome the disabilities he came into this world with and which has left him stunted to this point.

I cannot think of a BIGGER DUNCE and JACKASS than you and I was looking even on the World Wide WEb.


Don't stretch your vocabulary too much...there was not one reference to snake oil! But I guess you do need to rest one of the 5 words you can arrange in a sentence so they are not over used! I bet if were to give you a head start  of  a noun and a verb you would still be hard pressed to make a different sentence from the kind above!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Don't stretch your vocabulary too much...there was not one reference to snake oil! But I guess you do need to rest one of the 5 words you can arrange in a sentence so they are not over used! I bet if were to give you a head start  of  a noun and a verb you would still be hard pressed to make a sentence!

I know how dat Snakeoil, Power Hungry Buffoons comments does hut yuh haaat. The TRUTH does really HUT.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Don't stretch your vocabulary too much...there was not one reference to snake oil! But I guess you do need to rest one of the 5 words you can arrange in a sentence so they are not over used! I bet if were to give you a head start  of  a noun and a verb you would still be hard pressed to make a sentence!

I know how dat Snakeoil, Power Hungry Buffoons comments does hut yuh haaat. The TRUTH does really HUT.

 It hurts to see that among our People are still knuckle walkers like yourself. Sorry, don't need power or cash and I am not a pork cutters pandit. I just need for those rodents in power to be gone so others better able to govern can help our people. Ramotar is a stone cold wastrel. He squatted on GUYSUCO board and OMAI board facilitating the decline of the former and the pillaging of the latter. From him we will get nothing put the poison we presently see being sprayed liberally about. I hope that little piggy call an election soon so we can reduce their numbers in parliament further.

Originally Posted by alena06:

Stormborn spends his entire day writing paragraph after paragraph of personal criticisms against other posters.  Take a chill pill 

 What should I do that  if I do not like what they say? Further, it is my time for my country and my people and if you do not like what I say that is your business. Tell the thieves in the PPP to take a chill.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Stormborn spends his entire day writing paragraph after paragraph of personal criticisms against other posters.  Take a chill pill 


Please be kind to our friend stormy--he is going through male menopause--it's been sheer mental and physical torture for him.



Between that, the narcissism, and the Multiple Screenname/Dissociative Online ID disorder, Stormfront is not a happy camper.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by alena06:

Stormborn spends his entire day writing paragraph after paragraph of personal criticisms against other posters.  Take a chill pill 



Please be kind to our friend stormy--he is going through male menopause--it's been sheer mental and physical torture for him.



And what phase are you going through? your cartoon phase? I wish you would at least do your own rather than steal others. But I guess creativity is absent there as well


I doubt anything your facile mind can conceive of would torture anyone.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:


And what phase are you going through?






You have the Rev's deepest sympathy.




Andropause or male menopause describes an emotional and physical change that many men experience as they age.


Hopefully posters will now understand your histrionics and emotional outbursts on this forum stromy---you chased yuji away---poor yuji should have been more understanding--he knew you were going through male menopause--yet he allowed himself to be verbally abused by you--the poor chap quit and ran away.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:


And what phase are you going through?






You have the Rev's deepest sympathy.




Andropause or male menopause describes an emotional and physical change that many men experience as they age.


Hopefully posters will now understand your histrionics and emotional outbursts on this forum stromy---you chased yuji away---poor yuji should have been more understanding--he knew you were going through male menopause--yet he allowed himself to be verbally abused by you--the poor chap quit and ran away.



Do these nonsensical ramblings reduce to any pathology of the kind your astute medical mind can diagnose as well?


I  would reduce them to what they are on their face; the kinds of reactions kids are prone to when they are stomped for want of understanding.


Your friend is a racist as you are and on that account his positions ought to at least come along the pat lines. He may have done a smart for himself and be spared daily humiliation. You sadly do not know a difference.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev, why were you called a lizard brain?


Check that graph--The Rev's IQ is a solid 55--hence the lizard brain depiction--Is that poster Albert on the right ? By the way, where are you on that chart Mitts ?



The depiction fits the little reptilian controller lurking in your skull, which will quite often cause you to perform primeval actions that actually endanger you or those close to you. Please don't make the same mistakes like your parents. Practice birth control.

I made a complete idiot of myself by falling for Raymond's prank. At least I made many here had a good laugh with my falling for the prank. Raymond, go check your tires ! Also the windshield and seats ! Storm, I am not going anywhere now that the real admin has posted. I will trade punch for punch. Let the Mahabharata begin. I am traveling today, busy with my "work". I will post more tonight. I am not thin skinned, I was traveling down a stairs once and my dhoti fell off ! I took it on strides and continued with my work . Lucky, I wear a pair of boxer shorts. Both of my children laughed at me for days. Both are teenagers and have never forgotten that incident. Admin, thanks for clearing things up.
Originally Posted by yuji22:
I made a complete idiot of myself by falling for Raymond's prank. At least I made many here had a good laugh with my falling for the prank. Raymond, go check your tires ! Also the windshield and seats ! Storm, I am not going anywhere now that the real admin has posted.


Good to have you back Yuji! We all screw up at times. That Raymond prank was, indeed, hilarious. Anyway, you gave folks here a good laugh---and your boy Gerhard had the biggest laugh---he actually lost a few pounds laughing at you.



Grehard has a good heart. Too bad that he sits on the other side of the political fence. Did the PPP let such a young talent slide thru their fingers ? He reminds me of the young PYO activists. Vigilant and strong headed on his views . I would throw my support behind Gerhard if he was with another party. Grehard ate too much puri and prasadam when he was a kid. I usually tell people to ease up on the Ghee and oil. I hope that this new administration will try to mend some fences as we build a new Guyana. Heading to another "work". It is nice to see people slowly returning to their spiritual roots. I feel very happy when I see people attending churches, mosques and temples. Thanks Al. Keep em honest.

Welcome back yuji22 


Thank you for your kind words, but in my strong-headedness, I am convinced I am correctly placed in the opposition.  Indeed, I was shaped by my time as a Pioneer and then as a PYO member.  I really see no difference to what I was then to what I am today.  In fact, I would like to believe I am more enlightened now 


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