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He said what we all knew, the AFC bought into the PNC hook line and sinker if they stayed true the original reason people voted for them what unfolded today would not have happened, well done to him 

As much as I can't stand Jagdeo he played the perfect hand.

Sadly once again we are left with two choices just as bad as each other


He is a champion.

He stood his ground.

He was assaulted by the Minister on his left

He was cursed

He was challenged repeatedly to challenged by many and most importantly by the Leader Minister Volda Lawrence

This shows the lack of professionalism

The highly unacceptable request for a timeout during " a vote" by the new Leader of PNC was another sly movement to twist Charandass Persaud into compliance



Vish M
caribny posted:

So what happened to his back bone, even admitting that he was a "yes man" for 3 years?

No wonder there is a broad belief that his "conscience" responded to "incentives".

If he had revealed his hands early, he would have been replaced and the no confidence vote would not be possible, well played Charrandas. Look how they expel him now based on this one vote. 


AFC is now officially PNC. Actions and all. This was Trotman’s plan all along and he played the Stupid Indos in the AFC well. Charandass revealed that he wrote to Ramjattan about Vulgar Volda’s behaviour and like an arrogant P, Trotman told him to haul his ass.

Charandass has the last laugh. He hauled Trotman’s ass off his chair and out of Parliament. 

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

So what happened to his back bone, even admitting that he was a "yes man" for 3 years?

No wonder there is a broad belief that his "conscience" responded to "incentives".


You cant be serious.

He joined the AFC for a reason, because he was fed up with the PPP and PNC. It took time for him to realize this. The AFC changed, not him.... So he was comfortable in voting his conscience. Watch the tape, he was genuine about what he said. He did this knowing fully well that his life is going to be in danger.

The PNC will accuse him of being a traitor and of being bought over....even if he so chose later to return to the PPP, there are not that many options left for people who are looking for parties to support.  

yuji22 posted:

The speaker must be commended for taking control of the situation and enforcing Parliamnet laws. They are not allowed to delay a vote. Volda made a desperate attempt but failed.

From the available news casts, indeed the Speaker adhered to all rules to ensure that issues are focused and addressed in the proper manner.

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

So what happened to his back bone, even admitting that he was a "yes man" for 3 years?

No wonder there is a broad belief that his "conscience" responded to "incentives".

If he had revealed his hands early, he would have been replaced and the no confidence vote would not be possible, well played Charrandas. Look how they expel him now based on this one vote. 

Over the years, he became progressively appaled by the PNC attitudes.

I think the straw that broke him was the police that harrassed him as a PPPite because he is an Indian. Same as Caribj is peddling on the man.

Racism to its fullest, any indian is a pppite.

seignet posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

So what happened to his back bone, even admitting that he was a "yes man" for 3 years?

No wonder there is a broad belief that his "conscience" responded to "incentives".

If he had revealed his hands early, he would have been replaced and the no confidence vote would not be possible, well played Charrandas. Look how they expel him now based on this one vote. 

Over the years, he became progressively appaled by the PNC attitudes.

I think the straw that broke him was the police that harrassed him as a PPPite because he is an Indian. Same as Caribj is peddling on the man.

Racism to its fullest, any indian is a pppite.

Yes, I remember reading about that incident....thanks for reminding us.

caribny posted:

So what happened to his back bone, even admitting that he was a "yes man" for 3 years?

No wonder there is a broad belief that his "conscience" responded to "incentives".

Just shut up and go back to campaign mode.  Your rants and stupid innuendos will not get the PNC back in power.

Many people go along until they had enough.  Pantress (puff up) Volda delivered that last blow.  Stop whining!

Vish M posted:

He is a champion.

He stood his ground.

He was assaulted by the Minister on his left

He was cursed

He was challenged repeatedly to challenged by many and most importantly by the Leader Minister Volda Lawrence

This shows the lack of professionalism

The highly unacceptable request for a timeout during " a vote" by the new Leader of PNC was another sly movement to twist Charandass Persaud into compliance



Thank you Vish BUT you will never convince the RACIST PIGs here on GNI!!!!!!!!!!!

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

So what happened to his back bone, even admitting that he was a "yes man" for 3 years?

No wonder there is a broad belief that his "conscience" responded to "incentives".

If he had revealed his hands early, he would have been replaced and the no confidence vote would not be possible, well played Charrandas. Look how they expel him now based on this one vote. 

Do you rent your handle ????

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

So what happened to his back bone, even admitting that he was a "yes man" for 3 years?

No wonder there is a broad belief that his "conscience" responded to "incentives".

If he had revealed his hands early, he would have been replaced and the no confidence vote would not be possible, well played Charrandas. Look how they expel him now based on this one vote. 

Do you rent your handle ????

You noticed too?  Either that or he is a vortex!

Panty power!!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

So what happened to his back bone, even admitting that he was a "yes man" for 3 years?

No wonder there is a broad belief that his "conscience" responded to "incentives".

If he had revealed his hands early, he would have been replaced and the no confidence vote would not be possible, well played Charrandas. Look how they expel him now based on this one vote. 

Do you rent your handle ????

You noticed too?  Either that or he is a vortex!

Panty power!!

Some folks thinks they good at double role, what's  the point of using other posters handles.GNI have some crazy  folks.

Django posted:

Some folks thinks they good at double role, what's  the point of using other posters handles.GNI have some crazy  folks.

I will never appreciate why anyone would need more than one handle. It is as if they are not satisfied with their contribution on any one of them so they need other handles to make up for that shortcoming.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:

Some folks thinks they good at double role, what's  the point of using other posters handles.GNI have some crazy  folks.

I will never appreciate why anyone would need more than one handle. It is as if they are not satisfied with their contribution on any one of them so they need other handles to make up for that shortcoming.

Multiple Personality Disorder.  Dishonest to the core. Support one issue on a thread and oppose it on another.  It gets really funny when they start to talk to themselves.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member maybe , maybe not, the AFC failed the people who voted for change we all know the baggage that comes with the PPP and PNC we wanted and saw something different 

PPP and PNC what is the difference and why is a man who admits that he was a yes man for 3 1/2 years a hero.

People have good grounds to think that this is bribe money. His "conscience" suddenly woke up when Judas money appeared.

Django posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

As much as I can't stand Jagdeo he played the perfect hand.


May comeback to bite him. This is a man who can't run for office still trying to stay relevant .

Why the shock.  The man definitely plans to remain relevant to the process as long as he is living, appointing as many stooges as he can get away with appointing.


caribny posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member maybe , maybe not, the AFC failed the people who voted for change we all know the baggage that comes with the PPP and PNC we wanted and saw something different 

PPP and PNC what is the difference and why is a man who admits that he was a yes man for 3 1/2 years a hero.

People have good grounds to think that this is bribe money. His "conscience" suddenly woke up when Judas money appeared.

Until you have proof that the man took money, then his statement should be accepted. How many of us have been in similar situations when we allowed things to happen, to continue happening, hoping that there might be change, then finally decide that enough is enough and make that momentous decision? Many!

Yes, he waited, and it might be argued that he waited to make that crucial decision that will make a difference and atone for all the times when he was leery of what was happening, hoping that things will change and they did not.

The man said that now his conscience is clear and he can die with a clear conscience.  It s obvious that he was troubled by what he had done prior to the vote and even after he had made made the decision. I do not think any of us has not been in this type of situation, either at a personal or professional level.

Some here might want to denigrate him, some might view him as a hero.  For me, he was a man, faced with a difficult decision aver a period of time and who eventually was forced to make a decision by an accumulation of events, including the harmful effects of the shut down  of the sugar factories  on he people he was supposed to represent in Parliament.

Django posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

As much as I can't stand Jagdeo he played the perfect hand.


May comeback to bite him. This is a man who can't run for office still trying to stay relevant .

Your hatred for Jagdeo seems to be be hardening as his success seems to grow. Saying again that I am not a Jagdeo supporter, please note

1.  I think that he is by far the most popular politician in Guyana

2. He is by far the most popular politician in the PPP which is by far the largest single political party in Guyana

3.  He is the leader of the opposition in the Parliament of Guyana

4.  He is General Secretary of the of the Peoples Progressive Party

5. He is prevented by the Constitution from running for only one political office in Guyana.

6.  The man successfully carried thru a No Confidence Motion against the current Guyana government causing the government to fall and new elections to be held.In spite of thee current government predicting that it will fail, that he had no hope in hell, and Django being of the same opinion.

7. He is a member of the Executive Council of the PPP and a member of the Central Committee elected by Congress

8. He is a member of Parliament in Guyana

9. Jagdeo will have input in the decision of who will be the presidential candidate in the next election and if that party wins a plurality of votes the next president of Guyana.





@Former Member I hear you, let's just say for this conversation he did take a bribe (not actually saying he did ) what does that tell us about our politicians period ! 

You have Jagdeo spewing rascial bile at the last election a man who lost complete control of crime and almost turned Guyana into a narco state , Volda acting as if she seen black panther one to many times it's 2018 and with a combined 50+ years leadership between both parties neither can point to not one successful thing they have done not socially, economically,racially, nothing,zero,zip for Guyana

I'm glad he did what he did but just as sad we are left with these two geriatric parties that offer us nothing 


Zed posted:
Django posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

As much as I can't stand Jagdeo he played the perfect hand.


May comeback to bite him. This is a man who can't run for office still trying to stay relevant .

Your hatred for Jagdeo seems to be be hardening as his success seems to grow. Saying again that I am not a Jagdeo supporter, please note

1.  I think that he is by far the most popular politician in Guyana

2. He is by far the most popular politician in the PPP which is by far the largest single political party in Guyana

3.  He is the leader of the opposition in the Parliament of Guyana

4.  He is General Secretary of the of the Peoples Progressive Party

5. He is prevented by the Constitution from running for only one political office in Guyana.

6.  The man successfully carried thru a No Confidence Motion against the current Guyana government causing the government to fall and new elections to be held.In spite of thee current government predicting that it will fail, that he had no hope in hell, and Django being of the same opinion.

7. He is a member of the Executive Council of the PPP and a member of the Central Committee elected by Congress

8. He is a member of Parliament in Guyana

9. Jagdeo will have input in the decision of who will be the presidential candidate in the next election and if that party wins a plurality of votes the next president of Guyana.




Nice, Z.

Zed posted:
Django posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

As much as I can't stand Jagdeo he played the perfect hand.


May comeback to bite him. This is a man who can't run for office still trying to stay relevant .

Your hatred for Jagdeo seems to be be hardening as his success seems to grow. Saying again that I am not a Jagdeo supporter, please note

1.  I think that he is by far the most popular politician in Guyana

2. He is by far the most popular politician in the PPP which is by far the largest single political party in Guyana

3.  He is the leader of the opposition in the Parliament of Guyana

4.  He is General Secretary of the of the Peoples Progressive Party

5. He is prevented by the Constitution from running for only one political office in Guyana.

6.  The man successfully carried thru a No Confidence Motion against the current Guyana government causing the government to fall and new elections to be held.In spite of thee current government predicting that it will fail, that he had no hope in hell, and Django being of the same opinion.

7. He is a member of the Executive Council of the PPP and a member of the Central Committee elected by Congress

8. He is a member of Parliament in Guyana

9. Jagdeo will have input in the decision of who will be the presidential candidate in the next election and if that party wins a plurality of votes the next president of Guyana.


Wow..clap..clap.. spoken like a true PPP-ite and Bharat Jagdeo follower,who sees only one man in the whole nation have the answers to Guyana's problems.Hs track record during his tenure is unblemished and deserves to be in the forefront.

Who you fooling ?

Also with out him the PPP is nothing, he is the only brightest star in the party.

With regard to your point # 5 and the last sentence in bold at the closing of your post.

1.  What are the other Government Office (s) can Bharat Jagdeo run for and why would  former Two term President, seek a lower position in a government.

2. Who signed the Constitutional law, is't  Democratic ?  is't good for politics in Guyana ?

And finally # 2 what's the percentage difference between the largest single party and the second ranking party in Guyana.

The rest of your points are repetitive trying to bolster your support.

Django posted:
Zed posted:
Django posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

As much as I can't stand Jagdeo he played the perfect hand.


May comeback to bite him. This is a man who can't run for office still trying to stay relevant .

Your hatred for Jagdeo seems to be be hardening as his success seems to grow. Saying again that I am not a Jagdeo supporter, please note

1.  I think that he is by far the most popular politician in Guyana

2. He is by far the most popular politician in the PPP which is by far the largest single political party in Guyana

3.  He is the leader of the opposition in the Parliament of Guyana

4.  He is General Secretary of the of the Peoples Progressive Party

5. He is prevented by the Constitution from running for only one political office in Guyana.

6.  The man successfully carried thru a No Confidence Motion against the current Guyana government causing the government to fall and new elections to be held.In spite of thee current government predicting that it will fail, that he had no hope in hell, and Django being of the same opinion.

7. He is a member of the Executive Council of the PPP and a member of the Central Committee elected by Congress

8. He is a member of Parliament in Guyana

9. Jagdeo will have input in the decision of who will be the presidential candidate in the next election and if that party wins a plurality of votes the next president of Guyana.


Wow..clap..clap.. spoken like a true PPP-ite and Bharat Jagdeo follower,who sees only one man in the whole nation have the answers to Guyana's problems.Hs track record during his tenure is unblemished and deserves to be in the forefront.

Who you fooling ?

Also with out him the PPP is nothing, he is the only brightest star in the party.

With regard to your point # 5 and the last sentence in bold at the closing of your post.

1.  What are the other Government Office (s) can Bharat Jagdeo run for and why would  former Two term President, seek a lower position in a government.

2. Who signed the Constitutional law, is't  Democratic ?  is't good for politics in Guyana ?

And finally # 2 what's the percentage difference between the largest single party and the second ranking party in Guyana.

The rest of your points are repetitive trying to bolster your support.

You beating around the bush here, trying to divert. You posted that the man cannot run for  office and that he is trying to stay relevant. Please dispute any of the observation I have made instead of getting into other issues. I have responded what he is at this time. Furthermore, reread what I said about him being able to run for political office. I am not Jagdeo or a close confidant so do not know other stuff. But I know that the only prohibition against him running for office is that he cannot run for more that two terms for the presidency. There are lots of office he can run for.

Zed posted:
caribny posted:
Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member maybe , maybe not, the AFC failed the people who voted for change we all know the baggage that comes with the PPP and PNC we wanted and saw something different 

PPP and PNC what is the difference and why is a man who admits that he was a yes man for 3 1/2 years a hero.

People have good grounds to think that this is bribe money. His "conscience" suddenly woke up when Judas money appeared.

Until you have proof that the man took money, then his statement should be accepted. 

I have no obligation to do a thing given that clearly this is a scam.

Did he speak out against APNU and AFC excesses when they began to emerge after the election?  No!

Did he join David Hinds and Lincoln Lewis when a man who he knew VERY WELL Moses Nagamootoo threw them out of the Chronicle? No!

So please spare me the claims that its his conscience that is at play here. YOU can feel free to speculate why it took his conscience THREE YEARS to emerge. Reports are that he cannot even discuss a moment when he communicated to Nagamootoo about his opinions, though clearly he did with Jagdeo.

"We tek back de country from black man and me nah care who is president, once is a 'coolie' man".   This is what large segments of Guyana are hearing. I dont give a fig if this is not want you want to hear!

Dougla_80 posted:

@Former Member I hear you, let's just say for this conversation he did take a bribe (not actually saying he did ) what does that tell us about our politicians period ! 

You have Jagdeo spewing rascial bile at the last election a man who lost complete control of crime and almost turned Guyana into a narco state , Volda acting as if she seen black panther one to many times it's 2018 and with a combined 50+ years leadership between both parties neither can point to not one successful thing they have done not socially, economically,racially, nothing,zero,zip for Guyana

I'm glad he did what he did but just as sad we are left with these two geriatric parties that offer us nothing 


It says that Guyana is a tribal nation and Guyanese of a certain ethnicity will fall for a Machiavellian plot because of racial loyalty.

How about if this energy was put to ensure that the next election that was due was held under a new constitution.

But no. "we tek back de country from black man and me nah care who is de president once is a 'coolie' like me".   This pretty much defines political sentiment in Guyana. Both those who are elated that their tribe will likely win again and those who see treachery as to why this happened.

Folks can ignore this fact but I suggest that they think back to 1999-2002 era.  One would think that the #1 priority should be moving Guyanese beyond this zero sum notion of ethnic triumphalism, especially given anticipations of oil money windfalls.

But we see the machinations of a man whose sole intent was to appoint a stooge to handle his business once "oil money come".  Sad.


Last edited by Former Member
Zed posted:
Wow..clap..clap.. spoken like a true PPP-ite and Bharat Jagdeo follower,who sees only one man in the whole nation have the answers to Guyana's problems.Hs track record during his tenure is unblemished and deserves to be in the forefront.

Who you fooling ?

Also with out him the PPP is nothing, he is the only brightest star in the party.

With regard to your point # 5 and the last sentence in bold at the closing of your post.

1.  What are the other Government Office (s) can Bharat Jagdeo run for and why would  former Two term President, seek a lower position in a government.

2. Who signed the Constitutional law, is't  Democratic ?  is't good for politics in Guyana ?

And finally # 2 what's the percentage difference between the largest single party and the second ranking party in Guyana.

The rest of your points are repetitive trying to bolster your support.

You beating around the bush here, trying to divert. You posted that the man cannot run for  office and that he is trying to stay relevant. Please dispute any of the observation I have made instead of getting into other issues. I have responded what he is at this time. Furthermore, reread what I said about him being able to run for political office. I am not Jagdeo or a close confidant so do not know other stuff. But I know that the only prohibition against him running for office is that he cannot run for more that two terms for the presidency. There are lots of office he can run for.

No Sir, I have not beating around the bush, my response addresses your observation.

There are two important Office of Government Bharat Jagdeo can't run for,please take a look at the Constitution of Guyana, it's on the web and free to download.


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